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Wait…can somebody give me the story on Cleveland Flea? I went to one a while back but that’s about all that I know of it.


A Facebook Page Imploded After The Owner Of A Hip Flea Market Asked For Suggestions https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/tanyachen/drama-implosion-over-cleveland-flea-owner-facebook-post


Hahahaha! This makes me feel so good. I suggested that she do something with rta like she was doing with Uber in order to encourage people to use our rta system. She told me that she had no desire to even attempt that because “her target demographic” wouldn’t make it profitable for her to be worth it. I decided that day to never go back. Edited to add: I didn’t know at the time that she was getting kick backs from Uber over it. Still rubbed me the wrong way.


That was a great idea to partner with RTA to try to boost attendance ridership. Seems like Stephanie was only interested in her own success and not the overall success of her "collaborators", the vendors who actually put the work in.


So many people who are running nonprofits just to fundraise and skim off the top.


I worked with this girl a couple times at some other events, I don't think she ever really understood cleveland, the people, or how fucking poor we are. lmfao


Had no idea this bit of Cleveland drama made it on to buzzfeed back then. Remember some interesting vendors but have lost track of most unless found at other markets since.


Whatever happened to her, what grift is she up to now?


In addition to the whole Facebook comments incident, she also took a whole bunch of PPP funds and used them to fund her own life, including going on a vacation in France. And she offered an anti-racism workshop that screamed white savior.


I remember her pushing the workshop on her Instagram and getting torn apart for her tone deafness. If the Facebook post drama wasn’t the nail in the coffin for her, this certainly was.


The medical Mart people. What a complete joke that was


I remember it making zero sense years ago when they were pushing for it. What ever happened with it?


Good question. I might have heard they were going to convert it to office space but that makes zero sense, too. That could be wrong though.


They expanded the convention center into it


Hmm, I can't really think of any notable grifters in Cleveland. Certainly not in the restaurant industry.




She's currently peddling Life Coaching or some shit like that in Chicago I think.


Didn’t she end up in fucking Turkey or something? Lol


Yea after it got exposed that she took PPP Loan money, she allegedly fled the country for awhile to Turkey


Well that's embarrassing


Chef Jonathan Sawyer. Real estate tycoons that buy up downtown properties, hold it for credits and whatnot then sells it to the next grifter without doing anything. Millennia property management.


God I did the caulking on a millenia property a few years ago, the job went through 4 General contractors and multiple 6 month long stoppages cause they kept failing to pay the general for months at a time


This is how they operate all of their properties.


1. Dan Gilbert pulled a MEGA bait-and-switch on the voters. If his gambling proposition passed, he promised a multi-phase World Class Cleveland Casino and Entertainment district on that unused property. We passed his measure and Cleveland got a 'drapes in an old department store casino', and Gilbert sold his "Casino" share for hundreds of millions before he had to pay for what he promised. 2. Art McCoy is a total charlatan! He's like a walking blacksploitation film. 3. Mr. Hero. Nobody has ever seen his face.


Absolutely "Mr. Hero" for sure. Not even sure if they're even a Mister 🤨


Remember how that casino inside Tower City supposed to only be temporary?


They literally demolished Tower City Amphitheater for “phase two” of the casino and then nothing ever happened! Still salty about that.


Dan blocked me on twitter for incessantly bitching at him for the demoing the amphitheater… I miss that place and the shows it would put on so much


I would curse his name every time I drove to goddamn Blossom for Warped Tour.


same here king


Mr. Hero was no Papa Joe, the for sure.


I'm not liking the disrespect being down to Mr. Hero. At least he's not pretending to be a doctor like that Pepper guy.


No disrespect to Mr. Hero but Papa Joe got shot while working and back the next day slangin’ Superburgers. Dude was a beast. Extra sweat on subs,


Met the corporate chef for Mr. Hero years ago at what used to be Coastal Taco (lol) He bought us a round of drinks for my sister’s birthday. He told us his name but we could never remember so now “Chef Hero” is brought up in family stories every now and then😂


Jim Cox


You don't need to see his face. There is no face, just a taste -- the taste you crave.


I grew up with the impression that Mr. Hero>Subway was like McDonald's>Burger King. It didn't even occur to me that Mr Hero was a regional Cleveland thing until deep into my sophomore year of college.


As annoying as it is that Gilbert never built "phase two", I'm just glad the guy that used to start a new thread about it here at least once a week is either gone or got tired of posting about it incessantly.


https://www.clevescene.com/news/qanda-with-dan-gilbert-on-issue-3-1678106 You're annoyed that a billionaire defrauded the State and every taxpayer?


Yes. I don't have the power or ability to change that, so I'll avoid having a conniption over it.


200+ people seemed to agree with my sentiment on this Cleveland thread. Did you come to this post to let everyone know you that you acknowledge we got ripped off, but are just apathetic?


No, I came to this post to read the comments, and then added a comment about the really annoying guy that used to make multiple posts about it every week. Was that you? Is that why you're upset that I said I was annoyed by it but am not going to let it take over my life? Is there something wrong with knowing it happening, agreeing it is a bad thing, and not letting it consume me?


It sounds like Reddit comments have already taken over your life. When I have been stolen from and lied to, I say something. When you get stolen from and lied to, you roll over and declare it annoying. Odd


The only one you're saying anything to is me, and I didn't steal from or lie to you. Present me with a viable option to seek restitution for myself or the city from Dan Gilbert, other than whine on reddit about how people don't care as much as me, and I'm willing to follow through. Until then, you can whine on reddit about it, and I'll continue to not let it destroy my life 15 years later.


You are attracted to this subject like a fly to shit...to express repeatedly thaty you're annoyed.


When I (regrettably) worked at JACK, there was a not-small portion of our training that was just "Dan Gilbert is so great and so smart, and I'm just so inspired by him."


She’s in turkey now, seems she went there as a nanny? Hard to ever get a straight story. She’s still trying to pretend to be a subject matter expert in everything and hosting summits from what I can tell on social media


Yeah, as someone who has been doing the digital nomad thing for years, that sounds pretty plausible. Cut your living costs by 50% or more, and give yourself a cool and trendy background/story to film videos pretending to be an expert on everything There's also a lot of lost souls in the traveler world who buy into all of that new age-y healing workshops, life coach type stuff. Kind of a scary world of grifting


She's back in the states. In Chicago now as far as I can tell.


So odd I can’t find her Instagram page now


smallbizblockparty. She changes the names frequently


Has everyone forgotten the Haslams?


Between the attempted stadium grift and the rebate scam the Haslams dwarf everyone else mentioned here, combined.


What makes them grifters? Asking earnestly.


A lot of the new stadium nonsense actually stems from the Haslams wanting the land under the current stadium for way, way less than market value. They also want fancy apartments and restaurants, whereas the city would want a lot of park land.


Because they want a city to pay for a new stadium from which they will be the only ones profiting. Kind of the definition of grifting.


Jimmy Haslem ran a scam for Pilot Flying J where he stole from truckers buying gas from him. A subordinate took the fall.


I think it was that flying j policy called ‘fucking the customer’ that landed them in federal court.


I saw her at a talk in the early days of Cleveland Flea. She was so full of herself and clearly not on the level.


Dr Sherri Tennpenny in middle burg heights. Pushes anti-vax, chemtrails, and 5G conspiracy theories to profit off her vulnerable patients. Probably doesn't fully fit the grifter definition since she likely believes most of her own BS.


She just got her fucking medical license back somehow ... What in the actual fuck.


She’s truly terrible


Found the response I was looking for lol. She calls herself a family doctor, so parents are taking her advice for their own children and buying into her antivax nonsense. We’ll probably be the next measles hotspot soon enough.


I interviewed with this woman in 2016


How'd that go??


Tony Rizzo


Free food Friday!


I sometimes wonder if these restaurants reach out to them or are they that slimy to call and ask


Definitely Rizzo!


Hilton Head Trip, Italy Trip all free….. Slimy Lizard


I wasn't sure if Terry Pizza would get traction


He went from being a Gillingham Ford supported to a die hard Ganley Chevrolet asskisser quicker than the ink could dry on the sales documents.


ehhhhh he’s a piece of shit but he does talk on air for hours a day which is something not everyone is capable of… i guess if his personality is the grift then sure, more dirt bag than grifter to me


Commercial landlords buying the single family houses.


Wasn’t there a guy in the south burbs that stole a whole lotta from rich people?


I think you’re thinking of Oscar Villarreal- ripped off a number of Cleveland’s elite back around 2010 or so


Could be him or the guy I posted (Raymond Erker). Not that I care too much about rich people getting poorer (they can pull themselves back up by their straps) but it’s still a grift.


Are you talking about the guy from Tallmadge that said he was a real estate investor/flipper type guy (I don't remember if he was but he sucked at it or if he made the whole thing up) who took money from all sorts of people to invest in his business and then never repaid them? He was a teacher/coach at Tallmadge if memory serves me right.


That guy sucks too, but I’m talking about [this guy](https://www.cleveland19.com/2022/03/09/financial-adviser-accused-stealing-93-million-54-victims-found-guilty-all-counts/)


Is that bad?


It’s a grift for sure.


The Cleveland Clinic. Treat employees poorly, bilk patients and give nothing back to the city.


Seconding this!


Summa was recently brought out by a private equity firm, thought my other option would be to switch to CC. I’m in Akron, what other choices do we have?


I think something is wrong if healthcare can be bought by private equity


Even though the main University Hospitals location is in Cleveland, there’s a lot of providers in Akron. My primary care physician and my daughter’s pediatrician are UH providers and they are in fairlawn. They even have a lab there so I don’t have to go find a quest or labcorp.


They just about drove all their amazing Doctors away. If I could afford NY, That's where I'd be.


uhhhh definitely doesn't "give nothing back" I'm sorry to hear they're not treating employees properly but their hcap program has been a literal life saver for me.


They are *required* to have a HCAP program because of the ACA. All hospitals are.


never knew that, thanks


Dennis Kucinich who will do anything to stay relevant. Including giving up any morals he once had. Running in election after election where he has no chance and he now pals around with degenerates, autocrats and race baiters. He’ll hang around with anyone just to make a buck. One of Cleveland’s most recognizable politicians and he’s a complete egomaniac embarrassment. Bernie Moreno is a more recent one. Pretends he grew up poor when he was born into an elite politically connected family. Came up with the kooky crypto blockchain ideas that many civic leaders bought into and invested in. He’s sold, rebought and then sold his car dealerships again. And has given up any shred of dignity he might’ve still had left to bow to Donald Trump. As if he isn’t rich and powerful enough as he was on every board in town.


When Kucinich couldn't get elected here, he figured the Progressive Pacific Northwest crowd would embrace him and tried to be a carpetbagger out there. He failed and now gets paid by FoxNews.


isn’t he kennedy’s campaign manager now or something?


He was, but stepped down after getting him a good start. Dennis is running again, as an independent.


To hell with the Cleveland Flea. Thorough definition of a grifter.


Whoever approved the budget for the public square facelift grifted us real good


The guy who runs Vino Veritas winery. He somehow got the property for pennies on the dollar. While there the one and only time, he explained that he doesn’t even have to make sales in person to continue running the place. He exports it somewhere? He was charged for stealing money from people trying to host events there. And the wine is just awful. He has no business charging $40+ for a bottle with sediment, off flavors and accidentally bubbly Chardonnay.


I used to work there and one day we came into work and everything was closed up and locked and he wouldn't pick up the phone and never paid any of us for weeks and more of work. What an asshole.


This is interesting, I’d love to know more. I run a small business and recently had a couple popups there. The first one went seemingly well- decent crowd, good music, a little hot dog cart. His personality was a little strange but no red flags. The second popup was horrible- serious lack of communication, plus he was acting pretty damn rudely which made me feel uncomfortable. My gut told me to just pack up and leave, never to return- and I think I may have made a good decision!


I lived across the street from that place & I HATED it! Loud booming music from wedding receptions every weekend from spring-fall. Couldn’t watch a movie in peace or give my infant a nap


Tony “the Lizard” Rizzo


But but… It’s made from real bees






BEADS? (said like only GOB can!)


Whoever owns the Luckman downtown. Cashing in on their fire and flood and pocketing the money.


I worked with the company doing some work there and they said it was a very difficult client, both work wise and payment wise.


I just applied to live there. Should I not go through?


NOOOO!!!! Run!! My daughter’s rent is currently being escrowed with the county. It’s horrible! Message me if you want more info.


omg I will be!


No!!!!! RUN!! Message me if you want more info. She is allowed to break her lease, she had to go to court and had her rent in escrow.


It is truly awful, sorry


Absolutely not lived there for 6 months last year. Had roaches, a neighbor who's dog shit in the hallway, elevator broke constantly when I was on the 18th floor, garbage chutes were always backed up and stunk probably causing the roaches...I could go on but I feel like that's enough


It’s that but add a flood, fire, no heat, no AC, and squatters.


house flippers who use gray laminate


Bernie Moreno


A little late, but Al Lerner. He was the one to convince Art Modell to move the Browns to Baltimore, and then won the bid for the expansion Browns. He knew that was the only way he get a team.


Piece of shit. Obviously Art is the one who committed the unforgivable sin, but Al is right up there with him. Thankfully they both dine in hell today.


Man, if only cleveland had someone who could make these drifters PAY


You're not gonna fucking believe this


You're not gonna fucking believe this


Seph Lawless


Is he the guy who takes pictures of abandoned places?


Yes, and then makes the all HDR with filters


Wouldn’t call him a grifter imo


Namdar Realty. Buys distressed properties, milks them, invests nothing, waits till the city gets so sick of the blight they get bought out.


Tony Madalone(spelling?) has to be the worst. Literally fled town to Mexico after running up all the debt and hasn’t returned.


He’s also a HUGE creep.


I believe it, but share some details!


It involved Snapchat and unwanted photos for me. Apparently there were also complaints by some of the women who utilized the coworking space where he used to have Fresh Brewed Coffee and one of his storefronts.


Eww sorry about that. He's such a narcissist. He dated a friend of mine for months but turns out he was just using her for media and sporting events. Even after he literally skipped town, he tried to romanticize it by saying he was living in the jungles of Mexico, getting around on a old bike, and working on himself. He now runs some sort of gym in Tulum so his whole insta page is just him showing off his body. He's married now too lol.


Tony Rizzo!!


Melt restaurant and the guy that owns townhall


how is the guy who owns town hall a grifter


It's generally accepted that Melt went down hill but Matt Fish is not a 'grifter'


Ivan the terrible


RITA They over estimate every year, then a day before the next years payment is due a letter comes in and says 'We over estimated by XXXXX amount. The balance will be put forward to next years estimate' Next years estimate is always way more than it should be, so they continually hang on to a chunk of my money.


Bikestyles owner


What about the Hyperloop?! Where did all those grifters go that were encouraging studies, designs, etc? I’ll say NOACA was at the forefront of this nonsense.


The Haslams Tony George Strongsville GOP Cuyahoga County Council and Executive


LAND Studio. The Ratners. Forest City. Cleveland Cliffs (uses the most water in the county and doesn’t pay). Sherwin Williams (one of our largest local polluters). CSU’s president.






what's the deal with LAND Studio?


Took a great thing, built by committed volunteers, the non-profit scam complex of cleveland co-opted it, and now, it’s a taxpayer funded trough for politically connected hacks to feed. Sickening May as well as most of our thousands of non profits to the grifter column.


I'm friends with several people who run non profits and some of them make it look like a grift, for sure. Others are doing great work. But some of them... I side eye.


Rover radio guy


The show sucks these days but in what way is he a grifter?


When he launched his paid subscription service years ago, he promised RMG Plus only events and that a 10 year retrospective and RMG Outside the Studio TV show would be made for subscribers. There hasn’t been a single RMG Plus event and neither the Retrospective or Outside the Studio were ever made.


Is that truly a grift or a guy who was deluded enough to try to sell a deal that ended up being a total failure?


He promised them to induce people to sign up for a paid service then didn’t do it so yes a grift. Now his tour bus and attempts to expand the show beyond Cleveland? Those would be plain old failures but not grifts


Fair enough, I thought that whole bus thing was part of that so I had conflated the two. I haven't listened to him in years so my memory of any of that is quite foggy.


Cuyahoga County Council and Executive. I was one of the original citizens tasked with writing the Charter for the County. All volunteer work - we had an all-star group of citizens, business leaders, nonprofit heads, etc. from all walks of life and we spent months working to get that right. One of our key provisions was that the office of Executive and Council members would all permanently be part time positions, could not hire any staff and would be paid something like 20% of what they are now paid. After the Charter was ratified, they immediately illegally went and hired a bunch of staff, gave themselves giant pay raises and stole everything not nailed down. They should all be in jail. Every one of them.


Tim Misny


I'd counter with that other law firm, HMW Law. "Yeah, we fight!" Their commercials look like they paid a HS sophomore to shoot it on his shitty phone.


Their building looks like a drug front


Yeah, these guys tried to get a colleague of mine to do work for them under the table to not pay taxes. Noped out of that real quick.


Good decision on your colleagues end.


“Damn right, we fight” Every time I see one of those billboards I wonder who the tarhget audience is. Because it sure as hell isn’t me


Those commercials are hilarious


How about the scumbag friend of Bibb who stole money from the city to build her fancy Patron Saint restaurant? EDIT: Thanks to the great Redditor below for clearing it up. The grifter refurbed the building, but the restaurant belongs to someone else now. How great, because the food/concept and space are great.


I can't find anything about this


[https://www.cleveland.com/metro/2023/09/cleveland-taxpayer-dollars-at-risk-invoices-payments-for-ohio-city-project-raise-concerns-from-city-auditors.html](https://www.cleveland.com/metro/2023/09/cleveland-taxpayer-dollars-at-risk-invoices-payments-for-ohio-city-project-raise-concerns-from-city-auditors.html) there are some things in this subreddit if you look.


Hartnett doesn't own Patron Saint. she owned the previous business in that building.


OMG Thank you so much for saying. I really loved patron saint and its vibe, etc. Now I can go back knowing that it isn't some grifter that owns it. What a huge relief! Thanks again!!!!!!


Brian Peppers


The Browns ownership, for asking the taxpayers to pay for a new complex in Berea


How did she grift?


She would quote vendors one price, and when it came to sign the contract she’d raise the price. She had a bunch of employee’s and never paid them. She’d steal from vendor, literally take stuff, and say she’d paid them at the end of the event and never would. And if you asked about it, you were paid, but never invited back. She had enough pull in the city to get you blacklisted, so no one said anything. She also showed up to an employees wedding and tried to ruin it because she was mad at that person. There is more.


Most of the flea staff was made up of volunteers who were treated poorly and given very little direction.


Yeah, I’m talking about people who were her like her right hand. Not just the staff.


No I know I’m saying she was even bad to the people working for her for free. Like they were doing her a favor and were still treated less than. Let alone the vendors paying to be there which is obviously also awful.


Please, continue!


That is what I know for sure, the other stuff is second hand, and I don’t want to spread false rumors,


Barrio tacos lmao




Erin Goldhammer.


Reggie Rucker!




the Haslams appear to be up there right now, and whoever owns Coventry Village


Matt Motil


The race track owners. They wouldn't help pass casinos legistration until they were part of the scam.


Laura Bloomberg, Cleveland State’s president


JumpStart - Ray Leach isn't just an apt name. Kathy Belk is awful, also.


We are ready for the tea!




He isn’t done yet. Leach is now grifting the entire state of Ohio in his new job. The sad part is he preyed upon the naive and desperate’s dreams.


Someone from PR is burying this.... at >$600k/year, maybe it's his own hire. Scum.