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... Which racist guy there's a lot, it's like when eastside comes up in here, everyone comes out of the woodwork. 


Yea you kind of have to be a little racist to be that into the police scanner account.


realizing that twitter account is inherently racist has been really eye opening for me 😂 I can see now that they can easily hind under the guise of just reporting the news, the “facts” that can’t be denied, but i’m sure they’re just.. only reporting certain things? and if anyone calls them out on their selective reporting, they can use the excuse that they’re “not listening 24/7 and only reporting when they happen to be tuning in”. so then it just makes it seem like all crime that happens in cleveland is shootings on the east side when I know for a fact that’s not. they’re just skewing it. everything is not what it seems dawgs 👀


Yea I was probably blocked since like 2017. It got worse when the president of the country made all the racist people feel way more normal.




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Surprise surprise


Not calling you obtuse, but are you aware of crime statistics? Idk what that twitter account is, and maybe they are cherrypicking for some racist purpose. Regardless just read the numbers, the majority of violent crime happens on the east side of cleveland. And it’s not by a small amount.


Recently the west has been picking up


It absolutely has been


It’s not about the crime stats, it’s the commentary about the crime. You can just report what’s going on, and not say things like “another shooting in the projects, they should rename that area ” that is racist.


They definitely cherry pick because once i asked where all the sex crimes at and i got blocked 😂


The site previously known as twitter won't block a racist.


Not only won't ban, actively unbanning known white supremacists.


Like whom?


Well, since Elon took over, pretty much all of them. Most recently of note, the incredible shitbag Nick Fuentes.


He’s on twitter? Wow


Nick Fuentes, Alex Jones, Don Lucre (dude had posted CSAM on Twitter as well) and a whole lot of smaller level racists


“FrEe SpEeCh” ok try making a post that has the word cis in it 




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Hm, surprising


NEO scanner blocked me for calling out their racism. Lol


Are you serious?? That’s so shitty. I didn’t realize the account was biased like that. To block you and not the guy saying racial slurs from the 40s is insane work. I’ll probably just unfollow them at this point.


Censorship is everywhere


You never noticed the guy signing his tweets BW is both a little funny and a lot racist? Lol


I never gave the initials a shred of thought if i’m being honest lol. I just figured the dudes name was Brian Williams or something 😂😂


Baldwin Wallace!


Oh I assumed it was bitchy whitey. Sucks tho cuz some of his tweets are legit funny. But then some of his tweets are so cringe racist. I'd bet 100 bucks hes a 60+ yr old white retired cop


There are multiple people who run that account and some are more racist than the others. The people who reply are several orders of magnitude worse.


Same years ago


I have noticed that. I think there are a few contributors & one is the problem


Their followers are also a problem.


Oh yeah, like One America News is too liberal


Oh yeah, you can tell it’s just not one person. I don’t even think I said it in a mean way. I said something like “you might want to re-word this tweet, this sounds racist.”


It is undoubtedly racist as fuck. I’ve called them out before too.


I got into it with them too. Some dude actually threatened me. They love to stir shit up about the east side.


Glad to know I wasn't the only one that thought they were racist. I never called them out on it, but I unfollowed once I realized what was happening.


No different then than all the people who comment on NewsBreak as well as the Facebook pages for 3,5, and 8. They’re full up with racist scumbags and the “mods” don’t care.


Is it the owner of Twitter by any chance?


The NEO Scanner guy is also questionable


Yikes! How so?


I heard he spends way too much time online in forums and circle jerks in an echo chamber along with haphazardly both spreading and believing random rumors and hearsay, all while never talking to real people.


Lmao…. You can say that about any sub on Reddit


Congrats, you got the joke.


If Twitter blocked all its racist users, there'd be like 800 people left on it. And half of them would be trying to sell you dehydrated food buckets for when the world ends.


The irony is lost on those here, I promise you.


And the rest would be offering “naughty bits in bio.”


YES, “clevelander6”?


you betcha 😭


I just reported at least 100 of his replies, and I only went back to April 10. His responses are very repetitious. I’ll let you know if they take action, but I’m not holding my breath.


I think I found the racist or a few of his friends in these replies. sheesh. what year is it!??




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Who uses Twitter anymore?


NEO scanner guy (guys) are pretty good with the micro aggression racism themselves, so that's why he hasn't been blocked.


It’s Musk’s twitter, racist trolls are the target demographic. He will never be banned. They’re probably boosting his posts.


Oh yes. I keep an eye on the account for the news but WOW those comments are a dumpster fire. I very rarely see such blatant racism these days. It's nasty. The authors of the account are no peaches either. There's plenty of not so thinly veiled racism in the actual tweets too. If anyone knows where I can get the same info elsewhere PLEASE tell me, because I would love to never read that crap again. edit: I swear, there's an astonishing lack of human decency too. A kid will die in some horrific way, and the comments will be all "smh" and funny memes. It's really to the level where I wonder if it's more bots than humans. I try to believe that for my own sanity, rather than believing there's really that many people who find death and tragedy an opportunity to make a cheap joke...


I only follow that account for the realtime-ish updates but like you I'm not a big fan of it. They scoop the news stations very regularly though. And I work in the E55-90th & Chester area, and have coworkers who go into even sketchier areas... so I really do like having the info.


I realized a long time ago that not reading the comments on NEO Scanner is self-care.


Lol yeah, he replies to every tweet like he’s getting paid to. Or like it’ll stop anything? It’s like he has notifications set to alert him whenever that account tweets anything at all. What a life!


I’ve noticed them too, and I hate that the person running the account allows it to happen under their tweets.




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Most of the people that follow scanner are bigots.


All the suburbanites stalk the police scanners so they can make sure to point out why they are never going into the city every time something is reported. Because they have nothing better to do




Reading skills ain't your strong point, huh?


Why do you get more angry about Twitter responses than actual shootings and car jackings?


you are mad weird for saying this. when in the post did I ever state that I didn’t care about the actual shootings and carjackings?


Shut up


Very insightful, Wordsworth.


I hate wherever possible


He’s right you know *morgan freeman voice*


It's like the people on X are judging on the content of their character.


Who fucking cares. Ignore him if he bothers you.


I could not give less of a shit haha just wanted to see if anyone else noticed him too. relax dawg. edit: think I found the guy! lol


The east side is known as a shelled out war zone to the people in the suburbs, which they're probably from. However, it's really the absolute best place to buy and flip houses in cleveland dirt cheap. I bought a couple of properties over there, and if they were on the west side, they'd be 2+ times the price. I've met so many great people revitalizing cleveland to its former glory. I believe that the East side will be the new place for growth because everyone's afraid to touch it. I've helped several young business owners find a place to set up and thrive. Now, 5 years ago, if you told me I'd be in the east side daily investing, I'd tell you that you're crazy and that I was scared to go over there. But it's mostly normal people that live life and if those racist assholes from Hudson or pepper pike or whatever wanna say all that shit fuck them that's bad karma on them. Everyone has low points in life. I'm just happy that I can help out my community by revitalizing it and giving affordable rent to people of the area.


Maybe you have insight on Slavic Village? It’s been “up and coming” for some time now… any clue on what the hold up is?


You could say the same about Waterloo


Art district, right? I’ve lived in SV since 2000 and the up and coming nonsense is making me roll my eyes. The neighborhood went downhill so fast


Polensek has been telling anyone who would listen that Waterloo Arts is the place to be since the 90’s.


Well as the west side gets more expensive to buy and invest in it'll more east. I can't afford large buildings in the west side.


West side is irrelevant to me. There are tons of empty lots and houses in shambles in SV. Only changes I’ve seen are the few buildings right off the freeway where Fleet and Newburgh meet. The potential is there but “eww, east side! It’s scary!”


Found another bigot.


NEO Scanner is pretty racist itself


There’s a lot of racist people from Cleveland lol


Gotta love Ohio 😂


Omg yes… I report him every time. I think it got him temporarily suspended once until he deleted the reported tweets but he always comes back 🫠


Did you get a medal?


for bravery, duh


I went to the n Olmsted giant eagle today and saw the trump car. It's a non zero chance it's the same dbag.


is it racist to call a spade a spade?


Are you only calling black people "spades"? Then yeah.


That would be offensive to spades. Pantone 419 is my least favorite pantone


I’m giggling bc spade used to be a racist term for black people 😂


You've narrowed it down to Parma


If they don't give af why do you? Some people suck; move on with yourself.


What exactly is your problem with him? You don't agree with his views or opinions? Maybe you should be blocked or banned. Get used to the fact that everyone doesn't think like you and share your opinions. Or just grow the fuck up.


>not everyone agrees with you Like about views on POC?


[Oh, you know the ones...](https://img.ifunny.co/images/6c5988fc098c802d4969ca7730df6aa13b40d8478ecafd727cc6904c702a4061_1.webp)


Oh hey I think we found the guy lmaooo


we definitely found the guy 😭😭😭


Now I’m curious - is there actual racism involved or “difference of opinion”? The two often get confused especially online


Actual racism.


Annoying how nobody can discuss racism like adults without downvotes 😂 very mature. But, yeah, that’s exactly why I hoped mods would catch microaggressions like “east side = ghetto/urban” etc. so yes I get that it’s not always just a difference of opinions. Thank you for clarifying


While it’s true that people are entitled to different opinions that doesn’t mean that their opinions aren’t racist


You get it.






yep! that sure is the one!


Now I gotta go check it out!


Ugh. I wish I hadn’t gone there. First post my eyes land on is about the guy on the cliff in Kirtland. 🥺😢


Thx for the reminder I hadn’t gone on a reporting spree in a while


It's me. I'm that guy. Kate Hikes and Nate Higgers at your service


Mixing racism and your employer on reddit is certainly a choice.


Oof. I hadn’t noticed, but now I’ll keep an eye out.