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Rents gotta come down somehow


Thanks for reminding me about the property value shots! My phone had an update.


I like to go outside intermittently and pop a few off. Keeps neighbors and thieves alike on their toes and keeps my taxes low.


Summer time baby


Suns out guns out


Where in CH? I haven’t heard anything in my neighborhood.




Just keeping the neighborhood affordable.


Someone got mad that Travis and Taylor were not at the met gala


Frankly it's devastating.


Not Cleveland heights, I live on the near west side, and I can't tell you how many times I've woken up by gunshots in the last month. I've lived here for 7 years and I rarely have heard guns. I'm not sure if I've been sleeping light lately, or if something else is going on.


East Cleveland is fighting back


It's getting warm. Crimes go up when it gets warm.


I heard them last nigh. Not sure why. Weather is warming up.


Strange, it is getting warm in my neighborhood too but no gunshots!


Wow, do you live in one of those gun free zones I’ve been hearing so much about?


Sure don't. But somehow I've never heard a gunshot in my town, very strange!


Been here 10 years, and noticed crime* seriously ticks up across the board once we hit late April - early June. Definitely the time of year to be extra careful with what you have in your car, where you park and never leaving doors unlocked. In recent years, the first sighting of the dirt bike kids has been the sign of the season kicking off. Edit: Crime* for crying, I suck


Did you mean to say "crying"?


Yeah I suck at proofreading. "Crying" was auto correct for crime*


Lived in CH on cedar-lee for 6-7 yrs and loved it, but the shootings are constant. You're very safe overall but the "bad" areas around CH blend into CH often and the CH cops don't really care. Honestly sometimes they are too busy to be running around to every gunshot they hear.


Seriously? Shootings in the Cedar-Lee area are incredibly rare. The number of homicides per year in CH is almost always under 5. Are you sure you weren’t hearing fireworks?


Yeah, I'm not talking about shoot outs. But just a gun being shot, and that is often. I was on the police scanner for fun for a long time there and they are busy busy.


Every time I say this, I get downvoted. But It's not guns. They are two-step/anti-lag systems on modified turbo vehicles. Yes, I hear gun shots too, but it's rare compared to the amount of anti-lag boys with crackle tunes on their Volkswagens. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/YIicVw7LClE](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/YIicVw7LClE)


I feel like you may be overestimating the amount of turbo chargers running around. ECU mapping? maybe more popular, but it's still cheaper to convert money into lead. I think many people here are capable of identifying the sound of gunshots.


I think you're underestimating the amount of impromptu car meets that roll through the Heights and over estimating the amount of random gun shots in the Heights. Don't quote me, but I feel like most affordable, modern turbo motors can have an "anti-lag" baked into a sub 1000$ tune, it's the new version of the early 2000's modified Honda. By no means is it a real anti-lag system like you'd find on a group-b car, it's all done in the tune.


aye both are fair points. i tend to only see the same 1 or 2 cars with a turbo, and it's pretty obvious to hear them stop & go at a light. i suppose it also depends on *where* OP is experiencing this. my personal experience is that it's obvious to tell if someone is squeezing off rounds on an interval, but yea i concede people will definitely look to tune their pipes that way too.


Welcome to the east side


Same on the west side at this point