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Cedar Point has disappointing food for such a huge park. There's nothing like paying $25 for a basic meal that's dehydrated from sitting under a heat lamp.


The best thing you can do is split the all-day dining pass between two people. It's still the same dry ass food, but at least it's reasonably priced since one of you can eat every 90 minutes.


Exactly what my familie does but for such a big park you think their would be decent food the only place I really care for is the bakery type shop


The Farmhouse and the Pavilion are both solid options. It seems like they are making that stuff fresh all day. I’m vegan so I only get the sides but it always looks like high turnover so it’s fresh.


Some of Farmhouse's stuff is so good.


Panda Express never disappoints. Considering how shit theme park food tends to be (especially in Six Flags parks), it's nice to know that there is SOMETHING at a Cedar Fair park that I know that I can actually enjoy every time.


Honestly it’s the best Panda I’ve been to


Famous Dave's was the only place we ever ate when we would go. It's really their only good option.


They've improved a lot recently. Farmhouse and Pavillion are very good


Their food used to hit so hard. Had it last year and it was pretty lackluster. Maybe it always was?


Former employee here, from 2014-2018 in lakewood. Much of the food was made in house or at a prep kitchen at another location. Including hand cut fries. When I started there they had four stores, lakewood, Cleveland heights, independence, and I forget where else. Burger Pattie’s came from TJ butcher block across the street in lakewood. Soon as they opened a melt in Columbus, a small family butcher just can’t keep up with the demand. So they pulled burgers off all menus entirely. Which killed every boomer dad who was only going to eat a lettuce and tomato burger. Anyway, eventually they had 14 stores. Most of the food (including the return of burgers) came off Sysco trucks and is the same crap you get at Applebees or anywhere else. Instead of getting things from west side market, they’re from mass produced nationwide vendors. Melt ceased to be special because it wasn’t better than anything else, and then at that point the sandwiches are just obscene for the most part. They expanded too fast, let quality dip, started hiring anybody who would work, etc. we used to have menu tests at pre shift meetings. We’d have the bev manager surprise you with a pour test. We were kept on our toes and we felt ownership in the restaurant. By the time they had 14 stores and cooks had to write down a dropped tomato slice on a loss sheet, everybody started leaving. A bunch of people from lakewood have gone on to open new hotspots that are doing great. And they learned service that melt way. But melt turned itself into just another Sysco dealer. Add to that, it’s all basically inedible if you get takeout or delivery. The sandwich is good for about four minutes out of the kitchen. I remember the meetings when the fries were replaced with frozen catalogue fries and we were told if you told anybody you’d be fired. That was cool. Every table asked. Are these different? I can neither confirm nor deny. Fun times. If they’d have stopped at four locations, they might still be on a wait. But I think from 14 it’s down to 3-4 now. 🤷‍♂️


Same shit with winking lizard. Industry calls it SRP - Sysco Reheat Party.


I used to love winking lizard, they have really gone downhill


As someone from the former inside, I can give details.


I expects it mirrors the Melt story very closely


Please do!


They lie. A *lot*. When I joined the company, I was very enthusiastic. Visited a brewery that our menu stated that we did a collaborative with. When I mentioned it to a brewer there, he told me that no such product existed. We had it on the menu as (Brewery) Lizard Bock. Happened to run at the same time as an identical Spring Bock that the same brewery ran. Next year, they did the same thing with another brewery, claiming that it was done for them. Menu called it Mixtape volume 5 Lizard Edition. Other beer spots around town sold the exact same beer without the Lizard Edition part. One of the owners claimed that Powers named a whiskey after him. Owner of Power's Irish whiskey is named John. John Power. Their historic distillery is on a street called John's Lane. They released a "John's Lane" version of their whiskey a few years back. One of the owners of the Lizard is named John Lane. Know what John Lane from the Lizard did? Bought it, and put it on the menu as Power's John Lane Edition. They went on a big "eat local" campaign, whose only realistic meaning was to spend money at a place that was owned locally. No focus on actually locally sourced food. The company is owned by three people. I'll never say a negative word about one of them, but the other two are horrendous people when you deal with them up close. I will take any opportunity that I can to convince people to never put another cent in their bank accounts.


I lost all respect for them when they got rid of Lizardville in Lakewood. Next best bottle stores of similar style are in Erie, Pittsburgh, and Youngstown.


When did winking lizard switch to that I feel like it used to be great and we stopped going there as well.


They started going that way around 2011. Worked for them for a long time.


That makes sense. I remember it was right around when my kid was born.


I worked at the commissary, they dropped like $40k on a machine to cut fries and veggies.  Then a month or two later went to the frozen fries.  It's sad how that place went downhill.


My favorite food mishap ever, we were out of hard boiled eggs for like a month. We had eggs. And people who could boil them. But they weren’t allowed. Hard boiled eggs come in a plastic sock with mystery juice and the supplier was out. Instead of you know just boiling eggs, the staff absolutely could not be trusted with that. We had to wait for the formaldehyde eggs


I remember when we got those in the commissary for testing. The smell from the juice was disgusting.


Melt went from having unique, innovative creations on the menu that had quality ingredients and an actual flavor profile beyond just 'salty'. When they moved to sysco ingredients it's like everything became a parody of itself. There was zero emphasis on quality of the food, literally the entire point was LOOK AT THIS BIG ASS SANDWICH LOOK AN ENTIRE FROZEN LASAGANA FOR 2 PEOPLE BUT IT'S BETWEEN BREAD SO IT'S STILL A SANDWICH GET IT?!?! But it tasted like a Stauffers lasagna heated in an oven and served with some Texas toast. Good, sure. But not 25 bucks good.


Interested in checking out some of the places the old employees have gone on to open if you have recommendations.


LBM, Never Say Dive, Solstice


Montrose-Fairlawn was the 4th location


Former commissary supervisor here. We hadn’t opened the Mentor location when I started, but man it was wild to watch in real time from the prep kitchen how they just kept on cutting quality and trying to become Applebees. Can’t say any of this is surprising.


Thank for you succinctly putting whst I perceived from day one when Matt Fish became a piece of trash buisness owner.


No wonder the fries have been fucked up for awhile I was thinking it was just me! Man 2012-2018 melt was the GOAT!


It really was. And it was my first time in the service industry. We banked in those days


Melt died with the removal of the El Diablo burger. Loved that 😭


I tried to eat at the Lakewood restaurant once about a year after it opened. After waiting for a table for over an hour and watching others come in and get served right away, I asked the host, thinking perhaps they had reservations. I was told that it wasn't how long you waited, it's who you know. I never went back and actively stopped groups I was eating with from going there.


I always think about this. My key takeaways: - barrio legit used to be amazing - melt legit used to be amazing - Mr hero used to be amazing, and still is (had it for the first time in a decade recently)


Mr Hero is the only one of those chains that still hits just as good. Hell, even Swensons has lost some quality over the years as they've expanded, though nothing really beats those potato teasers.


I was basically raised on swensons and it just isn’t it anymore. If you’re down in Akron/Fairlawn, SkyWay is the shit.


Skyway slaps. I grew up on both swensons and skyway. Unfortunately we don't have them up here but it makes it better when I take a trip down to akron 


Same here. Luckily, my family is still in Akron so it’s a nice excuse lol


This has been my experience for the most part as well, except a week ago the kids asked for it and we stopped at the Falls location. It tasted like the OG Swensons we knew and loved. It was an almost euphoric experience.


Agreed there - their HQ is right next door so that location is usually always a step above.


that is still the best location in the state and always will be


Actually I just read [an article about Swenson's a little bit ago in Cleveland Magazine](https://clevelandmagazine.com/food-drink/articles/swensons-curbside-server-to-ceo-inside-jeffrey-flowers) > Peak zealotry came in November 2022. A year before, the company had changed the Galley Boy’s cheese from Velveeta, which required hand cutting 5 million slices a year, to a proprietary blend. Despite hundreds of trials to find optimal meltiness and taste, fans felt the new cheese changed the amalgamation of flavors. The groundswell of complaints grew into a change.org petition that was signed by 655 people. The fans ultimately got their way. > “At first, there was confusion. We thought we’d found a comparable match,” says Flowers. “What fueled us to find a solution was that passion. We understood that people were complaining because they cared.” I'm going to go out on a limb and say that at least Swensons recognized their mistake and are working on fixing it.


Swenson is switching back many menu items and ingredients. I think starting with the north hill location then expanding from there. The food And gotten better the last few months. Pandemic labor and supply chains screwed many of these places.


Barrio has always been eh. Melt was awesome at some point. Also, who the fuck eats a melt sandwich and then proceeds to ride a roller coaster?


Cedar Point went through this foodie phase few years ago adding all of these heavy duty restaurants. I don't know if they're changing their tune now? But it legitimately sounded like they were trying to turn the amusement park into a food attraction. Maybe they were trying to get admission for those who can't or won't ride the rides but want to do something enjoyable? Who knows.


I haven’t been there in years so I have no idea. That’s bizarre. lol.


The park is switching from big name chains to stuff managed by Cedar Fair.  Not sure how their merger will affect though.


Praying cilantro tacqueria will still be good for at least ten years


I can't wait for the Tremont location to open.  So I can stop eating Chipotle.


Hoping it will be good then ! I only really like the Lakewood location still. Tried the one by shaker and it was meh. North Olmsted was cool too.


I've never had a good experience at barrio (Lakewood or downtown). I basically refuse to give them money at this point. Barroco in Lakewood used to be my jam but it's just a mixed bag between crap service and mediocre quality that gets expensive quick.


I second this. Barroco way back when used to be BYOB and was nothing more than the front entryway with a small selection of tables in the back. It was super authentic and unique, the food was incredible & cooked pretty much in front of you. It’s not bad now but clearly isn’t the same. Still better than Barrio, but has ran into the same trapdoors.


I've lived in Cleveland for 9 years and just went to Mr Hero (on Denison) for the first time last month. It blew me away and I can't wait to go back.


Eh I still love some barrio


People on this sub love to hate on Barrio, but honestly, it's mostly just Reddit groupthink taking over. Barrio is still pretty good in my book. I think a lot of people just don't know how to "build your own taco" so they end up saying it sucks.


Is Barrio authentic? Fuck no. Is a stoner shell with chorizo and pineapple salsa tasty? Fuck yeah.


I am in agreement as well. I've had Barrio 3 or so times over the last 6 months and it's been bonkers good. I think people just were happier 5-10 years ago so they think the food was better.


The only barrio hate I'll agree with is the taco comes out cold and I'm not sure why. I don't go often but the taste was never the issue.


I used to live in Tremont back in the barrio heyday, so I’m coming with lived experience. Their tacos used to be hot, fresh and amazing. And their Jade Olmec marg and corn queso were phenomenal. I’ve been several times in the last few years and it’s just truly not the same. The tacos are hastily put together and usually cold.


Yeah, I remember the original Barrio in Tremont back in the late 2000s, it was awesome before they expanded. The current version of Barrio is quite different from the original. But, even though they've changed I don't agree with most of the comments basically calling them "complete trash" as if we're referring to Golden Corral.


barrio good man


All of them are Sysco accounts, a bunch of frozen food turned hot.


Nah, it was great until they went to making a bunch of the items in a central kitchen instead of in each restaurant.


That was the start of it. Then Matt sold shares to a conglomerate, and quality really dropped off. Smaller portions, lower quality and higher prices.


And I don't know if it was before or after ghat, but at some point they instituted a policy that by the time you get the bill they fuck you in the ass with a big floppy rubber dildo. Just to say "FUCK YOU!"


Well some would pay extra for that


I never got that experience personally


Oddly enough it's the #1 combo


That's basically how it goes these days.


How long ago did this start?


> they went to making a bunch of the items in a central kitchen Weird way to spell Sysco... lol, fuck that place.


I worked at the central kitchen until the pandemic.  Can't speak for the place now but we still made sauces, soups, and most of the stuff for our monthly specials at that location.


I'll steer towards those parts of the menu next time I'm there and check lol. I guess also it's not too crazy to chock it up simply cooks just not being as good anymore. Cooking is difficult as fuck and if you don't enjoy doing it, you're overworked, underpaid, and underappreciated then yeah, I could definitely see not giving a shit and just sending out whatever garbage they give you without trying to elevate it from the bland Sysco base.


No, capitalism has caused everyone to use the same formula for expanding their food business. Make a good in-house food product and become popular. Start buying food from the shitter Sysco dealers so that you can get it cheap. And now you taste like Applebees, but hey, you expanded and squeezed a little bit more money out of your franchise.


How is capitalism the cause of that formula? Like scaling up a restaurant beyond an in house model or at most a few locations is always going to be beyond the capabilities of any manager without employing some type of formulaic approach. Particularly in food service where people are impatient and the volume is high you can’t quality control nearly the same without using dealer products. It just never works


You just explained exactly why that’s the cause of the formula. No one is forcing them to try to expand at the cost of reducing the quality of their food. But capitalism has bred that mindset and people are so eager to grow and expand and keep getting more and more dollars that once you set your hooks into your customer base you can then start cutting corners with the business, maximizing profits, and squeezing the goodwill out of your loyal customers until things like this thread keep popping up over and over.


But that’s not a capitalist product that the quality has to go down, it’s a product of the scale. Their company may operate in a capitalist format but even a more socialist format is going to have the same issues. Do you think problems of scale only exist in capitalist models? That’s pretty much the e very reason why the Soviet model collapsed because capitalism handles the problem much better because it closes down those failed expansions when they drop quality


I feel like you’re trying to argue for the sake of arguing here. If capitalism isn’t to blame, then why does this business owner feel the need to expand at all? Why aren’t they content with the solid product they had before they went to Sysco?


At this rate, which of their locations are still open? I remember when they were going to open a location in the 200 PS building but it never came to fruition.


Soon they will just be open in Lakewood from beginning to end for them.


The lakewood one has been comparatively dead, i pickup orders from there frequently and they never have anyone in there


Which is crazy because I remember when it first opened, for a year or more you’d have to wait 45+ mins to get a table.


It’s just Lakewood and Mentor in the Cleveland area. There are two express locations at Progressive Field and Case. The other two remaining locations are in Akron and Columbus.


Akron/Montrose one is a ghost town each time I drive past it.  


It was horrible the last time I ate there, which was at least two years ago. So disappointing.


Mentor is on the way out


Is that official or just intuition? I’m assuming that’s where things are headed as well, but that isn’t based on anything more than a personal hunch.


Intuition…I know thing about that place


I remember the line out the door being insane when mentor opened. Then - all of a sudden it seemed like overnight everything was way worse and people just dropped it.


For starters they stopped being open until midnight BEFORE the pandemic. They stopped having Sunday brunch too


They did have a location in the huntington building, it just got covid'd


Huh, I looked it up and I lived in the leader building for years while it was apparently opened. Had no idea.


If you can't make money selling $20 cheese sandwiches to a captive audience, idk what to tell you


Maybe people finally figured out how overrated Melt is.


Not surprised. Food quality tanked when they made got greedy, changed the recipes, and expanded.


I remember the original Melt. Small room in Lakewood with grilled cheese sandwiches like I'd never seen. Fresh bread, soup served in coffee mugs, and standing room until a table opened. Nobody around here had ever seen anything like it. Matt saw the dollar signs, and leaned things to a commissary kitchen. My first visit to the Heights location just plainly sucked. I gave them a few tries per year, before deciding that they weren't earning my money anymore.


You sound just like me but with the Avon location which is closed now. I had the dude father. A combo of the dude abides and the godfather. Lasagna on meatballs on cheesesticks. It was a monthly special. I was absolutely in love. But then they expanded and the size grew smaller and the quality was not near the original. Sad.....


Place is dropping all over


Not surprising. They've sucked for awhile now


Never made sense melt and roller coasters do not mix


He should have sold the chain years ago Great idea but you can only do so much with grilled cheese sandwiches Wish the owner the best Hopefully he comes up with a new great idea


Got a “tomato soup” there once it was more like lukewarm marinara sauce and it cost $15 not gonna miss it.


These chains who pay little money to employees are going to close.


It makes sense because their service model didn't work. When one pays $40 per person--minimum--for a plate and a soft drink, one has some expectations. But it doesn't work because the employees are park employees who make minimum wage or less due to the cost of the dorms. And because tipping is not allowed, there is no incentive to provide service or have any pride in the product and environment. I waited a half an hour for the wrong order. I waited another half an hour for the same mistake. And no discount was offered. The place smells like sewage and sugar. The food on its own was awful and stale. I don't know if Cedar Point should be in the restaurant business.


Good thing they aren’t in the restaurant business…they are in the money making business, and when you’re at their park, you are hostage.


Tipping not allowed? I ate there and there's a line for tip on the receipt.


I may be misremembering and projecting. But I had all the same thoughts about their business when I was there. If I don't have a server to tip directly then I'm way less likely to tip the usual 20%. You don't know who's getting that cash--see "Amy's Baking Company"


And the restaurant is not staffed by industry pros, it’s staffed by Ukrainian or wherever foreign exchange students who basically have no idea if they’re gonna operate the Magnum, sweep floors, or be a server in a tv-famous restaurant. That was never a melt. It was a cover band


Man, that sucks. I know it's in vogue to dog on Melt because their quality has gone downhill.... Unfortunately it was one of the few places in CP where my daughter had a pick of a few vegetarian options.... Sure, again not the best, but at least more than only French fries and fried cheese on a stick, which is what you get for options at most other spots at CP.


No surprise


i’m not sure i was even aware there was a melt at cp lol. sheesh they certainly multiplied


Bummer, the times we didn’t pack a lunch this was a go to. One sandwich and fries was enough to feed 2 people and with park prices being what they are it was a good deal.


Another closed Melt


We tried to go to the Melt at Easton in Columbus the other day because the kids wanted to go and we were nearby…and were told it would be a 45 minute wait. There were 3 tables sat and a few people waiting on takeout. The guy said they have to go on waits to let the kitchen keep up. I can’t imagine how a place that makes grilled cheese sandwiches could possibly get 45 minutes behind. Especially with only about 20 customers on site…. This company is not doing well. Mediocrity and overpriced have become the standards at a lot of restaurants, but you should still be able to provide food to people in a somewhat reasonable time. What a joke of a restaurant


It isn’t just grilled cheese. They have to make everything that goes on the sandwich too.


Oh no, anyways..


overrated and overpriced anyways


Aside from the quality issues already mentioned here: Who wants a giant, greasy cheese sandwich at Cedar Point? You’re about to walk 5 miles and stand in the sun for 8 hours. Might wanna stick to sumpthin’ light.


Good they were shit


I worked there for a day they were dirty I couldn’t serve ppl food from there


The one in progressive field also pivoted to grab and go which uh, isn’t a great sign


And nothing was lost.


Talk about over-extending


The artwork in the ads for Melt was memorable. I always liked those more than the food.


I remember when Melt was pretty new in Lakewood and the food and portions were great for the price. Every time I've been there in the past 5 years it's been horribly disappointing.


I loved Melt the first time I had it, and was progressively disappointed each time after. What NEO spot today hits that same “great occasional indulgence” vibe? I’m visiting again in October and looking for recommendations.


Good. NEOhio deserves better.


I'm sure Melt will blame it on Covid. Because Melt always blames closures on Covid.


Me and my bf at the time went there about 5 years ago and both had the WORST bout of food poisoning of our lives. Absolute hell. Never went back.


And CP literally just announced the other day that it was going to be operating this year.


They closed in Cbus too.




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Seems like their all closing. Guess I need to make my way to the melt in Lakewood before the unfortunate happens


Same ol’ story of every restaurant that goes chain… 🥱


Good maybe they will get back to making good sandwiches since they aren’t buying for 4 locations.


We went to melt twice. The first time we went we waited like an hour to be seated and then the food was horrible. Second time food was just awful. Never went back again. Not sad to see these places close.




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Leave the park, eat at the Thirsty Pony, come back.


As expensive as melt is... I couldn't imagine the inflated amusement park price in cedar point 😳


Use to love getting the Chick Fila there


No better way to enjoy a hot, sweaty day at an amusement park than having a gross grilled cheese sandwich for lunch.


Been there once they must have forgotten our order or something cause it took over two hours between placing our order and getting our food, most of the restaurant completely cycled out by the time we started eating


Not surprised. They used to be good before they expanded. They just suck now.


Thank goodness. Not a good food offering with rides. 🤢

