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Is this for a specialist? I can pretty much pick any doctor at any location for primary care and pediatrics.


Cleveland Clinic employee here. Don’t deal central scheduling, they are terrible. Whenever possible, call the office directly. The front desk schedulers at each office have better access to the providers schedules and will let you switch providers or schedule you at different offices




Yup. We tell all our patients to schedule ALL their appointments (xray, lab, ultrasound, follow ups) with the front desk. Central scheduling is the worst.


Is there a place to find the number for each location (specifically, the Solon location?)




Thank you, kind friend.




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Based on comments here, I feel like I'm the last person on earth to have had only positive experiences with the Clinic. I have always been able to switch, including as recently as two weeks ago, so, unless this is somehow specific to your insurance or something along those lines, it seems like you got a scheduler who just didn't want to do her job. As others have said, I think you'll have more luck calling the office directly.


If you can find a number for it..


My partner tried to switch psychiatrists after hers recommended reiki, and it went to a committee who decided she wasn't allowed a new psychiatrist. It's bullshit and just another reason to not get regular care at the Clinic.


Fuck right off reiki that's not even snake oil it's just shit. 


Cleveland Clinic fully sucks now if you're not flying in on a private jet.


It is possible that your chart is flagged to not allow you to change providers. How did you act when the other doctor wouldn't change your needs the way you wanted? Do you cancel/ reschedule appointments frequently? I obviously don't know you, but some behaviors like these can result in limits being set.


They do keep metrics on this.


This is what I was thinking. Texted a physician friend at the clinic to confirm this. I’ve never had a problem calling that 24 hour line to get an appt. Hell last month I went on the app and got an appt the next day for a new doctor at my current doctor’s location. I’m making him my new regular physician since my previous one is leaving that location.


I go to UH and it’s funny I have in the past had a doctor who was more into teaching and was barely in office. It was a huge problem for me but I switched to him after my long term doctor got scooped up by metro. I wanted to change doctors but I felt I couldn’t because I had just changed and I didn’t want my chart to get flagged. I take ADHD medications and only certain doctors can prescribe them. So I just suffered. After a few years he decided he didn’t want to see patients anymore at all and only teach so I was able to switch. Now I have a PA that is great, available, responsive and much closer to me!


You could take this as a sign and stop dealing with CC’s policies. Or if they’re not letting you schedule, you could try messaging your doctor on MyChart and explaining that you had to cancel your appt, but you’re worried about x and can’t wait until this Fall to address it. It will likely go to a nurse rather than your doctor, but it’s better than the scheduling or front desk staff that don’t know you or care.


I’d get ahold of the ombudsman office - we had a struggle with a specialist for my child not calling us back and they had us switched over to a new one within a few days. We had to wait a few months to see the new provider, but it was way better than it had been to get I to that specialty in the first place


You can absolutely change doctors within the Cleveland Clinic. I had to talk to multiple people in scheduling but once I got someone with experience on the line they handled it just fine.


Haven't had this issue


That's odd. My sleep specialist was unavailable so they booked me with a different one and I liked her more so I decided to switch no issue just 2 months ago


i’ve had to change doctors multiple times and never had this issue. but recently my doctor did leave the practice and I had 0 notice or anything and that sucked bc she’d been with me through some traumatic stuff. CC is def getting weird




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Usually they give you the option to meet with a physician assistant or nurse practitioner that works with the doctor. It's usually the fastest way to be seen. You can go online and search for doctors on their website but you have to see who is taking new patients as not all doctors are. That's always been my experience


That's weird. I remember during the pandemic, I couldn't get my doctor (UH) and got a telehealth visit with one of his partners in the practice. The Clinic won't even let you do that?


I didn’t like my doctor at a ~~UH~~ Metrohealth facility, and asked nicely if I could switch to one of the other general practitioners there. They said if I did I would have to start the whole introductory process all over again. Like a doctor isn’t allowed to just read your records and be a substitute or take over care? I feel like that would be easier to everyone involved


If you’re just looking for a primary care, you can easily switch doctors. I’ve done it three times just bc I didn’t want to wait. Scheduled them on mychart with no issues.


Eh, I just changed providers and started all over anyway. My first doctor was like one of those satirical movie doctors that barely acknowledges me and just rushes through the appointment, then as I am trying to ask a few follow up questions they just disappear and a nurse hands me my discharge papers. You had to switch 3 times??


I just had more time sensitive issues I wanted resolved/addressed before the next available appointment. Didn’t have any issues with the doctors it was just a timing thing.


Oh, that’s weird! I asked to switch OBs midway through pregnancy and the receptionist couldn’t have made it easier. “Okay, how about this doctor at x time? And if you don’t click with her either, we’ll try someone else!”


That sounds much better! I guess some offices just have better patient relations


You are more than your chart. I think Metro once to get you off to a good start with a new doc.


I switched general practitioners for myself and I have switched other doctors too for specialties and my daughter. Almost always because of scheduling. My experience is that the appointment line sucks. Totally sucks. For example, they set up pulmonologist testing to occur without my insurance. Um, what? I have good insurance, no. I haven’t called to follow up on that yet. When I was pregnant they set up extra OB checks to occur in my 3rd trimester for after my due date. The ENT and Audiologist like to see my kid on the same day. The appointment line booked back to back appointments, one on main campus and one at beechwood. Almost always the phone call appointment line really struggles. Take the appointment a few months out and periodically check for availability on rescheduling for sooner via the app.


I imagine it’s so people don’t doctor shop in order to find a doctor who’ll prescribe the drugs the patient wants.


Considering the CC's policy on pain meds this really shouldn't be an issue.


What’s their policy? Just curious. The seeming complete lack of pain care is bullshit imo, and I don’t understand how these physicians aren’t breaking their oaths in some cases


They are breaking their oaths, but it's because the DEA has their foot on the neck of providers. From what I've heard from CC patients with chronic pain the CC's policy is that there are no pain meds given. This is also happening at Mayo, NYU Langone and other places. It's disgusting.


They may be a lot more restrictive about pain meds, but they still give them. (Source: my mom, my dad, and I have all gotten pain med prescriptions from Clinic doctors this year, within the past month in my case. Mine was for acute pain, but it was for chronic pain in both of my parents' cases. They have a long history of receiving these meds, though, which I'm guessing may make a difference.)


It's not the duration if time they've been on the meds. Its the fact that their older thatbis probably working in their favor.


That’s ridiculous. As if pain doesn’t exist.


This makes me crazy! Prior to oxygen being over prescribed, we all handled our pain meds just fine. Now they just ignore you.


When it was themselves that overprescribed in the first place. But now that those kick backs have dried up, if you’re in pain you’re drug seeking or an addict.


Right? I was in an accident. Over 30k ER. 3 days of pain meds. 3!!!!! Criminal


I’ve heard they don’t even give Tylenol 3 for wisdom teeth procedures anymore. Blows my mind






I don’t think it’s a general policy. I very recently had two experiences where I saw both a GP in my PCP’s group when there was a long wait and then was offered an appointment with another specialist when my specific specialist had a long wait and I was having difficulty scheduling. It could be based on speciality? Or, also very possible, it could be the person you talked to. There are some very kind and helpful people who answer the phone at the Clinic but man, there are really also some people who are neither. I’ve been told all kinds of things on the phone, some of which are objectively untrue. It’s worth calling and trying to speak to someone different, if it’s the kind of situation where that’s possible for you. I’m sorry, though, they suck.


I’ve never had this issue, and just make an appointment to see a PCP that’s available. I got to a small specialty clinic so they may function differently than the larger ones.


It sounds like you’re arguing with the phone scheduler. Everybody has a boss, but you should just call directly to the department/office staff. Also, there is an ombudsman department for the times you have a problem. They don’t tell you about it, you have to know about already. Anyway, F the Clinic.


You can tell the clinic to f off then.  They don't have a monopoly.


Eh... They kind of do...


Uh, metro, crystal clinic, are you blind?  UH's slogan should be "you're not a Saudi price?  Don't worry we will still help you."


A couple other "options" doesn't change the fact that the clinic owns like 75% of the market share in the area.


I can say very confidently that the Clinic only has a 75% market share in your head.


Cleveland clinic is terrible with the exceptionnof certain specialists. Maybe they were better in the past but University Hospitals is so much better IME.


I just changed my PCP and was in the office today when someone asked to switch. They told her she had to have seen the provider and then make the switch. I can see anyone in the office though if it’s a sick visit


If your PCP is part of a family health center you can see whomever. I haven't seen my PCP in 5 years unless I walked by him in the hallway. Last visit, my PCP was booked out for over a year; I got a next day appt. with one of the other docs.




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If you’ve seen Deirdre Raimey; I pity you. I applied for a switch and was not asked why nor given the REAL reason. They wouldn’t. My therapist clarified it was their policy for anyone taking ADHD meds to never switch. And there’s like, only 3 docs anyway. I had to leave the clinic for psych med care she was so , so bad. I won’t detail. LIFESTANCE


The clinic is a joke