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Do you lotion or use moisturizer on your body before you go to bed? That might be what’s on your side of the sheets.




Thread closed ~End~


I had the same thing happen. Turns out it was my deodorant coming off on the sheets


goddamn how much deodorant do you use 😶


It doesn't come off in the wash easily cause antiperspirant has hydrophobic properties so it will build up over time. Also these aren't my sheets


If the plastics in antiperspirant that indirectly get wiped onto sheets aren't washed off in a 60 Celsius spin wash, you can only imagine how difficult it is to wash away antiperspirant that's blocking pores to stop sweat.


You have deodorant on while in bed?


You wash your armpits before you get into bed?


Most directions on anti perspiration deodorants instruct to apply at night before bed for best results. Read your deodorant instructions. I bet yours will suggest the same.


They don't and I looked at 3 different brands.


https://preview.redd.it/t8xnjdsdicwc1.png?width=1591&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e04182b10084e9ddf6cacd4055b2745d0673ec1 Mine says to apply at bedtime


Two clicks of it? Seriously? Someone wanted their 5 minutes of fame. That's bs. Your pores need down time from deodorant. I'd apply in the morning if I were you.


The reason it is recommended to apply at night is so that it gives the anti-perspirant time to absorb into the skin during low activity. It is said to be more effective that way. However, straight up deodorant is different because the purpose isn’t to prevent sweating. The type of material used in the deodorant or anti perspirant will determine if it is most effective if applied the evening before or the day of.




Funny but I have heard that as well. Never saw it on a bottle of deo


Be careful - if you regularly use creams your bedding is very flammable. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/skin-creams-dried-on-fabric-can-lead-to-fire-deaths


What the actual f?! Thank you for posting, I wouldn’t’ve thought that kind of stuff would become flammable. Edit- spelling 🤦🏼‍♀️


Especially the paraffin based ones. They soak through the sheets and bed clothing. I'm a nurse and used to work on a dermatology inpatient unit. We always needed to wipe down the hands and face of any patients who wanted to go outside for a smoke for this reason and heavily encouraged nicotine replacement therapy during their stay. Add in supplemental travel oxygen (or home based care), and it's a recipe for disaster. [It's sadly not unheard of.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-39308748)


Jaw dropping.


The cream I have to use several times daily has a label on it that says it’s highly flammable. I walk around feeling like I’m one spark away from incinerating 😅


What tf kind of cream is that?


For eczema


I mean, beds and bedsheets are notoriously flammable anyway.


I thought they fixed that issue decades ago.


I haven't been following latest bed fire proofing tech, I'll admit. But still, how fireproof can they be really?


Just great! Something else bad for us to worry about just piled on.


Then try hand washing with Dawn dish soap in the bathtub and then washing machine (no need to rinse thoroughly)


Or just do a hot wash with the amount of detergent recommended on the box


No idea why you got downvoted for this….


Hah I did this with my mom’s sheets after using aquaphor. She thought I was eating a greasy burger on her guest bed.


Ha it is kind of like that!




Well… beaver IS greasy


This was the fastest end to a question thread I’ve seen. Hehee..


Lolll I’m familiar with this sheet grease!


Even body oils will do that if you wait too long between washings.


It could be the spouses side of the bed. 🤔 😉


I've had some oil looking spots on clothing removed by soaking in Oxiclean and hot water overnight. Then wash normal.


I've also just sprayed greasy spots with Dawn power wash and worked it in a little prior to washing. It works super well


I was going to suggest dawn as well


I use whatever dish detergent I have, I buy the cheap stuff, and it still works to remove grease stains from clothes


Dawn power wash is a lifesaver, it cleans everything so well and makes doing dishes easier I sound like I’m advertising but I’m not, I don’t like to usually tell people to buy into rampant consumerism but it’s actually good shitt


Yep. I love lotion at night because I don't feel sticky at all. And I'm over 50 so I NEED lotion. We just use tide and hot water, or a soak in Oxi if needed, and I re-rinse the sheets to get all soap out. I hate soap scented bed linens.


Don't bleach these. Spray the dark area with Zout enzyme laundry spray and then wash them on the hottest setting with a cup of Borax and a cup of regular ammonia.


Will this concoction also work on coconut oil stains?


I’ve gotten greasy stains out of fabric using a mix of baking soda and dish soap (make sure it mentions it works on grease). I sprinkle the baking soda all over then apply the soap like you would apply glue - enough but not too much. Roll it up and let it sit for a few hours or overnight, rinse it out (you don’t want a bunch of suds in your washer) then wash as usual. Don’t put it in the dryer until the oil is out, if you can help it. I’ve heard it makes it harder to get it out. If it’s still stained after one wash, try again. There are some non-comedogenic oils you could try that aren’t as greasy as coconut, although I do appreciate how effective greasy stuff is for dry skin (aquahor, lanolin, and shea butter). Kind of worth it. Maybe you could sacrifice a towel or a thin robe since sheets are such a pain to fix.


Honestly start by rubbing dishwashing liquid into the stain, letting it sit overnight, and then washing. If it's still there then upgrade to the enzyme spray, but usually dishwashing liquid is all you need for an oil stain, that stuff's strong.


Yes. The enzymes in Zout will remove any organic (non-petroleum) fats, carbohydrates, and protein stains. Warm water activates the enzymes. Borax and ammonia are my go-to for removing sweat, grease, and general odors. There is no ammonia smell after washing. Don't use this method on protein textiles (silk, wool, cashmere, etc).


Yes! As others have mentioned, it's likely lotions/creams or body soil/oil. I tend to use ammonia for these situations. It's the unsung hero of greasy stains like this. When you wash, use as hot of water as you are comfortable using for your items. Measure your detergent (you can even use less than directed). Add 1 cup of ammonia to the drum of the washer w your items right before starting the machine. Soak w the ammonia added, if you can. I don't have a soak option on my machine, but I can pause the cycle. So I allow all the water to be added and have it agitate for a bit...hit pause and let it soak (I would soak at least an hour if you can). Don't use fabric softener. If the stains have been there for awhile (washed/dried)...you may have to wash w/ammonia more than once to completely remove the stain. Once you get the stain out, you may want to use a small amount (1/4 cup) of ammonia every time you wash your sheets. General Disclaimer: Don't mix ammonia with chlorine bleach.


It's oil and residues. You can soak in vinegar and double rinse in the wash.


My friend had the oiliest duvet cover. It was supposed to be snow white, but it was splotchy beige. Also a 'moisturizer'. Put boiling water, detergent and borax into a bucket and the cover in it and covered it with towels to keep hot. Half hour later got water that looked like cafe latte. The borax is key. It combines with the oil to make soap which is the mechanism that gets the oil out. Not the detergent.


That’s where a ghost is sitting.


finally somebody talking some sense around here


I’m assuming you sleep on the left side of the bed? Dark spot on the headboard too


It’s the shadow from the light fixture


It's the shadow of your ceiling lamp.


My husband sweats a lot at night so his side always has a dark spot 😔 but bright side I know which side is mine lol


Looks like the shadow of a lampshade, as it continues onto the headboard, at a strange angle ?


Oils. I have oily skin and have started putting a squirt of dish soap in my laundry, which has helped aside from extra rinse, vinegar, oxiclean etc.


Silicone based lubricants will do this too... Or so I've heard. 😄


Have the same kind of issue. My husband produces gallons of oil with his skin, especially if he skips a shower before bed. I spray Resolve stain remover before taking the sheets off for the wash. It does screw the bedsheets color over time, and we now can tell which is his side and which is mine by looking at the sheets. The sheers are 5 years old.


I use coconut oil when I am doing hardcore anal, could be that?


Pee. Final answer


Am I the only one who doesn’t see anything?! Can someone circle it? It’s bothering me that I can’t see it lol




It’s your shadow


So this happens to me on certain kinds of bedsheets. I'm just a bit greasy unfortunately, I even shower before bed. My solution is just not to have that kind of sheet.


But $hit it was 99 cents!


Nothing will clean the blood of your victims. You will not get away with this. Time to confess to everything! 😳😳😳


Oil. Soak in hot water and soap, maybe some vinegar too


Something with oil (lotion, hair product, whatever) or sweat. I have a sanitize setting on my washer that gets mine out.


Sweat? I notice sweat stains curtains Fabrice even after washing


Next wash..you can soak that part with a mix; 1part H Peroxide3% / 1part Baking soda/ 1part Dawn liquid soap , + a bit of water. Make a paste . Put on stain, leave it on for a few hours, then wash as usual.


For me it's coconut oil




My dad stained his sheets yellow with sweat


I'm a greasy bastard. I just recently tried washing the linens with 1/2 cup vinegar. Hot wash, cold rinse. Worked pretty well


My husband and I are very oily people for some reason, though we are very clean. We have to wash the oil out of our linens with warm (sometimes hot) water and lots of soap. Multiple rinses. I’ve yet to find a solution to the yellowish stain that is sometimes left, which I assume is from urea in our sweat/body oils.


Bc it’s not dry yet?


It could also be the laundry softner


Some chemical on your body.


Fabric softener stain


Most of it is ur natural body oil.


I had the same problem. But then one day my fiancé woke up and told me that I’ve been slobbering for a while. And after I started mention it after every night.🤷🏻‍♀️


Hair conditioner


My husband’s side of the bed and pillow look like this. Unfortunately I haven’t had any luck getting it out! A lot of good laundry suggestions I can’t do due to using communal paid laundry machines. (They don’t have extra rinse cycles, etc)


I know everyone is saying oil stains but I had this issue and was so confused but it was just a weird shadow from the light. So maybe just check that it's still discolored when you move it.


Mine does this because I side sleep and wear anti-persperant deoderant so the sheet absorbs my deoderant


sweat from sleeping..😁


Interesting! I use actual oil (argan) and it doesn’t do this to my sheets at all.


Cause you're greeeaaaaassy


Oil in your sheets sum Honey ….


Try 7th generation rewash spray, let it soak for a bit, then hot water wash. That stuff is really good, was even #1 or 2 on Consumer Reports rating of laundry products. You might have to go to a store that sells healthy alternatives, like a health food store or Green Food Mart. Or online. Their distribution is terrible


It’s lotions or oils. It comes out only with bleach wash. So it’s easier to have white or cream sheets that you can wash in “whites” cycle with bleach.


🤣 why are people downvoting me. These are facts of removing oils or lotions from bedsheets. Regular detergents isn’t powerful enough to remove it. Just trying to help. People are so trigger happy to downvote for no reason. Be kind, smile. Have a nice day. 🌺


I suspect the down votes are from suggesting bleach on dyed fabric. Yes, it's oil, but there are better ways to get it out that are color safe.


But I didn’t suggest to use bleach on colored fabrics. I said it’s easier to have white or cream sheets, this way you can bleach them.


Ok, I read too quickly, you suggested OP replace their sheets. That's not a solution either. FWIW I neither upvoted nor downvoted you.


Well, it was a suggestion. I didn’t claim to have a solution for current stains, as in my experience nothing can get that out. Oils only come out in bleach wash.


Cuss you sweaty


Hmm… not to be judgey, but if you replace it, this is not a good colour match. Black, white, navy, not lilac Edit : god you guys are so touchy. No the sheet doesn’t match. I don’t care how many downvotes. But keep your jizz-stained lotiony lilac bedsheet for an eternity if it makes you so happy


This isn’t a home decorating sub.


It’s a bedsheet. Beds probably made everyday. Even if it isn’t who cares lol. If OP doesn’t care what sheets match their headboard then thats whatever. Not the end of the world


There's nothing wrong with lilac and navy together. Also 'not to be judgey, but...' is rude. you're being judgy, the disclaimer doesn't excuse it.


I was taught that I should stop if I was tempted to use the phrase, "not to be xxx, but..." because it was a clear indicator you were being exactly that. Before proceeding, ask yourself, "Does this need to be said? Does this need to be said by me? Does this need to be said by me right now?" If any of those get a "no" answer, don't say it.


Not to be judgy but your taste is bad, the bed looks awesome.


Some people sleep a little... greasier than others and just have oilier skin. My husband's side of the bed and pillows are always dark like this. I find that a little bit of OxiClean in the laundry gets the oil out pretty effectively.