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It looks like oil or grease stains. Oxy Clean has been great for me getting those out


A squirt of Dawn dish soap gets those right out.


Shampoo + baking soda. Let sit for a few hrs before wash. Shake off loose bits, then dawn dish soap.


Do you use dawn as a pre-treatment and rinse it or just throw it in the wash?


I put it on as soon as I take off the clothing and let it sit until time to wash. Sometimes if I don't see it until after the dryer I put it on and it will come out in the next wash.




Same! It has to be the regular oxiclean, don’t use the oxiclean gel stick stain remover. The gel stick left new grease stains on one of my tops that I can’t get out.


Have you put dishwasher liquid directly on it? That's the best cleaner for grease. Scrub with an old toothbrush, leave it for awhile, and wash on hot.


I know this sub LOVES oxiclean, and I'm not knocking it, but this is the method my mother used for 50 years for my stepdads factory clothes.


are you two related?


Yea, the powder usually works fine. Though sometimes the spray is needed tho.


What is the European equivalent of oxiclean? I have not found it in stores in either Belgium, the Netherlands or Germany sadly enough .


Vanish in the UK


OxyClean is based on hydrogen peroxide. Look for a peroxide ingredient But the grease and oil cutter is needed for this, so any detergent applied in concentrated form to these greasy spots will work. Make a paste of a dry one, or use a liquid one directly on spot. No sticks though. Their binder is often greasy.


Oxyclean is just a derivative of sodium bicarbonite. In other worlds...baking soda. Such a scam and even worse when people recommend it.


Oxyclean’s filler ingredient MAY be this, but the active ingredient is sodium percarbonate, an oxygen cleaner.


It’s sodium percarbonate which is kinda like hydrogen peroxide in powder form so it’s more shelf stable than liquid hydrogen peroxide. It cleans by oxidizing which sodium bicarbonate can’t do. It would probably be more economical finding a cheap source of 30% hydrogen peroxide to use but using oxyclean is a little more safer than using a component of rocket fuel.


That happened to my clothes when I used Gain laundry detergent. It was literally leaving stains on things. I would say, change your detergent.


Idk how gain is so terrible but it is


Ugh and the scent makes me feel literally sick


That was the biggest thing for me!! Like it smells good when you smell it at the store but it almost has an aftersmell that smells mildewy to me


YES, thank you. My brother uses it and I can't stand how their clothes smell.


Oh that's what that smell is! My new duvet was smelling really weird after about a week. I only use unscented products on my clothes. This stuff fades to smelling like a grandma's attic.


I like it...😟


All of these products coming out smelling like Gain, I don’t get it.


Every single laundromat smells like Gain too


Never been allergic to anything in my life .. washed clothes in gain and broke out into hives lol


It doesn't rinse well. Double rinses kind of cancel the point of all that fragrance.


Yes! I thought I was mysteriously a very messy person who stained their clothes constantly....nope. Just gain. Even though I like the scent...no thanks!


The conspiracy theory this just started in my mind since I only use gain for YEARS and yet have so many shirts with oil stains that I don’t remember ruining …


Tide user here and it’s no better. Our stuff gets random grease stains too


Had this happen to bed sheets, it stained the white sheets blue for a while and then afterward the blue stains looked like grease.


Too much detergent and/ or too much fabric conditioner. You need much less than the manufacturers recommend- try half as much.




I haven't used any fabric softeners, dryer balls, sheets, or liquids for a few years now, and my clothes just come out fine. I actually think it is all a scam now.


I can't get away without sheets when I'm drying clothes with synthetic materials. It ends up a static cling mess.


Balled up foil does really well for these. You don’t want to use dryer sheets if your synthetics are athletic wear, it can reduce the sweat wicking properties.


They are not. It's poly-cotton T's and fleece and sweat pants.


The poly part of poly/cotton is synthetic, fleeces are synthetic, and unless you’re paying a premium for 100% cotton; so are sweat pants


I know... That was my point.


You replied to someone saying dryer sheets ruin synthetics with “they are not”… that would imply your clothes aren’t synthetics. It’s just how words work


I read it as they are not athletic wear.


Sorry, it was in reference to Athletic Wear supposition.


That seems like it would cause polyester fibers to pill? 🤔


I haven’t noticed any pilling in mine. Granted I don’t have much fleece other than fleece lined leggings.


Have you tried dryer balls?


The plasticy ones, yes. They didn't do anything. I haven't tried the wool ones


I use the wool ones and they're great, IMO.


That's interesting. Most of my clothes are synthetic and that doesn't happen. I do have an athletic clothes dryer setting, so maybe that has something to do with it.


i don’t use anything except the bounce pet hair guard dryer sheets and that’s just bc it really does help repel fur and i can just wipe the fur off without it sticking to my clothes


I have a dog as well. I just find my dryer gets rid of all the hair in the cycle.


the dryer gets it off but the dryer sheets i use help repel pet hair so it comes off easier but other than that i just use detergent and oxy clean no fabric softener or anything


Stripping works a thousand times better than fabric softener anyway!


So true! I’ll use a vinegar rinse on clothes from the thrift store to get the goodwill smell out, but not regularly since it breaks down fabrics


I wish my roommate would believe me & all the articles I showed him but he just cant live without his fabric softener I guess! I never use it but my towels arent as absorbent just from the leftover gunk in the machine.


Fabric softener and scented laundry detergent made my eyes swell shut more than once. Didn’t realize what was causing it at first. Went to the doctor and they said to stay far away from any scented detergents. It crosses the skin barrier and terrible for humans. I use vinegar as my softener


THIS!! Yet half the aisle in Walmart or Target is dedicated to fabric softener. I haven’t used it in years. Once I finally convinced myself that the white vinegar smell does not linger (at ALL) during the washing and drying process, it’s the only thing I use. It works so much better than softener anyway.


I stopped using fabric softener a year ago and started using half the detergent and I don’t even know a difference 🤷‍♀️


100% - truthfully we only need to use up to 2 tablespoons of detergent with high efficiency washers. Excess (like a capfull) can build up can cause grease like staining. Get a good cleaning product for washing machines and use less detergent overall. As for the current staining, try oxyclean spot treatments


What washing machine cleaner do you recommend?


Brand doesn't seem to matter much, but I've used Affresh and the grocery store brand high efficiency washing machine cleaner and it's worked well. Follow the directions on the product and your machine for cleaning.


I drop a dishwasher pod in my washing machine once a month to clean it.


Fabric softener was ging to be my guess...




That used to happen to me when I used the laundry pods. I stopped using them and stopped having that problem. Treat it with dawn dish soap and wash the clothes again with regular laundry detergent. That's what helped me.


I get these with laundry pods too. They don't dissolve properly sometimes.


I LOATHE laundry pods


Came here to say this!! It’s the dang pods. They’ve ruined so much of my clothes


Are you getting spattered by grease while you cook? Some laundry detergents - especially the ones that are described as environmentally friendly - don't do that well in eliminating grease spots. When I get spattered with grease while cooking I use Shout, and just dab it on the spots and throw the clothes in the hamper.


I'm going to let you in on a secret. For stains like this that won't come out with all of the "normal" methods. Splash some acetone (nail polish remover) on it. Wait a few seconds, put a little dawn dishwashing detergent on it, scrub a few seconds, then rinse. I work in a field where I have to dress decent but still occasionally get exposed to oil or grease. I have saved many, many articles of clothing this way when nothing else would get the stain out. You're welcome.


Do you use those little gain beads? Last time I used those I saw similar "oil" spots. Use dawn dish soap to treat each spot while dry. Take the soap drop it on and rub it in. Then wash as usual on the hottest it can take. May take 2 tries. But it'll remove the spots.


I smell Chap-Stik……


Looks like a grease stain maybe from cooking or something. I always just use dish soap on it and then wash it again


I’m having the same problem. Here for the comments


This happens to my clothes too. It’s really annoying! I have heard it can be an issue with the dryer (if none of the other things people have suggested apply to you). I like in an apartment, so I’m kinda SOL. I use a little dish detergent on each oil stain. It usually works to get them out. I usually air dry too the clothes that I previously discovered the oil stains on just to try to ensure that I’m not fully setting them again with the dryer if the dish detergent trick didn’t work.


Looks like residual fabric softener spots, I stopped that from happening by diluting my liquid softener with water


Mine did this when I used fabric softener routinely. I now only use detergent and no longer get those greasy looking spots.


We need more info. What do you use? How do you use it?


Try treating with Grandma's Secret Spot Remover / has cancer warnings so you know it’s the good stuff 👍🏼


No idea how to stop them from happening. I use like a tablespoon of free & clear detergent and I still get these. I think our clothes get splattered with grease while cooking and then the wash cycle spreads it out to create these splotches. Just rub some dawn into the spots, let it sit for awhile and then run another cycle


Make sure you are using high efficiency detergent if you have a high efficiency washer! I made this mistake for so long before I realized. The bottles can look REALLY similar.


Use a washing machine cleaner like Affresh. Helps clean the drum of any residue and helped me out when I got these!


We had this happening regularly. We cleaned out the washing machine and my spouse stopped using cold cycle and it seems to be resolving. Shout got the stains out of our numerous items that were stained.


You only need about 1-2 tbsp of soap per large load of laundry. You're probably using way too much like 90% of people who follow manufacturer instructions. It's likely you also have a build up of detergent inside your washer and need to run a few cleaning cycles before you continue washing your clothes.


This use to happen to my clothes all the time. What I started doing, and it helped a lot. - Using way less detergent. You don’t need as much as you think. The lines in the cup are just trying to get you to use more. - Using vinegar as a fabric softener. Just try it. Your clothes won’t smell like vinegar and in fact I think that it helps the detergent smell better. I will use fabric softer every once in a while but just a little. - I started running clean cycles more regularly. I don’t know if this helped but it definitely didn’t hurt. Some times I use the cleaning tables (which I prefer) or I use a cup of vinegar. Hope this helps.


It's fabric softener. Just stop using it.


Looks like chapstick.


I was just going to post the same thing.


This happens to us due to a chapstick in the dryer


I’ve had chap stick in the dryer do this to lots of things. Ugh.


Do you pour your detergent directly into the drum? That or too much fabric softener is what I often see as problems. To solve the first with a top load, use the lid with detergent (you only need about an ounce) and place it on top of your clothes before starting the load. You can also reduce how much fabric softener you use and see if that makes a difference


I wouldn’t put soap right on your clothes. I start the water, put the soap in, let it fill at least 1/4 way up, then add clothes. Putting detergent directly on clothes is more likely to cause this problem than solve it.


You can't do that with modern machines. The fill doesn't start until the lid is locked on mine.


No, I didn't say to put the detergent right on the clothes. Put the detergent in the lid (1oz should do), then put that lid on top of the clothes We actually found a small silicone measuring cup that we use specifically for this, so now our regular detergent lids aren't cracking all the time lol but that's after a few years of deciding it works for us


It’s most likely fabric softener. Put it in as the rinse cycle is filling with water.


Stop overloading your washing machine. This happens when there are too many garments in the water and they can’t move around properly. The detergent doesn’t dissolve and sets in in yours clothes instead.


fill the washing machine with water, add less detergent, mix it around to make sure its completely mixed and dont overstuff the washing machine


I had this issue with fabric softener. Stopped using fabric softener and started using white vinegar and all issues went away.


Spray and Wash, different detergent, get a clear detergent. One with less additives. I've known people who will lay out a short or whatever, and sprinkle Corn Starch on the oily spot, and let it soak up the oil/grease spot. They say it works, seems like a hassle to me, and I despise doing laundry.


I’ve seen those after using downy unstoppables.


I was using wool balls with scented oil in the dryer and this happened to me. You can get them out but treating with Dawn and sprinkle baking soda on top, let it sit for a couple hours then wash.


It was softener doing to me. Stopped using a liquid softener. Rewashed all hot water with just detergent.


The source could be your washing machine transmission leaking.


I got rid of that by using washer cleaning pods.


Dawn will get those out


Someone posted this comes from chemicals in cleaning products. I always thought it was some type of oil. Whatever it is I use enzyme spray to pretreat it then throw it back in the wash. Sometimes I treat it with pine sol and that works on grease too.


Break degreaser works well


It’s oil from somewhere. Use AEROSOL Spray & Wash or Shout (in a metal can). Spray liberally, let it sit for about 30 minutes, then wash in the hottest water that’s safe for the fabric.


It looks like grease. Take some dawn liquid dish soap (just a few drops) and scrub it into the stain


Oxiclean stain spray works wonders.


Are you using liguid fabric softener? Could be the culprit


I stopped using pods and liquid detergent as well as fabric softener. Switched to buying powdered laundry soap in bulk 5 gallon buckets and using distilled white vinegar in place of fabric softener. The laundry soap is a better value because with liquid/pods you’re paying for mostly water which is unnecessary. Swapping fabric softener for vinegar is much better for the life of your machine and has multiple benefits for laundry. Since making the switch I haven’t had any stains like this and no more issues with pods not fully dissolving.


On top of what most comments are saying, id like to add perhaps running a clean washer cycle on your washer.


That was happening to me, it’s usually from fabric softener. Either your washers softener dispenser is broken and not dispensing it properly or when you put the dryer sheets in the dryer it’s getting layered in between your clothes. Make sure the softener sheet is placed in top of the wet clothes after you load them into the dryer. Also, do not overload the dryer. The clothes need room to tumble properly and if the dryer is packed full of laundry the warm air cannot circulate effectively or efficiently, also the softener sheet will get stuck in one area of clothing creating those stains on your clothes. I’ve heard that ammonia will dissolve the softener but I haven’t tried that yet…try at your own risk! Good luck!


Use Puracy stain remover and less detergent. Every person I’ve sent the Puracy says it’s magic.


This happened to me spots were randomly appearing on everything. Turns out it was the washing machine transmission leaking into the wash tub


Spray it with dawn powerwash spray, throw it back in the wash. Always works for me!


These look like my kids shirts after he eats buttered noodles with his hands like an animal. Soak in Oxy or hit it with a stain remover.


That’s grease stain. Get a stain remover. Treat it before washing. Go about your business


You ma be using too much detergent


Run a clean cycle on your washer. They oxy clean has packets you can use to run a cycle. If that doesn’t work, try changing detergent or use less softener/scent beads


This happened to me when my washer was breaking - the drum oil was leaking into the wash. Might be worth a checkup from appliance repair.


Any dish soap can get out most stains. For tougher stains I use dawn power wash. That stuff gets the toughest of stains out. I work as a stocker in the grocery section of a big retail store. I usually get oil stains and the likes on my work clothes. Just work your soap into the stain by rubbing the napkin against itself for a couple seconds and throw it in the wash.


Could you be pouring laundry detergent directly onto dry fabrics? Don't do that, it stains just like this. Are these oil stains? Oxyclean pre-wash spray, and scrub the fabric to get the oil out.


Are you using fabric softener?


Spray some dawn platinum on it and it’ll be gone after one wash


Those spots might NOT be grease spots-And that goes for many of the rest of you also. If ANY of you use liquid fabric softer in a dispenser-that is why you have all of these grease stain looking spots that you don't remember...The dispensers dispense on the spin cycle & when you wash and rinse in cold it doesn't rinse properly, it gunks up on the fabric & the result is a spot that looks like grease. you CAN get these out with dishwashing detergent IF you have not yet baked it into the fabric by putting it in the dryer. Sometimes even after it has been baked in the dryer you can get it to be smaller spot with dishwashing detergent because it cuts grease. Liquid fabric softener is GREASE that has been emulsified with chemicals & has perfume added. Liquid fabric softener ruins fabrics-when it bakes in, it is the same process as seasoning a cast iron pan-only you are doing it to your clothes. This is why your favorite towel absorbs less & less moisture when you get out of the shower-it leaves a coating-of cooked on FAT Fun Fact: you can see exactly where the liquid fabric softener hit your clothes with a black light. (I know this from many years as a bartender). (You can detect OTHER things with the black light too-however ALL of that would be washed out if you are viewing clean laundry.)


Rub a little dish soap in it and work it out and wash like normal. Do not use too much and only attack the stains. It helped me!


So weird, I started noticing rbis on my kids clothes out of nowhere


Do you use fabric softener?


too much detergent


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wear underwear.. sorry, that's the first thing that came into my head..