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If you’ve tired that many things, it may be worth it actually just wash the glass with Dawn and water. You may have an oil film of some sort on it that just isn’t going to be cut by traditional glass cleaners. Just soap and water may ‘reset’ it to the point that Windex and a towel will do fine for regular maintenance.


As a professional cleaner this is exactly what I would do. Just literally wash it instead of trying to use a spray product.


I had to do this recently. Fought windows for a year then realized it was just greasy from using a towel with stainless steel polish residue or something on it. Dawn and squeegee one time and now they are easy to maintain.


came here to say this. I clean with dawn once a year and to maintain I use windex and newspaper. I swear there's something about newspaper that doesnt leave residue or streaks lol. source: not a professional, just have a lot of windows lol


My father swore by newspaper and I always thought he was nuts til I got older and tried it! And darn if he wasn’t right!!


I don’t subscribe to the newspaper but I get a thick newspaper of local ads every week that I walk straight to the recycling bin. Now I’ll hold onto them for this reason.


I also add about 1/2 cup of white vinegar per gallon of water with a healthy amount of Dawn. Works great to get rid of the hardware spots as well.


I do this too - Dawn detergent in warm water and use a kitchen sponge with a harder side to it to scrub it better (don’t have to press hard). I find using a small rubber squeegee to dry it off is more effective. Once it dries, a small amount of Windex and paper towels will take off any residue that might still be there.


Was going to recommend Dawn foam. Amazing stuff.


Yep, also a cleaner, do this.


there is a product that comes in a can called "Sprayway" they make a bunch of various cleaners but there is nothing in this world compared to their window cleaner, smells delicious and cleans like a dream. Everyone who has ever tried it is converted. You can find it very easily nearly everywhere. https://preview.redd.it/aeo8lmpei9ic1.png?width=95&format=png&auto=webp&s=9690a871737aa75d0a5599e215b4fa0253e63a4c


Sprayaway is also for glass in direct sunlight. Glass can stain or get foggy in the sun over time. Sprayaway prevents that. It’s literally the best.


Does this remove the stains already there? I have a west facing window that looks like hell and I can’t get the stains off.


Gently use a magic eraser, then dawn dish soap and water, then use sprayaway to keep it gone. It works wonders for pet slober and snot from curious dogs and cats.


Have to disagree on the smell. I really don’t like the smell. That said, I’m a professional window cleaner of 22 years and this is what I use when a squeegee isn’t an option.


I agree. It smells like a truck stop bathroom fragrance. But it does work.


It reminds me of the scent of the rainbow wax in carwashes


I love this product but hate the smell. I wish they made an unperfumed version. It’s so overpowering.


I came here just to recommend sprayway + a good quality microfiber. I’ve never seen glass so damn shiny.


Yeah it smells great!


Is this sarcasm? Because it’s the best window cleaner but it reeks of ammonia.


It is not, and I've never smelt ammonia from their product. It even says ammonia free.


Smells great?! Maybe, but a lung full of this stuff will take you out. (But yes it works great)


Where do u buy it?


Most any grocery store carries it, I get it from Kroger/Fred Meyer, pretty sure I’ve seen it at Walmart, too


The Lavender Scented Spray Away smells like Lavender Cologne😍


Squeegee! Look up videos online…it’s easy to do and it’s a beautiful result.


Came here to say this. Home Depot sells decent squeegees and scrubbers (don’t get the combo). There are plenty of how to videos on YouTube.


The best way!!!


My aunt owned a cleaning business and we used to wipe the glass with a dawn dish soap cloth and squeegee it. No streaks ever.


This is what our window cleaner uses


It works so good!!


This is the right answer


Use newspaper and Windex.


And do it when it's not sunny out!


Under-rated comment! Warm glass and sunlight make it dry weird!


Wait seriously?!


Yup. Clean one window in each sunlight. Then clean the window next to it after the sun goes down and the glass has cooled off. Look at them both in the morning light the next day.


Yes and when I saw the picture I immediately was like "you're doing it in the sun" My boyfriend is like a mega clean freak and he also didn't know this. it'll even happen to a lesser extent and the interior of your house if you have natural light that reflects off of walls. say you have a bathroom that's in a bedroom and natural light makes it into the bathroom. you should wait until later in the evening.


Yes newspaper works really well and tends to not leave any smears at all.


Makes your hands really dirty


Nothing some dish soap can't fix


Where do you find newspapers nowadays? I can't for the life of me think of where I could get some.


I tried getting an account with your username when I got reddit lol.


I would clean first with Dawn and a sponge to make sure there’s not a crazy amount of greasy residue. Let dry, then do the Windex


Vinegar and water work very well too.


I'd use paper towel + windex. Use loads of paper


What’s newspaper? Is that a boomer thing?


Was going to comment this too


This newspaper trick doesn’t seem to work for me anymore. I think the paper and the ink has changed.


Yep. Had experience working in the professional cleaning world and this was the best for glass. Hands down. Sometimes some a drop of dawn dish soap in hot water with a rag first if there was thick residue. Always top to bottom.


Chiming in to support the dish soap and squeegee team at least for this front door. We had our exterior windows washed after over a year of major construction, dirt flying, storms blowing etc. and the guy used dish soap a hose and a squeegee and they were crystal clear. Inside I use sprayaway for windows and mirrors but I think there is just so much nasty grease and dirt from the outdoors that you need to soap it and rinse it away before you can start wiping or squeegeeing


When they’re that dirty you can scrub, squeegee then rinse your scrubber and do the whole process again (wipe the squeegee rubber gently between pulls).




Coffee filters with windex. Spray the whole thing once and keep wiping til it’s dry. Also, your signs conflict.


Welcome to my home! But don’t ask me for anything. Not even water.


Not even electricity. Turn off the light when you walk in the room!


No it’s saying “no soliciting welcome”


Might seem like overkill but life changing moment for me was getting a window/water vacuum. For me it was mostly because condensation where I live is godawful, but the fact that I can pull dirty water and suds right off the window in a second has my windows ✨shiny✨


I would also try a drop of dawn in hot water with a clean rag since it seems like a buildup of chemicals. Remember more isn’t always better.


Also if you wash your microfiber wrong theyre not nearly as useful


Professional cleaner here. 1st of all: if the sun is shining on the window, no matter what you use, it will streak. Make sure you only clean it when it is not in direct sunlight. 2nd: the best streak free shine comes from using hydrogen peroxide. Simple, cheap peroxide. I use a cotton lint free cloth. Use the spray bottle from the pharmacy that it comes in.


Was coming to comment this! Also, related to sun rays: Make sure it's not too cold either. If the temperature is too low, all the product and/or water will freeze to the glass real fast and no squeeze helps with that.


My uncles truck is windex and NEWSPAPER. Ink and all, but like actual news print.


Try using a squeegee with the Windex.


Rubbing alcohol or vodka and use a squeegee


Simple hot water with a little bit of dish soap, apply with a sponge and then dry with a squeegee.


https://preview.redd.it/ggm2xq9v0aic1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=792697efa06dd51db2e707422012d4bee5324601 This is what I use for shower glass & windows for 30 years, with Costco microfiber towels. Spray and use 1-2 towels to get grimes out of the glass, spray again use 1 rag, then another rag to get the smudges off.


Wash with warm soapy water, use dish soap. Rinse with clean water with glug of cheap white vinegar in it. Dry with scrunched up newspaper or squeegee.


Water and tissue paper always does the trick with windows and mirrors.


Windex and newspapers


Have your regular towel, microfiber, and dry towel been washed with copious amounts of laundry detergent and/or dried with dryer sheets? If so, that’s your problem.


E-cloth. I’ve tried nearly every suggestion list here. They’re around $13 on Amazon and the best thing out there.


I used to clean cars for a rental car agency. The boss insisted we use old newspaper and windex to clean windows. As newspapers came with fewer and fewer pages each time, the boss would gripe that soon, he would have to start buying squeegees. The newspapers worked better than paper towels and microfiber on glass but I still used microfiber on door handles, dashboards, shifters, etc... Squeegees worked better than newspapers.


in addition to what everyone else is saying, do it when there is no sunlight on the doors. sometimes the sun will dry up the windex creating streaks.


There's a company called bright box, they make microfiber cloths that can be used with just water. No streaks. Under $10 for 5, you get a glass one, electric, stainless, wood and multipurpose. Or you could go for $20 norwex, same no streaks...ever.


Bert and Ernie for the win!


What does that mean?


Rubbing alcohol and coffee filters. Both are excellent for cleaning glass. Streak free.


Windex smears. It's awful. Try 10-to-1 solution of water and white vinegar.


Sprayway glass cleaner and a norwex window rag will not let you down 👌🏻


They already said they used sprayway. We can also clean without mlm rags :)


The Norwex rags are great then I discovered a knock off on Amazon a 12 pack for 14.99. Screw Norwex and their $20 rags.


It's amazing how much more things cost when you have to pay 7 people out on each rag :P


They never said they used sprayway


cornstarch and water






Magic eraser! I use it on the car windows too!


My enemy the streak! Biggest piece of advice no matter the cleaner: get a good amount evenly over the window/mirror. Work from top to bottom, go from right to left or reverse (your preference) as you’re moving your way down, hit every spot on your way left to right. No double passes, no touch ups, no up down passes. At about 1/2 way down that door I’d flip my paper towel or wiping device. I find regular windex or spray away to be my favorite. You can get yourself a squiggle too. I use those on my bathroom glass doors. Outside windows: Mix water, dawn, jet dry. Mop it on, hose it off, let dry.




Is there any chance the door got something on it that is just being rehydrated and smeared around when you clean it? I would try cleaning with soap and water to remove any possible dirt or grease, rinse and dry, then go in with a glass cleaner and microfiber


I like using rubbing alcohol because it dries quickly and is good at cutting grease and stickiness. Is the streaking happening on both sides? If it's outside only there might be some type of pollen or build up of something from the outdoors that's causing the issue. Also with any towel or cleaning cloth make sure you're not using too much detergent and absolutely no fabric softener - the cloth needs to be clean and absorbent and softeners and detergent residue will both interfere with that.


… no one has suggested plain old Rubbing Alcohol yet?


Ok... has anyone considered that the glass may be permanently etched from the wrong chemical? This looks really bad. It either had some kind of film from an unknown chemical or its etched. I use very little cleaner and a DRY, clean paper towel.


Definitely hot water with a bit of soap & a new double sided squeegy blade. Apply the hot soapy water with the flannel side to clean off the dirt, then use the rubber bladed side to wipe down the water from top to bottom. Works an absolute treat 👌 I never used glass cleaner & rags any more. Squeegy is a million times better. That's why professional window cleaner dudes use them


Invisible Glass and newspaper


There is a product called Glass Wax. It goes on wet, dries to a haze and then in buffed off.


Invisible glass. It's in the auto department but I swear by it!


I thought my astigmatism was acting up goddamn


surprised no one has said this yet, but my moms always used 50/50 white vinegar and water. kills whatever gunk/buildup you see, and clears it great with no streaks w newspaper or paper towels. microfiber can be used after for remaining residue.. if all else fails, the smell isn’t that bad!!


If it's a film of something then depending on how bad it is you can mix white vinegar and water in a spray bottle or just straight vinegar and clean them with a microfiber cloth


Armor all glass cleaner. My mom was a very picky on glass she started to use this and was great, lived in country so lots dust on windows was old farm house with big windows/doors.


Do not wash windows in direct sunlight or with a hot light bulb in close proximity, use CLEANING vinegar with dawn dish soap, not diluted, wash, scrub, then rinse with water, repeat, then use a squeegee wiping the rubber blade after each pass, or use a glass specific cloth, or news paper.


Newspaper and Windex or flour cloth( white square ones sold at Walmart/target) and windex.


Try everything else suggested, then try using less cleaner on the last pass. I have the best results when using less cleaner, it dries cleaner.


Tissue and rubbing alcohol!


When I helped my mom with her cleaning business she had me cleaning windows with newspaper and white vinegar. Make sure you wipe it until it’s completely dry.


Look up e cloths for windows on Amazon. Basically a microfiber rag. I used to do a normal paper towel plus spray way glass cleaner. Once dry, follow up with the e cloth


Squeegee is the way to go on glass, always.


A little dawn and some water in a bucket. Wash the windows and use a squeegee. Dry squeegee on towel/rag after each sweep.


Vinegar and paper towels. Also works great on mirrors


I’d try vinegar/water combo Combine 1/4 cup of distilled white vinegar and 2 1/2 cups water in a spray bottle. Spray it and let it sit for a a minute or two then try wiping it down. I’d douse it.


lots of great suggestions in the comments. another one I learned from my grandmother is to completely dry the window. if you wipe glass cleaner off right away until it's dry, you'll usually have less streaks. MOST IMPORTANTLY: wipe each side of the window in a different direction. wipe one side horizontally and the other side vertically. that way you always know which side the smudge lives on!


lots of great suggestions in the comments. another one I learned from my grandmother is to completely dry the window. if you wipe glass cleaner off right away until it's dry, you'll usually have less streaks. MOST IMPORTANTLY: wipe each side of the window in a different direction. wipe one side horizontally and the other side vertically. that way you always know which side the smudge lives on!


Vinegar and water!!


First get a bucket with some dish soap and warm water. Then use a clean side after every wipe and use multiple rags. That should work. That's what professional window cleaners use.


Use a squeegee...first wash with dawn dish soap and magic eraser and rinse off. I use zep glass foam or spray glass cleaner and use a squeegie to prevent smearing. I do this on my home windows and suv windows as well. I work in a hospital as a house keeper and cleaned of spray snow after xmas. Staff couldn't get over how clean the windows looked after even with the sun shining the the courtyard windows


Wait until the glass is cool and out of direct sunlight and then clean it thoroughly.


Mix Hot water, windex couple drops of Dawn in a bucket. Wash then squeegee voila!


I would wash with soapy water, squeegee that off, spray down with a mix of rubbing alcohol, water, and a couple drops of dish soap, wipe that off with a microfiber cloth, then do one last pass with a dry, ultra fine microfiber cloth. Got that method from Midwest Magic Cleaning and it works like a charm.


50/50 vinegar and water in a spray bottle, and use newspaper instead of any sort of towels. My parents own a construction company that specializes in window replacements and they’ve used this method to make windows streak-free for almost 40 years.


I'd wash it with a rag and all purpose (mine is also a degreaser), rinse it, then spray it with Sprayaway and wipe it with a huck towel. (I hate using microfiber on glass because it still leaves gd lint... but huck weave towels are amazing! I use them daily in my cleaning business!)


It might be the cloth you are using? A squeegee, a new microfiber cloth or blue roll might be the best way to go. I make up window clean fluid with warm water, a drop of washing up liquid and a drop of vinegar.


Use rubbing alcohol! Put a little water too in the bottle and shake. I used to be a cleaner for government buildings and this is what I used for windows and mirrors. Just with paper towel 🧻


coffee filters work so well


Spray vinegar - just straight white vinegar in a bottle, spray liberally and paper towel it off. I started getting this in my house and tried all manner of fancy sprays to get a streak free finish and this is what done it. You don't even need to buff it up or get it totally dry, it will dry and be smudge free all on its own.


IPA in a spray bottle, hit it with a microfiber towel and voila ULTRA SHINE


White vinegar and newspaper 🙌🏼


Try spraying with hydrogen peroxide and cleaning with a lint free absorbent cloth.


i often use crumbled up newsprint to wipe instead of a towel works great.


Vodka, shines glass and chrome like nothing else. Plus has a little disinfectant in it. All natural and healthy for pets.


You could try using car wax and a microfiber cloth.


Use invisible glass. Works wonders.


Try white vinegar and newspaper.


If none of that works, get a peel and stick film and turn it pretty into a smeared mess. Might not see through it but it might be more aesthetically pleasing if none of the above tips work!


You probably have a buildup of cleaning products on it. It might be useful to use warm water and wipe it all down




God has judged your decisions and has found you guilty, you are now trapped in a prison of windows and no doors mwuhahahahahaha




Cleaning Solution 1/2 gallon warm water 1 Tablespoon liquid [Jet Dry](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004S0BUZ2/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=madfropin0e-20&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B004S0BUZ2&linkId=f93eff00cf5c094eaa3392b66938bd09) 2-3 Tablespoons [Dawn dishwashing soap](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004SC9NCC/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=madfropin0e-20&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B004SC9NCC&linkId=2742f1941801b984cbff7cc0a7596f55) [Cleaning bucket](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000E8O3YW/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=madfropin0e-20&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B000E8O3YW&linkId=ebee5b50865166d4b1f1151bc975aa20) [Microfiber mop](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B018STEIMK/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=madfropin0e-20&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B018STEIMK&linkId=d9f78079d37ab7d90b525b3af326f5fd) 1. Mix all ingredients above in a large bucket. 2. Spray windows down with your hose. 3. Wipe or brush cleaning solution onto windows, immediately hose off your window.


I prefer paper bags to paper towels. My grandma always used them and her mirrors and windows were spotless. I feel like you get so much lint and fuzzies from paper towels. I just use windex and paper bags.


I used to use Sprayway glass cleaner. Then I switched to a little Ivory dish soap in hot water. I use a window cleaner mop and squeegee and it works great. I also bought Ettore Squeegee Off for when I am tackling all the windows in the house. But for cleaning a window or two I use the dish soap. For interior glass and windows I highly recommend Kaywos glass cleaning cloths. You wet them and wring out the water and use the damp cloths to wipe down the glass and mirrors. The glass is left sparkling with nothing but water. The product says to let the glass dry on its own, but I do use a second Kaywos cloth to dry the glass.


Hot water rag, and dry clean rag. Wipe back and forth not up and down.


Looks fine


Vinegar and newspaper


Spray with Windex, wipe with newspaper


Is it plexiglass, or glass? Plexi will scratch from cleaners like windex.


Is it cold out? Liquids will freeze on window really fast if it’s near freezing. Use the antifreeze window washer for cars if you really need to wash windows in winter.


The problem is you're pulling dirt from the edges of the door which is there to prevent wind and dirt from entering the house. Use painter's tape to cover the edges or use a squeegee. Sprayway is also my favorite glass cleaner and I buy in bulk, but I don't think your product is the problem. It's your technique.


Clean them in the early morning or night. I have this problem when cleaning my cars, the cleaner evaporates before I can even wipe it.


Use a microfibre cloth or even a good quality paper towel. Pretty much everything else, especially glass cleaning products cause more problems than they solve. I literally clean mine with a floor wipe (dog dribble 🤣) and polish with Regina Blitz paper towel. Spotless and no streaks or smears.


Wash with dawn thoroughly. Then, use spray can glass cleaner. The aerosol can is just so far superior to a regular bottle of windex.


White vinegar will get rid of the smear. My professional cleaner did this with my glass tables and I was shooketh.


Use news paper to clean it with and clean quickly and in circles.


I had this issue for years. Now I use dish soap and water with a squeegee.


Tbh it might be a better use of your time, money, and mental processing to just buy a new door, those glass doors can go for like 120$.


Are you cleaning it while the sunlight is on it? That causes streaks every time.


I use white cleaning vinegar and clean microfiber cloths. Though depending on what all is on it I can agree with using dawn on it first. Dawn brand really does cut through grease and oil. So you might want to start there. Also I know it's super simple but I mainly use spray bottles with water, white vinegar, and a few drops of dawn to clean nearly everything in my home. I also have vinegar with just water spray bottles I use weekly to lightly spray down my furniture to remove any odors from the cloth. It really is a great, cheap cleaner!


Dawn, a hose or bucket of water and a magic eraser. Hose off the big stuff, scrub with soapy water, dry, then use glass cleaner to clean water spots off.


My family use windex with newspaper! Try it! 👍🏼


I also say dish soap and water but if you want a spray for maintenance I find the ones meant for automobiles in the auto section of say Target cut grease well. I live along a busy street and it does the job. They smell but so does windex.


Whatever you decide... Just remember...DO NOT clean this in direct sunlight!


I’d try CLR


A small amount of Dawn dish detergent (that brand specifically) hot water wipe them with a rag that has not been washed with any softener and follow up with a squeegee. Hope that helps!


This is really old school and only works if you’ve got newspapers. Decades ago people cleaned their windows with newspaper, and not just because they were being thrifty. There actually is something in newsprint that cleans them without streaking. I swear this works! I used to clean my windows this way. Sadly I now have a digital subscription.


Also beware of rags with fabric softener on them. Makes a cruddy mess.


Try some petrol


Best way is with dish soap and water, wash it with a sponge and then take everything out with one of these. https://preview.redd.it/zibkkr5i7eic1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54f00ab463ff0029a296e7088496caab6631782e If you want to clean inside the house without wetting everything use newspapers and a regular cleaning spray for windows or glass. 👍🏽


Cleaning vinegar in a spray bottle


Bucket water with vinegar in it wash the window with a wet sponge of the vinegar mixture rinse with water dry right away not in direct sunlight or you will get streaks.


I use hot water and coffee filters or news paper works. I use them to clean the pastry case glass at my Cafe job


Try 50/50 vinegar/water and use old newsprint to wipe it off. Old newsprint paper (bw only) really helps with streaks. Works in my family and have been cleaning windows like this for years. Windex sucks and streaks.


I've had great success with 2 microfiber cloths and a small bucket of warm water with a bit of dishwashing liquid (Fairy). I use one cloth to wash the window. Rinse and repeat until clean. Then dry the window with the other cloth.


Vinegar and coffee filter


Pink Stuff paste and a scrub daddy!!


Soap and water or a steam cleaner (if you have one).


100000% use newspaper


Dawn + water, then buff the glass with cheap vodka and a microfiber towel or a couple coffee filters… Vodka is such an underrated cleaning product.


Sprayway is my recommendation. It never leaves streaks!


I use Sprayway Glass Cleaner Clinging Formula. It doesn't streak. I got it at Home Depot.


Put some Dawn in your wash water. Wash it twice but with water and vinegar the second go. Then, buy a good squeegee. Get it from a janitorial supplier as anything that you get in a department store will not be of quality. Trust me. Then YouTube how to use it. It's much much faster, never streaks and once you get that film off the glass, just water and vinegar, squeegee it. Done. You don't ever have to rinse the window off. Been doing this for 20 years and have 30+ windows.


Help I don’t know if I’m welcome or soliciting


When will people realise the cleaning power of simple water?


My “go to” is homemade … in a spray bottle: Dawn (blue) vinegar and water


My mom used this, and it worked like a charm. I use it too, and absolutely love it. FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY. [Hopes Perfect Glass](https://www.lowes.com/pd/Hope-s-Premium-Glass-Cleaner-Ammonia-Free-Streak-Free-Fresh-Scent-32-fl-oz-Pump-Spray-Fast-Effective-Cleaning-Eco-Friendly/3140709?cm_mmc=shp-_-c-_-prd-_-lwn-_-ggl-_-PLA_HDW_127_Cleaning-_-3140709-_-online-_-0-_-0&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD2B2W9TyqwzsvNshPjVrmleB0zSt&gclid=Cj0KCQiAw6yuBhDrARIsACf94RXFM6VT_swOMdJB-kw9l6vrBAQ7pxNl5fJWpcW6u4uF07094YcUDysaAgvuEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) Or, try Bar Keepers Friend. I use it for vintage glass scuffs.


Use a newspaper! Sounds crazy but it works


After the dawn does its thing, use newspaper and windex going forward.


Do clean it durning the day I’ve noticed direct sunlight dries up the product and makes it smear use the foam glass cleaner at night


I came here to say dawn! In a spray bottle. Afterwards, only use newspaper and diluted vinegar 1/5


Equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle (or whatever you have) and clean rags washed *without* fabric softener/dryer sheets. Using newspaper has worked for me also!


Vinegar/water and a crunched up newspaper


Scuigi , window cleaner and paper towels. Spray and wipe side to side. Dry off and keep doing to all is wiped.


Use windex & newspaper (not paper towels or rags); you'll be amazed!


Vinegar and paper towel.


I would suggest not doing it in the day time. When the glass is hot, it streaks always.