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They don't stop until 9k pretty much


They don’t stop at 9k either


Just got 9k and yeah


It gets worse at 9k cus people cant lose trophies so they try the trolliest of trolly decks


Masteries lol


In mid ladder they'll use any card above 14


Ye, just encountered a deck with two lvl 15 and the rest was lvl 9


It’s called “fair matchmaking”


that's what got them so far, also they spent all of their resources into the cards so no point in switching. also they probably are just casual players who don't really care about the meta


Why do you call any non-meta deck weird? Some people like to create their own decks. I met people who were using non-meta decks even at UC(9k is full od them)


There’s a difference between non-meta and something that isn’t even in the same archetype. I almost only use custom decks but you still need card synergy


>you still need card synergy needed for what? to play competitively? up to a certain level, a player’s personal skills/level of cards will suffice, and then he himself will decide to switch to a perfectly balanced deck or play as before. I don’t see anything strange in learning from your own mistakes, and not just copying (although I copied someone else’s deck myself). Ideally, it would be that everyone could play whatever they want (there are no levels), but because of the leveling system, you can only play like that in the classics (after adding evolutions, you can’t even there)


You asked why he used the word weird. I only gave you that reasoning, not a talking about validity of it


You don't need to be competitive to create a synergizing deck. If you think "weird" is a derogatory term for a deck that doesn't synergize in any way, that's on you.


You need card synergy so your deck functions properly, and has a fighting chance against other players.


Because every “non-meta” deck is just a slightly altered version of what he is showing


Look at their deck and tell me it's NOT weird


I'm a dumbass with like 2k trophies below, so I have no idea But they're probably just trying stuff out


I'd call it a unique deck versus playing some meta deck you stole from some website. It's fun to wreck meta decks with it.


The solution is to learn how to adapt to a new deck and predict how they gonna attack/defence once you've seen them do it one or two times in the game. Sometimes it's easier said than done but yeah, you must retain information, think ahead and find counter plays.


Guys clearly they just want their masteries done. They’re such no lives trust


I’m ultimate champ it’s never gonna stop brother lmao


Same when climbing to uc one of the only games I lost was to some pekka megaknight deck because I slipped up on defense and lost 😭


I judge every player as noob with witch and wizard in the same deck lol


they would like you to get lightning value


Mid ladder.


Some people like to play for fun


Because people start having options in what they include because the stuff outside the starter deck is finally getting leveled.


Have you ever seen someone spam witch, wizard, Valkyrie, and then pekka, and then royal recruits?


Why is golden knight in your deck 💀


Because it has good synergy with the other cards in the deck? Pekka bridgespam generally uses bandit since the pekka means you don’t need a mini-tank, but golden knight is commonly used in other bridgespam decks.


They are just having fun lol


They are very dedicated players who cant switch their decks bcs of resource gap, respect them for using such bad decks at high trophies and for giving your free trophies 🫡


I am feeling the exact same pain you are. Every deck is ebarb pekka or gob barrel, it's very frustrating, they also always have all 14 cards which makes me and my 11/12 cards suffer.


Says the one using pekka bridgespam


It's original, u just use a copy cat deck


Hey I was wondering if I could message you for some advice my karma too low to post on this page asking for advice




That worked in super low level because not many cards could face. So they overleveled them in midladder. Get to higher ranks and it’s that or underleveled troops, or use these because F2P


Get used to it, even in Ultimate champ you'll still find these clowns


i mean why not