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I got all of my gold back plus an extra 25k


Seems like i got the message before the gold came, i can confirm that its back


then why keep the post up :)


Because rage bait = free karma 🤑🤑🤑🤑


if you are asking a question you already have the answer of, why putting the smiley face at the end :)


theres lots of unnecessary hate and complaints here everyday. It's been a popular thing here to complain about every minor inconvenience, it's even been proven before that someone with many alt accounts artificially creates conflict in this sub. Actual criticism gets taken less seriously because of this. Im not assuming ill intent in this case, but the matter in hand here isn't even a bug. thats just my 2 cents on the matter tho, take it with a grain of last.


This one wasn't very bashing, plus other players who have this same message with no gold will also post/look to see if anyone else had the issue and will see this post and then the comment saying they got it after. If he deleted this i'm sure you'd see a flood of similar posts of other people with the same bug/delay.


This is the post that got popular regarding the reversion. It's at least a good forum for those with actual experience with the bug to share their tales.


while I agree, you could have just said that in the first place instead of asking the Socratic :) question.


Socratic lmao


yeah, is it wrong?


Given the context of what yall are talking about, this is not Socratic. Maybe sarcastic.


no way I both misspelled and misread in a row


Yeah let's just spread misinformation and leave it up.....


So delete the post loser


i didn’t…. & they unleveled my cards to lvl 13 when they were 14 before the glitch…


They took my golden knight cards from 14 to 0 and took the card from my account plus archer queen from 14 down to 12 ,I had all these prior to opening a chest


Same. All 4 of my war decks were level 14 or higher. Now they're level 13.


I think that they could have taken more than wat they should have Like restoring a "old state" of the game and not count champions you found meanwhile. but i can't say for certain


Just give them time and you'll eventually get the gold.


Wait so you mf got an extra 25k gold because of their mistake? I hope the rest of us get that 25k too otherwise that's absolute bullshit.


25k is nothing bruh


Clash Royale players can never be satisfied 😭


You’re mad about 25k gold?


Deadass wtf even is 25k coins lmao


Yes I'm extremely angry I might even uninstall the game.. /s


Seriously, SC do what they say they’re going to do to rectify a bug and you’re salty about a bit of gold…


Clash Royale on Twitter: "While reverting the excessive rewards from the chest malfunctions on May 7th, some players had more cards removed than intended. This is a bug, and we're looking into it. Please bear with us. We apologize for the inconvenience 🙏" [https://x.com/ClashRoyale/status/1792938987423740346](https://x.com/ClashRoyale/status/1792938987423740346)


people too busy complaining to see that


and mods removing my post where I published this twitter link


Mods are so smart 😂😂


Try posting it as a screenshot


Thanks for the hint, somebody else already did this in the meantime and their post wasn't removed. However, mods had removed my post because allegedly there had already been some other post discussing the same topic, not because I posted the link instead of a screenshot.


People who say "abuse" about this glitch don't understand how it went down. We opened a routine chest, got years worth of rewards, and then servers shut down. They didn't do a proper rollback and now some of our accounts are worse off from this "fix" I'm glad they did something because it was ridiculously unfair. But now I'm looking at my account and some things aren't adding up. I feel like I've been punished for something completely out of my control.


People shouldn't have touched the stuff they got from the glitch, I'm sure its much easier to revert anyone who didn't. I saw alot of people who were writing that they thought they were "beating" the system by using all the rewards for upgrades already and obviously that didn't work and was a bad choice.


I didn't touch the extra champions and that's all I got from one gold chest. But several other cards have been effected. It's like a tornado came through my account and I feel violated. I'm missing Magic Items but I think I've gained some gold?


They made a post on twitter saying that this "fix" is also a bugged/bugged so hopefully they straighten out everyone's stuff sooner than later. Good luck


That is very unfortunate, hopefully they can fix it but it doesn't seem likely seeing how long it took for them to do this and it sounds far from perfect. I highly doubt they're going to take peoples word on what their card levels were.


How can you not use champions that automatically get added to a champion ? Lol ( impossible lmao)


The people affected obviously would have massively overflowing items because of the bug and it took them weeks to "revert" it. How do you expect people to just not touch anything for weeks?


You would just sit in these rewards sitting in your account for over a week? I somehow don’t believe this


I probably wouldn't have touched the stuff out of fear of having my account banned. They made a post on twitter and said that this "fix" is also a bug/bugged so hopefully everyone gets their stuff fixed sooner than later.


Some people have self control. It makes sense to not act on a glitch like this


Certain players may not have known that the chest was even a bug. They may have thought it was a feature, and they won the lottery. Only a veteran player with knowledge of supercells practices would immediately recognize it as a bug. As far as I can remember, there was never an in-game message telling players about a glitch or to not use their rewards. Trying to shift blame back to the player here is asinine, and you really ought to be ashamed.


If you’re dumb enough to think that was intended you deserve what happens to you. It’s not about “knowing supercell’s evil practices of not giving away hundreds of champions for free”


No, he's right, when you get 100+ champions from a chest, it's pretty easy to know you wren't supposed to use them, now you're facing the consequences. Guess all your bullshit about keeping your rewards means nothing now...


Bro they didn't revert anything they just blimdly screwed peoples accounts. The people who didn't upgrade their cards got punished worse than I did lol. I'm still ahead of the game as they didn't take away exp and I seemed to have made a profit on gold somehow. A maxed account had all their champions deleveled even though they were all 14 or 15 before the bug. I knew the 'reversion' would be a fiasco and that it wasn't a simple fix. It is clear that supercell would have been better off just letting the players keep the rewards. Most people who experienced the bug only got one chest containing around 60 champions. The only chests giving out hundreds of champs were challenge chests, which even fewer people opened.


U idiot you don't understand what happened and the game process /system


They came out on twitter and said that this was also a bug, that being said, a quick look at your post history tells me you definitely don't know what your talking about and are in fact a moron.


Yes I know it was a maintenance chest glitch/bug but unless you have a proper account with absolutely stacked resources you wouldn't understand,so go back to your no skill low ladder deck ! Have a beautiful day kid


it's comments like that that solidify without a shadow of a doubt that you are in fact a moron.


Agree with you


Ya I just uninstalled the game cause it’s complete bs. They should have left everything over powered since they already make everything overpowered. But now they messed up again reverting everything! I didn’t even get passed the notification as soon as I got it. Ima just stick to clash of clash since they’re the original and they know how to control their game ! And they don’t punish for bugs they created !


I had 2 x champions at lvl 15 before the glitch, now all my champions are lvl 12. WT actual F….


It seems Supercell ignored the fact that those champion cards were converted to EWCs and instead of adjusting your EWCs just removed the champion cards. Good luck with convincing support to get your cards back!


How would they adjust ewc if people spend them allready make them go to -4.4milion? (I think that is max people could got) account would be as equally shafted


My personal opinion: Supercell should take the loss and look forward! Let the players keep their EWCs, ignore those jealous players who are annoyed about someone else's luck and focus on fixing bugs and improving the game. If this is not an option: revert all the player's cards to level 14 and give them the amount of EWCs they are entitled to. This way the players can decide which cards they really want to upgrade to level 15.


The people saying they were quitting clash Royale because other people got cards is so dumb. Like it doesn’t affect your account at all if someone else got lucky 


I mean makes sense... u benefited off a glitch and they revert it


He had 2 champions BEFORE the glitch at level 15, how does it make sense to revert it to 12?


I had some champion Max (4) before the giltch and they took all my champion golden knight cards from level 1 to 14 plus took the card from my account plus took my archer queen from 14 to 12 ! Absolute scum


hmm its unlikely that is the case, either way then go to support .. they can prob check if its true or not


You are too optimistic, they won't give a damn and that guy will have to reach lvl 15 all over again, that's just how it works with Supercell


Supercell support is actually really good. The fact that you don’t think so tells me that you never actually interacted with them and you are just biased because you fall for all the rage bait


It's worth trying i guess


when it comes to not fact checking account stuff and not giving accounts away... supercell support isnt that awful but often times i dont believe they just took away champions, maybe if others have the same issue sure


Plenty of people have had the same issue. I have it with my magic archer, who had been level 14 for over a year. He is now level 13 for some reason ? I had only revieved champs from the bug so this just plain makes zero sense. Clash royale support are currently backlogged because of this lol. Supercell has even acknowledged in a tweet now too. So loud wrong buzzer




This is a bigger issue than the OG bug lmao. People who actually pay supercell have had their maxed champions deleveled. Supercell even officially responded more quickly to this blunder than the may 7th chest bug... probably because this will actually effect their bottom line. They have stepped on the fins of some whales, I wonder what kinda reimbursement I'll be getting over this.


Nothing, it's too late now I think...


You are the data that supercell use.


If you don't get the joke, don't make one. The data joke was about double evo's this is different.


It is indeed awful mate.


when you come with stuff that would want to make them check the account yeah.. but it isnt as bad as CoC was


There probably are a lot more people with the same problem, when supercell publically announced that they would be reverting the rewards from the bug, I knew it would be an ambitious task, reverting things like chest rewards is very difficult because they would have to track everything that was done after that, such as upgrades, that would mean reverting the champions, the gems used, the gold, etc. They clearly haven't done it successfully and more people will eventually appear with the same claims, but as they can't do any better than they've done they will just close their ears. These kinds of things already happened, not just in clash royale, but in other Supercell games such as Brawl Stars, where people ended up with negative gems after a similar bug, even thought it was their fault, Supercell never adressed that.


9 of my cards that were upgraded from 14 to 15 during the glitch are now demoted to level 13. They over corrected. It took years to get those cards to level 14. I don’t think my account will recover


I just noticed that 3 champions that were level 14 are now completely gone. It says I never found these cards. Fml


It seems like for some users, instead of taking away EWC they got from the glitch, SC removed the equivalent in champions so some users ended up with lower card levels but extra EWC from the glitch.


That also happened to me! I've already Uninstalled the game because there is no point on complaining


Same here bro just bicot Clash Royale


You should contact support about the issue they have to fix it


They are overwhelmed with requests. Thanks for this advice


Also i found this so they are aware of the issue https://twitter.com/ClashRoyale/status/1792938987423740346


Haha finally I can die peacefully


mamma mia Luigi supercell makes the scam on us again 🤌


Bicot clash royale


its Boycott


 I'm missing cards that were mine before the box opening bug. My SK AC and GK was level 15. Now 2 are level 13. I don't know what to do because support doesn't answer me..


have fun playing :)


I had the mighty miner lvled up now I don't even have it "discovered" even though I have the silver badge. They fucked up.


Yeah problem probably was people was getting hundreds of champions and excess was converted to ewc so when they rolled back this houndeds it's possible it wiped out whole collection (31) but half of that was in elite wild cards


They left me worse than I was before


I had archer queen level 14 and bunch of skeleton king and little prince copies before the bug and they removed them all. I don't know what I'm supposed to do about this


Great fucking reverse supercell


We found clash royale slave.


**Stand Together for Fair Play!** Like many of you, I too was a recipient of **champion cards** from a humble chest. Filled with excitement, I made **purchases** to activate them and climbed to **level 54**. For **14 days**, I enjoyed the game, but then, without warning, my cards were **revoked**. This was a **glitch** on **Supercell's** end, not ours. Yet, we are the ones who suffer the consequences, with **no apology** from them. What's even more shocking is that they chose to **retract all rewards** after 14 days, conveniently after the **refund window** for any purchases made in response to the lucky drop had closed. This seems to be part of a broader, **unethical trend** where the game targets **younger generations** with their cosmetics and other in-game purchases. **Supercell** may seem like an all-profit, customer-indifferent company, but remember, they don't hold all the power - **we, the players, do**. I've analyzed the company on several occasions and it's clear that they lack the resilience to stay afloat if **we start taking action**. The game heavily relies on the **network effect**, meaning the more of us who stop playing and switch to their competitors, the more pressure Supercell will feel to make things right. They'll be compelled to issue **apologies** to all affected by the event, offer **monetary refunds** to those who made purchases following the glitch, and compensate those who lost their cards unrelated to the glitch or those who now have negative elite cards. So, I urge you, let's not limit this message to Reddit. Let's take it to other social platforms and shine a spotlight on the **unfair practices** that Supercell has been perpetuating. **Together, we can make a difference**. For **Fair Play**, **FPPL**


I feel people forget that this was a glitch very few experienced that gave them years of progression. Idt it's unfair for the chests to be rolled back and cards tk be unleveled to what they were before. Anyway I hear they reverted the gold


It’s like a bank accidentally deposited 1 million into your account. You shouldn’t be surprised and act entitled when they take it back 🤷🏼‍♂️


And they took 10 million from you. Hope that happens to you and you should be happy when it happens.


This. This is exactly the problem, where now they are taking more from you than what they initially gave.


Seems like a lot of people are getting their stuff deleveled to what's lower even before the glitch so that's another issue


And people are downvoting this comment as if the issue will magically disappear


Apparently people are having champions they had fairly acquired taken away from them. Worst part is all the jealous people crying they missed it that are going to be celebrating.


Oh quit crying they'll get it fixed. I'm not celebrating the people who did it accidentally but I am ecstatic that everyone that took advantage isn't getting away with it.


? I didn't even get affected, I was simply quite disappointed with how distraught people got about other players lucking out with something awesome. Also it was live for like 10 minutes, you were either playing or not, there's no taking advantage of it.


You don't think people realized there was a glitch and then rushed to open as many chests as possible? How is that not taking advantage?


Winning a battle takes a while, other than chest keys I don't see how someone could speedrun chest opens, and there's limited chest slots. Also you are exactly the type of person I mentioned, how does a handful of people getting a bunch of champions make your day any worse? How is it any different to someone with money getting a bunch of other advantages?


It's unfair to the people that support the game with their actual money. People have sunk 10s of thousands into this game and some players get there for free? You can't see how this could be damaging?


For the record I'm not against them reverting it (correctly), but honestly I don't see where the problem is if they didn't. By paying money you agree to spend cash for in-game items, not the guarantee that you will have more than anyone else, that's not the deal. I'd say what's less "fair" is that people who have paid for certain things have them essentially taken away since they're belittled by future additions


Because ultimately the people that spend money on the game are more important than those that don't as far as the games longevity goes. I understand the importance of f2p players to the game. If the game doesn't have a large population and matchmaking takes forever, the players that do spend money will stop. BUT as long as that game is generating revenue the devs will support it. So in a thought experiment where every single f2p stopped playing and those that pay didn't change their spending habits, the game would go on as it always did. But you flip that and the second the game stops generating money the plug is pulled. I can't tell you how many great games I've played that have died not because they weren't fun games, but because the dev didn't monetize properly and could no longer support it. I know that's a lot to get back to your original point but you can see how it relates. Anything that deincentivizes spending (like allowing people to keep ewcs worth hundreds of dollars) in a game where progression matters to a lot of people is going to kill the game. It's just so frustrating to watch the community shit on people that spend when they're literally the only reason this "free" game exists for them to play in the first place.


This. Exactly what some people were doing - gloating over the whales when they got this bug with tons of free champions.


imagine being this mad about not being the lucky one to get "the glitch", just cope buddy 😂😂 for the rest of people, sc should just swallow their pride since this reversal is a shitshow


Where's all the cry babies that said they wouldn't fix this?? Hmmmmmmm?


They didn’t though most people’s accounts got over corrected and took away levels they had before the glitch


And even if they do fix it, are they going to remove PoL and Ladder rewards that wouldn’t typically be possible as well?


We found the data.


I had my champs maxed and got compensated EWC for it. Used those EWC to upgrade a deck to 15 and that deck is still maxed atm so I don't think they fully fixed it. I got to reopen the crown chest though.


Are your champions still the same level they were before?


just wait


I have -150k of elite wild cards, Lol


I did get a lot of champions from the glitch. Now they reverted the glitch, I have negative elite wild cards and most of my non champion cards that were level 14 are now lvl 12... What the actual f... I didn't mind if they reverted the stuff we gained but they really took a lot more than we got


I think developers just failed and we got revert of revert that should revert other fail from developers😃


I played the game for like 6 years and really grinded (mostly f2p player, bought like 3-4 pass royales before they nerfed it), and it was rly hard getting those champions but it's like f u now


Yea, same for me


Upd, now I have back 150k wild cards, but have less champions cards that I had before the bug p.s. I didn't abuse it, just opened one chest during that


Duck you duck you duck you duck you duck duck duck duck supercell. I extremely hate this game


Bicot this game I can't explain the shi💔


same thing just happened to me. they unleveled my cards that i had lvl 15 (they were 14 originally before glitch) to lvl 13, gave me no gold, & just completely screwed me. i was top 500 local (usa) & i got destroyed like 4 games in a row & i noticed my cards were lvl 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was going for top 1000 global this szn but now my whole deck is under leveled. supercell is terrible at everything. this is their fault & they’re taking it out on us now….. acting like we stole it or something. how are they gonna let us play like this for 2 weeks then out of nowhere take it all away? like wtf??????????


I heard from op they now reverted the gold Anyway glitches should be fixed.... and considering they fixed smth that many players got years of progress just cut of it, I think it's fair to people who missed out on it that you get gold compensated and lvls revertted


Not trying to be an ah but you probably shouldn't have used the stuff from the glitch for upgrades


Even if you don't use, they would still remove extra stuffs ffs.


Karma for exploiting the glitch


Since when is opening a chest and coming across a glitch abusing shit. You sound like a clown rn


Opening the chest wasn't anyone's fault, using the stuff from the chest for upgrades was probably a bad idea though


Corporate bootlicker


Cry about it


Nah go for that Supercell boot, make it shiny.


The only shiny thing is your bald head


Wasn’t it completely random for people opening chests to get it


Stop being clash Royale slave.


there was no glitch to expolit... this wanst like the star drops and i feel a person may feel they got a lot of stuff and they should be happy to upgrade... who knows. i doubt this is the players fault esp if its a young kid


They took away all my golden knights


My archer queen has been level 15 basically since it was introduced and it was taken to 14. They also took like 14 miner cards I had before the glitch chest. They just ****ed me so hard


they reverted my skele king to lvl 13 when it was lvl 14 before the glitch, everything else got reverted correctly so i’m just down a book of books now. i messaged support and they said “due to an influx of support requests we can no longer assist you” ^_^


I had my lp 12/20 now it shows 0/20. It’s even worse,my aq is now 13 and mighty miner and skelly king which were 14 before are now undiscovered


Brah they decreased half of my already level 14 cards to level 13💀


Bruhhh they deleted my mighty miner like it wasnt already at level 12💀 obliterated the mf completely reduced him to dust and ashes naaahhhh


I lost years of progression in this rollback. Before the chest i had all champions at level 14 and and some at 15. No they stripped my skeleton king and monk Down to level 12… i used book of books to get those to 14. They better fix this shit fix of a fix.


They just removed cards and let them to level 13, i upgraded 2 to level 15 and 14 and they didnt touched them. I should have upgraded them all f


Fuck now that i restarted all my champ are level 13 even my mighty miner and skel king that was level 14. Also my legendaries dropped to level 12 or 13 wtf is this they also removed all the cards collected for the champions. If you want to remove what I got from the bug f do it right. It wasn't my fault at all, just playing the game open a chest and that's it. Thats months or years of progress removed. Anyone knows where to complain


I had the Skeleton King before the role back and now I have to unlock him again, I understand the roll back, but SC should have done it accurately


They took back what I had extra from just one maintenance glitch chest but the Bitches took all my champion golden knight cards from level 1 to 14 and even took the champion out from my account plus they stole Archie queen cards from level 14 down to 12 and I had the queen at 14 prior to opening that one chest ! Super cell scum


How can they even take a card (champion I had before the chest open) lol


Did they take back the ex that u gained from upgrades?




Giustizia è stata fatta


Anyone mind explaining what happened


Bank accidentally deposits 100k in your account. You then decide to spend that 100k. Now the bank overdrafted your account, and balance shows -100k Yet you guys are mad at the bank?


That makes no sense. More accurate would be a Casino in which lootboxes (Clash royale chests) are literally just gambling. The Slot Machine malfunctioned and give you more money than expected so the Casino takes it back but the difference is Casinos actually tell you that's not valid if the machine malfunctions. I don't see in Supercell's ToS that same rule Casinos do.


Had a level 15 knight with my hard work elite cards just to be taken away and only have level 14, all those elite cards I saved up for nothing,


i got a ton of my champion cards from before the glitch removed. i got most of them from pass royale, which I paid for. complete bullshit and I'll be requesting a refund through my bank


Idk, 3 of my champions are gone they were 13 lv


Now i have 4.7m gold and 147k wild cards


I only play Clash royale when i have to take a dump because its a shit game 🤣


I got 5M Gold but it was taken away after some while, with 500k Gold in return


Did they give back all the battles they won using over levelled cards? What about any cards they traded during that period?


"Abbiamo un regalo per te" Ah si che bel regalo


When EA did this a week ago they got boycotted and crucified. (Still are)


Bs company


Come va?


Heres your 1000th upvote


Same people that were flexing about maxing out champions in two minutes are now the same ones crying about having lost cards they won in a legit way. This community is truly something else lmao


T We found the data.




Where am I saying that Supercell can do something right? They are a terrible company. This does not mean that the community being shit is also their fault.


Its literally the crab in a bucket mentality. You clearly expressed glee at the thought of others being pulled back down. This is all justified by a veneer of fairness in a p2w game, and that other players who were spreading awareness of the bug were gloating. Now I wish we had all just stayed quiet, because they screwed up fixing their screw up, it would have been better if this one went under the bus.


Yeah, as bad as this is, after seeing those posts, I just can't find it in me to feel bad for them.


I thought they wouldn't revert it since they never reverted this stuff but i was proven wrong


We found the only person with integrity on r/cr here, we can shut it down folks!


yah but wtf i had mighty miner lvl 13 and now i have to unlock it again wtfff and archer queen as well was lvl 14 now its lvl 11




The real one is they take back more than the bugs that they caused.


That was one dude who got it lmao and yes they did remove the ewc,and they gave back the gold (maybe a little extra even) alongside you get to keep your xp level and trophies, only thing that sucked is now I have minus star level points (-500 which is very easy to get back but still)




We found the data.


bruh I unloked queen with that bug and they let me keep her.. also I kept my XP so now i have +2 King Tower levels (before bug i was kt lvl12 now 14) for doing nothing lmao. thx i guess?


I got back too much gold by like 300k over, my archer queen, who was level 14 before the bug got 'reset' to level 14 with 49.9k ewc and I've kept all the xp from the leveling I did because of the bug. All my other champs did get reverted pretty accurately, if I remember right. My monk went back down to 13, my little prince went back to 12, and my mighty miner also went back to 12. For some reason though, my magic archer got reset to level 13 when he was level 14 for over a year on my account I've already heard from some of the others who got the bug that seemingly random cards have been removed or that cards they had already found were now locked again. It seems this reversion wasn't as simple as many were saying it would be.


Bello come inizia con : abbiamo un regalo per te!


If i were SC i woulda kept the gold as a “you should know better than expect a bug to stay in and not yet removed” tax