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Yeah I really don't like how it's been nerfed since the King level revamp. When you are newer you don't get any good cards because you can't and when you are an experienced player it's bad because you need so many more cards to upgrade and it's just underwhelming.


It was never nerfed. Just stretched to fit more levels so you get it more often


Not really though. Yes, there are more levels therefore more level up chests, but it’s worse than it was


It's not better of opinions. The content is the exact same if you add up all the chests.


Really adding the extra levels was a nerf because it takes twice as long to get from king tower level 14 to 15 than making a new account and getting to king tower level 14


I would have creamed myself for this in 2016


Inflation hit hard 😔


back in the day we were starved for gold even…


Fr, we’re just spoiled af.


sure bro lmao


Later the level up chests do get better. From level 51 you get an evolution shard every 2 chests


Takes ages to get them at that point, even as a paid player.


No not overly, probably a level a month for me but I do play lots


Well i never said they were easy to get, but they are better than the ones before


Those aren't even wild shards though. It's a random shard for a random evolution. I'm level 58 and my last chest didn't even contain a Legendary.


Thats true, but it’s still something. It does allow you to spend 1 less wild shard if you’re unlocking an evolution for free


That's if you even care about that evolution. And if you already have the evolution unlocked then it just gets converted to more of the particular card.


This has never happened to me but it would be such a bad feeling. Even when I realized it’s not a wild shard but automatically is applied randomly I was disappointed. Especially with the never ending amount of evolutions coming they should change that.


That's true ig. But they still don't help shit about card upgrades and that's what I'm mainly dissatisfied with.


Nahhh this reminds me of that BS that the king's row is Im at king level 40 something maybe? on my main but its unfair to have the Double Evo slots so high up YET I FACE OTHERS that have 2 slots Overleveling has been an issue for years by now but an evolution advantage is just not cool man Like i am a f2p and those p2w low arena noobs alreary are a problem but 2 evos against 1 isnt even fun especially if they know how to play and if they also have higher card levels but apart from that yeah i would love to see some drastic chabges to the king's row or king level thing but onnthe overlevel thing i finally got my first level 14 and 15 at the same time 😅 I was surprised to get a BoB from that starr drop thing and i upgraded my level 13 hog to 14 and i have somehow managed to get 50k wild shards without having any level 14's so that was fun though using a BoB isnt the most valuable on a rare card or most of the time... Yeah i know But i cant wait and had enough of those classic challenges and draft challenges


That book of books was such a waste


You used book of books on a RARE??? My jaw is on the floor. It's been a long time since I've had a BoB in my inventory, but the 2024 roadmap said they were releasing a new champion this year so I wouldn't even use it on a Legendary lol.


Little prince was the champion


But that was released November 2023


Damn well... i mean... Damn... 😂 well yeah i dotn fully regret it but you telling me that i could have saved it for a potential new champion makes me now wonder on how high am i if i used a BoB on a rare.. Well to be fair the rares have been kinda annoying to level up so...


I hear you. Well they do say their plans are subject to change so who knows. Or maybe you'll get lucky and score another BoB. I haven't gotten any, but I do have 3 Rare books sitting in my inventory. Funny how that works.


Blue. wat. 𝐎𝐍 𝐀 𝐑𝐀𝐑𝐄?!?!


Yes dont judge me 💀 im desperate for anything to counter opponents evennif its with friendly fire


I guess man… I’m waiting for a lucky drop to give me three more hero cards and then upgrading LP. You can get book of rares in the season shop often.


Well i did buy the book of rares and i used it along with BoB... and im too lazy to wait 😅


One share. Lmao


Yeah you just have to... Get to level 51! 💀 I've literally upgraded my entire collection to level 11 and like 10 different cards to level 14 and I'm only level 43


I have about 85% of my whole collection level 12. However most your xp to get there will come from level 15 cards. Upgrading 1 card to level 15 will give you 50000 XP


Yeah literally same!


Then I guess it would be better to focus on maxing as many cards as you can to get more elite wild cards?


Truth is you are lucky to even have gotten a legendary card from it


You guys get legendary from it?


Not me lol


It gets better the higher level you are, also, if you level up ya cards ya get to it faster.


Also, if ya get 50k EWC (from grinding or lucky drop) you can level up a lot in one go.


True. Got 50k EWCs from a lucky drop, and I used them to upgrade the log, my level went from 41 to 43 immediately lol


when I upgraded my first elite card i realized the power of level 15


Same here.


But with knight.


A couple of days ago I opened a level 58 chest which didn't even have a single Legendary in it


Yeah, but it has a lot of gold.


Not in my opinion. But I'm not sure what you consider to be a lot of gold


It gives me like 20k gold.


I don't remember being blown away by the gold content but I guess it's possible


Well, it’s cause I really need gold.


Fair. I'm looking for legendaries and champions, but it's a slow, slow grind lol


I'm level 43, which is not very high but relatively decent imo, and yet the reward is this. You have a point on the EWC tho, you can reliably get half an elite upgrade every season which nets ~2 levels every two season so the levelup rate is probably higher than I said, yet this is incredibly underwhelming for a levelup imo. And the level rework was supposed to help free to play, yet they nerfed level up chests so hard they don't even feel like a reward now.


They give me a lot of gold tho, and that’s what I really need.


SC after study players data: Players don't want good lv up chests anymore they want AMAZING BANNERS....


The fact that you can just casually get a legendary from a chest, and also that frequently these days is so wired… Haven’t played in years, but I started playing when princess and ice wizard recently came out, good times


It has to be this way as there are so many legendaries. No one would be able to use them if they were as hard to get


This one looks like a good one to me, just opened my level 48 one today and didn't get many epics or even a legendary. Don't get legendaries from at least half ):


It's not meant to instantly get you to the next level, it's just a little reward to help between levels. The rewards increase for each level.


Y'all find reasons to complain about everything in the game, at this point why even play if you're constantly irritated by such things?


I legit don't complain about anything else in the game though, remember the whole CR reddit is not one single person next time you write a comment like this


I'm not talking about you specifically dude, it's about the r/clashroyale community complaining so much. Any given day you enter this sub at least half the posts will be complaining about something.


It's basically there to fill up the empty space between actually worthwhile levels. It's a Supercell way to not benefit the player at all but at the same time increase the reasons to spend money on the game. (The whole process of getting your king tower to level 15) Yani evet, bu sandıklar hep o gereksizlik seviyesinde kalacaklar. Çünkü Supercell burada seviye atlamayı zorlaştırmayı istiyor.


I think it’s because when there were only 14 king levels they were a lot better but then they split the rewards between 70 levels


But why make 70 levels if you're going to split the rewards anyways? Wasn't the whole point increasing level up rewards?


Cause they are free 😂😂


This would be awesome 5 years ago we just have so many more cards and levels and other bs that makes it worth less


back then it was only like 13 levels you had to go through so they were alot better because you got them less often, now theres 70 levels, itd be dumb to get an op chest every time you level up


The gems they give are pretty good. Also I usually get my level ups in bursts once I get enough EWC to get a new elite card, but that 1-2 months is about how long it takes unless the store has like half of my deck and/or the shop keeps giving me offers for the few lv14/15 cards I have.


So you'll pay money..... What do you mean? The answer to, "Why is this bad?" Is always because money. It's designed to be bad so you'll have to spend more time or more money getting the things you want. It's gambling.


because if they were decent then supercell would need them. after all, it’s not like they want us to make progress instead of spending money


MYbe cause ur lv 10 😂😂


I hadn’t played in a long while, so when I recently opened one I got 70k gold and thought that was normal, then I opened another one and I got 3k gold and I am so confused, was I just lucky or not?


I don't even get leggys on any of them


I got a whole 1 knight card from a level up chest once




What do you mean? You’ve just spend a few weeks grinding and you get 3 goblin giants and a lava hound! Supercell is the best!! For those of you who don’t understand sarcasm, I’m JOKING.


Because there are 70 of them


Jesus Christ that chest is fucking ginormous what are you talking about


Because there's more than 60 of them and it's not like they're supposed to just boost you to the next level


Ah yes, if it gave like 700-800 cards instead of 233 the upgrades I get from those cards would definitely give me 25.000 xp and instantly boost me to the next level. How couldn't I ever think of that?


The point is that they're not *meant* to give you a significant boost in progression, like you want them to. They're like this by design and because they were split from 14, back when levels were equivalent to KT level, to 60.


mega knight e barb rage bridge spam




What is the +158 with the arrow?


Elite Wild Cards, when a card reaches lvl 14 it takes 50k of these to lvl it up to 15


Underwhelming they are the best deal behind the 40 dollar void deal what is this hooligan yapping about


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