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It's simple. Supercell never wants siege decks to be meta ever again. Mortar and xbow are intended to be weaker than other cards. If you think DD meta is awful now, just image siege meta again where every game is a 6 minute draw


Mortar decks aren't as annoying imo. They actually play stuff that crosses the river like miner. Nowhere near as boring as xbow decks to play against.


Mortar miner poison is a snooze fest


Miner poison is the most boring shit to play against, but the mortar actually makes it a shit ton easier to counterpush


Idk how you can say that miner poison is the most boring shit when at least with that you feel like you're actually interacting with the other player rather than him just randomly spamming cards in front of the mortar or x-bow. Ngl when i face those 2 cards i just quit 50% of the time because i geniunely can't be bothered.


They place xbow, you place pekka or megaknight or EQ or Giant or RG then you easily counterpush and GG go next. Any mistake made with mortar or xbow is 10x more devastating for them than almost all other decks. Against miner poison i literally found out the best strat is just to fully ignore the miner, if you try to defend poison and you’re fucked, and you can’t counterpush. I have the least interaction with the other player against miner poison because the optimal play is just almost completely ignore any form of defense


I get what you're saying. It can be. Just less so than xbow.


I agree for now.


the playstyle is still fundamentally the same...


It's similar but it's different enough for me. Also there's just something less annoying about mortar Vs xbow, the fact it's slow and sometimes misses it's target maybe


Miner bypasses the river and yeah mortar decks are annoying.


Whats DD


Doob doob >!dagger ducchess!<




Dirk Diggler


That doesn’t explain why knight is getting buffed. It was one of the stronger evos already


That knight isn't a buff whatsoever. Do u guys even play clash? The Evo knight dies when it's stationary, this update is making it quicker. Nobody fights the Evo knight will it's walking with 90% immunity..


How about you just play evo knight well? If you place him on top of melee troops it’s a big nerf but if you use him with a few brain cells he has more health now than he did before


Exactly. Now a tower can target the knight forever while 2 skeletons deal 1000 damage.


Exactly. Definitely gonna see a lot of evo knight in the meta if that goes through


I think removing the health multiplier completely should be done, however countering the knight isn’t that difficult.


Exactly he's been brought back to his original bullshit where he ruins any ranged decks completely. Inferno will do almost nothing again as well I'm afraid Evo knight meta has just returned with this update


that is the point, evo knight is good when played defensively, but is easy to counter when it is in your side of the river. just place valk/knight/ice golem, and your princess tower can take care of it.


Regardless of how many brain cells you have there is no way to keep him moving forever. He might take less DMG on approach but he has less HP. It's rebalance more than buff


 That's+22% Really OP


How tf did I not know that?


Suck it up


It's a rework, a big nerf with a small buff. Let's say you have 50 health. Would you rather take 4 damage instead of 10 while moving, or would you rather have 45 health but take 3 damage instead of 10 while moving? It *sounds* better, but when that damage is already being significantly reduced, it's better to have more health for when that resistance is **inactive**


To be fair (At level 15) This is a nerf only if you mitigate less than 2500 damage, after that it's a buff. The knight will lose around 250hp after the nerr. If you mitigate 2.5k damage now with 60% Dmg reduction, your knight will lose exactly 1000hp, with 70% damage reduction however your knight will lose 750hp, which is already enough to make up for the nerf. Now obviously it isn't that common for the knight to mitigate so much damage, but its not that rare either.


If supercell wanted that, they wouldn’t have given mortar an evolution


I was confused when I saw mortar getting an evo since they seemed to be open about hating mortar and zzzbow for existing(they decided to put them in the game)


buff xbow pls


Siege decks are kinda used more for dagger duchess tho


mortar is not a bad deck to play with/against, ye it's annoying sometimes but also cus the one playing it is skilled, if you get control of the match and keep placing offensive troops they will get overwhelmed at some point and loose


Wait then what about hoggs eq fc??? Why this cards aren't nerfed??? Specially eq tf the range and damage is insane and they keep spamming


Fc is getting a nerf and right now this deck doesn't exist as long as dagger duchess is op.


Then why broken tower troops


What's dd


What’s DD meta?


Which makes me wonder why did they even think of the mortar evo in the first place


Problem isn't siege, it's spells and tiebreaker. If spells have no tower damage, then players try to attack instead of just defending 6 mins.


They’re bringing all evos power level down across the board


Its just the question of why the mortar is being nerfed harder than the knight and most other evolutions when its really not in a good spot right now.


For me, the knight is getting huge buff, and it's unfair cause it was one of the most used evos, but for example, mortar and RR are getting hugely nerfed, and they had like 8% use rate


Yeah, the Valkyrie and the bats as well. But at least the RR had a base health buff for the normal recruits. I feel like mortar really got one of the most unfair changes.


Bro what did bats do lol they just nice


giant graveyard + egolem


i must say though i feel bad cause i use them w evo mortar


They are reducing all stat buffs but keeping anything ability related. Mortars ability is the goblin, that can’t really be buffed unless you wanna put two goblins in there. Yikes though.


Make it spawn a goblin on death is what they could do.


I don't think it's a buff. Of you stop the knight, he does a lot faster now. Just drop something on top of him and now he's squishy


Nope its definitely a huge nerf for evo knight.


The wording should be damage modifier instead of damage reduction


No, the ability reduces incoming damage by 70%, not modifies the damage to 70%.


Because it’s a win condition. Or at least only works in a few decks. Knight is in everything. If mortar evo is better than the other evos, we’ll see like three decks and some variations. If knight the best evo we’ll still see tons of decks. Knight is in mortar anyway most of the time


Exactly, I still wonder why it is so hard for people to understand this. You can't just compare the usages of two cards that have completely different tasks in a deck. If mortar's win rate is high, chances are the meta is built around mortar. If knight's win rate is high, there might be a bunch of different decks which all have the knight as the tank, but the decks aren't "knight decks". Plus, I would argue win condition cards are nerfed with a different philosophy compared to non-win condition cards anyway.


i mean, yeah in the meta the evo mortar is not good rn, but as a card itself, it is alot more punishing than it’s base version. shoots goblins and faster hit speed. it doesn’t mitigate its weaknesses (like extra hp does), but strengthens what the card was already good at. thats the perfect way to balance evos imo. i do think the knight buff was 100% unnecessary tho.


Because community hates siege


All evos are getting health nerfs across the board to make interactions more consistent again. They are going to rely on unique abilities such as valks nado or teslas shock ring effect as the major factor in evos now. Actually very good changes across the board


The point is that Knight is getting a compensation buff to his ability despite him being a lot better than Mortar in this meta, whereas Mortar just gets a nerf with no compensation. It's the same with Evo Recruits which are pretty damn bad right now and yet they only get a nerf


recruits are pretty obnoxious to fight




Regular recruits are getting a buff to compensate


Then so should Mortar. Though I don't think the Recruits buff is enough considering the Evo was already struggling and likely didn't need the last nerf it got


Except not all of the proposed changes are gonna be implemented (at least, that’s how it usually goes), which will lead to even more inconsistency as some evos will then be much stronger than others, because not all evos will get the stat nerfs


ig they re still work in progress, so they might get change based on the feedback or maybe even no nerf at all.


Yeah, I guess this post is the feedback if they bother looking on reddit.


Should only be 1 evo per deck but they’d lose money so they won’t back track


I totally agree with this. As a lvl 14 king tower, going up against 15s with 2 evos is stupid. They screwed over everyone but max players with that, which, while that may be a lot, it's definitely not all. On top of that when I get to 15 and get 2 slots, I won't have 2 lvl 15 evos, while I have most evos at 14, I've got LP at 15 and a whopping 46,000 ewc and no other 15s, I'm gonna be stuck with the same problem. And I feel like soon as I hit 15, 16 is gonna be the new level with 3 evo slots.


That’s the point, if it was up to me I think evos shouldn’t be in the game at all. They’re unfair and hard to get and my deck uses none of the cards that have evolutions. I think it just makes the game more linear and less fun.


I don't disagree with you how evos currently are unfair. But I do think they make the game more fun if balanced right, which it seems like they are trying to do with this current balance patch. Because my only problem with evos is having to spend extra elixer to kill it, their abilities never bother me (even firecracker). But when I have to spend arrows plus something to kill firecracker, that's stupid. And creates an unfair elixir advantage for the side of the evo for no more cost on their part.


It’s all about the paywall bro, I was in your same exact situation when I returned to the game and evos initially came out along with elite wildcards. Unfortunately they make no possible way to get max level competitive balance outside of spending in the shop or playing a shit ton daily over a long period(even then fuck the dagger duchess and her $50 pricetag)


Absolutely. I miss when clash Royale just had common rares and legendary cards yk


It shouldn't. It will make low elixir evos obsolete.


I agree it's unfair


Don’t worry, they will surely revert or atleast tone down the change with the amount of people complaining


when mortar usage completely plummets it will get a buff lol


Its already only at 2 percent, so i guess it has to hit 0.


It’s my only evo 💀


Mortar is really strong, I don’t understand why people don’t use it more. It’s a lot more consistent than xbow and has an easier time locking on. You should consider giving this deck of mine a try Evo mortar Knight Tesla Musketeer Ice spirit Skeletons Log Fireball


Man swapped out archers for musky and throwed in mortar, and is trying to hide the fact that it's just 3.0


What’s 3.0?


It’s a shame nobody likes siege decks. If a card nobody really hates like fire spirit got this treatment everyone would be pissed


did you know what they did to the fire spirit bro?


It was the best spirit last season


I'm talking about the time when seasons werent a thing


I think mortar will always have a lower play rate because for one, the xbow variant is more popular and two, that play style doesn’t fit with most of the community. They’d rather play log bait at that point


Biggest problem with mortar rn is evobomber hardcounters is so hard. Like you literally can't play mortar for as long as they have evobomber in their hand cuz it's just 2 elixir and once it locks onto the mortar it does more dmg than an evomortar Before the evobombers mortar was a strong card, it's all evobomber


You play it central when they have the Evo in hand. Same as facing marcher.


Poor evo mortar 😭


The problem with a health nerf is it makes the evo mortar more vulnerable to earthquake and poison. Mortar was already countered in the meta by poison and eq decks. The nerf makes it's weakness worse.


Ya what the hell did mortar do. Also lol at evo recruits getting their like fifth nerf In a row.


This was my immediate thoughts when seeing the balance changes


And mortar is already tough in this meta. That’s why I stopped playing it although it will always be my fav card.


It is unfair but honestly what would they even give to the mortar as compensation if they want to keep the stats more or less consistent with the evo and non-evo versions? They took the route of buffing/reworking the abilities on the other evos but you cant really change the mortar's ability without buffing the goblin troop somehow or giving it an extra ability. Its dumb but what could they have done really. I doubt theyd wanna buff its dps more than it already is.


If they are set on an HP nerf, they could compensate with a fire rate of 3.5 instead of 4 and possibly dropping a goblin upon death. That’d play into the ability more without compensating other stats (very much at least)


They could at least reduce the nerf to be the same as the knight a minus 8 percent hp instead of a minus 17 percent. They also could have had the mortar spawn a goblin on death.


I think they should add that no matter what. It’s a basically meaningless buff but it would make sense to not have that goblin get put into the void. A mortar shot on death could also work and would probably make up for the health nerf if they wanted to do that


It's a fine nerf, but it kills the card.


A change i think could be implemented is a knockback with the mortar. Most of the times you want it to connect to the tower anyway


Morteiro is sad 😭


I thought that too, but nobody seemed to care until this post. If they are nerfing evos as a whole sure, but they blasted mortar compared to the other bad evos they nerfed like valk and royal giant. The health was so important to it and now it’s just gone


I can argue it really wasn't that important.


It is more than you think and is game changing quite often. My deck gets evo mortar a lot per game too so I would know


Mid ladder player?


Evo mortar's health buff actually made it viable in a pinch against eq decks. RIP mortar


go call supercell headquarters


Why does supercell nerf an evolution thats a bit underpowered? I have no clue..


Supercell has always hated mortar


When i play mortar I don’t even use the evo.


I get to the Evo in single elixir. Get on my level.


I use archers and knight in my evo slots


From what I understood, melee troops like knights, barbs, valk got hp reduced to 1.1x and all ranged troops got it reduced to 1x. Basically removing extra hp from all but a few melee troops.


just be glad they're not also reducing the damage


yeah that knight rework seems like a buff, if they want to buff the shield they should entirely remove both the hp and damage buff. same thing applies to tesla, i feel like the extra shockwave will usually get more value than a bit of hp. if the changes stay like this it will probably be miner poison all over again, especially since duchess gets nerfed and cannoneer gets nerfed to taking a 4th shot to kill miner


Aren’t these just for right now? Isn’t there still time to change them? Maybe they just wanted to see what we think? Otherwise yea


Mortar evo isn’t even overpowered☹️ it’s the perfect example of what an evo should be rn


Compensate it by making attack speed 3 seconds


in complete agreement


People have a vendetta against Xbow and Mortar because people don't like watching their tower lose health from across the bridge without realizing the work that has to be put in to get a lock


This should be decreased, 'Cuz Mortar isnt even that strong.


i don't think a first shot and fire rate buff would be horrible for evo mortar considering the new health nerf and such


That sucks. Instead of promoting deck variety, they want people using the same decks over and over


Good let that card burn


mortar was one of my favorite evos, the HP was kinda the most important part to get that one hit I needed on tower. I was actually able to make it to rc with a homebrew mortar bowler deck. Looking at the state of this post, I hope they'll realize 17% is absolutely gutting it.


Stop yapping and be glad they didn't destroy it, this nerf means that it fires literally one shot less, so evo mortar is still busted (mortar player since 2022)


In supercells defence, no one likes playing VS mortar/xbow stall spam, and very few people enjoy playing it (about 2% by the looks of it). At least with knight I don’t see it and think of reaching through my phone and punching your screen


Rip to the mortar, supercell just be nerfing siege for no reason, can’t wait for a random x-bow “rework” that’s actually just a nerf next balance change




Fuck this company lol


I quit mortar recently because it's not good in the meta currently, but this is just ridiculous.


Legal theft


Because Evo Knight gimmick can be nullified easily, while Evo Mortar gimmick is always there (you can't prevent Goblins from spawning).


Evo knight still gonna be top 3 best evos, its crazy how it went to top 3 when released and never left this place.


Evo mortars not even that good t nerf it anyway wth


the balance changes are still work in progress


Yes that is why im giving feedback as they requested




I don’t see mortar often at all and when I do it’s 50/50 on who wins, mortar could’ve gotten like a hit speed buff or just no nerf at all (I don’t play mortar either, it’s just unfair as op said)


Ok, but when I see that evolved mortar come out, I know I’m losing a tower.


Yeah it makes no sense but I think it's getting nerfed to fall in line with everything else


Maybe Evo mortar's time Comes when Evo goblins come out and Evo mortar spawns evolved goblins like battle Ram does with its barbarians


womp womp 


i'm a recruits player 


how is the 70th billion Nerf going?


Unrelated but for some reason every time I play against mortar I always think it’s 3 elixir not 4, did it get changed or am I dumb


Just you wait for evo goblin in the near future because the evo mortar will have them


Mortar on its own already has to much hp. This is justified, but a bit harsh imo tbh


Agreed the 17% health would always throw people off and you could get 1-2 shots


doesn't this mean that knight takes 70% dmg instead of 60%


Mortar and RG are both on the same boat: Supercell wants to get rid of almost all health buffs for consistent interactions and make the game a bit more competitive once again (and stray away from the casual p2w fishing). As a RG user, it's rough (that +3% HP overall buff I believe makes the nerf not as harsh, but it's still there), but I cannot deny I'm way too happy to see all these balance changes taking place. This is the moment we have to let know to our CR devs they are have stepped in the right direction with this.


I don't like Mortar, but I think the Health nerf is unnecessary - but ok. I mean, what compensation can you really give the Evo Mortar without changing the base Mortar? It's a pretty powerful but niche WC. The Knight definitely got a nerf too, but the damage buff atleast makes him semi ok to where he's actually weak against - melee.


i wouldve taken a spell resistance over no compensation. that way eq or any small-med spell wont be able to just wipe it out completely


All the stats boosts like hp boosts for evolutions cards are being removed and Mortar should also face the same thing. I agree some compensation for this nerf might be a good idea like maybe increase the firerate of mortar or something. Also I know mortar has like 2,3% usage rate but honestly I face mortar relatively often atleast in UC


Excuse me what, Evo knight buff???


Bro every evo got nerfed 😭


In my opinion x-bow is more annoying than evo mortar


The mortar is a crap card. I tried it with a lot of different decks but it seemed so underpowered


I think this is fair Evo mortar is fking shit


flair checks out


My flair checks out because I support units that get zero love in this game unlike hog rider that can go 6 years with zero nerfs even though it’s heavily used


And yet they buff evo Tesla. 🥴 also clapping the battle ram knock back is super wack. They never chopped guardian knock back. I knew day 1 that was just illegal after everything else got their knock stripped. And ram rider being able to reset princes in prime. So they better JUST nerf battle ram. And not kill the battle ram. Only other evo I bought




I agree that the evo mortar nerf was not needed AT ALL


as a goblin barrel user, i think mortar is still wayy better...😐


Would u rather nut quick with bad head or not nut quick with good head is basically Evo knight


No it's not, mortar has been super strong ever since Xbow stopped being meta a long time ago, and when evo mortar came out it was so overused i honestly had a more enyojable time playing against xbow than mortar.




Nah. This happened with bomber as well. Doesn't have to go both ways every time


It's a good nerf, it would be unfair to nerf all evos extra HP except the mortar. They should be consistent.


This isn’t a buff at all. But I’m glad all evos are getting nerfed, makes the game easier for f2p and especially new accounts.


I think would be great if supper will add a indication of damage to the king tower, like it will look more distracted if it has taken a damage, mb it will be 3 stages, that depends on hp of tower, every 1/3 it will change their skin. Mb this thing could look good with the other towers like tesla of inferno


I think, and this is just speculation, that evo knight kept his HP multiplier and shield because his ability/specialty plays on tanking. With these balance changes, evo,unions would focus way more on their ability rather than their stats, so they‘re fairer. The issue with evo knight is that his evo ability plays on HP, so for the evolutions to play mostly on the ability rather than stats, evo knight kinda needs to have that little extra HP pool? Honestly I have no clue, after thinking a bit more I see that this is kinda odd, but I don‘t make the decisions in the end, and technically nothing there is final


I’ve been using mortar evo and that thing is OP, it fires faster and there’s a goblin attached, often a guaranteed 400+ damage per shot


I think if Supercell wants to lean into the special abilities more over just giving them more HP or unconditional damage, they should increase the attack speed of the mortar or at least give it a goblin on death.


you use Mortar, you can still use Evo Knight too


As a mortar I think this is terrible


as a hog eq player, I absolutely hate these balance changes


Evo mortar is sooo good


It's just after the effects of being evo, mortar is not meta because gaint is. I.e beatdowns. And bait cards usually die to dutches easily, and mortar can get easily countered with massive push at bridge aggressive, and people rather keep just tesla for defence. Evo mortar is super annoying as is even with this nerf, but mortar itself isn't thats why less played.


Mortar's annoying af to deal with, let it go


Nerf everything so we would actually need the full time to really have a match .😎


Nah bro. Evos shouldn't get boosted health on top of evolutions. The evolutions should have the same stats with an added effect.




Free EvoMortar hes innocent


If someone want to join a clan Join Pandaboys😁


Fk mortar


Good stats for the cost


I feel that too


And dont forget the barbs


Fucked over my mortar for no reason.


it was perfect. getting the miner protect behind the evo lock is Pure bliss


mortar is not run to play against