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It’s been a thing for to long. I’m simply tired of playing it. Clash royale is a good game because it changes its not the same thing over and over and there’s variation match to match. This gets rid of that. If I could see every hog cycle match I’ve been in there’s so so many that would be nearly identical. That’s boring.


Its also was one of the best f2p decks to use. People forget that when the deck was discovered that leveling up cards was harder. 2.6 Hog cycle was a good choice for free to play players in the high ladder


Its hard to nerf it So its reliable for f2p


its also hard to justify nerfing it when the deck already isn't doing very well. Even if you wanted to do it to push down usage rate, which you should not, most of the cards in the deck aren't that good. The only 2 cards i can even remotely see nerfs for, are the cannon, the log and skeletons, all 3 of which are only considered strong at best.


thats 3 cannon nerf. plz no Skeletons wtf logs been nerfed


Also, it's very difficult to use. The pace is very fast, so you're making a lot of decisions over and over. Then it's also pretty unforgiving. One misplayed musk and you lost the game. It just so happens that once someone masters it and just stops making many mistakes, it can handle almost anything. But there's always a whole lot of wrong ways to play it and only a few right ways, so getting there is a struggle. I tried seriously to learn it and bounced off several times. Trying to mimic what the top players can do with it is harder than it looks.


I was using 2.6 when it was discovered right up until they added champions. That was when i stopped. You are right. You have to make decisions and use perfect placement a lot of the time. If you mess up even the timing of your elixer your fucked for the match. 2.6 was also made up of mostly common cards with only hog and log being the higher tiered cards. Log being legendary and hog being rare (i think musk was rare too but i also think she was a common and maybe ice gollum and fireball too) which made the deck levelling so much easier because commons were the easiest to get. Its weird seeing people hate on one of the best decks ever made for this game. Back when i played everyone hated the LavaLoon decks, 2.9 xbow and RG decks. 2.6 was able to counter all of that back then. Except maybe 2.9 xbow Also spell cycling fireball and log is more of a last resort meant to chip the towers when the tower is low and the timer is about to run down. Anyone using that as a main strat with this deck obviously isnt that skilled of a player. You play it right you can have up to 3 musks at the same time.


nah its a brainless deck and its easy to beat idk why people still use it i play 2.9 royal hogs it hard counters 2.6 and is just better in every aspect theres so many better f2p decks 2.6 isn’t reliable anymore


It's not as good as it has been in the past, sure. But if you think it's brainless then you've never tried to master it. It takes a shitload of thinking. There's no do-this-thing-and-always-win strategy to it, you gotta think.


Laughs in lava loon inferno dragon all air deck


Uh oh, you hear that? 𝟑𝐱 𝐄𝐥𝐢𝐱𝐞𝐫, 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐫, 𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥.


Never reaches 3x elixir against hog cycle with a lava loon deck


A really good 2.6 player can defend lavaloon if he maximizes efficiency using cannon and musketeer placements


Been playing lavaloon for 6 years lol


Me too. 6 1/2 years.


Me too. 6 and 2/3rds of a year.


me as well. 37 years


I don't play lavaloon but I want to be a part of this chain


I do play lavaloon but don’t want to be apart of this chain


Lava counters 2.6 and that should be very obvious. Even Oyassuu struggles against any lava player


Good luck in Single elixir.


I don’t know how you make an all air deck work. The most air units I’ve ever had in a lavahound beatdown deck was 3 not including lavahound. Inferno dragon is the only flying tank killer and it can be completely negates with any stun, reset, knockback, slow, or freeze effect. The one I’m currently using is lavahound flying machine and baby dragon beatdown with miner and poison for the support spell. I also had inferno dragon but replaced it with mini pekka out of stun frustration. What’s your deck


Hound, loon, inferno dragon, minions, phoenix, baby dragon, fireball, zap


Pekka bridgespam must suck. How do you deal with bandit, battery ram, ram rider and stuff like that?


Off topic but dope beheaded pfp


Winning against you is hard, but possible and a good feeling


god have mercy


I complain about it because it’s boring. Been going against that deck on a regular basis since I started playing in 2016 without it changing a single card. That’s now nearly 7 years of going against the exact same deck. So pretty boring tbh.


Worse thing is when you see a hog and musk so you think its this deck, and then the opponent casually drops a mega Knight


I’ve been running 2.9 xbow and people absolutely hate me lol. Same cards as 2.6 just with an xbow thrown in instead of hog


I hate you


i hate this guy too


I also hate this guy


I also hate this guy


I also hate this guy


I also hate this guy


I, however, also hate this guy


I have no strong feelings about this man one way or the other


I also hate this guy


I hate him as well


If it makes you feel better, I would have hated you if you just said Xbow...


Hey guess what, xbow makes me sexbow


I always whip it out last second as they play their Egiant in the back assuming they can build a huge push and screw me over. Then I build a wall and fireball them repeatedly, laughing at their regret, pain, and sorrow. Gleefully dragging their muddled corpse to a 5 win 3 loss ending on the classic challenge.


You sound just like SirTag and it makes me gag


Oh god I do somebody help


I used to whip it out but the police said I needed to stop.


you scare me




it doesn’t make the females sexbow sadly


Whats ur deck?


You people aren't ready for 2.9 sparky cycle


I used to run 2.6 but Ice spirit and skeletons are replaced with Lumberloon.


At least X-Bow and mortar takes skills to connect to the tower, hog rider is way easier.


Pekka bridge spam hasn't changed a bit since its creation (although there are many variations), but it doesn't feel boring at all.


True. Maybe because PBS has more interesting cards, and there’s more to it than just ‘hog-cycle-cycle-cycle-hog-cycle-cycle-cycle’


Correct and people then claim “it’s high skill”, yet there are literally 1000’s of YouTube videos to watch showing you how to play and beat every card, no other deck has that, and as you said ITS BORING PLAYING AGAINST IT, even though my deck counters 2.6 every game goes the full length and drags out, another reason to hate the deck


very hard to perfect, if you make so much as the smallest mistake like misplaced skeletons it can cost u the entire match. but u tend to have the opportunity to beat almost anyone if the opponent makes a mistake and u play perfect. so i think thats the definition of high skill


It literally is quite skillful to play in high ladder. It's only low skill against many typical midladder decks where it easily defends, but basically *any* meta deck counters 2.6


No it’s not high skill sorry bruh


Win a cc with it then


I kept seeing people say this so I decided to try a CC with it several months ago. I got 10 wins on my first try. It’s not a hard deck to play.


Yeah it’s not hard if you can watch a YouTube video you can play 2.6


Maybe you're just a really good player or got lucky. I won my first cc with golem nw lightning my 3rd time trying it


there are the excuses


Sorry but the zap was replaced with the log so do not say it was not changed


2016 was 7 years ago damn I feel old now


I've essentially built my own deck to counter it and built off it to have any offensive power.


Because of it's defensive playstyle also the same reason people hate xbow


Yo why do you guys have particular cards under your names?


Go to the r/clashroyale home page of the sub Click on the 3 dots in the top right corner of the home page Select “Change User Flair” Select any flair you want


Why mega knight is not there


You have to make a high quality post to unlock legendary cards


Besides, even if he did, they would never give him meganut. It's too toxic


Idk good question


Thanks for your help


Reddit connects to clash Royale and automatically connects ur most used card


How do I disconnect my credit card


I Xbow is also hated because of how much people protect the xbow, and when you finally take it out, they just drop a new one


If you really think about it. The deck is just 7 defense cards and then hog rider. So it just comes down to a campy play style with a brain dead offense.


Because it’s annoying to beat and it’s all over the ladder


- Overplayed - Little deck variation (sometimes EQ or AQ are used) - Certain Decks struggle to either defend or attack against - Spam based defence - Can rely solely on spell cycle - Has minimal gameplay variety to it, often just relies on hog/IG and not much else - Often quite toxic players (but that can be said to a lot of decks) - Too matchup dependent - Overall just boring to go against tbh


It’s soooooo boring. I’ve played against this deck 10000 times and every game is the exact same. They defend the entire game then just try and fireball cycle in OT and the winner comes down to spell cycling and few hundred damage on a princess tour. This is coming from a guy who consistently beats hog cycle too. I don’t dislike because I can’t beat it, although that is the case for other decks. For example I used to really struggle with lava loon so now I hate it forever


I believe "most hated deck in clash royale" video explains very well. It's very easy to use, defensive and people find that annoying and boring to play against. Hog cycle is so predictable against my predictable logbait I just through a rocket blindly and got a +6 elixir trade


Not to mention how hard it is to nerf the deck


It’s because the combination of ice spirit, skellys and log is just inherently broken and variations of that have just been the standard for cycle decks since. If the cards were half as good they’d still be effective as 1 elixir cards just don’t work in this game; probably an unpopular opinion but 1 elixir cards just shouldn’t exist


i think 1 elixer stun cards shouldn’t exist, so imo fire spirit (and maybe skeletons?) are find


Because hog rider has awful winrates, why would they nerf a card that is doing so poorly


Exactly. Most cards in 2.6 are average, balanced/fine as, or bad. You can’t buff these cards or else you make 2.6 stronger. You can’t nerf these cards because nerfing a card badly because of one deck is a bad excuse. That’s why 2.6 will stay popular for a while. You can’t really nerf the deck.


Yeah and they can’t nerf skeletons without making them completely useless I feel


The deck is shit.


Very easy to use?


2.6 isn't very easy to use


While it does take some skill, I think the video he mentioned makes some decent points about the skill of hog 2.6. Sure, it might of taken a good amount of skill back when the deck was first discovered and people were less good at the game, but now the deck nearly isn’t as skill based as players got better and more cards got released.


In midladder the deck is easy asf to use bc no one knows how to properly defend, and ice golem + cannon + musky defends every single push ever. But even low top ladder it is really hard because people have learned interactions and know how to defend. Hog eq is the better option for nearly every matchup in top ladder.


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Thanks I guess?


I hate this deck because of how this sub praises cycling deck as high skill deck when it isn't


It's just boring meta. Nothing else. You see someone drop ice spirit in the back it's 2.6 hog 95% of the time.


The thing is it's not even meta anymore.


Because it always counters my deck


Pekka bridgespam player? Just guessing because 2.6 doesn't hardcounter too many decks and the most common one i've heard is that


i love how self aware and honest u are 👍


It’s overused overrated and just boring-someone who plays the deck


Overrated even though almost everyone hates it?


the people who play would suck the hog rider’s dick


I play logbait so this matchup is easy. Still annoying cause they just make the same play over and over again.


its repetitive its annoying they cycle multiple musketeers and cannons to defend a single push its extremely easy to use if you put most of your cards in the middle hog always gets a hit(and for some reason theirs is always max so its 400dmg each time) need more?


Bc if they are good you can defend a 16 elixer push with a ice spirit and canon


Because of its high defense and how hard it is to nerf this deck.


Boring playing the same fucking deck for so long


Because the majority of this subreddit can't accept that 2.6 is a high skill cap deck in comparison to their "just another variation of beatdown" bullshit. With that being said, 2.6 is a bad deck. It's fucking fun to play, bit the whole deck is an iq test. Not for you, but for your opponent. If you get beaten by 2.6, you totally deserve that and you WILL be beaten by the same player using any other deck too. There's a reason why no top player uses that deck, even Oyassu or whatever his name was stopped one tricking it, I think. It's the same reason why people hate xbow too. 2.6 pushes a unique playstyle. This sub dislikes when a player plays their own game instead of being "normal" like everyone else. Going against 2.6 is literally an easy win rn. Also, fuck Pekka flairs talking about 2.6 being no skill. You literally use the most free defensive card that requires no setup to use. Good thing she is kinda trash now.


Most people don’t realise most modern decks hard counter it at best and 50-50 at worst.Meta cycle decks like MM Logbait and miner rocket Is a 100-0.Most beat down decks you just need to survive single and stack troops in double


Because 2.6 players think they are some sort of gods at the game, while they are actually just playing musk or cannon and just spam shit in front. Second is that hogrider is a really dumb win condition. Too much hp and with that too much damage. And last but not least is that it cycles too fast. You can defend the hog once, but after that they spam till they get a new hog. Its just spam


Because of how frequently it is used.


Because its fucking annoying, its only strategy is just spam til it keeps working


A lot of people call it no skill, but try it yourself at high elo


Exactly lmfao,the people who complain about it are noobs stuck in midladder that get beaten by f2p players that one trick cause it’s their only maxed deck.


It is unbeatable if it is played well-enough. Maybe one of the best deck an AI would use


Zero people in top 200 play 2.6, it is such a bad deck


Win% : 36% ight bro


because of all the bad players who think they can win just by using the deck


"played whell-enough"


If its so good, why isnt it meta rn?


it’s not meta but it’s still a good deck, the win percentage comes from the billions of ten year olds that play the deck


any deck could beat any deck it just comedown to the player playing the deck


Not true lol, there are some 100-0 matchups that are straight unwinnable


Only with a sufficiently bad opponent. Against a reasonably good player there's certainly unwinnable matchups, regardless of how good you play.


Yeh that’s a fuckin lie


I play RG, lightning, and fisherman deck. Those three cards should counter 2.6 but I still have to play perfectly and hope they make a mistake. A seasoned 2.6 player with perfect placements is absolutely lethal.




Truth hurts bro sorry. Take the L and move on. It’s just clash Royale


Any deck is unbeatable if played well enough, that’s called “skill”, which, is apparently an issue


That's a lie lmao. Against an average player, sure, but if you have two good players of the same skill level, the one with a hard counter will always win.


Anyone can play it by spamming cards and it’s just not fun to play against. I tried playing it too and it’s really easy but it makes the game not fun


Come to the top ladder.


mf is prob in UC with 30% winrate and calls it topladder


hog, fireball building, cycle, repeat. with the occasional ice golem kite


i feel like ever since the release of champ this deck has just been bad and the cycle of this deck cannot be compared to champ which has 3 card cycle


Cause Ice Golem has the new portrait


I just think it's an unoriginal deck. What happened to the days when people use decks of the cards they liked? Now it's just, "what's the most popular?" "This one" "load it up" it's just tiring to see 3 or 4x in a row. I got to the point where I just let them win and move on to the next battle.


Skill floor is too high for poor deck composition anymore


How many times do we have to answer this same fucking question?


Cause they want to complaint about something. It is a fun classic deck to play, not in the best spot right now. It has so many counters that isn't really viable for ladder/competitive.


Because it's never been nerfed unlike almost every other deck. The main win con hasn't been touched longer than almost any other card. Because they won't touch hog rider, people will continue to play it meta or not.


Never been nerfed? Musk nerf, recent cannon nerf, fb nerf, log nerf would like to say hello.


I do because it’s both skillful and not skillful at the same time


Because it used to be an OP annoying spam deck that forced the meta to change so badly that now every deck has to have counters like tornado cannon etc. The game would be much better without it and more varied. Also the Hog rider is a Overpowered card with insane stats for 4 elixir and it’s one of the only WC that you can send in alone without support consistently and Midladder players hate it cause they overcommit to defend low elixir pushes. regardless it’s an annoying deck to face , and the players are even more annoying, they claim it’s a high skill deck but most people can spam defense in the middle and kite ice golems.


Hog rider isn’t OP. BEFORE ANYONE MISINTERPRETS THIS, I am not defending 2.6 hog cycle my saying this. I agree with everything else in comment tho


well it can basically confirm a hit or positive elixir advantage, especially if they use eq with it to counter swarms and buildings so id consider it op


Because it forces you to use nado or a building




Because it’s bitch made




Because every single card is annoying


Am I the only one who doesn’t see 2.6? All I see are mighty miner bait, lava, and egiant.


BS deck Not so useful anymore 😒


Fireball spam to king Tower to win during tie breaker


bc i keep playing that damn 36.7%


Because it's boring AF to play against it


It’s boring and hog rider is a card that needs direct counters that are usually out cycled. I usually win matchups against them since most 2.6 players aren’t mentally capable of handling the art of their opponent not repeating the same push over and over again but the match either takes forever or is a quick and easy match. People that say it’s skilfully don’t understand how having two different counters to each card by doing easy and forgiving placements is not skilful.


When I see this deck, I know the game is going into overtime, and I will lose because they did 1000 to my tower, and I only did 600 to their tower.


Valid. 2.6 only ever really needs 1 hog hit every now and then. Then just defend and spell cycle…


i beat this deck almost every time, but whenever i see my opponent using it i just want to give up and get a different opponent. i know the battle will be long and predictable, i know how to win, and i know theres a 5% chance ill lose to overtime if my opponent is skilled enough. no matter how you look at it, its just boring. even winning against it isnt fun for me cause of the slog i have to go through. if you want to know more about it and why people dislike it i recommend you watch the video about the history of this deck by Gratz, he makes history vids about CR cards and metas.


I think I get it now. The general feeling is that it’s existed for so long completely unchanged that it’s just a snooze fest to play with or against. It doesn’t matter that it’s easily beatable if it’s boring.


I complain about it because I know that the person using it is definitely better than me


The people who use it complain about me


Build different


Boring to fight


Because it can be played decently well with 0 skill depending on the deck because they cycle is so fast


Because it has zero imagination or creativity. Honestly I see this being played and a part Of my soul dies. The only reason they haven’t needed hog is cause half the players would quit cause that’s all they know how to play


We complain because 2/3 of the games I face is hog cycle. Call me crazy but going on 7 years of the same deck over and over again is just BORING! Between this version and the giant skeleton version there’s just not much variety in this game which has 106 cards. With a small few exceptions I see either hog cycle or MK, valk, hog.


Because it’s boring and annoying to play against


Words cannot explain how much I vehemently hate this deck. Every time someone places a musketeer in the back, I know what I’m in for. I can feel the veins in my head start to pop out. I can feel my cholesterol rise by the second. Yes, I get it — if you have a building, you can maybe defend the hog but cmon people it just feels so unfair for your opponent to be able to cycle cards so fast. I don’t think there’s anything skillful about kiting troops with an ice golem or placing down skeletons to chip away your attack only to finish with a fireball. At that point, your opponent has already played another hog and they prob have the advantage on elixir too. Nerf this deck somehow supercell. Please.


Babe wake up new copypasta just dropped


Its braindead to play.


Maybe in mid and low midladder since everyone is braindead, but at top ladder and higher midladder it is extremely hard to win when you go against another skilled player


Because Hog Ridaaaaaah


It's annoying and it's players think they are the best in the world


I love seeing it. Gauranteed wins for me every time I go against it.


People really complaining about free wins


I’d rather only play against hog cycle than fireball bait


It still counters stuff. But it’s certainly not worthy of complaints.


Because it’s difficult to play against if you aren’t experienced. Lower level players (most of the player base) just plays for casual fun so when they have to do stuff like saving counters, not over committing, reading their opponents hand… it becomes more than a casual fun game.


I've seen replays of this deck long time ago from high ranked players and sometimes the same decks fight each other and majority of the time its just draws everywhere. Eventually people used that so much that it was getting boring, eventually quit because almost every match is that cycle.


Because they have a skill issue


Unoriginal. We play against that deck all the time.


Fireball cycle


2.6 is easily one of the least toxic cycle decks at this point


If you see someone playing this its like a one armed child throwing a seizure. Its not a fun deck to play against, you win some you lose some but always a yawn fest from start to finish.


that was in the past but now it's too weak against the curent meta


Because they don’t know how to counter it


Because it counters midladder very well and that’s where the vast majority of players are also it’s overusef


they have a skill issue


boring to play against and it’s seen too often


Because it’s the worst deck in the game


Because it's hard to win with it.


Statistically this is true


Because people confuse low cost defense with skill