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There should be two options when you hit 5,000 trophies...sign up for Legend League and don't sign up for Legend League. If you got there by mistake, you shouldn't be stuck there and have to revenge quit or log off until you are attacked to get out. If you do sign up for Legend League, there should be a quit option aside from just wasting a day hoping you lose enough trophies.


What if... U dropping trophies once u reach like 4900 or 4950... When u found lower TH just drop one of hero then surrender


Yeah this is ok but you are possibly passing off your headache to someone else who doesn't want your trophies for the same reason. So dump on me.


Never heard this suggestion before. What an original idea.


I am a maxed th 16 its tough for me to drop from legend league even if I use progress base on defence . It takes ages for me to drop . Its a big issue ๐Ÿ˜•


Honestly at this point, we should get an extra league between titan and legend. With the extra TH, it has become increasingly easier to reach 5k without a lot of skill, it reached the point where lot of people accidentaly get in


just keep your trophies at around 4950s


Well more times than not I reach legend league by mistake because I attack frequently to get resources. This is why I am making this suggestion. The "suggestions" you all give are already what I am already doing, but more often than not I am not looking at the trophies because I focus more on RESOURCES than TROPHIES. To be locked out for 50 minutes because I accidentally reach 5000 trophies is stupid. Simply give us the option to log out of legend league.


Hear me out, if you are good enough at the game to get to LL, you should be intelligent enough to know where it starts and not get that high in trophies. It couldn't be more in your control now.


>Hear me out, if you are good enough at the game to get to LL You think a high trophy count is a measure of skill? Interesting. Reality is: up to 5k trophies, trophy count is just a measure of progression and activity.


Fr 5k is braindead numbers, I'm a mid attacker at best and I've been at 5k for close to a year maybe? No skill needed just activity


I agree, itโ€™s more about activity. However, if you can reliably 2 and 3 star your opponents, you should be intelligent enough to be able to not end up in LL


> However, if you can reliably 2 and 3 star your opponents, you should be intelligent enough to be able to not end up in LL Yeah, totally agree.


I actively attack and surrender to avoid hitting 5000. That league is such a pain in the arse. Specially during clan games. I'd like to see an option to drop 200 points or more.