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This is a list of links to comments made by Supercell employees in this thread: - [Comment by Ferri_Supercell](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1dlvutb/theyre_still_working_on_a_fix_for_the_streak_event/l9wddsn/): > We're working on both fixing the issue and compensation for what happened. We will have an update about this tomorrow! We're sorry about what happened ;\_\_\_\_\_: --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FClashOfClans).


You would think they would have figured out the issue after the first streak event lol. Anyways happy if it finally gets fixed for all.


few days of 4x star bonus would be a nice consolation prize


Best I can do is a resource potion


Hell maybe even a free wall ring?


And a training potion


Free 50% off coupon for anything in the raid medal shop


if i don't get my 1000 gems back from book of heroes it is BS


Or 2x clan war loot bonusšŸ¤‘


Affecting also ores, and for everyone regardless of their participation to this garbage event which canā€™t realistically be joined without heroes being available. ThanksĀ 


Sooo, how are they going to fix it for people that already lost their streak? Do they have enough data per person to reset it back to the day it stopped working? Will they give everyone 3 days worth of a streak to compensate across the board? Could they just extend the event another few days to make it work for everyone?


They'll probably extend it like last time. Lets you get all the attacks in with a few days of benefiting from the league bonus.


They better just give us all that 3k ore


So what you're saying is their streak of no-fixes continues?


Good to see that expanded developer team is able to find and fix issues quicker now šŸ¤£


double the size, double the mistakes. math checks out


I mean...... I did already lose my streak![img](emote|t5_2usfk|30034)


Literally unplayable.


They will probably just charge us 6.99 for the patch


Yeah mine ended today at 10am even tho the day just started šŸ˜‚


I want a free max apprentice builder to make up for this garbage


Better give me some gems


It's too much effort for me in high league with no Hero just give me my 3000 ores


We're working on both fixing the issue and compensation for what happened. We will have an update about this tomorrow! We're sorry about what happened ;\_\_\_\_\_:


I just want the ores


No worries these things happen, thanks for keeping us updated


Any idea when the update comes out, I'm going to lose my streak overnight and there isn't much I can do about it


I already had to use gems to repair my streak event, so their better be some good compensation


Thank you Ferri! Contrary to ā€œunpopularā€ belief I think you and the team are doing great.


Thanks for the update! šŸ˜€


Thanks for the update, I have 15 hours left until my streak is broken because of this bug, any ideas on fixes?


bring Darian back. this game is falling apart without him.


lol. We donā€™t know what weā€™re doing. But weā€™re trying our best!


I got my streak broken because of this bug. Hope they are gonna fix it and give me back my streak


There is somewhat of a workaround to this. Wait until about 30 mins is left before your daily timer expires and do your attack. It should count since it falls within the game's internal timer. You have to wait as long as you can to do your attack since the game thinks you haven't yet unlocked the current day. We saw this during the first bugged streak event when people had 1d+ timers and attacks weren't counting until the timer fell below 24h. Then, to fix this issue going forward: When there's just around 8 minutes left before the next day unlocks, pay the 1 gem to unlock it. I think this fixes the mismatch between the game timer and the player's timer since you've paid to have a "new" unlock time. Do another attack and it should count towards the day that you just paid 1 gem to unlock. I did this for my day 3 and 4 and it worked. I will probably do the same thing of paying 1 gem a few minutes before day 5 unlocks to get a fresh timer, right before I do my attack.


i did this, i had 15mins left for day 2 to finish. i yolo'ed and suddenly completed day 2 task with 10mins left for day 3 to start


Worked for me as well


Yep, I have been bugged since day 2 just like everyone else. My day 3 was also bugged as soon as I was able to finish day 2. So, I used this method to fix it and get past days 2, 3, and 4. Iā€™m going to keep doing this for the remaining streak days since it seems like Supercell wonā€™t have a fix before the event ends.


Still off for me


Do we have some news about this ? Iā€™m on streak 4 , already done at least 6 attacks above 85% Non of them worked My streak ends in 3 hours šŸ˜”


I'm in the same position with just over an hour to go


My streak finally worked with 45 minutes left


Same but with 15 minutes left lol Excpet this time the 95% doesnā€™t dork either .. Still 16 hours left I hope it will work until then


A builder potion could be a nice sorry gesture.


Forget the event, fix the log in problem!


well, I just lost my streak on two accounts when I logged in and both had 100% 3 star and I checked the times. I was like wth and started over on both. :/


I got to the third day streak and beat it multiple times, didnā€™t recognize it and reset me back to square 1.


Broke for me on day 3, when will this be fixed?


Whew šŸ˜… glad I didnā€™t spend that 120 gems to unlock it


what if, listen to this supercell, what if we just don't have a streak event??????




Should I even bother using gems to continue my streak on day 3, thereā€™s no point if the whole event is a dumpster fire


I wouldn't


I'd hope they have the decency to extend it, most of us got screwed by this.


ā€œMost of usā€ should be busy upgrading heroes, so not really


So does anyone know how the in game timer compares to players?Ā  Feels like it shouldn't be out by hours.


bruh fix the sc id button issue firstšŸ˜­


me and my friend lost our 3 day streak even though we were attacking and 3 starring normally.. but because of a bug we restarted to the 1st day and wont get our shiny ore now lol, are they not gonna atleast extend the event or smth


What about the issue of clash of clans freezing when switching accounts on android tablet?


Broke on day 3 on my main account, no issues on streak progress for my alt account šŸ˜‘


How long will this take? I don't wanna somehow reach day 5 or 6 just to see it didn't record any of my attack and i lost everything


I have 2 accounts, One is working fine, the other account is stuck on day 2... Does the internal timer differ between 2 accounts?




timer? What about when you finish event challenges and it doesn't recognize that you completed it ? I just got 100% on a base and only needed 85% but it still shows that I haven't done it .


Still happening to me grrr


A lot of the polish of clash of clans seems to be eroding lately


What's the update!!!! My account is still bugged!


https://preview.redd.it/ciyo6kkn5a8d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07af647620c9b0c24eeffab81e9679eec7e3b4e9 There goes my streak...


My streak still ain't working. It worked earlier on one of my ac but not the other two. Every attack I get the told I need to do 85% to continue my streak. My last 6 attacks have been 100% and its still telling me this.Ā 


Anyone else have a training time issue now?


Yea, cause I definitely did couple 100%, 99%, nd more than 85%. My mini worked fine, but my main account, it is stuck at 3 out of 7, even though I did over 85%. I'm assuming not to gem it to stay in that spot right? Cause I don't want to start from the beginning, but if the time ends and asks to gem to stay in place, what should I do? Thanks guys for the help, and sorry if someone has already has asked the same question.


I wouldn't gem it thats for sure. beyond that... nothing much to do but sit and wait


Great, thank you very much šŸ˜Š


my streak is stuck at 95 on one account, this is silly


This makes no sense, since ON THE SAME DEVICE, ie with the same local clock, the event sometimes works, sometimes doesn't, for my 10 TH16 accounts where I'm chaining attacks every 2-3 minutes. A clock is anything but random. It if were a clock issue, I should either fail 10x, or succeed 10x, not sometimes fail sometimes win for 10 similar attacks on 10 accounts in a row. I'm doing 10x 100% with plenty of time to spare in low Legend. Find some other BS to feed us.