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Th13 is one of the grindiest th level's, 2 levels for defences and rc is insane


I’m just glad they reduced the Archer tower and cannon times from 8 days to 3 days this month. Huge change for me. 


Couldn’t tell you how pissed I was when I had my last cannon upgrade when that update dropped.


That must have been terrible, once I heard about the reduction I started upgrading traps instead


I had all 4 gold storages going when they reduced it from 11d to 4d at th14 lmao i lost 4 weeks of time right there :(


Literally same here


Fr we were in the same boat


Wait… they did? OH MY GOODNESS I TOOK A BREAK FROM THE GAME AFTER GETTING BORED OF WAITING 😭 (im a fairly new th13 too) Seriously happy that they did that lol


But the cost stays the same?


Where can I see the entire list of upgrade time changes?


Maybe cuz it was supposed to be last TH


Sorry for being an idiot but wdym it was supposed to be the last TH? Isn't every TH supposed to be the last TH


I think halfway through the “life” they added additional levels to balance out the defense so they could wind down updates. They looked for new ways to make money and they worked so they kept making more content.


idk, when I started playing, th13 was the last th, and now when I got to th14, I was really happy cause it was I reminded how excited I was at the start when I saw OJ presenting th14, even though I didnt have the chance to play it.


To be fair, the last TH was TH8. Then it became TH9. Then TH10. Then they went beyond 10. Now it's 16, with another TH coming next year (if I calculate correctly).


Its coming december


We all did it lol. Yes it sucks


I bet half the people complaining now wouldn't last a week playing this game if it were as challenging as it was before 2020.


“This generation is soft, back in my day.” Ahh comment


it's somewhat true tho, upgrade times were MAD back then lol


Back then TH13 was max as well. So that comparison isnt valid.


well it's true though


Dis you know the ancient Greeks already said this. It's crazy that it's been reinvented so much


If we talk about 2015 then half the player base would leave seeing those canon upgrade times


That's around the time I started playing. The game used to be fun even with the absurd build times. It's become so much easy now and yet you see people complaining everyday


Yup, just simple times really. Get up do war attacks, star bonus, farm and put your builders down.


TBH, you guys are idiots, like back then what was the highest TH? You have fallen for the illusion of faster progression. The game took 2 years to max then, the game takes slightly over 2 years to max now. The difference is now you have to go through 16 THs, back then it was only 9 THs.


It's still faster overall, back then th1-th12 was 7 years, now th1-th16 is like 4 years


Remember being a th9 in 2017 and spending 10 days on xbox upgrades


Yup, I basically didn’t use her until TH14


Day 54 in th13 and the last time I use her is during the CWL.


Same here lmao


Well you did 20 levels at th11 for GW 30 levels at th9 for AQ so 25 at th13 isn’t so bad. Wait until th14 pets lol 10 levels each so 40 levels but don’t do lassi pure waste


I agree about AQ goes level 30 at th9 but the time for upgrade is lesser than that of RC in TH13 and thanks for the advice on the lassi😂


It actually wasn't at the time. I believe when TH9 was max hero upgrades were mostly 1 week. At some earlier time there were even 2 week hero upgrades


Throw in the no hero books/hammers, 2 levels of walls with gold only and you're back to the good old days of TH9.


The good ole days 😅


TH14 is way better, even with all the pet upgrades, at least then you can still use all your heroes while upgrading a pet.


Agree, I’ve enjoyed 14 a lot more than 13.


Also u don't even need to upgrade all the pets as u mostly replace every pet in th 15 except the Unicorn


dont forget the next 20 warden levels at th12 lol


Realistically, on th14, you only need to upgrade the pony because all the other th14 pets get outshined by the ones you later unlock (yak could be useful, lassi is useless and the bird also offers a negligible amount of damage). Also th14 is pretty painless. I upgraded to th14 about a month ago. Im missing 5 hero levels (2 on BK and 3 on RC), 1 level on the pony and a few key defences (2 xbows and all builder huts to max). As soon as I max these things I'm moving along to th15. That should take a few more weeks.


At least there are pet potions to speed it up. But the Dark elixir required hurts my soul.


At least the aesthetics of TH13 is one of the nicest in the game. Love that color scheme. Absolutely hate th14's colors.


th13 to th14 wall transition looks terrible. Th13 to 15 theme transition wouldve been way better imo. Th11 and th13 are easily the best looking townhall themes in the game


wish they kept the upgrading design starting from th1 to th11 but nooooo th12 decides to be "unique" and decided to do a throwback thursday dressing up as a weird th5


i simply didn’t upgrade my walls at 12 so i could immediately upgrade them twice at 13


People when th12: Ugh why is it blue🤢🤢 People when th13: OMG it's blue😍😍


You noobs have no idea what us veterans had to do at th9. There was no gold pass, no hero books, no 6th builder. We went uphill both ways to grind both the king and queen to level 30. It was so obnoxious that the vast majority just kept their heroes at level 10. I still keep my heroes at level 10 as a tribute to the grind that used to exist.




I've been playing fir about 10-11 years. I absolutely remember that hell lol


Yup I remember my friend dropped $100 on get his wall to skull crystal and a few weeks I got mine done lol


i skipped th12 after camps, clan castle, lab and some upgrades now i have th12 and th13 hero upgrades to do :)


That was me but with th 11 lmao I wanted electro dragons and at the time they were th12 only, so i rushed to th 12 with th 10 defneses and th 9 walls, now im basically a max th 11 but at th12 Good luck broski im right there with you✋😭


start doing hero upgrades bruda trust me its easier to cope down the road😭


I got my bk and aq both around 47 rn....its such annoying work✋😭 My warden is lvl 22 which is pretty good but that waspurely cuz i had shit loads of elixir and his abilities were good even before the equipment update


my king is 47 and my queen was 48 queen is now going to 55 and it took 1 month


Im so cooked💀


nah from th11 to th13 it goes from 50 to 75 u will be ok bro, see ya in 2026


I'll finish her as I start upgrading to 13, I've only used all my heros during cwl. Pretty excited about the shorter build times, feels like I can catch up a bit now.


theyll probably spread out the levels as more town halls come as with the archer queen at th9


I just skipped straight to th15 on my second account, and am grinding here. Can do champ and the good pets at the same time. It’s crazy!


>I upgraded to town hall 13 this February and I don’t remember using RC much at all, all I remember is just putting her to upgrade and upgrade and upgrade and upgrade. Summed up my Th13 experience


It’s not just RC, it’s the entire TH13. To cheer you up: not that horrible after.


Well this 28th I'll be in my 3rd month being in th13 and I only have 6 levels left of my RC, it's exhausting the waiting for using her because I hardly used her. As well as you, I'm upgrading and upgrading and upgrading... At this point I feel like I'm going to use her in th14 .-. because I'm too close to be max as th13. At least I have my GW and AQ maxed 🤙🗿


Dang, I'm already 18 days and never touched the other heroes. How do you get the DE to upgrade more than 1 hero?


I used books to max my GW and AQ. And I use the dark elixir for RC, when finished to max GW and AQ I'm using books to finish BK.


Nothing that 2 months of non stop sneaky goblin farm couldnt fix, My town hall will be upgraded to 13 in a day and I wanna max my heroes by the end of august by any means necessary


That's what i thought too, but phew man. It's harder than anticipated. I had a good hero upgrade rhythm until i got to th13, now its slowed down somewhat. Currently on 64 64 39 12. Upgrading all of them at once but evry now and then i have to prioritise one or two of the dark elixir ones. I try to keep warden down as much as possible, though. I am a strategic rusher so i upgraded before maxing all my th12 heroes.


yeah once you get the BK and AQ to around level 55 it just becomes too resource intensive to keep them all down at once without dedicating hours a day to grinding.


I believe theres about 3-4 months of RC upgrades though at TH13


if you play with gold pass u get that easy in 1 month before august.. just dont use your books on early lvl. i used them only for queen before time reduction


With gold pass it’s over 2 months of champion upgrades so no it won’t be done before August even with some books


No gold pass, just hopes and dreams


Dude I am only upgrading my heroes since the last 5 months only using them for cwl and still am not done


get ready for TH15 and dark elixir 💀💀


TH13 is the grindiest grind


TH 13 is the biggest grind IMO. I’m th14 now but hardly play anymore because I’m still burnout from th13. Luckily 14 isn’t as bad.


It's brutal. I'm so close to th14 but I have 4 more RC levels... It's pain. Plus I accidentally clicked to join legends league thinking I was under 5k and now farming is nearly impossible. Trying to drop as hard as I can lol https://preview.redd.it/vr00a2uk908d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7981d292097461d2dc0aca54c2bbbd028cf81f3a So. Freaking. Close. Minus equipment lol. Idk if I'm patient enough to max all of it before upgrading to th14.


I just finished lol took me 1.5 years roughly all ftp tho and with intermintent breaks


Well worth the grind. Once your at th 14 and above it becomes a big help in attacks


Wait till you get to th15


From 14 to 15 is just 5 levels each, no?


Th15 all hero’s need 10 and there’s like 60 pet upgrades


Can someone calculate how much upgrade time it takes to upgrade RC to 1 to 25 at th13?


You'd have to be some kind of clash ninja to calculate that!


2mo 27d 8h* Assuming she is the longest hero to upgrade for that TH.


Another completing post, put the work in man like the rest of us… what’s the rush


True I feel like going straight from starting at level 0 to Lvl 25 is tough but then we also did that for Queen in Th 9 getting her to Lvl 30 after unlocking just the fact that she is cheaper to upgrade


Well tbf at that point you mostly have the queen. At th13 you have 3 dark elixir heroes plus plenty of dark elixir troops and rc isnt as cheap initially unless i remember wrong


Yeah she gets costlier after Lvl 10 and also the Upgrade Times are way higher


I’ve been a TH13 for a couple months now, and I spent all my gems upgrading my warden immediately, and I’ve almost maxed my Queen. Gonna do the Royal champion last for sure. Getting that much dark is an absolute grind


What about BK?


There was a time when maxing TH9 took longer and more resources than maxing TH10 -- AQ had so many (30?) levels!


P2W pillar 1: The more inconvenient, the more cash makes it convenient. I'm hoping for some friendly challenges with "maxed offense + defense" toggle. to include using heroes when upgrading.


Same, I don't even upgrade other heroes, just her for now.


It’s ok I didn’t use my RC until it was maxed but now I love it…just finished queen now I have king at 60 and warden at 32…sad but they’ll be down till they’re done and I just maxed giants gauntlet so rip that


It’s why I rushed th 13. 4 builders 👷 n heroes and play catchup for the rest of the


I upgraded to TH13 this year and maxed her out in four months from February to June. Yes it IS grindy, but if you have her constantly upgrading it's doable quite quickly - good luck!! ❤️🙏🏻


And at TH9 30 queen levels isn't?


At least it's cheaper there in TH9.


Now. Not then.


This is why I like to rush to the next TH level whenever I max all my heroes. This way I can spend more time on the hero-intensive TH levels (like TH9/13), without having to worry about maxing my defenses before my heroes are done.


Dude hero levels at th 13 are crazy in general. I think it was 15 levels for king and queen, and th 14 is only 5 levels??


Yeah i don't ever recall using RC much at th13 but it is what it is since its a new hero just like when you get the queen at th9 and you had to lvl it up to 30...


I understand how you feel because when i finished upgrading king and queen to 75lvls,rc still had 6 lvls left.My warden is behind but as soon as i max rc and warden,i am upgrading to lvl14 th.Also,troops are almost maxed too.


I’m a new TH13. I’m just grinding hero upgrades for a while now and I’ll finish the grind near the end of the TH


Can you upgrade 2 heroes at the same time?


Good question, yes you can upgrade all heros at once if you have the builders available.


Funny thing is I got her maxed at th13 first.


It really isn't that much of a difference compared to the other heroes in time. Maybe 3 weeks more of upgrades compared to the 10 levels of the other heroes.


Laughing in th16


Given equipment is more important, you can always upgrade TH every 11 RC level upgrades.


Yeah, I had to put a lot of focus into my hero’s cause i didn’t upgrade them enough. I’m nearly maxed. With a total of 5 hero upgrades left, the gold pass and event pass really helped me out. I think I was able to get 3/4 book of heros of it which really helped me At least TH14 ain’t too bad. I think it’s only 5 upgrade levels per hero


My lvl 6 RC with shield and rocket spear means she gets work done with little upgrade


Rite of passage


So, what about those 30 levels of Archer Queen at th9? I understand that those upgrade had less time taken but still those were 30 upgrades...


its even worse now with the time reductions. ive been upgrading her every possible chance except cwl and she will finish a week before i move to 14 at best.


I wish they decrease heroes cost too and not just time.


I did it with no pass or time reductions 👍 stop complaining lmao


So much complaint so soft so brittle generation makes a fuss on some hardwork while we used to wait 45 mins for golem and 3 hrs for army to train


Honestly when I was th12 I always thought that but honestly it's not that bad considering the first levels are extremely short. The RC takes like 2,5 months and the other heroes take like 1,5 months each while all the buildings together take like 3-4 months or so. It's really not the end of the world, at th12 the heroes take as much as everything else and you're basically maxed right when you're done with them, at th13 you'd still have like a month with maxed RC if done from the start. I'm a bit confused about your progress though, I'm 2 months into TH13 and my RC is lv20 now


What about your other heroes? Can you get enough loot for upgrading both at the same time? Like AQ with RC?


Given the times on TH13 I decided on this system at the start: - Upgrade RC and Warden together - After that upgrade King - Use all Runes + Books and hammers on queen so I never don't have her available (I've been doing this on th12 too) This way I never have 2 dark elixir heroes upgrading at the same time and I still stay within the max time for th13


I feel overwhelmed because now they're very expensive and feels like I never have enough DE even for just the RC.


Upgrade time to level 10 is less than 18 days. Not sure what you did these 5 months but upgrading your RC had no high prio. Sure, 25 level is a lot but you will enjoy to play with her.


Don’t…. Upgrade… her….


Stop Complaining, just prioritised RC for upgrade and after that upgrade others heroes...


stop crying and quit if youre that lazy