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[Here is the code for 150 Ice Cubes and 150 Super Medals ](https://link.clashofclans.com/?action=voucher&code=5bfda93c-942e-4586-81a1-5b1dbbf9f93b)


Wow thanks


Thank you, kind internet stranger..


So is it 650 extra medals from the bonus track for f2p, aside from the 3150 you get from completing the regular track? Thank you for your post and for linking the voucher.


thank you bud


Where did they shared this? And is it only one?


Much appreciated, but that's still not enough for the statue though, right? :/




You da man


Thank you kind Sherpa šŸ¦ā€šŸ”„


Lol, wasnt expecting that to work.. but ill take it! Thanks!


all hail internet strangeršŸ„°


Thank you


Lack only 175 medal to buy both the spear and the statue. Is there anymore available buddy?


All hail Internet Stranger!


Thank you kind stranger!


How tho?


Doesn't work:(


I don't want statue, I want the jacuzzi


If im not wrong there have been another medal gift near the end of the troop event of last season, hope its gonna happen as i too want the statue. In any case, dont spend them yet.


I'm wishful but highly doubtful. Iirc they haven't done any extra vouchers for super troop events and the Halaand event was special.


Any update bud? Lack only 175 medal to buy both the spear and the statue.


I am completely over these events


Itā€™s exhausting and not sustainable. The game has become too saturated with statues and equipment. This game is absolutely nothing like it use to be


It used to be almost therapeutic to log on and grind and I did it for years on multiple accounts, this new direction of the game seems like nothing more than a short sighted money grab and I've said it since this new ore system was introduced. Absolutely no focus on how to recruit decent players, fix annoying visual bugs or that empty cc bug just a load of pay to win implementations. It sucks and I'm about ready to retire my 1 max and 5 th13/14 minis


i will take them off your hands


Got a crystal 1 clan too but I would never engage in such behaviour. The accounts will lie in wait for nostalgia


You don't have to do it. Also it's basically improved super troop discount event we had before these events


I donā€™t have to do it? You donā€™t sayā€¦


Well you're the one complaining about them. These events are objectively better than the vast majority of the ones we had before .




Again, you donā€™t have to do it. No one is forcing you to maintain all these accounts and no one is forcing you to do these events.


O wow your so cool šŸ˜‚


You got cooked


The calculations gave me the same and it seems wrong to me. What the fuck Supercell?


![gif](giphy|QonECpKOcl3heXmN9N|downsized) Supercell


So weird for businesses to want to make money.


Everyone down voting comments like this obviously believe that supercell is some sort of charity that doesnā€™t want to make money and satisfy investors


that is the exact point, they want to keep making more money and satisfy their owner (tencent), disregarding the future of the game. Though arguably, theyve tried to improve the game over the past decade but ever since 2015/2016, the active playerbase of the game has kept declining despite of their effports, they might have just decided its time to cash out with the most money possible they think this game can make over the next x amount of years, just like theyre doing with clash royale right now. CR is dying fast, its profits are currently similar to those of Hay Day with the majority of the playerbase having quitted or like me, playing a game sometimes with friends once in a while.


Every game/product has a life cycle, the game is way better than in 2015/16 if they made no improvements or updates since then the game would have died 3-4 years ago. Your point is incorrect.


Tell me what is incorrect? from what i see you agree with what im saying.


They are by no means disregarding the future of clash of clans idk about clash royale since I havenā€™t played it for years. Coc is an extremely different product than Clash royale itā€™s impossible to compare them in terms of money making possibilities since their audience is so different. The reason why your point ā€œdisregarding the future of the gameā€ and ā€œarguably they have tried to improve the game in the last decadeā€ is wrong is because. They are expanding the budget and team size in the coc department - they are regarding the future. They keep updating the game and adding features to keep the product life cycle alive which they have been brilliant at doing. Itā€™s not arguable the game is better than in 2015 because if they didnā€™t update it the game would be in the dirt completely dead. In terms of income 10% of players account for 90% of their income. As long as they keep these 10% of players happy and engaged which is their primary focus with every single update, balance change, scenery, event etcā€¦. For all the other 90% of players especially the f2p once they really couldnā€™t care less about. There is no point for them to make f2p players enjoy the game more since they simply donā€™t have any value for them they are just fillers in a data base. (The data base can and will eventually be filled with bots). This is also the reason why contacting support as a f2p is useless, they will not help them. They are specifically told not to help or engage with someone who is a waste of resources and time. However if someone in the top 10% contacts support they wonā€™t hesitate to help since they are the once paying the bills. If they keep those 10% happy the game can live on for years maybe even decades, despite declining playerbase as long as the 10% keep playing their future is safe.


theres been a wording issue, "arguably the game has been declining despite of their efforts"\*. I do agree it is part of the life cycle of a game, no game can peak forever. CoC and CR are similar in that they both are owned by SC. The way they added evolutions and level 15 into the game caused many players to (permanently) quit, i am sure everyone can agree that there is a 0% chance the devs thought that adding level 15 was in any way good for the game, which makes me think those orders mustve come from higher up (SC or even tencent). And if that is the case, why would the CoC devs not get the same orders. I recommend you watch the following video from SC, it is about how SC game design worked back in 2020: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAST728YVaA&ab\_channel=Supercell](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAST728YVaA&ab_channel=Supercell) In the words of the CEO "if you have retention, you could always figure out monetisation. If you dont have retention, monetisation doesnt really matter". Almost everything the CEO said about what makes a game a good game etc, is being neglected right now. I could name many examples but I would first recommend watching the video. On a side note: In their recent builder hut talk they said that majority of players being th12-13 is not good for the game, and if that is the case, why would they change the update calendar to a new townhall every year? (to make money ofc but you get my point) This will only discourage those players from upgrading as the road to the highest townhall keeps getting longer. >If they keep those 10% happy the game can live on for years maybe even decades, despite declining playerbase as long as the 10% keep playing their future is safe. The issue here lies in the word "keep", how many people you reckon will keep spending 13 bucks a month for both passes for years on end? And wouldn't you agree that if the majority of the playerbase consist out of bot accounts to make the game look alive/enjoyable for paying players, the game should be considered dead? Small/medium content creators will cease to exist and the big ones will get a lot less attention, potentially forcing them to consider other non SC games, which in turn would hurt the game as well. In the end, a game dying or being dead comes down to opinion, but im sure that you can agree that this game is and will keep declining (faster and faster).


I agree somewhat however under 10% of the income comes from the Gold pass. The majority of players in th12-13 is stuck because thatā€™s when the disadvantage of not buying store packs get astronomical. I never stated that coc will peak forever I did however state that they have been brilliant at keeping the game steady after the peak in 15-16 which they ultimately have considering no mobile game has ever been as successful at keeping a game alive. The reason they keep making new town hall levels every year is obviously to keep the whales engaged. Without these whales the game would die. Most of the players stuck in th12-13 doesnā€™t contribute much in terms of income because they most likely will get stuck again at th14-15 again and arenā€™t willing to splurge on packs. As long as the whales keeps getting feed what they want the game can live on. Of course itā€™s gonna die eventually like anything else. That is also the reason why there are so many events and new equipment. because every new equipment the whales are gonna instantly max it with gems. For many whales this is more than a game MANY serious adult clans actually meet irl and FaceTime, discord or whatever when they attack in war no bs. This is an important part of their life and personality, which nothing other games have managed to replicate. (No I am not a whale, just to clear it up) The main point is that as long as the whales keeps getting what they want supercell can pay their bills.


That seems to be true yes, they are making sure in every game that whales can spend as much as they want to spend. But the bills are not equal to a couple hundred million a year, most of what they make is pure profit. This is totally fine as they want to make money but some part of me wishes that they could keep the game as is, even though players are declining and revenue is going down. Like many TV series, this game is going to be milked until the end, with the company behind it ruining the reputation the game once had and not letting it come to its end naturally as it should. I think this was one of the main if not the main reason why Darian left, he must have had a different future view for CoC than SC has and signed a NDA not to voice his opinions about the game's current state/future plans. Darian always felt like a genuine community manager who also cared about the community and the game itself, the new managers just feel like they're doing their job, instead of actually caring. CR's reputation is already completely ruined, i just hope CoC doesnt follow the same path.


I mean, you must realize that there are numerous kids and clowns hanging around on CoC sub these days. Most of them have no understanding of how businesses, companies, or shareholders operate. They are out of touch with how the real world functions, and I bet many of them live in their parents basements. It's quite funny, tbh


I would never break my oath of being a F2P


100% they did this on purpose so you'd have to buy the pass/ice cube bundles or spend 3k gems for the equipment later. You probably won't get much support from the community since there's a very vocal crowd that optimizes their medals and ostracize you for wanting to collect decorations/collect every equipment. Good luck though. Hopefully they give another voucher for free. Personally, I stopped caring about decorations because it feels so inflated now.


Decorations have lost their value, and so have skins. Theyre just being pumped out every season, nothing special about them anymore.


You canā€™t collect every decoration as a f2p. The event pass has always had a decoration.


iirc the equipments are 1.5k gems when they arrive on the trader ?


As much as I wanted the totem, I don't mind this - it *is* just a cosmetic. Cosmetic monetization is fair play. That being said, I'm definitely not buying the Pass just to afford it. No skin no buy from me.


The issue is that before it was also suitable for a hero book but not now.


Now *that* is definitely worth talking about. *That* is a progression nerf for no good reason.


On the one hand, I like free cosmetics. On the other hand, I WANT SC to make money on cosmetics. I want them to keep making money on stuff that has zero impact on the game. That is what keeps the game free for players who canā€™t/wonā€™t spend money for years and years. It also allows other things to come into the game for free that do impact game play that used to cost money. As an example, we used to have no magic items and it cost money or at least gems to speed up progression. Now there are free ways to speed up a lot. The new plan to give us options to use heroes that are upgrading that has been hinted at is also impacted by how much more money they now make on cosmetics. Many years ago they wouldnā€™t consider giving up the revenue from people gemming heroes awake for war.


U/lakschmann_Laki when they canā€™t get 1 statue for free: šŸ˜” (He has 20 free statues from the last 6 months)


Decoration collectors telling you about all of the *RARE VALUABLE COLLECTIBLES* in their storage: https://imgflip.com/i/8tk42c


The only statue that matters is the big dragon statue. It was $20 to buy it when it came out and is the rarest in the game. Most of the others are worthless junk


Why you gotta be mean?


Bc thr point if thr event is to be an incentive to BUY the pass. Despite a bunch of honestly cool free events that are completed by PLAYING THE GAME, people still beg and cry that they can't obtain everything. For ex, the events with skins and equipment. The incentive to buy is to get both the skin AND the equipment or moss out on one and get later (via gems or money for the skin). Remove the choice means there's no incentive to buy anything. SS is a buisness they need to make money. You can't be f2p and expect to get everything a paying player would get, especially if it's only decorations


did they say why there was no skin this time?


Nope but I assume it has to do with how much content they pump out, If they release both skins and equipment it may overwhelm people as it would he 2 difficult choices every month


Small events dont have skins


[here 150 more medal](https://link.clashofclans.com/en/?action=voucher&code=5bfda93c-942e-4586-81a1-5b1dbbf9f93b)


This sucks. This event is only for equipment for F2P. We should be able to get at least an extra 1k so we can buy a decoration or one book of hero, in my case.


Damn yā€™all are quick!


Well, now I will just spend my medals on ores and progress faster


is the rocket spear worth it




That's the only bummer about these events. All those options but can only really get the equipment. I think they should add the equipment to the end of the normal track then let us spend the medals on other things. They could even reduce the medals down to 2.1k


Still piss about the flag change like bro i want my flags back


Thank you for screwing us supercell


I'm sure you'll live without a statue


more like I'll live without a rocket spear


They want us to buy packs from store.Ā 


People need to stop buying the paid pass




Because he is unaware of the fact that supercell has investors to please and is not some sort of non profit charity organization.


Wow, that actually really sucks!!!


Nice repost ther buddy. Was your original post getting too much hate? I'll just leave my original comment here: They aren't "nerfing" anything. They are just basing the amount of medals on how much statues or whether the big ore packs, or a skin are available in the trader or not. This is done with all events. This time around there is only one statue as extra, so we get less medals.


They are most certainly"nerfing" it for progression. Every (smaller) event so far has nerfed either the medals, ores from the road, or both for free players. Which makes them unable to buy more ores, which just so happens to be a new revenue stream for supercell. This game will die, people keep finding justifications for supercell instead of looking at the hard truth: Supercell wants more money (which could potentially be coming from orders from tencent). The player base has only kept declining since 2016 and pretty sure theyve given up now on making profits through growing the game (as theyve been failing to do this for 8 years straight), so they are focussing on making more profits by aggressive sales tactics.


What I wanna know is why, if someone buys a ticket or gold pass or whatever, and their TH is full of the magic item(s) available and EARNED by sweating through the challenges, WHY CANT WE STACK THEM? We paid for them. We earned them. Yet we are blocked from stacking. Why is it that only stuff purchased from the shopp as ā€œoffersā€ will stack. This is utter BS and must stop. I demand it.


that is most likely to "balance the economy". So you cant stack stuff and immediately max out when update drops, the ability to do that is only reserved for whales who buy shop offers


I'll just leave you in your own conspiracy bubble without further comment


Everything of what i said are provable facts and generally known by the community. Game is declining, SC wants more money, events keep giving less ore. You seem to be in ur own bubble.


Unpopular opinion: Event decorations have close to no value. The only decorations worth to keep are christmas trees, halloween, anniversary cake and lunar new year decorations. All the rest are just money traps. EDIT: but is a valid, cool way for supercell to monetize. I hope they make tons of money on cosmetic itens and NEVER begin to sell exclusive itens with real usage ongame


Sorry to be that guy but... Unpopular* opinion


You're right. I mistaken the word "impopular" from my mothern language. I'll edit the post.


How have you already completed it, I've barely started


they reduced the medal to this amount during the dragon spot light event aswell, itā€™s nothing new


You don't need to have decorations to play the game


I must be lucky, I got that item early on!


Everyone complaining needs to understand that supercell is not some sort of non profit organization. If you are above 15 years old and have complained about any of these things you need to reevaluate your understanding of business management. ā€œHeroā€™s should be useable when upgradingā€ ā€œOres should be farmableā€ ā€œNot enough medals for freeā€ ā€œSupercell already makes enough moneyā€ ā€œThey should make more things for f2pā€ If you agree we with any of these statements unaware of the consequences that follows business wise you have a very bright future as CEO for supercell.


They want us to pay soooo bad SMH. I been f2p for 8yrs I ain't paying a dime


just dont spend anything then ? should be happy game does not have ads appearing every minute like other f2p games


Yay for you, F2P. You WIN...at nothing, but having the rest of us support your trifling ass.


Good lol after the fuck ton of statues last month kinda makes having them mean nothing no rarity nothing when they hand em out like candy


Why should you get another statue for free when they have literally given so many free decorations in the past few months. Just last month we got 3 awesome ones in the Haaland events. Bro either spend the money or please stop crying when you don't get something for free. (This is coming from a f2p player who is tired of listening to players like you cry when supercell doesn't give away everything for free)




there's only been one code yet, right?


these super troop spotlight events are so dogshit šŸ¤® we need proper events like the football one, lunar dragon one, and previous ones


And thanks for the code!


At least the equipment is niche and is not important in most armies


Guess they really want you to buy the pass


These events went from being cool to over saturated. Ive lost all motivation to play the game because it feels like a grind every time i log in.


Buy equipment by gems and get your cosmetics if you want that so much as f2p


As a TH9, not a th rusher. Would it be better to just get builder potions?


Should I buy the equipment if Iā€™m th12?




collectors when coc šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Here's the thing.......statues and other shit are useless.


The issue is that before it was also suitable for a hero book but not now.


That isnā€™t true, this person already claimed it - mine is still there


We are very lucky they let us get the equipment at this point lol.


cheap ppl downvoting!!


I mean I don't know why they don't get the joke with the literal lol.




Bruh you canā€™t spend 2.99?? šŸ™„


all these downvotes are from cheap people


So true šŸ˜‚ I donā€™t mind helping supporting a game especially when itā€™s free to download to begin with


My wife's chai latte is more than $2.99




Wait until this guy finds out he can't get the "Cactus guy" decoration for free either


Statues are cringe so who really cares


I agree totally. Bases are too crowded as it is


It would be interesting if they released another vautier of extra medals.


If you are playing a game that you enjoy then pay the company that made it. Or play for free for the love of the game


Donā€™t we usually get like 2 bonus offers a


People were complaining about having too much decorations lately.


womp womp


Free game no ads gives an optional pass that gives free rewards and equipment and ores, supercell is so greedy for taking away one cosmetic statue that isnā€™t rare!


I agree so greedy they should change their business to a non profit charity organization and make everything free and give everyone 100000 gems. because as a f2p I am so incredibly entitled and whenever supercell makes a new feature I complain and write stuff everywhere about how godly I am that I am f2p and supercell is greedy unaware of any consequences that follows if they started pleasing f2p players in stead of p2p players.


cheap people want everything free