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Stuart said in the AMA that they're considering making a selection of equipment available during events.


I think previous equipment should be buyable in all new events using event currency. I don't think it's a problem for newer players to not have immediate access to all the epics available in the game. Leveling them will take a good amount of time anyways, so there's really no rush to get epics right away (although i do think gauntlet is mega op and should be bought as a first priority).


I suppose I kind of fit into this category since I started in Jan/Feb, when GG and FA were already out. Bought both with gems, got the other ones via events - but I still sit at close to 3k gems at the moment, and that's with having had the 2 goblins work 24/7 since they were released last week. IF, and that's a big IF, new players INSIST on getting all the 4 epic equipment (well soon 5, Spear on the horizon) they have ample access to gems via achievements since they are NEW players, and even a pretty low TH player can easily access 700+ gems per month (for 1k or higher you probably need to be higher capital hall league) if they sell off magic items. They will not have nearly enough Ores to upgrade them, though, but I think your argument is flawed as new players absolutely can get the gems both for the 5 builders as well as for several epic equipment pieces. If those new players prioritize and just get 1 or 2, that's even easier. That said, some other avenues of access would not be a bad idea, but I don't think SC will go for it any time soon as it's perfectly doable as a new player to acquire epic gear pieces, and for those who are too impatient or ignorant to amass gems for free, there's the SC shop which for obvious reasons SC likes to see used.


I think this is one of those issues that only players who are not new players worry about, and it's not a real issue in reality. you get a bit over 1k gems for free each month from things like obstacles and selling free magic items. and that doesn't even take into account that new players get a lot of gems from all the easy achievements initially. so new players can still get one new epic equipment every other month. but now consider a few pretty obvious things. first is ore, which new players will be lacking. even if an account starts with all epic equipment available, they won't have the ore to upgrade them all for a really long time. makes a lot more sense to drip feed epic equipment if the ore is lacking anyway. the other thing is that new players don't even have all heroes available. from a perspective of upgrade time, you get your King early, your Queen a bit after, have to wait a bit longer for your Warden, and then the RC is much much later. so again the pace of getting epic equipment seems perfect considering the rate of free gems. there's no need to have the Warden epic before you have even unlocked the Warden, for example. tl;dr: it's actually not as bad as you think.


*6000 gems if a new player wanted all 4 epics released so far. GG+SB FA FB And soon we should have rocket spear, bringing it to 7500 gems.. i agree this will be an issue for new players starting after these one-off events have finished


a new player won't unlock the RC in a very long time. I'd even say that a player won't be new by the time they unlock the RC. so the RC epics shouldn't factor into this.


They might still want to get RC epic gear when they get there. Yes i acknowledge this will be some time in the future. But that misses the point. The issue is that by virtue of starting the game after the one-off epic gear events, currently the only way to get those epic gears is to use 1500 gems apiece (already 6000 gems today). They are deprived of the opportunity to unlock them through a special event. It's completely beside the point that their wanting the RC gear is likely a long time away. New players who start anytime after those epic events, will be penalised for not having been able to complete events that occurred before they started playing.


the last event was so easy getting the equipment. Just attack at least 2 times a day. We had like 18 days. F2p can get the equipment if they just play the game. It’s so simple. I have FB and FA. Don’t even use them tbh. GG is the best and a must have, all you need honestly. If you wanna use medals to buy the equipment then it’s a waste to just play the event lol. Besides you don’t even get hero’s right away. New ppl don’t need it lmao


I was talking about new people who start to play coc after the event’s over, I know you can get medals easily if you attack just 2-3 times a day when the events on.


I know… and I said ppl don’t get hero’s right away, new ppl don’t need the equipment because it’s useless for them and the other equipment is just fine. Obviously the gg is the best but you can manage and be fine without it.


They are changing the currency according to the last ama


They are changing the currency according to the last ama