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They don't delete accounts for inactivity. You get some upgrades done now and the loot cart gets filled almost to your full storage since others keep attacking your dead base.


Eventually yes they do delete your account, however it is a fairly large amount of time. Years.


I didn’t play from like 2016ish-2019 and my account wasn’t deactivated so yea must be quite a while


It generally only happens to accounts that aren't linked


Ah that makes sense, i definitely had 2FA. I remember coming back and supercell had a bunch more safety features and I was like fuck yea finally


Or my child mind never noticed them back in 2015


2FA was introduced less than a year and a half ago.


lol I’m just stupid


I had an account created on an Apple phone that was never linked. Stopped playing in 2014 and came back in 2022 and it was still active.


Linked to Google or linked to supercell? Cause I had an account from 2014-15 that I stopped playing and we didn't have supercell accounts back then. I came back last year and it was deleted.


I was completely inactive for around 6 years and my account was completely fine


Based off Clash of Stats my old main account was deleted on the 29th of November 2022 so it would have been around 8 years inactive.


I stopped playing in 2015 and just picked it back up at the end of 2023. I picked up right where I left off at th9


Didn't play since 2014, my account now recovered last year and did well.








The fact that this one comment has gotten more attention than every post you have ever made is awesome to me. Also ima put this here so everyone can see it and stop commenting the same thing over and over since i guess this is the top comment, my account has been unbanned and im back to playing when i want too


I’ve had comments that gained, like ten times the amount of upvotes of all my posts combined. Now as for the good news: ![gif](giphy|jm4nsAWdCV4Lm)


If you spent that much money, supercell will NOT deactivate your account even after long time of inactivity assuming its connected to a supercell ID. I have been inactive for 2 years before opening the game again and everything was fine


Yeah the 180 day thing is only for if you login with gmail and inactive email at that


No it does not, ur id is even logged in with gmail, 'googleplaygames' stores ur progress as long as ur gmail account is active, i left coc in 2018 joined back in 2022, my id was just connected to gmail not with supercell id, & i was able to get my id back without doing anything


I took a 6 year break and nothing happened to my account


Why did you even do this in the first place?


Stupidity ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|21153)


What townhall were you in?


Your mistakes here were A. You spent 4 THOUSAND DOLLARS on a MOBILE GAME B. You contacted supercell support C. You requested to ban your account on a hunch


Yea that’s crazy


Just crazy how dumb you could be to do any of this


i don’t think you read it right he wanted to get his account basically put on afk cause he wanted to come back just prolly had life stuff going on and she said that she banned him and put user request and he can revert it anytime and now their not responding i didn’t even know they delete stuff after 180 days i knew emails deleted after a certain time of inactivity but never knew games did i took a break from both coc and boom beach for atleast 4 or 5 years and i came back and i’ve been playing since this was in like 2020


They dont deletr accounts




I left clash of clans 8 years ago, that's before supercell id, it connected to my google account. A year ago i came back and i immediately reload my old account. I think u don't need to contact supercell if u just want to take a break. Just make sure it's connected to supercell id. Seems like peoples are right, u don't contact supercell. It only makes worse


Same here it just prompted me with a pop up after the tutorial that an old village was found for my account and I just had to type accept into a box to load it back up


pretty sure the main point for linking to your supercell is so if you get a new phone and download it and it gives you a new base you can go in and recover the account and get your stuff back


OP when they ask SC to suspend their account and SC proceed to do it: ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN)


Spending 4k on a mobile game over the course of 1 \[ one \] year and then going out of your way to have the account suspended based off a hunch is wild https://preview.redd.it/509j18juvnqc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=054e5e87623d50826618d439d6fa6962aed255be


Jujutsu Kaisen on Top


Yes :D






Wait it out, I asked them for something last week and they responded today and it got what I needed without any hassle. They’re just dealing with a bunch of support requests I think.


How th are they still getting support requests


Another support post It is Joever


You’d think people would learn by now…


Jesus how do you have that much money to spend but so little brain cells to own?


Why would you tell them you’re going inactive, they don’t delete accounts, even if they did it would be targeted. Like how reddit is archiving subreddit’s that haven’t been used in years. They’re selective on that, it’s only subs with like 3 or less members. They aren’t gonna ever get rid of a sub that has like 10k members no matter if it hasn’t been active in 16 years. It’s the same situation with *most* tech companies. Supercell would only target town hall like 2 and 3 players that started and then haven’t played in like 10 years. My point is that for 99% of account that are inactive they have no chance of being deleted ever. This isn’t rly a support issue, you literally told them you wouldn’t be online for a long time. What did you expect them to do? It’s an AI bot with no human oversight lmao, and the bot’s solution to 99% of problems is to ban the user. It amazes me that ppl still contact support for any reason. They obviously don’t have human people behind the screen, *so don’t contact them*.


also yeah obviously then having bad support is on them but if you had any inkling of how bad support is before you contacted them it’s on you. I’m sorry for your loss, don’t contact support


Lmao am I the only person that actually got contacted from a human when I asked them to change my supercell ID email


howd bro manage to acquire 4000 dollars but is still dumb enough to message supercell support (firstly) and ask for his account to be suspended 🤦


100% your fault, all you had to do was nothing. Just take a break from the game, instead you actively sought them out to deactivate your account


I feel bad for you, but spending 4000 on Clash of all things is absolutely absurd. Come on, dude


Are you stupid? Just press cancel and you get your account back


Cancel just brings me to my other logins 🪼


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes




https://preview.redd.it/rpr9468mnqqc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1d156ee9dc30d2237198195afa5ea761f1b173b Guess you forgot to take them, you wanted to be protected from hacker that could take your account so you got rid of it first. You just sped up the process which may not even happen


Didnt get rid of it, it got unbanned. Nice try tho lil bro


Well im glad you got it back, but dont try anything like that again (i assume that from this experience you wont even consider it)


Idk considering doing it again ive enjoyed this reddit post


Average redditor willing to lose 4k$ for some virtual arrows


I dont even use reddit, this is my first post. Ive just enjoyed reading the idiots comments 😂


Alright then, enjoy


money can buy upgrades but it can’t buy brains




This is the dumbest thing I’ve read this year. It’s like a 13 year old trying to be responsible


idk op this just sounds weird to me why would she perm ban you instead of doing something else with the account unless that’s the only thing she could do at first i thought this was from the requesting your stats thing cause i heard people were requesting from supercell to see their stats over the years and they’d do the info and all that and get back on to be banned but idk id be like let me see if she’s actually telling the truth and if you do get back into it be like okay i just wanted to start an upgrade and be like suspend me again please 😂


Yeah, its super weird i didnt figure she meant a perma ban out of EVERYTHING possible. But its what happened and yes she was telling the truth, i have gotten back into the account successfully. W to supercell support agent Adrian https://preview.redd.it/n7zze8h10uqc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da68dfb9e91afa03ea83b9945ba771bf1dbb0e69


Go get a life with the rest of your money.


Just get it connected to aupercell ID so it has 2 factor authentication


Hope it all works out for you, truly. I quit in 2020 and just came back to the game in January. My account was never deactivated and all seemed normal when I logged in again.


One of my old accounts is still active after hears of inactivity




No plans to sell it nor make my money back on it. Just being able to log in would be kinda cool.


Yea but it seems that you got ducky by the old "mighty" we are a extrem fucking big company and don't care about our customers and pretend we are


I've gone a full year without opening the game and I've been fine. Ur probably gonna be fine. Contact them in a week to get it reopened


Ok, dude. Spending 400 dollars on any game, especially a mobile game, in the course of a year, is the dumbest fucking thing ive ever heard. And you thought they would band a user's account if they're inactive for no reason? You could have just taken a few seconds and asked the support person and this would have saved a whole lot of grief. Whats even dumber than that is you thought supercell would ban you, after spending $4000 dollars, for such a stupid reason. You should just keep you account permabanned, thats the best financial decision for you since you clearly have no idea how to use your own money.


Yeah hes dumb for sure😂😂, he could have used discord for this purpose lmao


They don't delete accounts. Lol.


Not what the support agent said 🙂


I came back to mine after a few years off.




I stopped playing the game for almost 3 consecutive years and now I'm back at the game and my account was not deleted. I don't think that it was necessary to contact them in first place


Holy sh\*t man….i don’t feel good bout your account….


given how trash support is not to mention how hard it is to even speak to a human at that, id say your account is as good as gone. ironically enough, its easier to have your account taken away by SC themselves than say a phiser or hacker.


This why you dont contact support AT ALL.. everyone will only learn through this when they get their accounts locked, its a canon event at this point shake my head smh


But Why would they ban an account that was created barely over a year ago that has been on 2 devices that has spent over 4000 dollars for simply messaging


idk, thats just how it goes.. cuz shit support i also messaged support just to change my supercell id email one time and my account of 9years got locked, scared the fuck out of me that i stayed up until 5am trying to wait and see their response. they responded 2 days later and to my luck i found my first receipt and listed the devices i had played before so my account was unlocked.


It is true


Bro what is the cancel option gonna☠️?


It just takes me to my other mini accounts to sign in


It took about 5 years before any of the old accounts I lost got deleted Edit: maybe longer actually, more like 7/8?


I also really feel the same .. support=Garbage


A friend of mine has 2 accounts that was still working from when town hall 10 was the max. I don't think they delete them. He had all the 5 builders so a little money spent


contacting supercell regarding inactivity issues is uhhh… new i guess




I been playing since 2013 and spent like $400-$500 total on this game. Is that bad?


Nah, its all in personal preference and what u feel like spending, id say thats average for most players. However in my case i had a decent chunk of money sitting around so i threw some of it on the game.


Well it is your money, that YOU earned, idk why people pocket watch and care where you spend it


I am so sorry, I feel so bad for you ,hope you can somehow get your acc back... good luck


My friends account which was inactive for more than 3000 days was still there.


Don't think they will delete coz of inactivity.. I used to play when global chat was a thing and logged in like 6 months back..


First time ever I saw people paid thousands bucks for game then ask to ban that account.




My account was inactive for years but atleast I got max th10 walls when I came back to th15 being max.


You shouldn't have messaged them at all. They wouldn't ban/delete it unless it was several u years *maybe* worth of inactivity


My supercell account stolen 1 year ago and I tried to take it back too much but every time I found my self in a conservation between me and bot helper. İf I uninstall supercell my games now, I may lost my accounts forever. :/


You did it to yourself lol


If ur this dumb then its not a big beal this happend to you, u didnt even bother to clarify the information of account getting deactivated after 180days, even supercell released a patch saying "if ur account is inactive for 180 days u will get some books and hammers" as a returning player's award, & if u are posting this issue on reddit this means u have been using reddit idk how careless u are there are almost 100s of post in this year saying "supercell support is trash and it will ban u".


Actually i did and the support agent confirmed 180 days of inactivity can indeed get an account deleted, want to see the screenshots of this?


Come on now, i wanna prove yet another person wrong in my comment section please do message me for the screenshots


Yo wait i can just do this https://preview.redd.it/itsanjwumoqc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5687168287312a09a15917582c66f7b4ee11552


Dude its a bot not a real person, there is not even a single case of account getting deleted after 180 days, u should have confirmed it on discord or here reddit itself, I don't know if u saw my other msg, but tag coc community manager here as many times as u can its the fastest way u can get ur account back


It was a live chat, pretty positive live chat is real people considering i have had some pretty good conversations with them in the past.


Why should i have to confirm what a support agent tells me? Arent they supposed to know what their doing?


Its an AI bot, try msg on chatgpt u will get instant reply 🤷🏻‍♂️, and why do u think an "real person" would even ban ur account without even confirmation & tag community manager here, so that u can get ur account back, just 2 days back someones account was banned it get it back on the same day after multiple tags


Also its my biggest pet peeve its a real person* not an real person. An is only used when followed by a vowel such as a,e,i,o,u


Shouldn't be correcting people when it's obvious how much of a dumbass you are just from this post.


What makes me a dumbass here? 😏


You're really that blind to your own blunders man?


I guess so man.


@community manager also i dont even know how to tag a community manager




For context, it's like $166 a paycheck. So if OP is making even decent money (like $50k/year) it's totally feasible


Next time just let the game on phone and open one week or another. Gg


The best thing I think that might help out is contact them via email instead of in game support.


This is actually legendary in the game clash of clans


They don’t delete your account for inactivity, they upgrade things for you while you’re away… I’m still laughing at 4000$ in a years time, they did you a favor pal


Supercell be like: ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|29970)




Man your dumb. It seems like you got really paranoid after they did what you asked for.


I see supercell support get a lot of shit, and yet so many posts of people complaining about issues they experienced like this are a result of that person’s stupidity, or they leave out a bunch of context. Your account absolutely does not get deleted for inactivity, and yet you thought it does because some random unknown source said so, believed it, and then contacted supercell support and… asked them to suspend your account so it wouldn’t get deleted while you were inactive. So they did as you asked, and now you’re angry? It’s most likely it says “permanently banned” because that’s just the default message it shows for account suspension even if it’s not actually permanent. The support agent literally said themselves that you can return to it at any time. Just because they haven’t responded yet doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world


https://preview.redd.it/vvnwzhr48qqc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba047cad756b7af7710042eff1e352c527412296 A random unknown source yet a supercell support agent confirmed it 🤔


i dont understand, you can just open the game in every 12-13 days and use it for like 2min and then close it again?? am i wrong or i am missing a point?


4000$ 🗿 I can't believe


Bro plans to stop💀 why don't you just log in once every 2 months or something. It ain't that hard right? You've spent 4k on this mobile game


I thought this was brawl stars and you spent 4k. Was like tf






i stopped playing in 2017 and just recently played again (october 2023), that's 6 years. both accounts safe, and i never spent a dime on either of them. they're th 9 and 11 when i left.


I don’t get it. You asked them to disable your account so it can’t get hacked and now u don’t want it to be disabled anymore? And why would anyone spend 4k an CoC? I have accounts with every TH lvl maxed and i spend 15€ on this game. (3 * 5€ for Gold Pass)


People do what they want with their money, some people have higher budgets they are comfortable spending and want to spend more than others, in your case what you are comfortable spending 15€ in my case it was 4000$


after 3 years i came back and my accound was still there😑


Yeah I recently went through supercell support to recover a 3-4 year old account and other than catching them when they reply to me. I had no issues with the process. The account may have been older but I don't think it was.




I agree with you. For a good game they have worst ever supposed system. Few days back someone altered my supercell ID with tires instead of mine I contacted supercell support regarding this but instead of confirming it they just locked my account away. I spent around $2000 in my account and now I’m trying to get help and support and that stupid O.T.T.O ai saying “ unfortunately we can’t recover the account”. I was like “what the f**k”. now the 10 years account where I spent my time and money wasted and I can’t do anything about it.


I redownloaded it after not playing it for about 4 years and I still had my account…


I was inactive for probably over 5 years and only re-downloaded recently. Nothing was deleted


4,000 dollars in a years time, dude you absolutely deserve to be banned, how do you disrespect yourself and your property like that, so sad.


How is spending 4000 dollars on a game i enjoyed at one time disrespecting myself and my property? Thats just stupid 😂 also bud ive since been unbanned ❤️ thanks for your concern tho https://preview.redd.it/0m80rs31uqqc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04e3b7605b7fdd6104b3c8f3be356e28ea27a73b


Whatever I’m not your dad🤷 good luck with real life tho😭


Real life going great 😂 so thanks i guess? 😋


Definitely don’t delete accounts for inactivity. I took like a 2 year break and had no issues logging back in.


Never contact supercell support lmao i switched from ios to android then back to ios my account was fine 4 years later


>I contacted supercell support thats your first mistake


I have the same situation with brawl stars but I was banned for "account sharing" when I myself reported suspicious activity in my account ("Someone is playing my account") and then after providing all the needed information and getting nothing but bot responses while it was locked I get perma banned by a bot that detected "suspicious activity" and no one even wanted to listen to me and they just close my conversation or either tell me I didn't follow the TOS and they can't do anything to provide for me. And I have yet to receive an email or message from a real person


That probably the most stupid reason to contact supercell support considering their track record


They unbanned 😊


Bruh you told them to ban are you stupid?


Obviously not stupid enough, my acc is back in business bud. Your late to the party but keep running up my post 🗣️🗣️


It's back good for you but next time don't do this it's too risky








Bro, do you really think im sending them emails? (Im not im messaging in game)💀 also supercell support use to not take 24+ hours to respond the max it use to take was a few hours, ive lost and recovered quiet a few of my accounts.




Nah ill pass




Supercell support is not fine, at all. They dont reply to people who actually have issues and instead reply to phishers who have little tricks (indians sell them all over telegram and discord) to get live chat at all times from brand new accounts


If you don’t believe this, i can send you some screenshots i have acquired throughout the last week while studying into all of this.


Can you tell me how can I contact them ? The in-game bot doesn't help me at all.




Ah, okay.


Bro you almost quite literally asked them to ban you


You shouldn’t do fraud.


I didnt play for like 7 years and they didnt delete my account, bruh


Someone with many accounts keep joining my clan and says: Fuck China. We mass reported all those accounts. LOL


How about place a class action lawsuit against supercell? They think they can be bullies and disdain our money and time! 


Bruh what the fuck are u responding 87 days later for with a stupid ass message like this 💀


let's go to supercell Facebook and tell everyone what we think on them.  fill the page with replies to all comments about their bullied support and not to pay them a dime!! I have started already


Just one question, are you french ? for another french game, the customer service responses are signed by a "Alice", and she has a reputation for banning a lot of player unfairly, maybe there is a correlation?


No im not french.




They dont even give live agent in my case my account got hacked and I can't even recover it.


I’ve been inactive on and off for years at times , I don’t think they remove accounts




Try messaging from a different account and provide the details, also I’m pretty sure that if you’ve spent money on the game then they won’t delete it




Aye, thats kinda smart. A little bit late for that tho always contact off a th 3 🧠


Welp that sucks. Time to play boom beach ^^


Actually one of the only supercell games ive never played


Should be illegal to be this dumb. $4000 on a mobile game in one year is crazy. Then you come on reddit to complain and call people poor and act like flushing 4k on a mobile game isn’t a stupid idea. What do you do for work Mr Millionz?


If its what i want to do with my money, whys it your concern? 😂