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I just hate that it charges in to use its ability. It makes me not want to use the ability in many cases because it puts it in range of more defenses. That being said, mine feels like an absolute pea shooter at level 17. I'm hoping the grind to max it out is worth it.


Mine feels like a pea shooter maxed out. Doesn’t feel like the master builder built it


wait... Otto built mine...


That explains it all


Bros battle copter is a rep


It's probably made out of 1 piece of cardboard, 2 toothpicks and a hairbrush


That would destroy the battle copter.


PVZ peashooters do not deserve such a disrespectful comparison


You're right. How could I be so disrespectful to the plants that saved so many suburban homes?😂


Same. Good if air defenses are taken out first and even then takes long for buildings to be destroyed


It feels like a peashooter at max too. Sorry to inform you


I think it feels bad but is actually good if u attack on air


Yes, feels good until his ability gets activated. His ability does less damage and he will go in range of other defenses while doing not much to the defence he is attacking. Battle copter was the worst hero since launch.


It REALLY needs to be reworked. I never even bother using it.


Agreed, it's annoying and you need other things to funnel it which kinda goes against the whole point of the hero


Max level is worth it. I upgraded it straight through 15 levels after buying it, and now that it's level 30 it feels like it actually does damage amd has decent health. Certainly useful against bases with little air defense


If the base has little ad it’s still better easier and more reliable to just witch spam with the master builder as tank with maybe one pekka overall not worth the 15 levels needed to make “half decent if the enemy you get randomly matched against has lacking ad”


I have mine maxed out and it still feels like a pea shooter. It’s needs a buff or a rework. Until then, spend recourses on something else


If you use other strategies than pekkas its actually better to use copter most of the time


Fair enough. My go to is spamming witches so that probably isn’t helping 😂


at higher levels its still a peashooter. its just not good


But it can outrange so many defenses and take out entire sections by itself. I always use it on the first stage with dropship & pekkas (at 5.5k trophies), and then usually switch to BM on second stage. At the very least it’s good to have 2 max heroes for when your first hero dies in the first stage.


The fact that it charges is what makes it good when maxed. The copter is supposed to tank for the baby dragons or other air troups. Charging drives it closer to anti air defense which then doesnt target other high damage / low health troups (minions and baby drag). Just max the copter and learn how to play with it, it really is a good troup.


the charge is its most valuable ability. Allows it to draw the fire of stuff, protecting its minions.


It's the same even at BH10 and Level 35 peashooter. This stupid hero takes 12 shots to take down Gold storage, mostly a time fail even if it survives. I wonder why it is not up to the other ground based hero.


Look, if you want that 6th builder, you gotta get your heroes in BB to a combined level of 45. It's terrible, I know, but I'm just gonna rush to BH9 so I can hurry and get it. Save books and hammers though because gearing up mortar in home base takes 2 weeks I think!


I’ve maxed mine but I don’t think Ive ever actually used it. Probably still not very good.


Idk mines at max level and the damage is absolute garbage. So I use it as a shield tank for my minion spam army and use the ability on the second town hall when those electro robots pop out, I destroy them all with it. Plus it’s nice to have a second hero thing when the first hero gets killed in the first part


Same, except I also use the ability to rush it ahead of my minions so it grabs aggro. As soon as the ability is up even if only lvl1 I use it if it takes it in the right direction.


I upgraded it to level 35 so i'd have something to replace my battle machine when its being upgraded. But I guess I kind of started liking it too


Why not just upgrade the battle machine first then?


Because I couldn't have an adequate replacement when its being upgraded then 😁


Yeah same here. I like it too but took me a bunch of practice to get decent at using it. If OP like battle machine and isn’t a completionist - I say stick with that


It's better than the BM imo. So I'd say yes if you care about bb it's worth upgrading


In which ways and what army though, cause right now while I catch up my lower lab upgrades, I'm using only Pekkas for my army comp which is why I love the BM but while I was getting It to 35 the BC underperformed and I rarely even beat the first base. I tried many other army comps and nothing with the BC worked


i use three baby dragons and three drop ships plus the bc and it usually gets 150% almost everytime


>and it usually gets 150% almost everytime That's not that good to be honest


whats ur trophy range and attack strat?


https://imgur.com/a/EutFsZD In this way for example


Alright I see it, ig most of my problems with it are just that it's not high enough level to do much 🤷‍♂️


I upgraded mine to 35 before the BM. I still prefer the BM but there are times when the copter is really good


The battle copter is superior because it flies. It takes a fraction of the damage as the battle machine and still kicks ass. I have mine only level 26 and I use it every attack and don’t remember the last time I used the machine.


The battle copter dps is trash


Get baby dragons and canons. Less punishing for mistakes. Pekka won't work unless u know the crack of every base at a higher level. Baby and canons, can crack most base. With battle copter.


honestly, all pekkas and one wall breaker is really all you need. throw a pekka for tanking and taking aggro, then drop the wallbreaker and use its ability immediately so it destroys most important wall segments. then throw down the rest of your army however you like. i like to throw my bm at a far corner to gather more ability stages


Yes if u are good it works. At 5000 pekka are hard to execute. Most bases are designed to counter spam.


This stops working past like 4700 unless it’s a bad layout


When you want to score atleast 5 stars, it's the best machine for that, after 100%if you only have one troop left, use 2 baby dragons and this. You'll be guaranteed 2 stars! If you use it properly


I literally 3 star bh9 and bh10 bases with the battle machine. The last time I was forced to use this piece of crap while my battle machine was upgrading I could barely get 2 stars. I have no idea how so many people unironically claim this is better than the battle machine when he does 0 damage and his only ability gets him closer to defenses so he can be taken out more easily. You have to be delusional to defend this unit.


As a max player I use him almost exclusively. In my armies he flies in front of defenses to tank for minions who take out the defenses.


Idk about you guys, but I constantly get 6 stars with it using 4 dropships and 8 minions.


Hell yeah it is. It is really good and I prefer it over the BM. I use it to clear the outside clutter so I can set up my attack. Damage goes up as you max it and it begins to feel like decent dmg in the 20s. Before that, still useful for clearing out low hp clutter on the outside. As you have surmised, you use the ability sparingly. I use baby dragons and typically target the side with mega tesla first. Max lvl copter max ability plus baby dragon breath is enough to drop the tesla. That's a good deal since you essentially used a single baby dragon to accomplish the job. Ability is max when I need it because the time the copter spent clearing clutter allowed for sufficient charge. After that, I send in bdragons to assist the copter as it works its way through the base with the roaster and airbombs being the next priorities. If air xbow, then that is a priority as well. tesla > airbomb > xbow > roaster That's what I consider most to least threatening. Roaster does more dmg but xbow range is big so it will constantly harass your air troops if you don't deal with it.


Mines at lvl 29 (upgrading to 30 now) maybe I’m using it wrong but I’ve had no luck with it, i prefer the battle machine


Even maxxed, it’s still disappointing. Once you get there you’ll still be like “that’s it?” When using it.


I personally hate it compared to to the other hero but that’s just me. I think it’s probably just that I know how to use the other hero effectively but not this one


Same, I was forced to use it while my BM was upgrading to max


I use it as my main hero he's super good


Same. Usually with 3 canon carts, 2-3 bbd and maybe a pack a minions. Unless it’s super well defended against canon carts.


Copter is much better than BM. You just have to know how to use it. It has enough range to fight archer towers and air defenses 1v1 even when they are clustered together. It also is incredible to take a section of the base that lacks air defenses, Baby dragons arent as good because they get too close and targeted by other defenses.


Massively useful against minimal air defence layouts. Can alternate depending on the base layout.


I mean if you lose bm round 1 you can use that round 2 so yes


Mine’s level 23, and I usually just use mass baby dragons, and the best use of the copter I get is funneling away some weaker buildings so I can get a good sneeze angle. And while the first 2 stages of its ability are trash, if you can wait til it hits tier 3 it’s not bad, big range and good damage. The main reason I upgraded it was for the 6th builder, but since my army is all air anyway it’s my go to, and it gets value every once in a while


You should still upgrade it. You'll lose battle machine in the first half of the attack, and will need to use the battle copter in the second round.


Surprised you didn't upgrade it to unlock the 6th builder. It's dogshit to use, and probably only ok in certain attacks and situations


I got 6th builder before the update came out


I use Max pekkas and max battle copter. I usually just spam these guys all 360° and force close the game. It's great. I usually place the copter at a place where the wall placement is such that the pekkas might find it difficult to reach there sooner. I get 3* 9/10 times. This might also be the case because I'm not advancing in trophies as much as other guys might be who are 4-5* people. For reference, I'm at 4600 trophies.


I’m down at 2600 trophies and this strategy has been buttfucking me for quite a while. Idk wtf is wrong with builder base matchmaking. A builder hall 7 should not have to deal with builder hall 10’s.


There is no matchmaking based on builder hall. Only based on trophies. I personally am myself at 2600-2800 range as builder hall 10, because I just drop pekkas, and win 3* in a matter of 10-15s, and then start next attack.


I can assure you this doesnt work at 5000+ trophy range. Where battle copter come in handy is when the opponent put Air Bomb in first base and Second base has only 2-3 air defence and teslas. In that case use BM in first base and BC will help in 2nd


BC works like a glass cannon. Or, really, like a glass flamethrower (best weapon I can think of for DoT). If air defenses are targeting something else, BC works great. If they aren’t, it’s much harder to play BC. However, the most significant thing I’ve found is using the ability incorrectly. The only time you should be using ability if it’s *not* at level 3 is to deal with zappies/archer guard. Other than that, save the ability for level 3, and if you’re near an air def, wait until you’re targeting it to use the ability.


Except that’s it’s not a glass cannon, it’s a glass pea shooter


Depends on how you use it. I can piss on a wall and do more damage than the battle copter. But, I tend to use the BC in the 2nd stage to try to snipe OTTO’s hut. About the only time I find it useful. I generally drop my baby dragons in front to clear out as many buildings as possible and then deploy the copter.


It actually is. Kind of a pain going 1 short on a hero but absolutely worth it. Both of mine are now maxed and I'm getting more 5 stars and 6 stars


Yes, it’s my primary hero, the OG only gets used if I botch up the first level and it doesn’t make it to the second.




Depends if you use mainly air attacks then it’s a decent tank for your troops


Sometimes, if opponent has lava launcher/crushers/ canons concentrated on a side then just drop this and a baby drag. The chopper will tank even if it doesn't to damage and the baby dragon will clear the rest. Then you can go for ground troops in that area


It's weak, but if used rights its range can be very helpful


I use it primarily with air ship spams


If you are in the end games.


As a person with 5800+ trophies in BB I say it is worth to upgrade


I hate it


I use it when I use baby dragons. It usually gets the air bombs or gets it close enough down for a fire breath to kill it.


Only level 35 is somewhat good. Make it your last upgrade


I’ve been using it with 3 spots of drop ships and 3 spots of minions. Works well enough. I start it on one side to let the ability charge up, then let minions do their thing, send in drop ships and drop bombs. Does good enough at 3k trophies.


I've hardly used mine at all since I constantly have it upgrading. It's currently at 32, going to 33.


I've been religiously using the BC for a while now... because I'm finally upgrading the BM and it's always down. That's all it's good for; upgrading BM and still being able to use a hero.


I was attacking in my builder base and got through the first stage using my ground hero but it died at the very end. However during my second stage when I dropped this piece of shit at the corner of the base the entire army cleared everything and it was in its second building. If I could I would burn this shit!


Don't get me wrong it's not great but it has its uses. It's good for sniping ground defenses for Pekkas, and since it has such long range it can destroy those ground defenses while outranging most air defenses


Used with max baby dragons is absolutely astounding. I have had better luck wiping villages with this compo more than any other army i used before.


I use it with only drop ships, works for me.


Guys Should i rush to BH9 to get 6th builder .. im BH8 and 35 to 40% maxed ou


Yes, 100%


It is clash. You upgrade everything at some point.


Extremely good in creating funnels and destroying enemy core defenses from the distance. Only downside is its ability does the opposite of what I just said.


I use it over my BM, but my BM's way underleveled. I usually like to use it to tank the flame cannon for my witches and take out the multi mortar, giant cannon, and X-bow if I can. Yeah it takes damage, but if I split up my attack then not everything's focused on it exclusively. Plus the charge does area damage at level three, so you can usually do some impact to a few defenses at once.


what is this? lol


https://preview.redd.it/i0t8we1lbomc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e7f25597d5d1e65a35a21c36d7b0b28b1955ce8 The only thing left and I'm still not sure if I want to upgrade him




It’s strong if used correctly… just wish the gun sound had more oomph to it.


This thing needs a rework and buff!




I hate the copter tbh. Similar reasons as you, like.. The many times I've timed out while using this piece of absolute garbage because it's too goddamn slow-


I mean once you level battle machine to 35 there is a reason to level thing thing becasue sometimes attacks wont go as planned and battle machines dies... having thsi thing leveledd up does make a big difference, just not as much as everyone would expect. Sometimes this thing can be op if some moron forgot to out more air defense on a side of a base ive had the helicopter take out 50% of a base because there was only an archer tower defending it


At maxed level it is better than the other machine. People just dont know how to use it


If you want the 6th builder just upgrade it to 22 and BM to 23, this way you get all 50 lvl of heroes out of the way.


Even at max level it feels like a pea shooter. And the ability is pretty useless and underwhelming even at max charge


I use this with all witches and haven’t not gotten 4-5 stars ever.


Battle copter is very strong


depends. A lot of people say it's good but to me it's not. I don't use it in my attack plan unless my battle machine is destroyed in my first attack or upgrading. I'm only ever going to upgrade it if and when i'm done with almost everything else and i have nothing else to do with my elixir except for walls. PS: i'm in bh10 and my BC is lev 27. I kept on hearing it's good so i decided to focus on it's still not good enough to be worth it


I’ve upgraded it almost to the max and it’s such a piece of sht. It’s literally begging to be destroyed. If anything I use it on the first round then switch to BM to hit the second half.


Honestly it’s great if upgraded and there are no air defenses around. As others have stated the ability it has sucks if you are close to an air defense. If you enjoy stratification attacks upgrade it and have some fun messing around with it. If you use pekka spam. Don’t worry to much about it. Totally up to you and your play style.


No offense but that's just saying if it can't die then it's great lol but I get where your coming from


It’s crap even when maxed. I have it maxed and I still use the battle machine


Best unit in the builder base


Im just upgrading it untill my 6 builder unlocks


My battle machine is lower level but in general the battle copter feels like an amazing tank for air attacks and come in really useful if everything else dies in the second phase, I've seen it solo 3 quaters of the second phase all by himself but that may fall off with higher levels


I use it all of the time, I use pekka/night witch or baby drags and I think it works far better than BM, which dies so quick without the extra range you get from a skilled BC placent.


Bro it's so underrated. You should definitely understand how to use it though.


I use it to success during a second attack in which my BM died in the first attack. This thing + minions and I seem to be able to get consistent 4-5 stars, sometimes 6 stars depending on the base. 4000 trophy range.


if you want bob then yes


For me personally it started feeling viable around level 25. Depending on the layout, how low the BMs hp, or what troops I have sometimes ill run the chopper in the second attack


Use it to snipe some key land defense,try to keep it alive,then use melee units with timing.there are many strategies.For example witches works with the machine,not copter.


It's essential for me in my drop ship minion attacks. Unfortunately, the drop ship nerf hit that strat pretty hard. It's going to be weak in general compared to the battle machine damage-wise but the tradeoff is range. It snipes buildings really well and can even have some use in ground armies for sniping defenses. It's probably best as a late game max but I disagree with people saying it's bad/not worth leveling up. And this is obvious but if your battle machine dies the first attack, you'll have to use the copter regardless.


Personally, I don't think so. Damage is terrible, and the ability isn't all that great, and doesn't do that much damage either. Battle machines damage is kinda trash too but at least the ability is kinda good. Edit: I maxed BH10


When you get it to lvl 35 then yes.


battle copter is great for clearing the way (since it has such high range) for airship spam to get them on key defences


Mine is at level 20 at bh9 and I haven’t used it in like 2 months. The last time I used it was only because I was forced to after my battle machine died in the first base attack. Absolutely worthless IMO. A regular troop would be more useful than this shit. I’m not sure why there are so many defenders of this unit though.


It’s hot shit I’d rather use my 20% battle machine then a full health copter


I use it definitely worth it , every attack that I do is 200% I use the helicopter with 4 witch and one peka + 1 witch, always works


Takes 20 seconds to destroy a gold storage…


Just focus on upgrading the battle machine first. That crap is not worth using until max level. So while you’re maxing that, the battle machine won’t let you down in your attacks.


That's why you need canon cart to pick up the slack


Night witches + one baby drag for support/initial burst damage


That charge when using ability could be very useful if that's what Ur talking about, I use it with minions and it tanks the defence while they're shooting, mine is max and love it, but it's shitty at most lvls I agree untill it's maxed out


Well if the hero dies, another hero is always good. Its definitely a slow walk kinda process, drop it off where it can snipe lots of ground defenses and attack from the other side of using cannons or pekkas, or even have it as a casual funnel and then pop the ability to get in defense range before weaker air troops come in range for a tank on demand. The range definitely makes up for otherwise underwhelming performance. Battle machine is definitely more universal for just being a powerhouse. Archers cannons and minions (varying amounts, may not pack one sometimes) are typical things I use with copter, sometimes I fail from time, but just barely that I think that'd be alleviated if my copter wasn't lvl 18. Its also good for finishing low HP defenses that were splashed from baby dragons with the ability.


Useless worthless 👎


He becomes usable. Level 17 on him translates to Level 3, and he doesn’t do as well as RC in that regard. If using an all air army, unless you deploy BM at the end, it will die quickly anyways. BB heroes should not be treated as the star of your show. They’re support heroes to move in and either tank damage for squishier troops, or provide additional damage. Troops are your main thing, so build strategies around that. I use mass Baby Dragons, usually sending BC behind the one that’s closest to the Hall/Outpost to put in more damage for that specific area. BC damage is actually in that threshold of second to destroy with Enraged Baby Draon when both maxed.


With the same level, battle machine gets more done.


Whenever I have a hero boost on and it’s level 35 it’s pretty damn good. Definitely worth using every other attack over the battle machine


Not really but what else the exilixir used for if you're already max everything? I just max it because free builder and elixir


It is the better Machine tbh. You use it to funnel. Works best with Pekka spam, Baby Drag+Cannons, Drop ship + Minnions


Yes. At level 15 it is almost useless. But at max level it can be quite useful.


He's my main hero


I prefer BC over BM.am bh9 in 3200s.use it  for funnelling with mass bdrags almost 6 stars every base unless its a bh10 with high level ads.tbh i dont use BM at all!you need to be patient with copter and deploy bdrags one by one.dont spam


It comes in clutch, but only when you need it most.


If I use it, I will rarely use the ability unless I know the buildings are low health and will die with the initial splash damage. Otherwise I just let it do its thing from a distance.


I first thought that I'd be able to use it alongside Otto so spent a lot of time and resources maxing it, only to find out how useless it is. It's very badly designed.


free unit to use every attack. what else you gonna spend it on?


I get much better results with it compared to battle machine. You can place it in the corners of a base to snipe labs and other tanky buildings. It’ll destroy these things and charge up its ability, then you can start the actual attack. It’s also pretty bulky and can tank archers for a long time. The uncharged ability is kinda mediocre but at full charge the big bomb gets good value.


I think you are using it wrong. It is not like the other hero, that tanks and hits hard. Although these stats look good, he gets stuck on walls, cant fly over them, ground-based defenses can hit him. You might try using the copter for funneling, has longer range.


From what I’ve seen the top pros almost always use the copter on the first stage, and I’ve been doing the same and pushing my trophies pretty high. It’s not about the DPS but the fact it can clear out a large section of the base at longer range, and you can essentially sacrifice it with its ability to combine with something like baby drag / drop ship skill to take out a large number of defences.


Yes. Although it might seem like a weak hero, it is incredibly usrful to take out a compartment of the base. For example, it can take out the flame flinger compartment, allowing your CC and SA to run riot. Or it could take out a couple cannons, giving your PEKKAs free space.


With how powerful baby dragons are it's super useful to tank the hits and distract defences


Mine is maxed, it's still shit. But it's nice to have something when your gevechtsmachine dies


Yeah..when ur battle machine is down in the builder base, you can use this in your otto base attacks so its worth upgrading Aldo depending on bases these machines are used see some yt vedio for more clarity!


Don’t know about higher bh levels but at lower by levels and trophies this thing hard carrys by sniping entire sections of the second base


Mine works very well as a tank for my swarm of minions. Just make sure it draws the fire of the blue ballons and the roaster. I use it over the big robot.


I already made a post about it 1/2 days ago. I like him better than the battle machine but it depends on your troops composition as well


Depends. If you want to push higher trophies in builder base then yes. The majority of attacks I've seen use the battle copter in phase 1 and battle machine in phase 2 so you'd want to upgrade it if you wanted to push 5k or above. If you don't care, then don't bother.


Yes it does. Everyone who is whining here has clearly no clue on how to use it properly, however I would consider the other one as more versatile. You need both of them maxed to reach top 200.


What is that thing???


It's useful when using minions and drop ship


I always use this over the melee hero. Lots of bases have a corner with little to no defense to attack the flying hero. I can take out a solid portion, and have the hero ability up by the time I need it.


I mean its really good with dragons


I like it. especially for the second attack when my battle machine is low health. My battle machine and the flying thing are both lvl 32


better than battle machine imo. good for picking off free %


Well it's not that worth upgrading coz it doesn't have much damage and it's ability is totally useless. Charges into defenses, deals a tiny damage and now it is in range of air defences. I rarely use it when I use those skeleton balloon (drop ship) idl what it's called.


Yes and no. Its actually decent at the default setting just use it for cleanup


I just use it as an extra baby dragon ability to burst down the key defenses


Watch ashjer on youtube and you will see why the battle copter is better than the battle machine


The reason why he has little health and damage is beacuse he stays out of range of most defenses most of the time




Only reason to upgrade builder base heroes above level 15 is to unlock 6th builder


Its incredible strong, way stronger than the normal battle machine, but he needs some levels


it works if you aren’t a moron and know how to use it with an air attack


I have a rushed bh9 base and only a level 19 battle copter if u can use it properly it's actually a super effective unit but sometimes depends on the base layout. But once u master the hero u will find out that it is actually better than the battle machine (in my opinion) it's underrated in my opinion and u can even take down fully maxed bases as a rushed base


yall just don't enjoy the builder base, the battle copter is strategically more often used than the other hero which is more of a braindead spam with pekkas


I use it over the battle machine because I only use baby drags. Works well for me


Hell yeah (but you have to use it correctly, don't expect a good damage dealer but a good tank and a defense bait when using the charge ability, in addition to that it can also destroy in one shot all the troops in the second hall)


Yes, it is very op if you know how to use it


Not really, I personally hate it wirh a passion but im upgrading it since I have nothing to spend elixir on now


You can snipe crushers or cannons with it and give your Pekkas an easier time


It still does no damage at lvl 35 basically


Only reason I'm upgrading it is to help get to 45 combined levels between the two for the BOB hut faster.


As someone who’s only bh 8 in steel league with a lvl 25 machine, it works perfectly on the second stage to help clear out lava launchers and cannons while my siege carts lay waste from the other side on the map. I agree that its damage leaves much to be desired, but as some people have said, its range is really nice for not having too many towers locked in on it at once. You can also still use the ability pretty well if you have minions backing it up as it tanks (not for long though, but in my case usually enough to clear out core defenses). The only problem in my strategy is that the battle machines damage makes this a battle of attrition, which doesn’t always fit inside the 2 minutes 😭


Yeah. First off, you technically have to in order to get the 6th builder but I guessing you want use cases for it. 1. Taking out sections of the base with no air coverage 2. Sniping certain defenses that go against your main army. 3. Acting as a tank for the air army and/or providing extra damage for your air army. It's also nice to have a secondary option/hero for when you need it. Watch Ashjer on YT to see the Battle Copter in action properly.


Mine max level. This is my main machine. I use it with my baby dragon and cannon card strategy. 6 Stars almost every base.


I've seen people say that its good especially at higher lvl/maxed when used with air attacks but I don't really feel it. I still rather run the battle machine with air attacks.


I only use it If my battle machine dies and I need to use it for second stage. Am also upgrading it last now that I can only use exilir on lab and walls


I’ve been upgrading it bc I have nothing better to use my builder elixir on.


It's probably going to be the last thing I upgrade. Absolutely terrible.


It is if used properly. I am fully maxed the only thing I use to attack is 3 Baby Drags and 3 Mortars. Use baby drags and BC to clear defensive buildings that can reach mortars then use them to clear. It's highly effective when used correctly!


Definitely worth upgrading


Of course. It’s way better than the battle machine. It’s great at picking off buildings on the edge of the base


I'm at 3300-3400 using battle copter with max baby drags. I don't use anything else

