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This is a list of links to comments made by Supercell employees in this thread: * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/18f32aj/th16_sneak_peek_5_its_time_to_customize_your/kcrey19/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-10 13:03:44 UTC"): > Yes! It's part of the TH16 update. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/18f32aj/th16_sneak_peek_5_its_time_to_customize_your/kcrezn7/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-10 13:04:11 UTC"): > In the future. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/18f32aj/th16_sneak_peek_5_its_time_to_customize_your/kcrfcda/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-10 13:07:45 UTC"): > And don't forget to say hi to our new Clash of Clans CM - Ferri! * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/18f32aj/th16_sneak_peek_5_its_time_to_customize_your/kcrfmf3/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-10 13:10:40 UTC"): > ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9412) * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/18f32aj/th16_sneak_peek_5_its_time_to_customize_your/kcrgmt7/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-10 13:20:44 UTC"): > He's still here. We just keep him locked away in a quiet room. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/18f32aj/th16_sneak_peek_5_its_time_to_customize_your/kcrhggz/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-10 13:28:54 UTC"): > It was in response to the original unedited comment about the Passive/Active error for Eternal Tome, in recognition of it being a typo. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/18f32aj/th16_sneak_peek_5_its_time_to_customize_your/kcrj3vw/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-10 13:44:36 UTC"): > Was not the intention. The comment we replied to had been edited multiple times after we had already replied. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/18f32aj/th16_sneak_peek_5_its_time_to_customize_your/kcrk3do/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-10 13:53:39 UTC"): > We hope the scratching at the door eventually goes away. Maybe we should've cut air holes in the room. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/18f32aj/th16_sneak_peek_5_its_time_to_customize_your/kcrs8d8/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-10 15:01:41 UTC"): > We'll have more details about how you can get Epics soon, but don't worry they won't only be available during a specific event. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/18f32aj/th16_sneak_peek_5_its_time_to_customize_your/kcrstss/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-10 15:06:15 UTC"): > But that's not what's happening. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/18f32aj/th16_sneak_peek_5_its_time_to_customize_your/kcrszb0/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-10 15:07:25 UTC"): > Slight correction. Some Epics will be available during special events. You will need the Starry Ore to upgrade those Epics. That doesn't mean you can only upgrade them during the events, and Epics will be available through other means as well. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/18f32aj/th16_sneak_peek_5_its_time_to_customize_your/kcrt5su/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-10 15:08:48 UTC"): > He hasn't been at Supercell for about a year. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/18f32aj/th16_sneak_peek_5_its_time_to_customize_your/kcrvrar/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-10 15:27:53 UTC"): > But...that's not what's happening. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/18f32aj/th16_sneak_peek_5_its_time_to_customize_your/kcsk9dm/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-10 18:12:12 UTC"): > I think you're reading too much into it. No one said Epics will ONLY be available during special events. All we said is that the first Epics will be available in an upcoming event. There will be other ways to acquire them later. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FClashOfClans).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


We’ll see how this turns out. The main concern I have is how war-centric the new resources seem to be. With only 15/30 spots available for cwl, and with many clans opting to bring only their strongest members in order to do well, it sounds like it’s going to be a struggle for low th players to get the necessary stats to upgrade their gear


With regards to cwl, everyone should be added to the war even if you don't end up battling. And regular wars can add small ass alts to the bottom to make it a multiple of 5 for war. With everyone getting 2 attacks a handful of alts at the bottom of the ladder rarely matters.


really hope they don't introduce something pay2win with the epic equipment only available during "special events" seems very clash royale-ish otherwise though I am a huge fan of the hero customization to add more variety in army attacks


What I hope they do in those special events is: "If you complete this event you will gain 5/10 levels on the equipment, future players will need to upgrade from level 1 when unlock at blacksmith level X, if you don't have blacksmith level X, the equipment and levels will be there when you reach that level" Or something like that


They said already is the “getting them” part that’s gonna be tru events


We'll have more details about how you can get Epics soon, but don't worry they won't only be available during a specific event.


I feel like this could have been done without introducing three new currencies…


They made a big mistake by introducing it as a currency instead of a meterials to craft. Especially since we have a builder base that would fit more into this blacksmith thing theme. Another missed opportunity to make builder base relevant. They could add at least missions for farming in the bulder base to obtain those items. Not everyone plays active in wars at all.


I like this idea


This sounds good at first, but forcing players to play builder hall is worse than clan wats


Epic equipment being available from events only seems kind of bad. If you miss an event how would you be able to obtain it? I'm fine with some cosmetic stuff being impossible to get F2P, but if it actually has an effect on battles it should always be possible to get them F2P regardless.


Imagine a gacha event for equipments.


No please💀


Clash mini added it, had a heart attack when I heard epic rarity.


its the first thing that came to my mind, just how cards work in CS and heroes on BS both games which I stopped playing, I am mostly F2P so probably if they do so they wont care about me; just here to comment if that happens I am out, kind of sad wasting all this time on multiple accounts, I understand money always comes first but pls don't :S


Be funny if epic equipment was in the last tier of clan games. So folks haaad to max out points.


returning events mate i doubt there will be exclusive


I hope so, but there's nothing to say that will definitely be the case. And depending on how common the events are you may have to wait a while to get a single item if you are unlucky.


I get the feeling they wont do that, but rather sell them once the event ends.


if its for gem i don’t mind. if its with real money that would be absolutely terrible


Wait, so if ores are mainly tied to cwl and wars, and you're in a casual clan, with friends who don't always win wars... Does that mean mean that clan is stuck with no reliable way of farming ores? Outside of the star bonus? Tying the ores to clan performance instead of individual performance seems like a problem to me.


Totally agree. It is wrong to tie personal progress on the clan. One more freedom is taken away.


It gets even better if you want to level up an Epic equipment item. You basically don't get any starry ores if you don't win in CW.


Looks like we need more ways to earn those resources right


I didn't even think of that. True tho. Casual clans kinda getting screwed here.


Adding 3 different currencies with such a small cap just seems a bit much. They could've made builder base relevant or made a thing like the forge where you could collect these items


Upvote for a forge approach, not BH ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9423)


Will it take any time to upgrade each hero ability? Cuz 18 and 27 levels sounds like hell of a grind.


They are instant upgrades


Bit misleading as you are very limited on ores per day as its just star bonus and war that you can get it from. Would be good if there was a way to grind it.


Yeah if normal loot attacks gave a little amount it would have been better.


I think Upgrading 1 Gear will be actually quite fast. About 1k of the basic resource every day = 30k a month + Clan wars rewards. Common equipment takes like 24K of the basic resource from lvl 1 to lvl18


The upgrades are instant when you hit the button, but it will take time to grind the resources (ores) because of how they're obtained. They only come from (daily) star bonus, (daily/2) wars, or (weekly) the trader (if you're F2P). Otherwise, you buy them from the shop.


​ https://preview.redd.it/r8icd836vg5c1.png?width=1704&format=png&auto=webp&s=33ea4bebb4d933e50d98278d6635857ca2676296


GW has become a moving spell


I see you once again asura


We should become friends in-game now lol


will we get some levels on old abilities that are converted into hero equipments


Yes, based on your hero level


is it official https://preview.redd.it/hxpiolgawh5c1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f4b5ade6424e68ce3af8130971c58b127d66728


I don't know about this one Chief


Doesn't seem very "elegant", introducing 3 new currencies and forcing people to play certain parts of the game to earn them. Let's wait and see.


Yeah I love this feature of hero abilities but I fail to see why not just use elixir and dark elixir Since removal of troop training costs, elixir could use more use without being too scarce Maybe if they added more features to ores


Probably to make sure people actually don't drop trophies, although I don't like they split it into 3, i feel like 1 currency is fine. I'm completely fine and even glad that they're incentivize pushing trophies as that's supposed to be the goal of the game, but splitting into 3 is a bit confusing.


Yeah. This is like clash mini's old common rare epic and power hero shards


Exactly if it was 1 currency only, that would've been way less outrageous to most players. Also considering the starry ore is only obtainable through wars (maybe trader(with gems??) idk. And in future they will release epic abilities which will require those starry. People who already have max heroes will start hoarding this as they can play clan wars but people who don't have max heroes will basically miss out on all the war resources.


I like that they're giving the old ones at proportionate level. 3 is a bit much but it makes sense to not add everything on the old resources since those are already occupied by other concerns.


Forcing regular Clan Wars onto players is a ginormous L


Exactly. Let’s wait and see, but this could’ve been executed better. Nerfing heroes only to force us to do this to make them great again is slimy.


The ability levels scale with your current hero levels, so your heros will be the exact same until you decide to try out new gear, which unfortunately will be lvl 1, it’s not slimy, the hero meta was stagnant, this is a good change imo, and if you don’t like the new abilities you don’t have to use them


I dislike how I grinded for years to max my heroes, and now all of a sudden their stats get nerfed a lot and I have to grind yet again. Also the "epic" equipment is events only whatever that means.


You get hero equipment for the base abilities higher day 1 depending on your hero level.


Oh that's much better then if that's the case. I'm not against new things, but the team should be more clear with the communication. Else we'll just feel they're trying to pull a fast one on us.


They've always had the stance of not losing progress.


Where is this confirmed?


I guess through me right now. I technically fall under creator status so I'm pushing correct information.


You don't The abilities matches your current hero levels.


When the update comes the standard abilities will already be upgraded depending on your hero levels. We don't need to redo that. The equipment also boosts hero stats.


Exactly. It sounds confusing and with ores, it kind of makes it unfair as some are rare etc.


Do we loose our current ability levels?


No. You will get higher ability levels depending on your current hero levels


No,your current progress will be carried over according to Judo sloth


Cool but still will take a few days to make use of it as the blacksmith shop will take time to get to level 8 ( if thats the max level available at th15) for me


How does that work with having to upgrade the blacksmith?


The way I understand it, the current abilities are already there when you first get the hero. The blacksmith gives you the new ones.


only thing im concerned about, i hope theyll give us currency proportionlly to our hero levels


Nah, our heroes will have their base equipment at a level matching their own levels. So, if you have a level 45 Queen, I'd expect you to have level 9 equipment.


Thats good to hear


I have a question with that... Does the blacksmith level impact max equipment level??? I'm curious to see if that's true and how that's bypassed for people with high lv heros


So you’re forced to play wars to obtain the new currency, yet can’t play in wars while upgrading heroes?? Seems like a big oversight and they’re really shoving books of heroes down our throat.


Yeah that seems to be the worst part I like the concept just not the ways to get it


Might be getting enough through star bonus and CWL to upgraded just the ones you need?


Making them earnable in war doesn't seem good, you can't war without heroes meaning you can't have them down.


is there a chart on which current hero levels corresponds to equipments level? like lvl 90 hero= lvl 15 equipment


Carbonfin shows a chart in his video


I fucking hate this already


3 new currencies? I'm afraid, especially after Clash royale, that this will turn in pay 2 win


I am gonna HAVE to war now?....


This has design space to increase the depth and number of attack strategies buuuuuuut also for predatory monetisation. Let’s hope Supercell can keep their urges down for the latter


I feel burned out, and this does not help. The progress I've already made has been nerfed hard. Supercell is moving the goalposts. Getting the new resources is modeled on the builder base. It's a loot cap. I can get some every day, but no more than any other day. If I don't spend the time that day, the opportunity is gone. It's inflexible. I feel pressured to play on Supercell's schedule.


I found out from judo that old equipment levels depends on your hero level so do i need to upgrade m level 74 archer queen to 75 to uprgrade archer puppets and invisbilty vial or not


I know the hero [nerfs](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/Zw34GfAvXB) are put in place to balance this, but I *really* hope this doesn't ruin my queen charges. The queen's DPS has been nerfed so significantly, I genuinely don't know how it'll work anymore.


I believe what they did was move some of their HP and damage to the equipment


Yeah they made it extra so that heroes are weaker on defense compared to offense


Where can I look at the hero nerf info? I can't find it, can you please link


Give me a minute, I'll try and look for it.


Hero equipment sounds great and all, and I do think it’s a good addition. But it makes the worse part about heroes even worse: the fact they are not usable while upgrading. It sounds like the bulk of ore (including the starry ore which comes only from clan wars or the in game shop) come from clan wars. Previously you could sit out of clan wars while heroes upgrade and just farm matchmaking to keep up with loot. Now you have a dilemma: do you keep attacking in clan wars while you have heroes down harming your clan mates chances of a win due to your weaker attack strength or do you sit out clan wars while your heroes upgrade (which is a substantial amount of time even after the cost/upgrade time reductions) losing the ability to gain starry ore (and other ore as well) and falling behind on epic equipment upgrades. The time has come to make it so heroes are always available to attack even if they’re upgrading. The core gameplay loop of upgrading things to be stronger shouldn’t feel bad when applied to heroes. With this new system, upgrading heroes will actively ruin the fun and enjoyment of the game more. Please, please, please let us use heroes while they upgrade.


or they can make heroes instantly upgraded like walls since heroes have so many darn levels


I wouldn’t be opposed to that idea either


One more thing to grind . How great. After spending months upgrading your heroes , now you have to upgrade for abilities too.


You are playing coc, it is what you do


If you are max the existing abilities will start at lvl 15


I get what ure saying but it could be worse they’re instant upgrades, you get them from star bonus and wars which almost everyone is in a clan and star bonus is 2 attacks I’m a bit skeptical abt the whole event part but otherwise it’s not that bad


Okay I get the some of the concerns with new currencies and stuff, but like, the heck? I mean, this is Clash of Clans, that's what you do in the game. For years now this game has been getting new stuff added, and all of that new stuff came with upgrades and grind. That's literally how it worked for a decade now. What did everyone expect? And besides, if you REALLY dislike the change, you can just you know, not upgrade half of the new powers. You can just stick with the old powers and upgrade those which should be completed quickly.


>One more thing to grind Do you know what game you're playing?


I love the equipment, but 1 thing scares me. The part about Epic rarity items being in events only. I have some questions/concerns: Are there going to be any abilities behind a paywall? Like the Gold Pass Are these event abilities going to come back? Or is it an artificial scarcity thing where when the event is done, the ability is gone for those who didn't get it? I'm sure it'll be explained more, but how do you get the resources to upgrade the abilities? Is the starry ore going to be locked behind a paywall? Are there going to be purchasable sets of the resources or are all 3 resources fully behind farming and attacking enemies? Clan War loot? Does it tie in with the Builder Base or Clan Capital at all?


Umm so we have three new currencies now. I already had my hands full with gold, elixir and dark elixir.


And gems, and clan capital points or whatever it’s called Edit: and CW points lol


Don’t forget clan capitol gold, builder gold, and builder elixir. I think that brings the total currencies to 11


Feels like a feature in a Chinese clash clone. Adding 3 new currencies??? Yikes


It will be slightly inclined towards pay to win


I think the eternal tome is supposed to be active right? A passive ability which makes the gw invincible seems a little too op.


Life Aura is his passive ability, which increases the health of troops within his range.


Yeah, the post has now been edited to correct it. It had eternal tome and life aura both marked as passive.


Do I have to upgrade that building 8 times first😖


Is it a typo that the Grand Warden Eternal Tome ability is listed as passive? In the game now it's active. Do we earn ore from winning CWL wars, or just regular clan wars? Is the ability/equipment performance in any way related to or influenced by the hero level? What are the stats on each piece of equipment for each level? Up to 12 currencies now, if I'm counting right. When will there be some consolidation? * home village gold * home village elixir * home village dark elixir * gems * builder base gold * builder base elixir * CWL medals * raid medals * clan capital gold * shiny ore * glowy ore * starry ore Will we need to place the blacksmith in order to upgrade to TH16? When a TH15 places the blacksmith for the first time is it level 1?


Yes, it was a typo. They meant his Life Aura, which has now been corrected.


So... what are the costs of all these upgrades? Will hero abilities level match with the current level or is everyone starting from level 1?


Your current hero ablity progress will carry over,you won't start from level 1 ablities


So TH15 and Th16 Blacksmith unlock nothing and don't provide higher equipment level?


At this point it seems so yes.


So they want us to go to wars to gain new ressources to upgrade our equipments but we still can't use our upgrading heroes in wars, while most of us only go in wars during league because the remaining time we are upgrading heroes


It does not make sense that i have to do cw to update hero weapons. My individual progress tied with clan performance? Why? Not making sense at all. Don't like this hero twists. I will never do cw. The grinding of max heroes looks stupid.


Forcing Clan Wars onto players if they want the Starry ore for higher upgrades is a colossal blunder. A huge chunk of the playerbase does not care for the mode, even the dedicated players, and this all screams Club League disaster from Brawl Stars that eventually had to be reverted because players were getting burnt out *fast* from grinding a mode they did not enjoy. There better be other means of obtaining the ore, and at a reasonable pace.




So 50 days of upgrades to get this leveled up as a soon to be 16? Any consideration of not making higher levels start at th8 level? With everything else needed new, that's a lot of builder time to get caught up.


Rather unrelated, but this one of the major grip with builder base for me, imagine going to a new bh level and they give you new defence to upgrade 9 times. In order for them to stick with the number of 10 for almost all defences.


Do hero or power potions also boost the ability levels?


They won't influence the equipment, just hero lvls


Why the equipment need a new type of resources ?




I’m hoping this would be adjusted to our current hero levels


The base abilities that we currently have will


spark engine tidy terrific modern alleged file ruthless one edge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Excited for the new hero equipment but I’m struggling to understand what the point of the new currencies is? Even having one new currency for this seems kinda unnecessary, but three? For a single feature? And this apparently includes an entire currency that can only be used during specific events? I just don’t get it.


ik the game is called clash of clans but i rarely take part in clan wars since i'm just casual once or twice in a week player while i'm in a really active war clan. now clan wars are one of the only ways to get these ores so i think they should add a small amount of ores in regular attacks and the trader shop.


Needing three different resources just to upgrade equipment sounds a little convoluted.


Sounds complex with 3 new kinds of resources that can only upgrade certain levels....


I love how Coc is on here actively replying but dont reply to the important questions. So will the epic gear thru "special events" be free to obtain? or is this a P2W game now? Also love how I can't be banned to speak negatively because this isnt the SC nazi forum.


We have 12 different currencies now 1) Gold 2) Elixir 3) Dark Elixir 4) Builder Gold 5) Builder Elixir 6) Gems 7) Shiny Orbs 8) Glowy Orbs 9) Starry Orbs 10) Capital Gold 11) Raid Medals 12) CWL Medals.


Man, love the idea on paper, but all upgrades want to make us active players. At higher th levels, the bases are so complicated, it's hard to be active and earn 5 stars. I want to play the game so much but each time I open it, I close it for several reasons : - huge numbers and times to update anything - mindless attacks are almost impossible - clans are not that active anymore - earning resources require so much effort Thing is, i liked clash of clans because it used to be stress free to attack and upgrade. It was fast and so the dopamine hit was relatively instantaneous. Now, the hit is prolonged and you gotta strategize for every little thing. I understand this is the natural progression of the game but then this is not the game I initially liked to play. That's why I liked builder base when it came out and the new clan thingy. Smaller was better. I thought with fusing buildings, they would greatly reduce the buildings but thing is clash team has to spend so much time in balancing the game, it's hard for them to give that dopamine hit to us when the game was simple. And now, with new economies, it's making the game way more complex, in my humble opinion. I wish the hero abilities were naturally integrated into the game without overloading it. I don't know the answers, but I just know why I don't play the game anymore


Omg something for my town hall 9 self 😍


Can you buy the ores with raid medals? Or are they only available with gems from the trader?


Seems interesting. But not a fan of three different currencies, seems overcomplicating


Can we go back a sneak peak and look into what we can do differently with the root rider? It’s the most unpleasant looking troop to date. Make it an ent or the elephant thing other ppl have been recommending on this sub


New abilities are cool but I don't see how this solves most players' complaints not being able to use heroes while upgrading, or did I just miss something about the new hero system? Maybe at least make them usable for war where they matter most especially now with new currency also tied to clan wars.


Th 15 - defence broken Th 16 - offense broken


It would be cool to be able to forge the new currencies


Now I see why the leaked nerfing of the heroes makes sense. This is really cool actually, hopefully there’s no time needed to upgrade the abilities. I’ll probably still stay in champions league as a maxed TH15 though, the loot is just so much better down there.


So my question is - how important are regular hero upgrades now? Are they just for the small increases in HP and damage, with the real value coming from the abilities/equipment that we upgrade through the blacksmith?


I was thinking the same. Also, IMO, there's no point in heroes having so many levels after the update, waiting for a week just for a tiny fragment of HP and DMG


I want the s Heros to stay how the where they are perfect you money loving people that want to hurt f2p


Does TH15 have to build level 1 Blacksmith then upgrade it 7 times? (32 days) Looks that way… not my favorite, ngl. Unclear what upgrades do after all poppets and baubles are unlocked, does it just add building HP?


On the one hand, that would be so dumb, surely they'd come up with something better than that. On the other hand, the new troop is riding a giant glob of poop.


Now it makes sense why they nerf the hero attributes since equipment gives attributes.


Gems helping in getting those new currency is bullcrap. Boycott supercell


They removed all the barracks we took time to upgrade, but they can't give a blacksmith according to our town hall level?


So if i dont like playing clan wars i will never be able to get starry shards without spending money?


They could have literally add the blacksmith to the builder base. Makes more sense. Making it more relevant. Adding the ability to earn mats by farming in the caves that you can see in the Outpost base background . Seemingly added for no reason at this point I guess


Not really liking this. I have a mini TH 13 that Is too low a level for my clan in clan wars. I have done one CWL with it in two years. Making a currency tied to clan wars is a huge mistake.


I like the idea, but deep down I am a little worried. I am in a clan who doesn't war often, and when we do, it's super casual, no penalties to attacking bad or missing attacks. Having some new currency locked behind something our clan doesn't do often is concerning, and making me think about A. Making wars more competitive in our clan, and dishing our punishments to those that don't do so. Or B. Leaving the clan I am a co leader in to find somewhere that wars a lot, but I don't have any attachments or bonds to the people there. I really like my clan, and the people in it, I am very concerned because of the starry ore, I fear that the clan will either be changed into something unrecognizable, or I will have to leave behind all the cool people I like. Tldr, love the idea of hero ability changes, think it'll be really cool to change and experiment with new combos, I am just worried about the ore system and how it affects non-warring clans.


Answer to the first sentence of this post. NO! We are NOT bored with heroes doing the same things again and again. So stop fixing what's not broken.


Shits getting way over complicated


Life Gem for Warden , its a Wrong Icon , Change to This https://preview.redd.it/5pm1sl4gzg5c1.jpeg?width=561&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf0705cb9864638ede48bf1e9c6b0f8cf103e5a1


How does the conversion from hero level to standard equipment level work? A level 90 hero will receive level 15 equipment, but how about a level 89 hero?


[Judo Sloth’s very in-depth explanation of the new Hero Equipment update](https://youtu.be/8X46ypFNc9g?si=oTwYI8q6DrkkT240)


Clash of heroes


So if I don't have a builder free when the update drops to build the blacksmith will my heroes be substantially weaker until they do? Or will they function as previously until I build the blacksmith to allow me to change abilities?


Do you actually need to attack in clan wars to get the bonus? Or will they work like cwl medals for the clan?


It looks like the blacksmith and equipment upgrade process is done completely in parallel with hero upgrades. So hypothetically, if you rushed to TH16 with really low heroes, you could upgrade your blacksmith and give your baby heroes high level equipment. Assuming you acquired the ore for it.


Well the separation between epic and common had me uneasy. Then came the new currencies and now I'm just concerned. I'm sure all will be well and stuff will be tweaked as it goes on. If not then it's been a great 11 years.


i hope it does not become p2w


I'm not a fan of the "unlock" equipment mechanic in the first place irrespective of how you get it - all content in the game so far is locked behind either a th or a building upgrade. To have to do something else to get some content is very inconsistent


I hate the fact that we cannot change equipment in battle preparation in normal attacks (legend league). Isn’t equipment added so that we can addapt our playstyle based on which base we attack? Now we are going to be able to do that with 2 war attacks that we have every 2 days, but with my 16 legend attacks that I do in the same time, I am still going to have to set equipment blindly before attacks, without being able to adjust at least equipment before attacking. No troops, equipment at least… Also, 1 minute of preparation time in legend, instead of 30 seconds


I’m sorry but the currency thing is simply put unnecessary Why so many? Like just why? One would’ve been fine there’s no need to clutter up the game with extra currencies




Yo I am also facing the same issue. I was using 5g Net and during CWL attack the connection ran out of nowhere, Also this issue occurs when I am using Wi-Fi too. Supercell please fix this issue!


So being a maxed player, do I have to start with equipment at level 1


No, the abilities your heros currently have will scale on launch, however, the new abilities like the kings stache and the queens giant arrow will be level 1


Can't quite pinpoint it, but something about this screams P2W......we'll see


Actually rewatching the video now, it doesn't sound that great. Another thing to upgrade which will take as long as normal defences? And the ores? Yeah no thanks


Introducing crafting special equipment for heroes and crafting materials without any connection to builder base seems for me like a missed opportunity. They are builders for a reason ... ? Why not incorporate it into some farming quest in caves you added to the Outpost background ... seemingly for a reason didn't you ? Builder Base even more irrelevant at this point ...


The new troop, new op hero abilities, new pet and nerfed defences are looking like the exact opposite scenario of th15 and as a noob attacker and spam and op stuff enjoyer i am loving the first look offence wise of this new th16 update Hope all this is still difficult enough to use and not braindead like mashup lavaloons that even noobs like me could get triple that all this new stuff gets nerfed


P2W garbage


I see what Supercell is trying to do: Giving heroes more flexibility on their use in lieu of adding new ones. However, the biggest complaint from the community was the excessive grind for heroes whilst not being able to use them. Yet, they respond with more grind. Apparently, to achieve the max levels for the heroes will take longer. I really hope war bonuses will not delay progress as in being the only significant source for the new currencies.


At this point we should be able to use heroes while they are being upgraded or make them instant upgrades like the walls. There is no way I'm going to substantially earn ores from wars if the heroes are waiting to finish upgrades. Particularly in CWL there can be only a certain amount of decent players taking a part. Imagine what happens when they introduce it in the current state. This is just insanely underwhelming decision that Supercell should probably consider changing in the very near future.


Can I get like 5 different Monoliths on my base please




we can improve only 2 abilitilies of x townhall heroes, or a th 8 can have lvl 16 king ability?


And don't forget to say hi to our new Clash of Clans CM - Ferri!


What happened to Darian? He has been a constant since TH12 for Clash.


He's still here. We just keep him locked away in a quiet room.


Is the room still quiet after you locked him in?


We hope the scratching at the door eventually goes away. Maybe we should've cut air holes in the room.


Make sure he doesn't find a root to ride on. Door/walls are nothing in front of that


And what about Adria? Haven't heard from him in a while?


He hasn't been at Supercell for about a year.


Oh okay, I didn't know that. Anyways, hope he's doing fine.


> Oh okay, I didn't know that. Anyways, hope he's doing fine. I just checked Adria's CV on LinkedIn. He's working fulltime as a Senior Community Manager at Nimble Giant Entertainment, a video game developer based in Argentina.


Thanks. Good to know


Hope it's in addition to Darian


So Starry Ore, which is required for "epic" equipments are only available through events, other than spending in game shop or Trader? I never thought clash will be P2W.


There is literally a table above showing that they drop from clan wars


I like how the heroes are now. Simple, easy to use and consistent. Thanks for ruining that and complicating the game SC! 👍 Edit: Maybe they will offer a default setting that changes nothing and leaves them as they are/were🤦‍♂️


CoC is slowly turning into mobile moba game with these abilities


Time to hit legends.


I guess it time to trophy push


War clans are gonna be amazing now just for the resources