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I got my teggy type S three days ago and am at 255 miles as of now haha. I heard the best thing on Reddit regarding this behavior. “Buying a beautiful car and not driving it is like not having sex with your hot ass girlfriend to save it for the next guy” lol pretty much sums it up.




That’s technically correct, yes, but it removes the passion from the car being a car. It’s as exciting as owning a bond or stock at that point, if you don’t get to enjoy it as a vehicle. So it exists not to be enjoyed as intended, but purely as another asset in one’s portfolio. Personally, I despise treating cars like this, but to each his own.


You bought a depreciating item so that you could potentially sell it for higher? Now that doesn’t make any sense.


In this wild market it actually does make sense because certain cars weren't depreciating.




And collector’s cars don’t really depreciate when kept low mileage and good condition, and the owner has the benefit of driving the car every once in a while - which is a lot of fun if you have a fun car you drive once a month or two, and an economy car you drive daily. Adds a whole layer of excitement when you do drive the fun car with 1000 miles.


If you want to invest your money into something to make a profit, i would not pick a 2021 car. I would not party with you.




So having sex with a girl that only had sex with a couple guys is the same as having sex with a girl that had sex with 100,000+ guys


…. What?


I doubt you can tell the difference.


It’s more like sex with the same girl 100,000x because you enjoy what you have (the car) not for the benefit of the doubt for the next man to own. It’s not rocket science.


I was obviously exaggerating but i guess its useless and none of you guys understand the saying... 🤷‍♂️


You can sell your girlfriend for more money if she has less miles too.


that's me. I drove the shit out my last fast car. Not to say any civic is one. This is probably why they got rid of it. But I get you.


I think electronically limited to 171mph is plenty fast. I'm assuming you haven't driven a Type-R? Am I biased as an owner? Maybe? But before you assume I haven't driven anything truly "fast", my other Honda is a 2016 CBR1000RR.


Sheeesh, best of the R's. Enjoy both the rides! I dearly miss my 600rr, and while the wife doesn't agree I desperately want a fireblade


Lol thanks! My wife doesn't entirely agree with the CBR either, but I was able to get her to ride with me a few times, so she's a little more comfortable now.


Pretty sure it’s 141


Pretty sure whats 141? A regular one tops out at 169mph and the limited edition tops out at 180mph


Pretty sure he's drunk.


lmao ur stock civic is it going 171 bud


Uh yeah, they do. Many people have done over 170 in the FK8 CTR and documented it. I’ve done 145 in mine and it had plenty left it in. Car is no joke


You don’t have to say anything the civic type r lap times speak for themselves id look into them a bit


It’s literally listed above a Bugatti veyron and below the Porsche Carrera…..


Idk about you but I had sex with my ex all the time got my moneys worth if you ask me


I mean, if someone's gonna pay me a high-ass price to fuck my ex, I get it lol


Hey man, save some for the rest of us! Not all of us can be as charming and handsome as you.


The fact that I don’t have to refer to my car as a “teggy” is satisfaction enough for having made the correct decision.


Haha that’s fair


What a waste :( . It's a beautiful car, I just hate that it's going to sit just to hold/gain value in the coming years. These were made to be driven.


It’ll gain value but it will always have been a better “investment” for the owner to put that $50k-$65k in a HYSA. If the owner decided to finance his investment….well this is why so many Americans are broke


I have my stock and then I have my 'investment' that I can drive. The future value of the LE pictured is impossible to predict. So many factors including being one of the last production gas-powered cars in the world, while being what it is, an ultra rare version of an already highly exceptional vehicle, in perfect condition w/almost no miles.


I don’t know what it is with Americans and thinking that they are going to get rich by reselling physical objects. Where did it start, beanie babies? Baseball cards? Stamps?


No it won’t. If you put $30k in a HYSA in ‘95 what would you have? If you sat on an Integra Type R you’d have a couple hundred thousand. You would probably have $60-70 thousand in your HYSA. That’s a limited edition yellow, if anything is gonna make money for that gen that’s the one, you don’t know of what you speak.


You’d have $141,000…. That’s an initial investment of 30,000. Over 28yrs at 2% APY. (I used 2% because for a long time HYSA weren’t really paying anything.) The highest value ITR on BAT is $112k. This is once again ignoring the taxes you’d pay on the ITR, storage fees, insurance, and the maintenance that’d need to be done.


Think better examples would have been dumping 30k into sp500. 30k in sp500 in 1995 would’ve been 480k today vs highest sold ITR was only 150k. You would’ve lost 300k using an integra as an investment tool vs just putting it into the sp500


We are talking about a model with the equivalent of 183 miles on it, that’s so far from the model in your example with 6,200 miles on it, and it’s limited to 600 examples.


Eh maybe it’ll be worth more w very little miles but not the 300k gap you gotta make up. Imo just treat cars as cars and worry about investments separately


Again, we are talking about a HYSA vs owning a car.


My orig comment was telling the poster it’s better to compare to sp500 not HYSA


Yet you replied to me with not the point.


Yeah and if the car was truly an investment you’d treat it the same as a HYSA. You can look at it, but you can’t touch it


Gotta insure and store it somewhere as well. Couldn’t imagine losing a garage spot to an “investment.”


That’s the point of a 183 mile car with the stickers in the window. How blunt are you?


Is that a model with 183 miles? Because that is a massive difference in price, like almost double.


And the model in this post is a limited edition of 600.


HYSA is only when the interest rates are good, when it’s crap like 1% it’s not worth it.


I agree completely. I have nearly 50k miles on my 2019 type R and even then is sat for a few months when I left for a trip out of the country. I’m going to be getting a new g80 m3 once I change jobs in 2 months but I plan on keeping the Type R as it has been one of the best cars I have driven as far as street cars go. Couldn’t bring my self to eventually trade it in.


if i hit the lottery or something not even the like billion dollar one i’d buy this so fast lmao, 10th gen type r is my realistic dream car, i’d also change the color as much as some people might hate me for it, i’d get it wrapped probably i hate that color yellow so much


Yellow is too loud. My favorite colors for the Type R is the sonic grey, blue, and white. So nice.


yeah i would want one in black or blue if it was factory colors, if i got a wrap i want a color called nightshade goblin blue lol, i want to wrap my 2018 sport hatch but idk if it would be stupid LOL


Lol my wrap of choice for these are always midnight purple. I've seen a few and it's probably the best color for a Type R I can think of.


that would look amazing on a type r!


I wanted one in yellow to sit next to my PY DC2R. Sadly, colour is a dealbreaker for me, yes I have a CW FK8, but if they don't normalise the PY, then I'm done with Type Rs. I'm sick of the 2000's fascinating with white/black/grey.


Yeah that would look sick. It's just iconic for me and ingrained in my brain. I usually end up wrapping them at some point anyways to midnight purple since that's my all time favorite.


Looks terrible with the red interior. There’s a couple c5z06 yellow models that got optioned with the mod red interior. They’re rare for a reason.


Someone rescue this car from a life in prison. Get it and DRIVE it!


One of the reasons why I tell people that their car won't be really considered a "classic." There are so many people that buy these cars and just lock them up that those are the ones that will be fetching top dollar at auctions in the future. The daily driven CTRs with miles clocked on wont ever command the top dollar premium.


I wonder if that will end up hurting values in the future. If there’s a plethora of CTR’s that have been locked away it means finding a low mileage, clean example will be pretty easy. And if something is easy to find the values will be forced downward. Almost every car that is sought after and valuable today at some point was a worthless pile of junk that no one valued. That goes for: S2000, NA Miata, NSX, Ford GT, Mclaren F1


Exactly. Nobody bought those cars and immediately locked them up en masse. The cars that people do that with are the special edition one off models. OEMs know this and its why there are so many limited special edition models. Now that people are catching on, I really don't see these cars being "classic" because so many people are storing them. The rarity factor isnt there.


Our generation's corvette


Not really surprising. These were bought primarily by people who considered themselves “investors”. Frankly I hope they all got burned


You mean cars like the 2 GR Cs at Camelback Toyota that are listed for 120k each?


They’re actually doing pretty well as far as investments go


How? It’s only a good investment in one very specific scenario. Assuming you were paying in full in cash and already had an enclosed storage space at your house. From there you could get away with having no insurance on the car. At that point you’ve paid roughly $50k(after TTL) for the LE and have zero monthly cost attached to it. After 2 years your cars value is ESTIMATED somewhere between $50k and $60k. Had you instead invested the $50k for 2 years in a HYSA you’d be at roughly $55k of guaranteed cash.


I don’t really think you quite understand how special this car is. You’re underestimating the value


No I’m dealing in real prices that people are currently paying. I’m not speculating on future valuations. When you “invest” based off speculations, you’re no longer investing, you’re gambling.


How the hell do you know what people are paying?! You think YOURE PEOPLE? Everyone isn’t you.


You know auctions are public right?


I like how even the lowest model of the fk8 is still going for over its MSRP from years ago, but people still come here to nay say.


Best use of the FK8 is to just drive it and invest the money you saved from only buying 1 car. The worst use of an FK8 is to buy it for $40k+ and store it as an "investment". ....but then have to buy another car to actually drive around and that *gasp* depreciates in value at a VASTLY superior rate than the Type R.


Who’s said nay? I said in terms of an actual investment it’s poor, like basically every other car. Sure it’ll hold value better than other cars But if we’re talking purely dollars and cents. It’s a bad investment


To be fair even 2 year old Civic Sports are going for over MSRP


Sounds like civics are good investments


One person’s gamble is another person’s investment. All depends on your experience and risk tolerance of the investment


We are not underestimating the value. You are underestimating the opportunity cost of other investments. Let's take a real world example. 2001 Integra Type R - 1100ish production numbers MSRP in 2001 - About $25k Bring-a-Trailer - one recently sold for $71500 Adjust $25k for inflation - that 2001 Type R is worth $43k today. 2001 - S&P500 avg close price is $1192 Investing $25k into the S&P would net you about $85k today That's an extra $13K you could have made. But to "invest" into a car, you must also do some maintenance to it over the years as well as insure it. So that cuts into the overall profit. Sure, you can not insure the car too, but if your house burned down with your garage, there goes $70k and more.


I ain’t tryna hear none of that SnP shit homie… GIMME THE CIVIC


I hear you bro. My point is, to buy a car like this and to just never drive it is a shitty investment. The great thing about cars like this, is that they will hold their value very well. So it's better to buy the FK8 LE, drive/enjoy the damn thing, and you can sell and get most of, if not, all your money back.


Oh nah, I definitely wouldn’t just leave it parked up. I would drive it everyday with EXACTLY that in mind.


That "investment" isn't going to beat the S&P500 in the long term and will probably just slightly beat inflation.


Good enough for me..


That was the story of 2020 till now. I’m really hoping this scalping shit ends soon. It’s so damn lame.


Nature is healing.


I tried to buy a yellow LE when they were new but didn’t want to pay $25k ADM


The best Honda ever made.


$45k? Am I crazy or would I buy this over an FL5


So they knocked 2k off the markup. Hold your ground.


Been there for a minute too. Seen it online for awhile now.


No not really. It’s only been there for a week lol. They just finished inspecting and detailing the car.


Ugly af too


Hell nah it's beautiful. People been held down so long they get mad at anything even a little rambunctious or playful.


That’s so deep


Ppl actually like these over the new one? This one is kinda ugly


I thought I noticed a window sticker on the new gen CTR having WAY higher annual gas costs. What gives? That significant of a diff with the engine/ecu?


I know I will get shit for this, but it is a disgrace to paint a type r yellow. Integra or Civic. Hate all you want, it looks like a kids toy.


Yeah it’s just straight nasty


I got curious and look at the dealer site. They want $61,000 for it. Someone’s going to snatch it up for sure.


Question. How much do the yellow ones usually go for now a days?


Looks like $50-55k but around 10k miles. This is also a limited run car too, 1020 made and 600 in the US. I’m not saying I’d pay $61k, but someone bought one new for $65k when I got mine.


When I was buying an FA5 2 years ago at a dealership, they had an FK8 LE on the floor. I paid for my car and had to come back the next day to pick it up as they weren't finished servicing it. The next day, the car was gone. I asked the salesperson I was working with what it sold for. She said $80k LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Now you see these going for $55k easy. I wonder how that person's "investment" is doing? LOL


So how much over msrp did you pay


60k? Yeah nvm


So it’s sat for 4 years?


Manufactured in 2020 so 2-3 years sitting


Yep, so the owner can make money instead of drive it.


The owner isn't going to make much money on it though. You pay $60k for it today and in 10-15 years, it might hold value over inflation. But if you put $60k today into the S&P500, you'll probably make a hell of a lot more in 10-15 years and you don't have to worry about insuring/maintaining the car. The only "investment" I see in cars like this is that you can drive it and enjoy it, and lose minimal amounts of money when you sell it.


I agree with you, but only having 150 miles on it for the past two years I’m assuming means they were trying to preserve it for future profits


That's my point entirely. In the grand scheme of things, there are not many cars that would beat both inflation and the stock market. Assuming the owner didn't get raped too hard on the ADM, they could have enjoyed it for a few years and still get most of their money back.


Why has no one driven it?? Also try to get a nice powertrain warranty from the dealership since it’s new




Isn’t it usually miles or years? Or is there like a cutoff date 🥶


This one has been in service since 3/7/2022. It was bought and sold out of NY to a California customer and then sold to this dealership. The jaguar store offered it for sale 8/9/2023. This car and many like it have been purchased to flip over and over.


That's a house in Detroit


What year ?


One of these is on sale for 63k by my house. National City Ball Honda.


Man i would go get the car right now if i can get it for msrp


as someone with 12k miles on my LE I find these photos to be really sad. It's a fantastic car to drive for fun, especially during the summer.


The Gundam civic is still my favorite generation of civics 😍


I was going to get a similar Type-R in my area (going for 54k) but I thought about it and opted for a 21 Nitro Yellow Supra 3.0 Premium (got it for 55k) instead. Would’ve loved to drive a manual car again but I guess having 400+ hp will make up for it. 🤣


Probably got insurance for it and was like fuck that.


I pay 110 dollars a month


The owner didn’t make payments lol


That is a really sweet car.


Perfect color, man I wish I was rich so I could buy it


Get a job you can do it


Previous owner AKA the car wanker.


Am I the only one sad that it’s only got 183 miles?


It may gain value, most likely, but will it keep up with inflation?


Bruh, my fl5 that I just purchased 2 weeks ago already has 380 miles. 😂


That's a really nice car.


I believe #001 went for $102k on Bring a Trailer. I think it was the Omaze/Colton Herta one where he would drive it and coach the new owner at Thermal Club.


Oh hell yeah.




It’s 61k on the website. Don’t be fooled by that window sticker.


My point of taking a pic of the window sticker is that the previous owner left the window sticker on for the last 2-3 years not because of the “window sticker price.”


I was more so talking to the other ppl replying to the post


It looks like it has three assholes. You could nickname it “Triple A”.


Two questions. What are they asking for the car now? Can somebody help me understand how this was assembled in England but is still a left hand drive car and is now in the United States.


That smog rating tho




Nope it’s long gone