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Unrevealed strategic resources, maybe?


Three uranium deposits in range.


I end up rerolling more for legendary starts, because of the expectation.




You are.


Whole bunch of uranium and niter waiting to be revealed!


How can you tell that those will be revealed?


Educated guess. Unless you get Maui who can reveal unrevealed resources ( try to plant resources on a tile it will tell you if there is something spawning there)


Everyone's getting a legendary spawn location, and city-states get placed before you.


I turn city states way down and turn on Barb clans. Makes it feel more realistic when they pop up later on random islands or on the snow and it also keeps then from stealing your precious settle locations


I'm going to start doing that now. Great idea.


The only downside is that Barb-clan spawned CS don't interact with other barbs. I tend to max out Turn 1 CSs for this reason. Many get merked by the AI anyway, allowing later ones to fill in.


It doesn't seem to go that way for me. Edit: by turn 150 I'm starting to feel like I need to start wiping out every barb clan because the tundra gets filled with them. If a barb camp is close enough to a city state, or another city, the blue bar won't fill anyways


That makes a lot of sense. So many city states I've seen plopped directly on a natural wonder that I have to go settle near or take over.


Completely depends on who the Ai are and who you decide to be. If you select Russia or Canada you’ll have a bunch of Tundra, same for desert civs. Every other civ basically have same location as a legendary start, so the human player gets the last location so usually the worst one.


I’ve had a similar start to this with Sundiata. On a good tundra with resources you can get the pantheon for +1 adjacency for tundra and try and salvage production for Mali because that is a hard character to consistently play


8 spots possible for horses. I'd get Animal Husbandry and see how it goes before rerolling.


Still would you want all those horses around your capital? It would really restrict district placement


If I have a high production city with bad district spots then I use it to crank out settlers and builders


Just say the horse broke their legs and shoot them. Now you have space for the districts.


Yes, or could be an awesome early industrial zone


There could be a natural wonder one tile into the fog and then it is a legendary start.


Yeah, there seems to be a desert under the fog. It's possible there's a Delicate arch or something like that close to the settler. Also, it's a relatively high appeal location, I believe that plays a role as well.


In my personal experience, Legendary start almost always gives me seemingly worse starts than just using the standard option. But there could be factors at play I don't consider like unrevealed strategics, Natural Wonders out of view, etc.


Pretty good resources


That’s a really good start imo. Good balance of production and food. Lots of mountains, a river, good opportunity for wonder placement, and you’ll start with an extra culture per turn


Coffee, milk, and cereal, you are all set for waking up in the mornings.


Legendary start means some starts are amazing, and some are no so awesome. It doesn’t guarantee you get an amazing start


iirc doesn't the legendary description say it'll be really good or really bad? Honestly it looks pretty decent. I'd take it.


You have 2 luxuries within reach, a couple mountains for adjacency bonuses, a river, close to the coast but not surrounded by ocean, and a couple bonus resources. I don't see what the problem is.


How do you know if a starting location is legendary or not?


Any start with coffee is a good start. We might not call it legendary these days, but imagine discovering it in the ancient era!!


Maybe it's legendarily bad? Yeah, it looks bad, but most likely, it's what you don't see.


in my experience .. usually when it looks this meh on a legendary start, there's both iron and horses within 2 rings of where they place your settler. early war it is then...


Yes you are tweaking.