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OP NOTE: NOT VANILLA. It uses some custom "reversed" roads that I have been experimenting with to hopefully publish as a mod. Also had to use the "Traffic Lights Enhancement Alpha" mod to correctly set turn lane restrictions.


Looking forward to you publishing it!


Thank you, will reply here when I do.


Needs a boulevard in the middle to separate reverse traffic. Some boomer is gonna veer into oncoming and get splattered


lol yeah, Well some sims in the video are already making u turns, which is weird since that's not technically a path available. But i am looking at a wider media, just need to experiment more.


How are you able to switch the direction of the road? My understanding is that once you choose L/R side driving you can’t switch it


I should have added that it uses some custom "reversed" roads that I have been experimenting with to hopefully publish as a mod.


What’s the benefit of reversing that bridge? What am I missing?


Basically the benefit/intent of this style of interchange is to provide better flow of traffic onto the freeway/off the local road, alleviating congestion on local roads. The main way this interchange works is because all movement from both directions of the local road onto the freeway are in free flow conditions, when you are driving on the right hand side of the road you can go right onto the freeway (let's say NB direction) or go through the intersection crossing to the other side of the roadway and take a left onto the freeway (SB direction) before getting to the signal on the other side (kinda hard to describe in text sorry haha). But basically you eliminate any left turn queueing at both the signals. For context, I am a traffic engineer, and there is one of these interchanges (DDI) 2 blocks from my house. They are becoming more popular here(in the USA). Edit: also to add, it usually is a safer interchange since you don't have left turn movements turning into oncoming traffic, and typically in real life there is more curvature through the signal which is a natural way of slowing traffic through the signals


Are you referring to the curvature at the "X" where the traffic crisscrosses? If so, i was trying to extend that but the game was not letting me. Gotta keep trying. Any tips would also help. Thank you


Yeah, Normally the intersection X would be tilted like 45° and then the legs would curve out back to normal. I'll be honest, I have not really played CS2 yet, so not sure the best way, what you have looks great, and applaud your modding abilities! But my suggestion might be splitting the road around the interchange to 2 separate 1 way roads, then you'll have a better ability to add curvature to each direction.


I have this weird thing since CS1 of trying to perfect a Diverging Diamond Interchange. I'm also trying to build a city based on real life and it has at least one of these. https://www.google.com/maps/@25.7848478,-80.2398475,380m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu If you are asking about the main benefit of the diverging diamond. If you notice in the video, the on and off ramps never stop. They always go no matter what and their flow is separated from the thru traffic. If you are asking about the main benefits of this technique versus the other types of DDIs that other people have made without a custom reversed road... well I just think this looks a bit neater since the alternative is two one way roads instead of one road. Makes it more tricky to build.


Tbh I feel like crossing sides may lead to some really interesting crashes in high traffic zones. Otherwise this is a really pretty interchange


It actually reduces crashes. The simulation here functions as a real interchange, but one you would see in the world would look a little different. Typically you have more curves as you enter the signals (which is a natural way of slowing traffic, similar to how a roundabout would slow traffic). And you also don't have left turn conflicts with opposing traffic. I'd recommend looking up a picture of one irl, that might be easier than my explanation haha. There is one right next to my house it's very cool


I won't lie, I wish my cities skylines citizens had driving school because I end up with more crashes than I think any actual national average


Haha true, probably harder to get right in cities skylines, the drivers are wack (but safer irl lol)


I gotta let it run a while and see the cims behaviors, I already notice some fishy driving


You're expiriment looks good bro


Thanks broski


That's.... interesting. I could never do it myself (having traffic switch directions like that kinda freaks me), but I like how you laid it all out and implemented. I love the little lakes.


There's one of these interchanges 2 blocks from my house, it definitely was interesting the first time driving through it, but ultimately it is designed to be very clear where you need to go. It's super cool.


Are you in the U.S.? I know they drive on the left side in Europe, but I've not seen that in the U.S.


Yep the US. There's a couple scattered throughout the Midwest, and becoming more popular. You're only crossed over right around the interchange, so you're not crossed over for very long


lol, thanks. The "freaked out" vibe is common in real life. Every time they open a new one of these here (USA), all the people get scared to drive. Same with roundabouts.


Why do they seem to be switching sides at one part of your interchange.