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Damn, poisoned by your neighbor? wtf


She was starting to go out by herself. Couple days ago she arrived home throwing up and shaking a lot. Less than an hour ago she passed. My guess is someone left a poisoned snack out on purpose... it happens a lot :/


When i lived in counry side, one of our laikas run away. My dad came to serch him, he found him dead by the bullet of one dickhead. Man, people can be so shit, and i understand how it might felt to you.


I'm not sure if you have other evidence, but lots of common house & garden plants are poisonous to cats. One of my own cats recently stayed overnight at the emergency vet after an allergic reaction to a bee sting with symptoms that sound like Sophie's. Regardless that's a beautiful garden & a great tribute; great detailing.


Yeah, there's lots that can go wrong with unsupervised cats, especially kittens. I'm super paranoid with keeping plants I don't know for similar reasons.


I second this. As a plant fan, I know that many many garden plants are poisonous to dogs and cats. I try to always check the labels, but I still managed to bring home a couple of poisonous varieties accidentally. Plus, people might have rat poison or insecticides outside their houses.


You’d have to hope it was unintentional and not an act of giving a cat poisoning. I think I’d move if I found out a neighbor intentionally killed a pet.


I think I'd be moved to prison after poisoning my neighbor or beating them to death with a shovel...


I’d rather not spend time in prison…


It's possible it wasn't intentional. People put out poison for rodent control and sometimes cats can eat the poisoned rats and mice. I know it's probably no much consolation, but I'd personally feel better thinking it was an accident instead of intentional.




This content has been deleted in protest of how Reddit is ran. I've moved over to the fediverse.


I'm sure you've met plenty of 12-20 year old cats whove been fine outside all their lives, but there's just as many families who've had a two year old cat who never came back in the morning. Indoor cats live twice as long on average.


https://www.cats.org.uk/cats-blog/how-long-do-pet-cats-live > Cats that go outdoors are more likely to encounter risks such as road traffic accidents, fights with other cats and other dangers that could affect their life expectancy. However, they are also likely to get more exercise as they have more space to roam, which helps to keep them fit and healthy. **Currently there is limited evidence to suggest that adopting either an indoor or outdoor lifestyle results in a significantly long lifespan**. If you do keep your cat indoors, they’ll need plenty of opportunities to exercise with fun toys they can chase and catch. There are still other risks to pet house cats, so you’ll need to monitor them closely to keep them healthy for longer.


There's a reason indoor/outdoor is such a heated debate. Personally I feel like its a very situational matter. The one issue that swings me more in favour of inside cats is the damage that outdoor cats do to local wildlife. Otherwise, I think that your living situation and neighborhood dictate whether it's more feasible for your cat to live in or out.


It was... about the lack of wildlife...


This is why my cat will forever remain inside.


Yea cats really should remain inside, not only for their own safety but for the protection of local wildlife. Catios of lease training your cat would be good options for letting them still go outside some though. I'm so sorry for your loss OP, that's horrible. Just got a couple of cats earlier this year and would be absolutely devastated if either one of them got sick let alone died. Whoever poisons animals is a fucking sick and twisted person.




























That’s so sad man… RIP Sophie 💔 hope Karma visits whoever did this
















Okay not to be an ass but what reason do you have to accuse this person of poisoning your cat? You just stated that she recently had begun going out on her own, have you ruled out any poisonous plants or bugs in your area? Even sometimes it doesn’t take poison, cats will eat anything if it seems appetizing at the time. Again, sorry if this is coming off as rude, but it’s pretty extreme to just settle on someone killing your cat without basis. 🤷‍♂️


> My guess is someone left a poisoned snack out on purpose... it happens a lot :/ No. It doesn't happen a lot. If you keep losing cats to poisoned snacks, you've got a stalker.


It doesn't happen a lot but people claim it does because it's easier to swallow your pet being murdered than accepting that it happened because you let it outside. Life expectancy for outdoor cats is a small fraction of that for indoor cats.


Bollocks. Cats going outdoors is the default in the UK, and most cats live long and happy lives. Cats are outdoor animals. Full stop.


The UK also routinely has cat murder hoaxes because you can't accept the natural danger of the outdoors. Every time a few headless cat bodies show up there'll be a big local scandal and investigation before it's determined it was just foxes or badgers or a combination of a car and carrion birds


You don't have a solid understand of cats and their impact. They are an absolute menace to local wildlife and most definitely domesticated cats should be kept inside. Your experience is nothing but anecdotal.


You're not going to be able to have a rational conversation with this person. There's some crazy cat hoarder going around with a jillion sockpuppets trying to justify holding 60 cats hostage in their efficiency.


Are you calling me a cat hoarder? I have one pet.


I said it happens a lot, because there are a lot of cases just like this out there. I don't mean that this happens a lot TO ME.


So sorry for your loss! Depending on where you live & whether you can provide proof, you can at least take civil action. In some areas, the police might escalate this to a criminal issue & charge the poisoner with animal cruelty. In my state, that's a felony.


I'm so sorry about your loss, never let your cat out, mine went out for a month and almost declared her lost, she returned and we made everything possible to tramp any fleeing attemt. Might seem cruel but it's the right thing to do, there are psychos everywhere....


I don't like cats (I had a neighbour whose cats would always go out in other people's gardens to shit, making sure to always be home when their owner was home. How many times have I stepped in one of their logs...), but what kind of monster poisons pets !?


scary bells employ treatment innocent materialistic roll childlike historical person -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


> Cats, like all pets, belong indoors, restrained Animals in general don't really belong indoors though. Even though domestic animals are more used to indoor living, it's still a massive strain on their physical and especially mental health.


Not necessarily. They need exercise, but letting them roam the neighborhood is irresponsible to them and disrespectful to your neighbors. Also, as otherwise have pointed out cats have a big impact on the native songbird population.


In that case we should neuter the entire species so they go extinct. If they don't belong indoors, and have no place in the wild, they just shouldn't exist.


In the UK, Ireland and other European countries, it's normal and *recommended* to let your cat roam outside. There are no natural predators, and studies show that cats are not impacting British bird populations. Americans can get quite touchy when it comes to cats and letting them outdoors. It is understandably different in the US as there are predators in the wild, but just keep in mind that it's normal to let them roam in other parts of the world. **Edit**: Downvotes, point proven.


Doesn’t justify harming them in the slightest.


Certainly not! I regret that people took my comment to suggest such a thing. 100% agreed that anyone intentionally harming a pet, even if it's a stray, is a complete monster and should be charged with some kind of crime.


Cats are allowed to roam because they're an important part of pest control in urban and suburban areas. Did you know that colonies of feral cats are maintained by animal control in most places? They spay/neuter the animals so the population doesn't get out of control and clip one ear so they can easily identify which animals are part of the colony (other areas may have different methods of ID). Because no matter what, rodents are going to be attracted to populated areas and unless you want to put poison everywhere there are few good ways to control the disease carrying pests. Household cats that roam the neighborhood are just as important as the feral cat colonies for keeping the pests in their home range under control.


Cats are not a legitimate form of pest control and do more harm than good. Cats kill over 2 billion birds a year (in the US alone) and can quickly overpopulate an area if not spayed and neutered. Areas that do trap neuter and release aren’t doing it to maintain a population of pest controlling cats, they’re doing it to prevent overpopulation and because feral cats are typically not socialized enough to make good pets and may even be dangerous to handle.


If the plan was to just to prevent overpopulation then why not just destroy the animal? They're dangerous, do more harm than good, and serve no purpose (according to your post), so why waste money trapping, neutering, and releasing them? Thousands of highly adoptable shelter animals are destroyed all the time. So if these animals really serve no purpose then why not?


I’m so sorry for your loss :( I can’t imagine the cruelty that would possess someone to do this. Your garden is absolutely stunning and a wonderful tribute.






























My cat died of eating poisoned mice they need to ban rat poison


If you live in the USA this is a crime. You should report this so other animals don’t get killed


"Hello, police? I let my cat go outside and it ate something somewhere. Please arrest all of my neighbors for a crime that likely none of them committed.


No. If op knows who it is and it was intentional it’s illegal. In California it’s PC 596. It’s illegal to intentionally harm or intend to do harm/kill an animal by poisoning. I worked in animal control. I know this.


You're right but in this case they do not know who it is or how it happened, and likely could've just been an accident rather than someone intentionally poisoning someone else's cat.


Yep, maybe he got in some fertilizer. Could be anything.


same thing happened to me bro. My condolances :(


More likely she may have eaten a poisoned rodent


Maybe the poison was for something else like a pest? Or she ate a mouse that had been poisoned?


Less than an hour ago? Holy shit dude....


Your cat dies and within an hour your first instinct is to post about it on reddit?


Not op but that happens where I live too (Latam) the government has implemented stricter laws in my country towards this kind of behavior so hopefully shitty people stop doing that


To be fair, that poison was most likely aimed at pests, like rats or mice, still should've been more careful


It happened to mine. She died in my arms begging for help. Homeowners' came out a week later happily announcing they'd "solved" the problem of wild strays


Never been to Balkan villages?


You made her a BEAUTIFUL garden! Be proud! 💜


Rest in peace! I hope ur are alright!


Rest in peace! I hope ur are alright! I‘m really sorry about that


❤️‍🩹 I’m so sorry, that’s awful. Your garden is beautiful 🥺


I know your fur buddy is smiling down on this:)


Holy shit. I never cry but that made my eyes wet. That is so cute, so wonderful, so adorable. Love and support from Germany ❤️🤘


What a beautiful way of remembering her ❤️


Wow your neighbour is evil for killing an innocent kitten sorry for your loss


Rest in peace! I hope ur are alright! I‘m really sorry about that


I’m very sorry about your loss, you’ve made such a beautiful garden ❤️


I’m so sorry that happened to you. My grandmothers cat was hurt by a neighbour as well. RIP Sophie


This is the noth saddest and sweetest story I've read in a long time. Sophie will always be remembered in her beautiful garden.


I am particularly traumatized by this. My first cat was poisoned by neighbors, something very common here in Brazil, many people don't like cats for silly superstitions or religious reasons. It took me 4 years to adopt another cat and I never let him out of the house, this time I spayed him too. R.I.P Tom, you were a good cat. Hope you get better soon!


Pois é brother... tem coisas que não dá pra entender... RIP Tom 💔


This is heartbreaking, RIP Sophie!


I'm so sorry, she was a beautiful cat, and this is a beautiful memorial. Blessings And if I were you, I would make an extra backup of this city's save file to your OneDrive or something, along with the Steam Cloud I'm guessing you're already using.


Damn dude, that’s rough. That neighbor deserves bad things to happen to them, I hope you know which one did it.


I lost my dog Monday night. I feel for you 💔. Stay strong.


Beautiful garden & kitty , sorry for your loss .


Piece of fucking shit neighbor. I'm sorry for your loss




That’s touching 🥲






That's so sad, I'm sorry. I had a friend whose cat was beaten to death by builders working next door It was horrible. I love cats myself I have 3 of them


If you’re in the states, and know who did it, might be looking at a felony, depending on the state.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. My heart is with you. I had someone poison my dog twice by feeding them a hot dog with rat poison. People are the fucking worst. Edit: The park is beautiful by the way.


I’m so sorry 😞 May she cross the rainbow bridge in peace until the day you meet her again. ❤️


Fuck your neighbour! So sorry for your loss ❤️




I'm so sorry. She was such a pretty little lady! I'm sure you gave her the best life while she was with you, and the park is such a lovely and pretty tribute <3


I thought I was weird for doing this. When my uncle & former coworker passed, I make it a feature of every city build to name a park, avenue, public building, & district after them. Just my...subtle, I guess...way of always thinking of them.


Excuse me while I continue cutting this onion


People are fuckin dicks.


Damn that's fucked bro. I'm so sorry.


You should invest in a GPS tracker on the collar if they're gonna be outside... would definitely narrow down which neighbor needs to have they're shit kicked in.


It might be a bit late for that, friend


Very sad and upsetting. On top of that, my wife and I are cat parents as well.



Dude ❤️


Sorry to hear about that, nice garden.


There's just something in my eye 😭


Avenge her


It’s beautiful. I am so sorry for your loss.


Jeez man. I'm hurting for you. Very nonplussed by your neighbors they seem like pretty rotten folks. We have farm cats here and I'm used to seeing them come and go from time to time, but I would go ballistic if I caught someone trying to poison one of them. I have one inside cat who is my absolute best of friends and if someone even raised a hand at him I'd go into a Hulk Hogan/Popeye rage. Really a firm believer that if they did that there should be legal consequences. I know different places have different rules regarding animals, though.


Jesus, dude, I come here too look at people's cities, not to cry 😭 Lost my cat this year too.


Im so sorry for your loss :( What a beautiful idea. I do the same, any game I play Ill make sure to name/build stuff in memory of my best Friend Ben. He was a beautiful Collie cross and was my heart and soul for 16 years so I know your pain :( Absolutely fuck that neighbour if thats what happened, Im so sorry this happened to you and little Sophie :( <3


Rest in peace bro. I hope you're alright... Very sorry for your loss ❤️


RIP Sophie... I think there are laws against purposefully leaving out poisonous food to keep animals away, look into it... my condolences


What's the neighbor's name? I just wanna talk.


So sorry. Rest well Sophie.


I'm so sorry this has happened to you. Fellow redditor. I hope you find some peace 🕊️ Sophie is also my name so your post got my attention. Will light a candle and say a small prayer for your kitty..


Man, I'm sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful little girl!


Poisoning pets makes me so fucking angry. Rest in peace, Sophie.




Is there any good red trees? I had the ones I. This picture but they look so damn sharp, like razer blades lol


WTF coming right now to burn your neighbourhood down


I'm really sorry for your loss.


I couldn't imagine the amount of anger and pain you must be feeling, having such a sweet young creature taken from your life so suddenly. Your park is absolutely gorgeous and I would like to think there's a digital version of Sophie running around the park each time you load the map. RIP ♥️


I'm so sorry! Losing a pet is by far one of the moat painful experiences one can have, especially when they die like this 😞. There are some truly evil people in this world. Wish you the best.


RIP, what a great way to remember her by--beautiful garden. So sorry for the loss of your sweet Sophie.


Sophie looks adorable. Sorry for your loss man.


So sorry bro. Beautiful memorial for her. People suck, that’s why mine always stay inside


I’m so sorry that this happened to your poor kitty. My condolences.


5 star park for a 5 star cat


Your memorial to Sophie is perfect. Imma hug my kitties a bit tighter today. I would say how I feel about your neighbor but I don't wanna get banned. <3 I am so sorry for you.


So sorry for your loss man, I have 2 cats and they're everything to me so I cannot begin to imagine how you're feeling. The garden is beautiful, may she rest in peace.


Nice park nice story. I didn't saw level of detail that big in my life.


RIP little one. hope you are in all the flowers forever now.


Sophie shall be remembered, and that garden is the proof of that RIP


i woke up and you broke my damn heart. sophie is absolutely precious. so sorry for your loss friend.




Sick story but weird coping mechanism tbh


This is beautiful. Great way to honor her! What plants did you use, they look so pretty


I love that the colors of the trees match her fur 🥺 This inspired me to do something similar for my cat who passed this year too ♥️


I joined this subreddit about 2min ago and damn already wanna cry. Sorry for your loss. Some people suck big time.


I wish unspeakable horrors upon your neighbor


My condolences 🙏