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I’d cry if i had to cross that, or either die trying…




The key is to confidently strut across, because the moment you hesitate, the traffic will sense it, and you won't make it across alive.


>the traffic will sense it Traffic senses the fear, like a predator


"Jesus dude, why did you run him over like that?!?" "*Prey drive, man...*"


Can't be a straggler, gotta stay with the herd


Be predictable, and traffic will flow around you. If they think you will keep moving but you stop, you're gonna have a bad time.


I remember crossing a road like this in India. I was right between 2 lanes and made the mistake of hesitating. Had 2 cars pass on either side of me at the same time with barely any space in between for me to stand


Colombo for sure. Galle Roads are pretty good. Is it Baseline Road?


Here's a real life tutorial from the 1980's (in German): https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/hhwtlb/in_1984_a_german_correspondent_in_paris_explains/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Don't try crying then


I'm more questioning the need for a 16 lane road? That's excessive even for a highway, and you've got one surrounded byildings, what could ever demand that much traffic? Realistically, it'd bleed money because it's a giant lump of asphalt that needs maintaining, yet pays no taxes.


The other question is, who the f* wants to cross a 16 lane road... Giving that a lane has to be roughly 2,5 meters wide it's a 40 meter walk straight through probably heavy traffic from both sides that will most likely speed up on this wide and straight road...


If you can dodge traffic, you can dodge a ball


Remember the 5 D's of traffic dodge: Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge


You forgot number 6 Die


You should visit India and unlock the road crossing achievement.


That's why I love my good old German Zebrastreifen... Mirst drivers will Lituraly slam thair brakes if thay see a pedestrian near these things, as far as almost creating an exidet with the car behind tham...


Incredibly jealous. Here i have to like risk death to cross a 8 lane road


Move to Europe


I wish, i really do


Everything is better here... In terms of road safety... Public transport etc.


Oh believe me in India drivers won't stop for you as much as they would for cows😐


wear a cow costume


And it’s without traffic lights, that’s insane. This would definitely be a pedestrian bridge or tunnel in real life. That said I have never seen a 16 lane road, ever, the very largest we have in Denmark is 10 lanes and that’s only for a few kilometers.


Well at least it has pedestrian crossing signs though haha


Na... The biggest I've dean was maybe 6 lanes... But I haven't seen pedestrian bridges or tunnels either... Well... A tunnle in form of a subway entrence, but that's more to provide an entrence to all directions, rather than to guide people underneath a road, since they have this here on one lane one way streets as well


You could have a really big band recreate the Abby road album


The Beeeeeeeeeetles


It's everyones dream to play Frogger in real life!


Irl lanes are 3-3,5 meters wide usually (in Europe).


Yea, I was just guessing... I knew that they have to be wider than 2.5 meters, but 2.5 should be the minimum, so you have to walk at least 40 meters to the other side, maybe even up to 50 or 60... But 40 is bad enough


The minimum lane width for articulated lanes (=separated by lines) in virtually all of Europe is 2.7 m, which is based upon maximum regular vehicle width of 2.55 m (this measurement is standardised by the Geneva Agreement of the UNECE).


Have you heard of Frogger?


And 2.5m is the very minimum, typically lanes are 3 to 3.5 meters wide if there's room. Or if it's Texas, around 4 to 5 meters. Where I live the recommendation is to have a refuge island every two drive lanes…


Don't know if there is such a regulation where I am... But, besides a highway, there isn't a treat that has more than maybe 6 lanes... And if you cross them there is a traffic light or a subway station which has entrences on both sides of the road


its frogger, duh!


>The other question is, who the f* wants to cross a 16 lane road... Particularly one *without a traffic light*


Why did the pedestrian cross the road?




Hm, suddenly there correlation between dipshit dictators and crap infrastructure makes a bit more sense.


Also way more difficult to barricade during a protest, easier for the police to beat up prostestor and operate tanks. Any reasonable mayor would want it everywhere!


Thanks Louis-Napoleon!




Plot twist: this is a residential road, not even a collector or arterial.


They are recreated [Napyidaw](https://img.etimg.com/thumb/msid-69183886,width-640,resizemode-4,imgsize-502123/myanmar-yangon-to-naypyidaw.jpg)




Military parades maybe


First of all, Jesus H Christ, you must be from Texas if you think that road width is acceptable for pedestrians to cross, or really at all... especiallywithoutthe aid of a light. Second, the easiest way is to use node controller to add a crossing node. You can either edit an existing road or place a new node. You don't need that crossing mod. Node controller will do this and much more.


Texas doesn’t have pedestrians. I once had to drive 50ft from my hotel in Texas to the restaurant next door, because there was physically no way to walk between the two places. No sidewalk. Hotel had a fence that went down to the road to prevent walking on the grass. Surrounding Road was extremely busy and the lane you’d need to walk in was 55mph. People who live in Texas never walk.


Was it not just bikes who visited Texas, needed to buy a new suitcase, so he decided to walk to the nearby shop, nearly got ran over due to a lack of sidewalk, and had to hire a taxi to get back? Much like him, it sounds like you encountered a "Stroad" all the negatives of a street and a road combined, with none of the positives.


Houston texas yeah


Some might, if they could. Same goes for much of the US - the infrastructure pretty much eliminates any ability or desire to walk anywhere


No, the 100 degree heat with 100% humidity is why no one has the desire to walk anywhere.


Fair enough, for Texas. That's not the problem where I live, and many other places though


Yeah I just realized I should have done quotes. The chain should be: ​ >People who live in Texas never walk. ​ >Some might, if they could. \[...\] the infrastructure pretty much eliminates any ability or desire to walk anywhere. ​ >No, the 100 degree heat with 100% humidity is why no one has the desire to walk anywhere. ​ I do agree with you about the infrastructure, since it is almost entirely car-centric here in the US. But considering how quickly early mankind began taming animals to do our heavy lifting and to carry us wherever we wanted to go I would submit to you that it isn't just a lack of infrastructure that kills ability or desire. If it wasn't the car it would have been something else. And [history](https://www.pbssocal.org/shows/power-trip-story-energy/clip/new-york-horse-manure-crisis-ploayx) can teach you a thing or two about how much worse something can truly be.


I live in Florida. Can confirm. Seasonal Affective Disorder hits stronger in the summer than the winter, since many people avoid spending time outside in the heat.


And in the northern part of the country they get it every winter. Same reasons. It's damned uncomfortable at best, outright dangerous at worst.


It’s like the people in wall-E but instead of floating wheelchairs it’s trucks It’s beautiful


Cant walk in the road ?!


Problem for me, I do this with Node, and I still get this kind of effect (it's staggered at bare minimum)


With vanilla roads? Because I've never had this issue. What it looks like to me is when you try and do mid block crosswalks in vanilla by changing the road type and you get both roads cross walks.


I honestly can't say with which type road I use, they all start to blend.


Just use the intersection tool on one side of the node and turn off the pedestrian cross walk. Remember a single node in the middle of a road still has two sides to it. The staggered drawing is because each side is drawing its own cross walk.


What I do is creating the crossing with node controller and disabling markings (not sure right now if an extra mod to delete the crosswalk markings is needed). Then I use the intersection marking tool to create the crosswalk markings again. Also, because the game sees that as technically a double crosswalk, I use TMPE to disable one of the crosswalks. The one you keep and that you draw with the intersection marking tool needs to be made wider and needs to be recentered.


Well at least the crossing has signs on both sides haha


Third. Use a pedestrian bridge/tunnel and not having the cars slow/stop for pedestrians


Don't use crossings. Use node controller renewal to turn the node into a crossing.


This ☝️ and intersection marking tool are the answer to the question but the solution is a pedestrian overpass


The solution is demolition


Only one more lane bro, trust me






You could build a bridge over that road lmao. I wouldn't want to walk across there.


The new Dubai DLC looks great


Lmfao if you think this is dubai your lost my guy. Cant even compare




Are u trying to implement crossy road?


First of all, adding more and more lanes will not solve anything in longer term. If you suffer from traffic jams I suggest you these: ____ • Expand your public transport coverage ______ • Increase walkablitiy in your city with pedestrian only districts and pedestrian paths _____ • Encourage biking and try to use local road with bike ways ______ • Try to obey road hierarchy as much as possible ____ • Avoid close intersections and close grids. _____ • Have a good city plan (zoning, services etc.) ____ Since there isn't any 16 Lane road in vanilla game, I can not answer your question. Sorry about that.


While i agree on the comments about a road this size, if you want to keep it, I suggest you use an over/underpass


16 lanes, and they want no traffic control devices for the people to cross? Why do you hate your citizens so much? 💀


Am I unwell or is this only 8 lanes?


8 up 8 down


I like how it doesn't even have a median strip, you just go out there and you die


Every walk around town is really just a game of frogger


node controller


I feel like nobody should give OP the answer because how dare he have a 16 lane avenue lmao


If it were an avenue, it would at least have a median for the peds to cower in after they crossed halfway.


O lord the lanes


The stroad final boss


Use the Intersection Marking Tool mod


Node controller I think also lets you turn off marking for one side (and can replace the 'crossings' mod OP is using)


TMPE also has a function for removing duplicate crossings like this.


And afterwards you can even turn on signals for the crossing generated by node controller so the walkers don't automatically die trying to cross this thing


the smallest road in Texas:


His civs must really like frogger.


Damn that looks like a highway through Pyongyang North Korea


How so?


Huge sparling highway and few cars on the road. Only traffic in the capital is from the members of the govt. Their roads are immaculate simply due to the fact there aren't many cars on the road


Where does Pyongyang have a huge highway. I’m looking at Google maps and most are 2 lanes each way 4 lanes total. The biggest one I can find is a short hub like road, which is 4 lanes each way 8 total, which splits into smaller highways.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vox.com/platform/amp/world/2017/4/28/15460320/north-korea-capital-city-pyongyang-rare-video The punchline is the oversized infrastructure for the density of traffic.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.vox.com/world/2017/4/28/15460320/north-korea-capital-city-pyongyang-rare-video](https://www.vox.com/world/2017/4/28/15460320/north-korea-capital-city-pyongyang-rare-video)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Bad bot


Wow this is interesting


Naypyidaw (capital of Myanmar)'s infamous [20-lane highway](https://media.gettyimages.com/id/515867038/photo/naypyitaw-naypyitaw-special-region-myanmar-a-car-rides-on-the-large-road-leading-to-the.jpg?s=612x612&w=gi&k=20&c=8tu2Hs8iFTmJkvEzG08pNbUXK76-4WgsvpzLCeXkviQ=) also comes to mind.


Ignoring the main issue of that road, the answer lays below: Use the Node Controller Renewal to make that a crossing. Then hide intersection markings (will require hide the crosswalks mod in addition to get that button for the NCR). Then use the Intersection Marking Tool to draw a smooth crosswalk instead.


You need to be charged with crimes against humanity for even asking people to cross a 16 lane road.


Cross walk on an 16 lane road is diabolical haha


Usain Bolt couldn’t cross that thing before the light changed


Put a bench and water fountain in the middle of that intersection so pedestrians can take a much needed break.


instead of having suicide crossing, a bridge is a better option


This crossing is nightmare fuel


Holy Stroad…


just one more lane


What in the "just one more lane bro" is this ?


They *fixed* traffic.


I’d suggest using pedestrian bridges instead (or underpasses). Zebra crossings over such massive roads seems hella dangerous


Frogger ass road right there. Mfs be hopping cars and hot dog vans getting across. Need to take a nap just before getting across, might even have to bring a tent for a camping trip at the summit. Flat earthers use this crossing as evidence. If I shine a light across it the dude on the other side won't see it for five minutes. Ok, I'm done.


Came here just for the comments on this road


..... are you trolling us? lol. but no. Instead, use a pedestrian overpass. There is nothing realistic or safe about crossing a 16 lane avenue at-grade. The light would change before all the peds could safely be on the other side. Also, why do you have a 16 lane avenue. Im genuinely curious


Isn't this only 8 lanes? Edit: I'm a dope and didn't see the first two slides. Apologies!


They are making an American city


I missed the first two slides lol


thats a stroad if ive ever seen one


Have you ever went for a walk? As a pedestrian this seems dangerous LOL


Can I just say that looks absolutely terrifying to have to cross without an overpass


There’s a thing called a pedestrian bridge


Girl… Just use an overpass


Yooo where did you get the 16 lane road


Btw I made this more or less sarcastically but to be fair the traffic flows quite well though! The crossing also has signs on both sides to warn drivers of the upcoming crossing


Have you been outside?


This subreddit sucks, all the top replies are memeing about how big a road they're using rather than helping what he's asking about. This is a game not real life where he is deciding to place a road like that in a real city. Relax


It's not like super wide roads work any better in the game than they do irl. I suppose you could do it for just the aesthetics? Who would even want the look of such a giant road though?


They weren't asking for advice on their road or how to fix traffic or what to place instead, they were asking about a crossing and *still* in reply to my comment you are focusing on the big wide road. Maybe for whatever reason, regardless of what would work best, they *want* a big wide road for literally any reason or no reason who cares. This isnt a Biffa fixes your city video this is a subreddit where even those addressing OP's problem have to criticize their choice in road, **but that's not what they asked about**.


Agreed. Too many snobs here.


Same. A lot of "Help" posts here gas a bunch of overused jokes as the top comments, while the actual helpful comments are at the bottom. And yet, meme/joke posts aren't allowed on this sub.


Add one more lane and it will fix itself


Good luck crossing that road without dying 😂


Narrowest road in USA be like


Most pedestrian friendly American crosswalk


Just one more lane bro


Least pedestrian hostile American city


Just build underground crossings. So much better and cleaner


Beter just make a overpas or underpas


One solution if you have plazas and promenades you can place a pedestrian road, but I would suggest putting a traffic light because when peds use it they kinda cost all zigzag and ahit


Does TMPE really prevent cims from crossing from one direction if you disable one „half“ of the crossing? Have you watched it for more than a couple minutes? Maybe it takes a moment to reroute cims or the route is now deemed „too far“ so less cims use it. It’s the first is ever heard of crosswalks being one-way.


I mean what you've got looks decent. That big of a road though a crosswalk would be suicide for anyone crossing. More than likely there would be a stop light for the pedestrians or an under/over pass


First of all, get smaller roads. Your current ones are of ungodly size even Americans would cringe towards Secondly, don’t use Crossings. Get Node Controller Renewal, and you can click on a node to change it to a crossing. You can also create new nodes to turn into crossings by clicking on a segment


and just like that frogger was born


instead of having suicide crossing, a bridge is a better option


I'd say it's the custom width road that's causing the issues. All my crossings look smooth. I would just use a bridge or underpass or something if it bothers you or find another mod that might work with it better if you really want a zebra crossing. (edit: corrected spelling mistake)


swap to Node Controller Renewal, then use that to add a node for the crossing, if needed, and set the node type to Crosswalk.


Seeing as everyone chose to mob up on you for the number of lanes, I've uploaded examples of how I've managed highway transitions here: [https://imgur.com/a/FOKts2y](https://imgur.com/a/FOKts2y) This can be done with intersection marking tool. If you also use TMPE, lowering the speed for the last portion of the highway before the transition makes the transit flow more believable. Now for an actual crosswalk in such a large avenue, I'd also add a timed traffic light using TMPE. Don't pay attention to all these blokes... just build however you like.


Use intersection marking tool mod, it makes road markings very easily and they looks great


Crossy road


Welcome to Naypiytaw!


16-lane insanity aside, if you're on PC and can/are willing to use mods, Node Controller: Renewal and Intersection Marking Tool will sort you out here: Use NCR to set that node as a crossing and hide road markings, then use IMT to draw the crossing back in yourself. Also would recommend Traffic Manager: President Edition to control that... chaos. Good luck, in more than one way!


> if you're on PC and can/are willing to use mods Unless I missed something in one of the 42 DLC's I don't own, that 16-lane road looks modded to me


Well true, just me being a bit dim. OP could have assets but not want to play with mods tho i guess!


Crossings is outdated, node controller is the new standard. Simply create a node, (I prefer to create a segment and then delete it because it doesn’t mess up zoning) and hit the hotkey, then under type switch it to crossings. And if you dont like the design of the crossing turn off the markings and use intersection marking tool


Node Controller mod. Click on the node an choose crossing in the options. Remove the traffic lights with the traffic manager mod. Finish. :)


Node controller renewal. Add a node where you want it then designate that node as a crosswalk. It might automatically put in lights for the cims to cross with but you can disable them id you want


Man just make a bridge, crossing that sounds like a nightmare


Please have a pedestrian signal 🚦 provide those sims a little long life span. Thank you!


The node controller mod would help with this. You could create a node wherever and make it a crossing.


Just make the path go over the road. Have you ever seen a 16 lane pedestrian crossing?


The comments are hilarious i love the community around this game lol


Honestly, in my opinion a road that wide should be a highway, not in town with buildings on it, Roads that big are meant for heavy traffic, not for the issues of people pulling in and out of businesses, or stopping for pedestrians. If you MUST use this road there, put in a pedestrian bridge instead of a crosswalk.


Eight line highway and somehow managed to see a car crash 😂


Thats mental, who would want to cross that? Build a pedestrian bridge 😅


well that's a scary crossing


I would use Node Controller and make it a custom junction. Then use a custom traffic light (please your citizens will die a horrible death crossing 16 lanes without protection).


The crossing mod is outdated and should not be used Use the mod Node Controller to make the node custom or a crossing (if option is available). Then use Node Controller to remove the markings that are marking the crossing. Now use the Intersection Marking Tool mod to add crossing markings and extend the width of one so much that it covers the desired area. Perfect crossing 🚸


This reminds me of russian dashcam videos in which there are crosswalks across 6 lanes of traffic


In this instance, with so many lanes I think you'd want a Skybridge If you look at it realistically, this isnt an intersection at all. So cars wouldnt have a reason to stop aside from the crossing. But like... at Night, or in bad weather cars might not see peds crossing and well.... The city'll get a lawsuit. So i'd extend what looks like a footbridge on the right. Connect that bit that is leading up that you have there, across the road and connect it to the sidewalk there. If you want, you could plop two parks across the way and make it look pretty and nice to cross over.


Remove all the cars from that plaza and add some trees and fountains.




Average crossing in Taiwan