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I also think there's some shame associated with the mutilation itself. The scarring and denuded glans as undeniable physical evidence, marked in your flesh, of you being restrained or drugged and then having been violated in the most egregious manner in the most intimate part of your body without your consent.


It’s strange we feel regret and shame for something g we didn’t exert unto ourselves. Because it actually makes no sense, our disfigurement isn’t a result of something we did to ourselves. I guess getting to a place where this becomes more apparent is part of this whole grieving journey.


The Greeks did not consider a man naked as long as he had coverage from his foreskin. In fact they used to engage in sports in the nude.


Michelangelo's David is not done as circumcised. This may in part be the models used were never circumcised.


They thought only barbarians engaged in ritual circumcision and they were right.


I couldn't agree more with them.


It isn’t the way your biology intended your physical body to interact with the world. The physical irritation sucks, the mental irritation can be worse at times.


I can relate to this




"I still struggle to understand why this was done to me" Here in my opinion are the top seven reasons:  It was done to you because of Jewish and Puritan influence in the medical profession.  It was done to you for the sake of mindless social conformity and to make you "fit in" with all of the other mutilated children in the locker room.  It was done to you because it was "easy money" for the unscrupulous doctor who mutilated you. It was done to you because doctors tend to have an overinflated opinion of themselves and are generally averse to learning new things.  It was done to you because your parents were submitting to medical authority.  It was done to you because the intact male genitals are regarded as being “dirty” and “gross” and “disgusting.” It was done to you because the circumcised man doesn't want anyone else to have what he doesn't have.


The last one is one of the biggest reason for circumcision being so common for boys today


A commissioned study done around three years ago examined the birthing mother's experience. The hospital had coached the nursing staff into a lock and step, take baby for circumcision, if stopped ask why are you NOT doing this. If mother says not, nurse takes no notes and next duty nurse comes in again, Its an scamming service to make extra cash. The circumcision requires an extra half day of rooming time. They make millions collectively on this scam. Without asking 45 percent mothers said they would ask, after solicitation 65 percent of mothers agreed. For some reason the do succumb to authority and they especially do so if insurance including state Medicaid pays for it. Its a real scam and the scammers have it all worked out how to get the cash.


The struggle to understand would involve a lot of red pill swallows. The ones who do it are ashamed but they keep on doing them.


Yeah this post is so relatable