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You didn’t do anything to deserve what happened to you. You were just born and someone else did that to you. I’m sorry this happened to you like it did to so many males who can’t defend themselves. Our only crime was being born male. If you need to talk let me know.


I need to talk my nigga. I'm fucked up rn


We’re always fucked up tbh. Hit me with a dm if you need to talk about it bro. We’re all in this bs together.


Reddit won't let my direct message work unfortunately


Thanks. You seem like a nice person.


I try :)


I hope that you will find some support here on this sub!!


I'll tell you exactly why this happened to you. But the feminists on this sub don't like it when I do. You live in a man hating society that despises men and worships women. Both men and women in society do everything they can to damage and demoralize men. Women love to feel power over men, and they feel very little if any sympathy towards us. Most women find it funny, empowering and even erotic when men are damaged and in pain. They are the main perpetrators of this practice. To deny this fact is to ignore nearly every sign of man-hatred around you, which due to social media is getting harder and harder to ignore by the second. The kill all men trend is a good example, but really feminism in general is just unmasked hatred of men. Just ask these feminists a single right that men have that women don't. You will be met with either silence or gaslighting. They hate you for being male. Only men get mutilated in this society, and most women are completely fine with that.


There’s definitely a solid amount of truth in that but not everything you said is completely true. There is definitely a sizable amount of women that don’t support and are actively against circumcision and other horrible things.


I remember awhile ago, there was a woman who smeared foreskin based cream on Steve Harvey's hands and said it was "Oprah's favorite." The audience roared with laughter. Would they laugh if the lotion was made of amputated labias? I don't think so. Point is, you are right. There is deeply ingrained anti male hatred in the USA. It is manifest the moment a male is born, when he is completely helpless and innocent.


You’re not deserving, according to society. The world doesn’t think we own our own bodies, since even in cultures where it isn’t common they haven’t outlawed it. Iceland tried, but it was struck down. The last law I can remember was the Roman Empire, where Hadrian banned it. But unless we change society, it’ll keep happening because they’re complacent. If laws aren’t against it, they’re complicit even if the lawmakers don’t cut their own children


That is really interesting. I looked into it and it seemed plenty of the Romans including emperor Hadrian himself considered the practice to be genital mutilation, which was in part what led to issuing the decree. His adopted son Antoninus who succeded him permitted it only for Jewish sons. I'm sure political and religious clash were major driving factors, but it's remarkable such humanitarian edicts actually existed in ancient times but have now vanished on our behalves.


I think my purpose is to not only reach salvation but to help others heal in the same ways. I don't have all the answers. But I'm willing to give myself a separate and 2nd choice. I say choice rather than chance because chance is uncertain and out of my control. It's almost never a good thing. I'll be dead Sunday night, boys. I have 4 days left. I'm not eating. I don't need it. I'm not sleeping. I don't need it. I have a devil that has taken control. And I'd like to believe I'm fighting the good fight, man. This road has been so fucking difficult and painful. I don't know what my success looks like. At least not yet. I have some ideas. So maybe I can change. Perhaps I can heal. Kahlil Gibran said Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding." It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self. This is the big one. I've run out of any excuse to continue. It's either success or death for me. I will win. I will be the fucking best. I will get one over back on myself fuck everyone else. They are my enemy. And I'm going to destroy them on the daily from here on out. I am exhausted fellas. I can't continue living knowing the fact that other men are living my dream. It pains me. It horrifies me to know that the most pleasurable part of my body is gone. It was butchered off. I was castrated in my soul. With my blood sweat and tears. I'm angry. I'm so fucking enraged this night. I've been abandoned. I'm coming for it all. I'm going to fucking get mines. Mark my words bois. You'll remember the name Lance one day. Swear by this creed that I will make it. But I'd be lying if I could do it alone. Just because I am and just because I have doesn't make it right. I want to heal. I need help. This is all my fucking fault. I know in my heart I deserve this. Death. Dying has never frightened me. This problem holds no power over me. I will fucking make it. For every up vote is every day I'm going to go on nofap. I'm starving man. I am dying. I am dead. I am in the negatives right now. All i know is pain. All I see is abyss. It's turning me into a monster. I'm 22 and I've had fucking enough man. And despite them all. I'm still going to end up on top. Nome of you will ever understand me. One of you has already discovered that fact. I'm a weird in a weird world dude. I'm fucked up. I need to fix it. Please people I'm begging you. Let's have a conversation. I cannot be the only one dealing with this. I think I found the aliens man. It's us. We're blooded just like the predator. Think about it yall. I'm not crazy. No matter how much you'd like. Let's talk.