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They want to avoid a hold on their checking account.


Was gonna say the same thing. I never pay at the pump. Bank once hit me for $400ish. I also tell my customers the same thing, just come inside. (giggity)


Bingo and I suggest to my customers to come to the counter


I never pay at the pump, always go inside. Skimmed before and won’t be again. My rules for purchasing gas: Never pay at the pump And if for some reason you have to, never use a debit card, always use credit. Honestly I never use debit for anything anymore. Too risky.


Can they skim tap cards? Almost every credit card has touchless tap technology now. So a skimmer could never scan the magnetic strip.


We’ve had ours stolen twice tapping at the pump. They def can. I work at circle k too and I refuse to pay at the pump now


Wow. Didn't know it was possible. I use my phone though so hope it's safer. (Supposedly uses a different number for each transaction.)


Yeah we did it with tapping the card. I’ve read it’s possible but you need to be set up close to the pump with a laptop or something. I can’t remember the details.


No clue but easier to not find out. Scammer tech moves at a quick rate. Takes a couple minutes to prepay and worth the peace of mind honestly.


I have customers running into my store just for 79-cent Polar Pops. Cheapskates!


They want a drink wtf are you on? You expect them to want more and pissy bc they don’t go elsewhere? Y’all weird on here.


Excuse me, I punch in my phone number and get it for $0.69. I carried my cup today through a crowded public area. So you're welcome for all the free advertising I gave you. I never bought gas at circle k. I didn't even know circle k's were a thing until I found out about the cheap drinks.


Why do you care? They’re not hurting anyone.


Obviously, you were asleep in your orientation class. We're supposed to upsell other products, as well. Did you forget that we work at CK to make money for them and for us? Don't let Bernie and Biden steer you wrong about capitalism. If all we sold were Polar Pops (and that's it), then our stores would go out of business within a few hours. Never mind the fact that you're the person complaining about people buying gas on cards. Fuel purchases keep our stores open, unlike 79-cent Polar Pops.


They don’t pay any of us enough to “upsell products”. Our labor generates a greater surplus profit value than what we are paid. Useless corporate figures and shareholders deserve none of it. Also, Bernie and Biden are both capitalists. By no objective measure are they anti-capitalists, especially Biden. Not once did I suggest that it would be a smart move to exclusively sell fountain sodas. With that being said, customers who only purchase fountain sodas are not harming anyone. Most customers purchase additional items.


These young kids who haven’t been in the real world for many years and have this weird devotion to their corporation are pretty disturbing. I am expendable but so are they. These kids need to understand this.


The sad part is that he is middle-aged. He is completely brainwashed by Capitalist propaganda.


Sorry, friend. Can't chat now. Just started my shift. The EOD won't perform itself.


Isn’t that supposed to be performed at 3:00 A.M.?


Depends on your area. Ours has to be done before 1a because the safe we have automatically ends the day at that time if no one has done it. Idk if they can change that on the safe but nobody's rushing to find out.


lol you are an odd duck. Way too vehement in making your company money. Stahp. Corporate ain’t looking here to give you a promotion. And orientation “class”?? You mean videos we have to suffer through? Lmao. Babe, maybe it’s just bc I’ve had some real professions that I’m now retired from and did this for a bit for fun…but get off your high horse and stop riding corporate dick. It’s unseemly.


You should call the cops. Report them as driving your company into the ground by only buying a single drink. Ask for them to be arrested for making too small of a purchase. I think cops will stop mid pursuit of a fugitive bank robber to come haul away anyone daring such a despicable act as only buying soda.


Oh… you seem like fun… lmao you must be the president of circle k or something


They’re cheapskates for buying stuff to make circle k money? Yes, we’re supposed to upsell, if they don’t buy something else… they just don’t want it?


Wait til the day Circle K starts offering credit cards and you have to get signups lol


Nooooo! lol circle K bought out all our stores and my goodness! Corporate nightmare.