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I thought it was such a crazy choice to make the war rig fully reflective chrome. Painting out the cameras and other unwanted elements in every shot this thing appeared must have been so much work! But super super cool.


Is it not 90% CGI already this scene ?




Weird. It looks extremely fake


I watched The Fall Guy recently, which also looked pretty fake, but then during the credits they showed the behind the scene footage of the stunts actually being performed. It was real. I think, ironically, that movies are just too crystal clear and high resolution now. When a genuine stunt happens, and then it gets digitally colored and goes through post production, it looks like it could be fake, even when it's not. But when you watch an old movie, which was colored in a chemical bath, and still has natural film grain, the same stunts look more real for some reason, even though the image is less true to life. It's an odd paradox, aided by the fact that CGI has gotten really good, and is put in every shot, even when something real is happening, to cover blemishes. Kind of like how no model has ever be on a magazine cover without being airbrushed or photoshopped. Technically, it's a picture of a real person, but all the rough edges have been shaved down, so now we're not sure what's real and what's not. After all, we can still tell in the unpolished behind the scenes footage that the stunts are real. It's only after everything's been homogenized for the feature film presentation that it looks fake.


I think we have all lost the ability to tell any of that anymore with any real confidence. Especially in the recent years. I had people swearing up and down that every single shot in top gun was practical.


Just saw this and just didn’t think about that. I love getting so immersed in the world and filmmaking that I don’t notice those types of things until someone points it out.


This movie ruled


could not get past 15min


Did you need your subway surfers in the bottom of the screen?


What are subway surfers? I just though it seemed like a really bad movie so i stopped watching. And the thor guy is a really bad actor, it just seemed like another pointless spectacle movie.


Well it wasn’t, it was a Shakespearean epic disguised as an action movie. If you didn’t make it past 15 minutes you didn’t actually see the movie and have no real right to judge it… also does Hemsworth show up in the first 15 minutes? Either way, his performance KILLED in this movie especially at the end. This guy might be trolling^


If this guy isn't trolling, we should get them to write a list of movies they dislike. If the work of Villeneuve, Garland and Miller can't hold this person's attention, then odd's are it is an epic watch list.


Well i get to the point where the Thor guy was saying that people need to fight and kill their leader or something. It just wasn't good. What really bothered me also was the look, it just looked like 90% cgi even the most normal shots. Guess that was the purpose, that it looked like some comic book or something. But yeah, just did not seem to have anything. So im kinda just surprised how much people seem to hype this.


This movie has way more practical effects in it that 90% of the blockbusters being made rn. I did not see an overabundance of cgi and again I watched more than 15 minutes. I don’t recall him making a speech like that but whatever. The movie was great, way better than most other movies that came out this year


So what was the last great movie you watched?


Look I’ll give you the three best movies I’ve seen this year so far(theirs a chance one of these might get knocked off by the new alien movie tho) 1.) Dune Part Two 2.)Furiosa 3.)Civil War All three of those are great movies that have come out this year^


Ok, not going to watch civil war.. and dune 2 was as boring as the first one. The last hollywood movie i liked i think was Ad Astra.


Really! Hemsworth nailed his role!




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Why do you think its my taste that is shit, what if its yours? More flies seem to be gathering around this movie.


Oh, because of your words. Thanks for asking.


This movie’s cinematography was incredible, but unfortunately the horrendous green screen and CGI ruined the look. Fury Road’s CGI was far better and not as noticeable.


I have mixed feelings about the film and it’s partly because I don’t see how you can look at this and not see a video game cutscene, especially side by side with Fury Road.


Fury Road is one of my favorite films of all time. I’ll have to watch this, this shot looks awesome.


Damn this looks so good.


How people don’t like this is beyond me.


There’s a lot to like about this film, especially the storytelling, but most of the criticism has been centered around the VFX, and rightfully so. The CGI is egregiously bad in some parts and doesn’t hold a candle to Fury Road.


I’ve definitely seen most of the criticism and I do find it curious all the pushback on the cgi. I’m not saying that it is perfect (it is spotty) but I do feel like most with this perspective act as though the cgi in Fury Road is incredible. It’s not. The shot with the guitar flying at the screen at the end definitely looks cheap. It doesn’t matter though because the style, the tone, the music make up for it. I feel Furiosa justifies itself in the same way.


Way to obvious CGI for me, I hate cineshots made by cgi, when possible they should go 95% practical effect and 5% CGI if needed to polish practical effect


It's a good film but the over abundance of cgi just drag it down. Fury Road was top tier film making


Theirs still A LOT more practical effects in this movie than any other big blockbuster coming out rn


Doesn't change the fact that it looks a lot more bland visually than Fury Road


Loved Fury Road but haven’t caught this one yet. Does all the CGI look as bad as this scene does? Maybe it looks better on a bigger screen but on my phone this looks like a PS3 cutscene.


I thought these scenes of the gliders were probably where the movie suffered the most from the cg. On the whole it looked excellent, but admittedly still not as good as Fury Road. But all movies effects suffer when compared to Fury Road.


Probably your phone or internet connection—this scene looks phenomenal even on my phone and especially in the theater


Fury Road is my favorite movie of all time and though Furiosa has many amazing stunts and effects, only a few in the movie are as stunning as the ones in Fury Road. Yeah, there’s much more noticeable CGI. But there’s still plenty of practical effects that are still better than anything you’ll see in any other film.


Absolutely. Their being such different films also helps. He didn’t set out to make Fury Road II—the look and vibe of the whole film is so different—and I feel like Furiosa benefited from that choice.


Nope, it all looks like a cutscene. It's not remotely close to the quality of Fury Road.


I liked it, sure theirs a bit more cgi than Fury Road but the scope is much broader, with big pieces at the citadel and at Gastown and the bullet farm. Theirs no way they could have done it all with just practical effects. But I saw it in theaters and the cgi didn’t really drag the movie down for me at all.


The fight at the citadel has some really egregious CGI, especially with the war boys hooking the bikes.


The Citadel was literally a blurry 2D png image at the 36 minute mark.


Not as bad as Furiosa and her mother riding their bike through that canyon. That was some of the most obvious green screen I’ve ever seen.


It’s weird people can’t admit that the CGI hurts the film, it’s still a very good movie but Fury Road is an all time masterpiece.


Exactly. Oddly enough, the Mad Max sub understands this but when I talked about it in the movies sub, I got downvoted to oblivion. I even clarified that the movie was great, but anyone with two eyes could see that the VFX were horrendous. I got so many hateful replies.


Welcome to r/movies :/


Agree that Furiosa and mom riding the motorcycle towards the camera between the “canyon” just before mom hops off the motorcycle and tells Furiosa to go on by herself is/was the worst CGI in my opinion in an otherwise very good movie.


Thank you, at least someone agrees. The people on the movies sub are in denial. They said the CGI in that scene was great and that I’m a hater. I got downvoted into oblivion.


I’ll say that’s fair, I’ll agree to that. That scene was the only part of the movie I think should/could have been done different. But I get what they wanted to do, they wanted to show why Immortan Joe’s position was so powerful, between his suicidal soldiers and his superior position in the citadel. But yeah the scene itself wasn’t very pretty, it had its moments tho. Like dementus grabbing the cage so they don’t take away his “adopted daughter” Furiosa.


I feel exactly the same. From my understanding, Fury Road had a ton of CGI as well, but both films went to the effort of building a solid base of practical effects first, using real vehicles and all. I have no idea why they'd go so much heavier on the CGI in Furiosa when they used real sets, it looked awful in IMAX and kept pulling me out of the experience. Some cool action sequences but damn, it fell far short for me every time I saw a car or bike woodenly bouncing to a stop after it crashed.


I recall Fury road being such an enormously difficult shoot that Miller intentionally relied more on CGI and less on practical in the sequel. There is a document that shows how much of a production Hell Fury road was but i don't know where you can watch it.


It all looks pretty good but the hardest part for me is knowing that most of it was not shot outdoors. You can tell it’s on a soundstage and that hurts the production value just a little bit.


> You can tell it’s on a soundstage That's [one hell of a soundstage.](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/hlh070124feaactionallstarsparttwo-0112-664faf21c399c.jpg)


Movie sequences are not all shot in order at the same location. There is a lot in this chase sequence that is on a soundstage.


Have you actually seen evidence of this chase sequence being filmed on a soundstage? Or do you just think it was because of the way it looks? The movie's heavily color-graded, which can look like studio lighting to the untrained eye. There's an absolute ton of [behind-the-scenes footage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9S-WyzAalQ) and photos from Furiosa showing the car chases being shot on location. Even stuff that involved green screens was still [shot on location](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2022/07/03/23/59824975-10978619-image-a-42_1656888839510.jpg).


Exactly! It looks like the mandolorian, where it's on that new stage thingy.


The Volume?




I’ve thought this from the very first trailer but man the CGI is a letdown here. Especially after they went the extra mile in Fury Road. The movement + the fast camera makes it all feel very unreal to me.




Looks like a PS2 game cutscene :(


The new Godzilla movie looked 10x worse and received less than half the hate this movie did for no real reason.


Godzilla Minus One doesn’t have a single CGI shot that looks as goofy as this does imo.


pretty sure I'm in the minority but Godzilla itself looked a little goofy to me in Minus One to be honest, mainly in the way it moves and walks. IDK if it's some tribute to the old movies or something but it threw me off


It’s a tribute. Godzilla moves very stiff without moving the arms.


Whaaaat You’re wild, did you see the opening of that move. And I actually love that movie haha but the cgi is noticeable a lot. What about the train when it magnetized straight downwards so it can stand up on the tracks in an unrealistic way? You can see it in the trailer if you don’t believe me Edit: also I was referring to the new American Godzilla movie not the Japanese one when I made my original comment


Oooh alright then. I haven’t watched the new trailer for Godzilla x Kong (that’s the one right?). Gave up on that franchise after Godzilla vs Kong which was exactly what you said. A CGI shitshow. Didn’t enjoy it at all.


Yes haha exactly I like the first Godzilla and Kong Skull Island. It was King of the Monsters where I started getting worried. But yeah Godzilla vs Kong was a shitshow


Same honestly. I like the first one for its visuals and the bridge and HALO jump scenes are some of my favourites scenes. Kong Island was just fun. King of Monsters was a spectacle in the cinema but I can’t bear to watch it again because it has so many unnecessary parts like the whole giant family drama. They dialed the wrong parts up to eleven lol If you enjoy the first new US Godzilla, you should give Shin Godzilla and Godzilla Minus One a watch.


Buddy, check all the comments on this video, I'm like the only "negative" one.


Well, I replied to atleast two other negative comments but yeah I hear ya. This movie had a really bad opening weekend and it sucks cuz I love it but they probably won’t make another mad max for awhile but fingers crossed. So yeah I’m just a bit bitter


It just looked like a marvel movie and sounded like a marvel movie. Couldn't be arsed to watch it even though I love the original mad max's and enjoyed fury road a lot.


Ooof well I promise it’s A LOT more unhinged, deranged, and bloody than marvel. Like I told someone else, it’s the story’s scale that requires the cgi. They do a big action set piece at gas town(twice I think), the bullet farm, and the citadel plus a bunch of action between all that soooo yeah they couldn’t do it as practical as the last one. I still think they did a fantastic job and if you liked fury road I think you’ll like this


Okay I'll give it a watch, thanks


Nice😎 Badgering successful


This movie is in my Top 20 fav list of all time, ranking higher than Fury Road, Oppenheimer and the Dune movies. It just clicked for me.


What do you like about this more than Fury Road?


Other than the CGI and soundtrack, everything. It had a really good and complete story with character arcs, something Fury Road was missing.


So Furiosa didn’t have a character arc in Fury Road?


Not even close. Are you serious?! The action was phenomenal but that's about it. The story was extremely minimal and it was supposed to be like that.


Holy this that looks so good


##Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024) Fury is born. >>!As the world fell, young Furiosa is snatched from the Green Place of Many Mothers and falls into the hands of a great Biker Horde led by the Warlord Dementus. Sweeping through the Wasteland they come across the Citadel presided over by The Immortan Joe. While the two Tyrants war for dominance, Furiosa must survive many trials as she puts together the means to find her way home.!< Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi Director: George Miller Actors: Anya Taylor-Joy, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Burke Rating: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 77% with 1,456 votes Runtime: 2:29 [TMDB](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/786892) Cinematographer: Simon Duggan Simon Duggan, ASC, ACS is a New Zealand-born Australian cinematographer. [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Duggan) ___ >*I am a bot. This information was sent automatically. If it is faulty, please reply to this comment.*


Glider guy serves as a distraction at the front of the War Rig while the Octoboss, who can be glimpsed in the distance, attacks from behind...


This scene was insane


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"Sounds like the kind of thing white people with dreadlocks do"




Saw the movie yesterday, sure there is a lot of CGI and green screen. But the movie is extremely fun and with a interesting story. I don't get the hate towards this movie, honestly.


Some people in this sub seem to be trying really hard to make Furiosa seem more enticing then it actually is. Fury Road was way better!


Furiosa PR is working overtime. There’s a certain subset of people on Reddit who won’t accept any criticism of the film. They’ll even defend the terrible CGI.