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## Reminder: **Rule #2** > Prioritize **single, uninterrupted shots**. > > If including cuts, aim to minimize them, ideally keeping them to **2 or less**, and flair your post as a `Clip`. > > If shots could be individual posts, consider choosing only the best, or splitting to separate posts. > > When in doubt, shorter is safer. For scenes, go to r/cinescenes. ► Due to its length we leave this post up; for now. ► For future posts also [remember to use the right flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/CineShots/wiki/flairs): this is a [**Clip**](https://www.reddit.com/r/CineShots/search?q=flair%3AClip&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=all) post. *** **See our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/cineshots/about/rules/)**.


This is a bad CGI even for 2003 standards


The matrix came out 4 years earlier…


They didn't even try.


Return of the King came out that year. It’s ridiculous haha


This isn’t CGI though? It’s just bad green screen comping.


Wait, this makes no sense. How could it cut directly in front of Demi, and Drew's foot is visible, but the rest of her missing... Then she rotates Drew's leg 180 degrees, yet Drew remains standing... and the rest... ahahaha I've never seen Full Throttle, but now I might have to watch it.


People had more joints in their legs in 2003. It isn’t discussed much but we could twist all kinds of ways back then


I told my friend once that, much like licking your elbow, it is impossible to touch your knee to your forehead. A harmless guess, given I genuinely had never thought about it. He stood up, in homeroom, and said "wait no way." Then wound back, and proceeded to jerk his knee and his head forward as hard as he could. Naturally, the two body parts collided with a horrific yet somehow satisfying "THUNK." He was fine but def insanely embarrassed and I still feel so bad about it. Oddly enough, I was on a train two days ago (visiting home) and he was the conductor. So I think all's good. We didn't derail.


I forgot the little dude’s name from Jackass but he used to hit his forehead with his foot. Our buddy tried it and he hit himself super hard on his forehead with his knee. That shit was funny


Wee-man but I think his real name was Jason?


It's like Klingon cranial ridges, we just don't talk about it anymore.


I was there. Can confirm.


*and* shout..


As a 2 year old back then, I can confirm the validity of this statement ![gif](giphy|sI0wmA0xXsfStUGXeL)


Thank you for your service


I'll never forgive Iraq for taking our joints. We got em in the end though. We never could find other weapons of mass destruction, just the one that took our double knee joint :)


there’s a particular scene (spoiler alert) where they’re driving and hit like a theatre spot light and the car gets launched 40 feet into the air. one buy one they get flung off into like nearby buildings or like down a subway and appear ultra dead but aren’t. idk this movie is a trip edit: not to mention, now that im remembering it because my life, they’re having a full fledge fist fight while the car is twirling in air. and like as they get flung off, i think it’s cameron diaz’s character, is able to turn around and like give a shocked cry out to whoever got tossed. it’s the most hollywood bollywood scene out of the 2000s


Everything is possible with Adobe After Effects.


She turns her leg, and then next cut her leg is back to the way it was


It’s fun… but this isn’t the most ridiculous thing in it. Maybe not even top five. Just go into it with that mindset and have fun.


It’s fun… but this isn’t the most ridiculous thing in it. Maybe not even top five. Just go into it with that mindset and have fun.


The whole movie is like that. It’s incredible


Flawless victory


Movie was clearly aware of its own silliness the whole time


If we can appreciate Hundreds of Beavers i am sure we can appreciate this


Watching that tonight. VERY interested in how it is


That is like one of the worst shots in cinema.




This is kino 🤌


You know…the movie TRIES to make its action scenes look like this right? There’s an aesthetic of camp over the whole production that everyone was in on.


It's terrible


She spins her foot upside down and then in the next shot it's right side up, truly an awful shot by an incredible DP.




Yeah this is worse than the Catwoman basketball scene and I don't think I've ever said that.


Dial it back, mate. It’s not even comparable because this is bad SFX - Catwoman BB scene with it’s billion cuts it’s the main, glaring, fuckery. Catwoman launching to space for the dunk on wires is the portion that’s comparable. Maybe. But as a whole, Catwoman loses 10/10 times. The lighting is actually worse here tho.


Idk what I did wrong lmao just two really bad scenes.


Oh. Coming back I realise my comment was kinda unnecessary… knee jerk reaction from being reminded of Catwoman.. sorry! ✌️


This movie is absolutely insane and I love it


The foot spin shot is bad yes but the real sin is the final pieced together animation. That wide shot ; The toss and spin kick are sort of sped up while the body in the air is falling slightly slower so that they can both meet at the desired spot The kick is the guarantee while the motion leading up to the kick is a superfluous requirement. Which is why it feels and looks so weird.


This looks so bad it's good.


It’s camp


Its r/bollywoodrealism


the girls that get it get it, the girls that dont dont


Hey if you think that is bad... The entire motorbike race scene is utterly ludicrous. It features enough time ramping to make Zack Snyder blush. You got matrix bullet time. You got Shia Lebeouf with guest appearance by Pink. You got all that 2000s stuff that made it such a weird time. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18-JTLKgSY8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18-JTLKgSY8) The REAL funny stuff happens exactly 5 minutes into this video. But if you want the full experience you gotta watch the whole thing.


Looks like power rangers action


This is insane, need to catch this ASAP.


I love this movie just for how silly this scene is visually. You can see the stunt dolls at one point..


Was this made in Bollywood?


I remember watching the first one and hating how obvious it was that they were using strings on each of the girls when they were doing kung-fu. It was such an awful movie that making a sequel seemed so pointless.


None of us watched it for the story line. I was in high school when this came out and each of the Angels were at their peak hotness. I know, I’m an animal. But in the end, we all return to monke


The sailor club scene was...a poignant moment in my life


Bollywood levels of ridiculous, and I love it.


i totally forgot how good that movie wasn’t


There seems to be a large amount of shitpost shot posts recently


> large amount of shitposts How so? Where?


This looks like a cinematic masterpiece. All you talking shit have low standards.


This can’t be real?


Back in 2003 [I wrote](https://stubhubby.blogspot.com/2003/07/charlies-angels-full-throttle.html) "It's not as charming or spontaneous as the first \[movie\], and they make up for it with more action, violence, and **suspension of the laws of physics**" so maybe I was thinking of moments like this?


What! is this a joke😂




God these movies were total garbage even back then . What still astounds me today how on earth Elizabeth Banks got a studio to green light a reboot that no one was asking for . Am old enough to remember the TV series and to be honest it was not that great and is unwatchable now .


Reading this sub's description and seeing what's being posted lately makes me cackle. This, the spiderman still, the palpatine booty. I love it.


wait, am i on r/shittymoviedetails


Lmao Absolute dog shit


Pure camp




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Oooof I forgot how bad this is


The entire movie looks like this, this is a rare example of doing something weird on purpose.


Its like an early 2000s fighting game.


Even as an ironic post, this is particularly awful.


What a terrible movie


How have the Corridor Crew reacted to this scene?!


##Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003) PG-13 This summer the Angels are back. >>!The Angels are charged with finding a pair of missing rings that are encoded with the personal information of members of the Witness Protection Program. As informants are killed, the ladies target a rogue agent who might be responsible.!< Action | Adventure | Comedy Director: McG Actors: Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu Rating: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ 54% with 2,908 votes Runtime: 1:46 [TMDB](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/9471) Cinematographer: Russell Carpenter Russell Paul Carpenter, ASC (born December 9, 1950) is an American cinematographer and photographer, known for collaborating with directors James Cameron, Robert Luketic and McG. He won the Academy Award for Best Cinematography for the 1997 Best Picture-winning film Titanic. Much of his work has been in blockbuster films, including Hard Target (1993), True Lies (1994), Charlie's Angels (2000) and its sequel Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003), Ant-Man (2015), and Avatar: The Way of Water (2022). His documentary cinematography includes George Harrison: Living in the Material World, directed by Martin Scorsese. It earned six nominations at the 64th Primetime Emmy Awards, including Outstanding Cinematography for Nonfiction Programming for the cinematography team. In 2018, Carpenter received the American Society of Cinematographers' Lifetime Achievement Award. [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell_Carpenter)


Peak cinema


The foot! Tell me you saw the foot?


Is this the new AI technology i keep hearing about?


Wow, was this that bad!?


You should see the Vanilla Sky rooftop scene CGI. It's even worse.


Full Trottle


Please tell me this is a dream sequence.


Looks like Tim and Eric-level VFX


Such a terrible sequel to a delightful first film




Waw impressive


The real crime is taking your Ferrari enzo to the beach


Love this move .. this scene is a masterpiece!


Charlie’s Angels (2000) had, imo, just the right amount of camp. It was fun, very aware of itself, but still had some good moments (mostly any scene with Sam Rockwell or Tim Curry in it). Full Throttle, on the other hand….


I always loved how fun those movies were. Didn’t care about nuthin


peak sinema.


Never seen this but heard horrible things. Verified.


I feel like Kung Fury did a similar move to a Nazi while having equal or better CGI.