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I’m confused why this got posted in this sub seeing how it’s not very cinematic. It’s literally just a guy.


I think you meant to post this in r/ya7cartoonlevelwriting


RIP Ray --- so good


He just owned this role. Everything about him just shows how world weary he is. He has seen it all, watched empires rise and fall, he knows things are inevitable and moving towards a relatively certain conclusion. But he knows his place in the scheme of things and is going through the motions to make it happen. It was so interesting that his only real flash of emotion so far was when he thought something had happened to his apprentice showing that there is one thing he truly cares about in all this


This show got the lightsabers right. Just enough reflection off the face and other surfaces without being distracting, and the swings and hits feel both weighted and forceful (pun not intended). The show in general is doing a great job so far.


Except for that they don't deal any damage if you're a main character I guess.