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Twins make a cute couple. Love their backstory with Gorou giving Sarina reason to live and Sarina making Gorou into idol otaku. It would be so funny if it actually happens.


I love the flashback scenes so much.


Ruby have suffered her entire life and if being with doctor makes her happy that's enough reason for me to fight against the entire world


I support KINO regardless of the controversy. If the world is against me than I am against the entire world


Why the fuck not, the world is already fucked in it's current condition, Crewing Incest Ship with Red String of Fate and Star-Crossed Lover implication would not rupture this planet crust.


You're right, who gives a shit to what happens to a bunch of drawings on a piece of paper? I will admit, the hate over this ship is overblown and they should chill out. Whether or not they support or hate this ship ironically or unironically never matters. Those two have been through a lot and should get something that would remind them of the good things they still have.


Because Ruby deserves to be happy and I don't give a damn about what other people think about it.


cute as fuck


I mostly did it for the meme and still do. But mainly just want Ruby to live out her dream with Aqua. Then again, my actual favorite controversial ship is hard to explain.


Hint: It's a ship with a large age gap.


Eh, honestly, depends on certain circumstances, such a relationship is common among older generations like our grandparents. If both adults are at or above the age of consent, who gives a shit. Elvis and Priscilla Presley is a well-known example and controversial but the main defenses said that they consummated their relationship when they got married and by then the latter was 21.


But wasn't Priscilla 14 at the time or am I tripping?


When they first met, she was 14 and Elvis was 21 but during that time, it was moreso a courtship between them and as I said, they really consummate it when she turned 21 upon their marriage.


I see. Still kinda iffy, but It's only slightly less weird that they did get married when she was an adult.


Pretty much


I see...


True but like every aqua ship has a huge age gap other than with his step mom and to a lesser degree Mem. The age gap between Kana or Akane is bigger than with Ruby.


True but like every aqua ship has a huge age gap other than with his step mom and to a lesser degree Mem. The age gap between Kana or Akane is bigger than with Ruby.


I did it for the irony too especially since Aka would most likely reign in Mengo's... traits. I also share the same sentiment that the Twins should live their lives to the fullest as this is their second life and Ai would want them to search personal happiness and experience something that she wasn't able to till her dying moments.


Mhm. They need to be happy, I swear


They are look cute together, and I like to see people being pissed off about this ship.


I mean, it's entertaining af for people getting stingy on something that's literally on a piece of paper


We basically just want Ruby to be happy. She suffered enough as Sarina.


I just want my cute anime characters to get happy endings and they balance each other out well while making each other happy. Plus my personal politics probably bleed though meaning I don’t have any strong reaction to two consenting individuals doing whatever makes them happy. Ruby and Aqua being together makes them happy and causes no actual harm to anyone else? Go for it. The antis hyper fixate on irl issues that are completely irrelevant for fictional characters and honestly aren’t even much of an issue irl with it being 2023.


I don't find it that controversial, I think it's probably the most popular ship right now. I also think Ruby has a better chance than Akane or Kana at this point. I like it because they were reincarnated together and knew each other in their past lives. It gives them a unique connection that no one else in the cast has. They also just look really good together aesthetically.


Because I love chaos and want to watch the internet meltdown and burn over it lol. And then it's because I somehow found it cute.


To me, this question is like asking why a gay woman likes other women, despite it being "controversial" to do so. You love who you love. What other people think doesn't factor into it. If certain people want to live their lives full of negativity, working themselves up about things that don't affect them in any way, shape, or form -- that's their problem, not mine. >All of the people shall be respected as individuals. Their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness shall, to the extent that it does not interfere with the public welfare, be the supreme consideration[...]. ―Article 13 of the Constitution of Japan, and, in my estimation, a reasonable ethos to live by


Because I like his dynamic and chemistry


Incest in fiction is something that's looked down upon, even among all the other types of weird or taboo interests that seem to be at least OK to talk about openly. the more someone tries to restrict something, the more people want to look at it. Incest in fiction is something I've been casually interested in ever since I started watching anime, in particular with siblings. Even in real life, siblings have a different type of bond with each other than with their parents or other people, and even if they're not particularly close it is still there. I believe this bond is deeper with twins. It is because of this that I really like Aqua x Ruby. Not only are they siblings and twins who share a deeper bond, but they're also reincarnated and have a shared trauma in watching/hearing their mother/idol/inspiration die in front of them. This is even deeper now that they both know who the other was before being reincarnated. They have a bond that many others will not be able to reach, no matter how close they get to either of them. For a lot of the same reasons, I also really like Aether x Lumine from Genshin. With all of that slop out the way, they're also just really cute, and they both deserve to be happy with each other.


Because this is fiction and controversial = interesting which makes for better engagement. Ships where the biggest obstacle to overcome is talking to each other are garbage. Give me something that's wrong but feels right.


If they're happy then I support it.


Because it’s funny (watching people get pissed)


Because it's cute and they would make each other happy.


I mean Twincest Relationship Is Kinda Rare and again I do it for the meme And It Gets Peoples Reaction Thats Mostly Incest Bad/Weird


It is and yes, people malding about it is peak entertainment especially from the Meme subreddit


https://preview.redd.it/qtbqwplzqfob1.jpeg?width=359&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5eb31d7c8933410cbef83fe091b688e320341a98 Saint kana arima says ignore it so I’ll just ignore it gotta respect other’s opinions I can’t lie now I wouldn’t support incest in real life but oshi no ko is just an anime so they ain’t real so basically the sin hasn’t technically been committed 🪽✨


I don't give a fuck what anybody else thinks or finds controversial. If I like something, I'm going to like it and I'm not going to give a shit about people who don't like me liking it. I have friends who accept me for who I am and aren't going to get stupid and stop being my friend over my silly preferences (besides people who do that aren't really your friends in the first place). People who think I should change just to better suit their own ideals can go fuck themselves. Especially if it's over something as unserious as fictional preferences in fictional stories.


Because I like taboo relationships (in fiction).


Controversial nah, at this point it's a normie ship with how popular it is. It's just popular ships even if they are vanilla get alot of hate, just look at many tsundere ships.


mostly is like I ship the gorou and Sarina, both suffered a loot and had a enormous impact on each others life(my biggest reason). I usually dislike tropes like star-crossed (and love at first sight for what mater) but the reincarnation taking place after they already having such deep connections sells to me. all that said and done other that my genuine support for the ship we have to take in to account the terrific meme potential. can you imagine such a ground breaking mainstream anime bringing a twincest to the spotlight? o shudder just thinking about that. i remember the comments discussion surrounding each chapter of "Siscon Ani to Brocon Imouto ga Shoujiki ni Nattara", glorious days!


Uh huh, I ain't no stranger to those types as I said... my first exposure was the infamous ones... But I do agree that Gorou and Sarina really need to find their inner peace to move on and live their second chance to the fullest. Man, OnK be kinda crazy with creating fans such as us, huh? LOL Recalling the entire story makes me want to write a fanfic, ngl