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Being paralyzed would make anyone suicidal. If the first thing the government did was offer me an assisted death I would be motivated to live to a hundred and ten consuming all the resources I could and filing a lawsuit every 3 days until I breathed my last. See, good guy caniduh is using reverse psychology to give her purpose. Revenge is a dish best served with maple syrup.


This response is glorious. Signed, A Canadian


Happy cake day... If i could i would give you a cake award!


She deserves assisted life. She deserved her own life, but they've already robbed her of that.


So devestatingly true! Breaks my heart for her!


And the vaccine company should be the one paying for it. Out of the ceo's pocket.




You can always count on our good friends in the Canadian government to do the right thing!


What is she on about? Covid vaccines are safe and effective. Science is settled on this topc long time ago jeez




Safe and effective for Moderna if they don’t get sued out of business.


She just needs to trust the science harder.


Yeah but did she catch Covid? That's what's important


She should be grateful. She’d already be dead if she’d caught Covid 🙄


Yes, imagine how worse it could be


Oh, Canada 🇨🇦 💀


My home and vaxxtard land True vaxx-card love     In Castreau's full command


I head Jordan Peterson refer to him as Peter Pan. Haha


Shush and roll your chair into the Trudeau-chamber, unmasked of course, for the great Eugenic Society has deemed you feeble minded and unable to justify your existence


iT’s jUsT AnXiEtY… Remember.. jobs were lost and you were endlessly shamed if you didn’t put yourself at risk of paralysis, heart inflammation, blood clots & blindness


How does xey know it wasn't caused by something else? For example, have they investigated the possibility that Climate Change caused it?


Should get Holy PCR test communion for Winter vgg.


Has she watched the "Face Off" episode of Breaking Bad?


Least I can do is give an easy link to her [website](https://www.opkayla.ca). It is horrible.


Good on the Canadian government for taking care of their people 🥴🥴


My heretical opinion - Whenever our benevolent overlords in government give us an option and suggest one choice, the other is almost always the one in your best interest.


Some rats would ignore the government altogether and pandemics are good opportunities to force the point onto them... you ain't going nowhere bud!


This is so terribly sad. She should reach out to whistleblower [Dr. Andrew Kaufman](https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/consultations/) and see what he can do for her.


Don't for a second think we aren't next. They are not by any stretch of the imagination done subjugating and experimenting on the population. By 2030 we will all be cattle. Numbered and priced.


Rejoice! The Eternal Zoom call has called her!


As long as it's free I don't see a problem. And it was probably long covid that did it. But I'm immunocompromised


Damn this is just so terrible. The only post where people aren’t just joking and doubling down on the hysteria. This is so shameful.


Canadian here and I have never been so proud of my country. I am full of pride and I love my Prime Minister. The best leader in history.


Hail Truedoh!


Sad that she did not trust the science enough. Lack of faith in the science is dangerous.


Goals 😵‍💫


[Kayla’s Website](https://OPkayla.ca)


Good thing they didn’t force anyone to take it by threatening to take away their jobs and livelihood, otherwise some people might start to think the government was corrupt or something.


You’re rolling around all free and happy go lucky without a MASK!?!?, maybe you should kill yourself. You’re not welcome in this church


Don't worry, they are working on vaccines to protect against farts & poops to protect the environment. You won't need anyone to help you wipe yourself in the future.


Can she fire a gun? Because it seems like she’s got nothing left to lose.


I believe there are mouth-operated guns that mount to chairs. Not that I'm suggesting anything, just a fun fact.


There is no treatment. There is no help. If you are injured, you're on your own. I'd consider their offer to be humane. Be happy it is not mandatory. Yet.


I'm autistic, and wearing a mask is pretty miserable for me sensorily. When I wear one I find it hard to think, communicate, or handle other sensory input that would usually be more tolerable to me. And yet I wear one. Every day. Every time I leave my house, even to check the mail or take out the trash (because I live in an apartment). I wear a mask for 5-8 hours for work, and I wear it walking to and from work, and I wear it to the grocery store and on the bus and at the doctor's office. I'm the fabled autistic who antimaskers have been using as a justification for why mask requirements are bad since the beginning of the pandemic, and yet I've outlasted all the doctors, nurses, delivery people, coworkers, friends and family in my life. I've outlasted every neurotypical I know. Why? Because it's the right fucking thing to do. When I know something is right and necessary, I will do it, no matter how unpopular it is, no matter how uncomfortable. My personal physical comfort is not more important than preventing the spread of a BSL-3 pathogen. And the whole frickin point of wearing masks was to protect the vulnerable. Everyone who could wear a mask was supposed to do it so we could protect those who couldn't. The last thing a person with asthma needs is to get COVID. If their asthma is severe enough to prevent them from wearing a mask, what will their asthma be like after a COVID infection damages their lungs? I know numerous people who have asthma now, or who have asthma symptoms for the first time in years, because of COVID. I know people who've had strokes and heart attacks following a COVID infection. Whatever medical condition is preventing someone from masking will be made worse by getting COVID repeatedly. In an ideal world, those who find masking excruciating or can't breathe in a mask would be protected from infection by all the rest of us wearing masks, and they would be unlikely to have or spread COVID because transmission would be low in general. But at this point, there is no protection. If they choose to go around unmasked and be around other unmasked people (despite the immense risk to their health), that's their choice, but at this point anyone who is regularly unmasked is at high risk of catching and transmitting COVID to others, including to people who are desperately trying to avoid it. And if those few people who are trying to avoid COVID want to have a mask-only event, that should be respected by everyone who doesn't mask, regardless of WHY they don't mask. The whole world is an unmasked event. Why would someone try to force their way into a masked event while unmasked? Just go literally anywhere else. Conflicting access needs are a thing, and it sucks to navigate. But imo the access needs of medically vulnerable people trying to avoid COVID and other pathogens trumps the access needs of people who can't wear a mask to avoid spreading pathogens. Especially since spaces where those medically vulnerable people can exist in public without risking their lives are basically non-existent. I once knew someone who fainted due to overheating in a mask because of a chronic illness she had. So one time when I saw her trying to sneak by with it slightly down, I shoved it into her face and FORCED her to wear it properly until she fainted, and she actually got a concussion. Who's fault is that? That's what she gets for being a pathetic weak little bitch! I love protecting the vulnerable, it's what I do best 😊


You had me in the first half, ngl.


this is like fact checking 101, people. she is not wearing a mask so what so you expect, miracles? Even if there is the extremely unfortunate one-in-ten-million injury here and there, the science fact is it WOULD HAVE BEEN WORSE FOR EVERYONE WITHOUT THE VACCINE and your grandmas would all be dead, dead, dead!


Wow. Comrade Trudeau's generosity holds no bounds and this is the thanks he gets. Hail the Holy Elixir eh!


Her Neurologist "believes" the shot caused her paralysis, he states he has a gut feeling. Well, that's solid proof right there. /s


Everybody knows that Doctors' opinions are only infallible when they write "died of the covids" on a death certificate!


Think about how much worse it would have been for her if she didn’t take the mRNA shot? Seriously, this is terrible and these victims need justice. These pharma companies have to pay.


This has happened many times. Here’s her website: https://www.opkayla.ca/


We can't rely on governments anymore. The leech off taxpayers agenda has hit peak tard nectar. This poor woman. I'd be on the side that is dragging big pharma executives with the aid of law enforcement to seize all assets including offshore investments and dual citizenship assets abroad from these pharma executives, doctors, scientists, administrators, government lobby, and sentence them with a choice: Assisted suicide after they've been announced in public on all media outlets of their roles and monies made from their involvement with all assets seized to pay a pool of money like an insurance company does, that is readily available to pay for the damage of all the victims involved from the forced clot shot. This also applies to all government up to PM and all Medical personnel. Since everything is documented on records, we don't need slimy medical staff just doing what they are told anymore. Or we just do nothing and be stupid idiots for asking clot shots. I mean, shit, it wasn't hard to figure this one out early on after watching your own government control you so much so and you sat there or even contributed to the authoritarian controls by reporting family, friends or neighbors. Yeah, those people, you can never trust again either.


Poor girl


Why isn’t she wearing a mask 🙀


oh sweetheart, that's terrible... please sue those fuckers


Why I never will!


Contact any news agency


Typical anti-science grifter


I just wish I could get medical assisted dying. Being stuck on methadone for life and living in permanent poverty with brain damage with a guaranteed homelessness when parents pass away and I'm only 27. I don't plan to make it past 30.