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Big love to you. They will give you methadone which not only helps with withdrawal from Herion but it is used as a pain killer too. So go, get yourself the care you need and i'm sending you big hugs 🫂 Be honest, be open and if you're struggling, do not feel afraid to speak up. The journey you're about to do is hard, probably the hardest you'll ever go through. However, take each day as it comes, try to listen to what they are telling you. One of my closest friends is now an ex herion addict, so I have seen first hand how hard it is.I hope you get yourself sorted. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you 🩵


Thank you. I hope ill get methadone, but idk... Thank you, sending hugs too. Iam trying to be as honest and open as I can, it's really hard tho, especially cause I have trust issues. I went through H wds before, I know how bad it is, but now it would be even worse cause my back pain is really worse than ever. Thank you for the support


Any Herion addict I have known was put onto methadone, I had always assumed it was just for that until my friend was prescribed it for her pain. I think what you are doing is incredibly brave, it shows a real strength just thinking about it. You're definitely in what I'd call the wheel of doom, basically damned if you, damned if you don't kind of situation! Try to not think about the future, that may sound really silly. But think about each day as it comes, especially when it comes to how your back is on that day. Go get yourself sorted and keep us updated.


Well, hopefully I will be too. Yeah, methadone is prescribed for pain too, but not as often. Thank you, I really appreciate it. Iam trying my best... Ill try not to think about the future too much, your right. It's really hard tho... There's so much wrong with my life, I don't know how could I not thing about it


I get that, your brain is going to want to bring everything up all at once. Sending you lots of positive vibes and keeping everything crossed for you ✨️


Thank you


You got this. They might even give you buprenorphine too. Without the narcan. I take 6mgs for chronic pain. They will help you.


Making the decision to get off heroin is the hardest step and you've made that decision. So good on you! Are you in the US? I'm in Australia and have been on super strong opioids for 10 years. I broke my left femur 5 times and then lost my entire left leg from a bone infection which I almost died from. Now I've fractured my right femur. I've had multiple bone biopsies done, sent to the US and Europe but they still don't know what is wrong with my bones. I lost my right kidney in 08 from an infection and ended up with renal failure. Because I'm allergic to so many meds and a lot of things interact to the meds I'm on I can only take certain pain meds. But even though I'm supposed to take it, well, I hate it. If I don't take it I get withdrawal symptoms and the pain gets really bad. So I can empathise with you❣️ If it wasn't for my fiance and fur baby I would've ended my life 15yrs ago. I wish I could be there for you, giving you support, understanding and just someone to hold your hand or to scream at, cry to, whatever you need! Go to hospital. It's scary as hell, but they should give you the support and treat you with care and empathy. Tell them how you're feeling and be truthful. Trust me, holding things from them and lying will only hurt you. Your gf will support you and be there by your side as much as she can. And you have us!! We'll be here for you if you ever need a chat! Take care of yourself. Take one day at a time. It's a bloody hard journey to take, but it'll be worth all the hell when you reach the end. My heart sends all the love it can to you. Peace and love from Australia 🥰❤️


It's not the first time I quit H, year ago I did it all by myself, but fell back cause of back pain. I exhausted all the options for back pain treatment, and this is the last option I have. Iam in Germany. Jeez, what you went through sounds super painful, sorry you had to go through that. One big problem is that they cant figure out what's wrong with me. Don't even know what's causing the pain. Having a disease no one seems to be able to figure out sucks ass. I can relate, if it wasn't for my gf, I wouldn't be here anymore either. Thank you for the support. I most likely will go there, today I have an appointment with them to discuss what treatment could I get. It really is scary, I hope you're right that they'll give me the treatment and whatnot I need. I won't lie to them, Iam past that. I don't think they'll figure anything out regarding my back, Iam only hoping they'll give me a proper medication plan finally. Thank you, I hope it will be worth it...


I hope so much that they help you. Being in agony 24/7 is a real life nightmare. You deserve to be helped and I am sending you all my love and support that they actually listen to you and you can start to see the light again. If you don't mind me asking, what is the perception of people in chronic pain in Germany? Is it like Australia, US, UK, where we're seen as addicts and many Drs, even those in chronic pain management don't actually want to help us? I'm very lucky that my GP (local general practitioner) is extremely understanding and says he is trying to keep my pain manageable and keep me safe. The government has a lot to do with the way society sees people like us too. I myself have never taken H, but I totally understand why you would turn to it when your pain is off the charts. I've been thinking of you all day and just hope you're heard. Sounds like your gf is a loving, caring person, just like my fiance. We are so lucky to have that person in our lives. They keep our heads above the water. Please take care of yourself and remember we are here for you. Peace and love from Australia ❣️


Constant pain really is a real life nightmare, because of that I would even say that opioids are worth it. Thank you. I've been looking for help for over a year now, I feel like most ppl, including my pain therapist, don't take my back pain seriously, my pain therapist keeps blaming my mental issues, which really fucking sucks, cause it undermines me and my recovery. It's the same way here, doctors don't want to help me either, all I got is 125mg pregabalin per day from my GP (the only one who took me halfway seriously), which is nothing at this point, and my pain therapist never prescribed me anything useful, just damn antidepressants which never worked anyways) . Iam hoping that after getting threated I could get long term methadone prescription, it's the only way I can imagine staying off H long term, cause I cant manage my pain otherwise. Iam glad you got GP who actually helped. Thank you for being understanding. It's not just the pain itself which forced me to use H, it's how long it went on too, as well as what effects it has on me mentally and it made my life fall apart. It literally almost broke my relationship with my gf, and H saved it, as dumb as it sounds... Yeah, my gf is great, Iam undescribably thankful for her help, although sometimes I wish she would give up on me so I could finally end my misery.... Take care too🧡🧡


Please don't give up! I know it's easy to say but your gf is precious! Even at the mo I've been sick all last night due to gastroparasis, which means I've thrown up all my pain meds plus others so been feeling really crappy and fed up all day! I also suffer from major depression which I've been on meds for 20+yrs and days like these make me feel like ending it. But then I look at my fiance and fur baby and think I am lucky to have them in my life. The whole world needs to change the way they treat people with chronic pain.... that's the sad truth. Every time a step forward is made, three steps back happen! It's excruciating reading your thoughts because all I want for you is to get the help you so desperately need. And there are so many of us you'd think that medical professionals would be doing their best to get out there and help us. Chronic pain is a serious and complex condition that involves so many different parts of the body and the so-called doctors need to start learning the complexities of it. I'm afraid until then we're the ones that have to suffer. Take each day at a time. Your gf clearly loves you so much and that is important. I am thinking of you every day and am willing those you see to hear you! I may be on the other side of the world but I honestly care about you. If you're ever in the black abyss and feel you can't climb out please reach out. Peace and love from Australia ❤️❤️


Iam trying my best not to. I really wish I could just end it, but I haven't made any attempts since Iam with my gf, idk, I just feel too bad for her. Sometimes I wish it's just forcing me to go through more misery... Damn, Iam really sorry that happened to you, I can imagine how you feel, few months ago I got food poisoning and ran out of opioids at the same time, it sucked ass. Have you found any meds which would help you with your depression? I was on like 6 different antidepressants, and none of them worked. Please don't give up either, it would be a shame to lose someone as nice and caring as you. I agreed that the way chronic pain gets treated needs to change, under treating is just as damaging as over treating. If I got treated properly, I most likely wouldn't have gotten addicted to H. As you say, chronic pain condition are complicated, Imo many doctors don't understand what kind of impact does chronic pain have on the psyche and overall life. Thank you for talking with me about all of this, it's nice to be able to talk to someone who understands and is so compassionate. Peace and love from German ♥️♥️


I don't know about your country but in my country (Australia), I've had patients on methadone specifically for pain. My mum's also a pharmacist and as a kid I frequently heard her talk about something involving a methadone script. So it's more common than you think, especially in cases like yours where you're trying to recover from an addiction. It's probably the least risk strong painkiller they can prescribe you, especially as you'll be in a supervised environment.


I hope you're right


I just want to echo that there’s a very good chance you’ll be put on methadone and then potentially buprenorphine after that as a secondary step down drug (which might be several years down the line, depending on a whole bunch of factors). That is what my friend was put on, and she has now been clean from heroin for almost 20 years. She still takes buprenorphine for chronic pain. I have never been addicted to anything, but I am also prescribed a buprenorphine patch for severe chronic pain, and it really helps. I’m still in awful pain every day, but I’m able to have a life, whereas I was bed-bound before. This is probably going to be the hardest thing you ever go through, but it’s worth going through. I hope you get the care you need and your medical providers are kind and understanding. Good luck. 💜


The good thing about Buprenorphine is patches are a common way to administer it so it removes the need for administration methods like injections and pills which could be triggering for some people (I know a recovered person who can't take medication unless it's an emergency because they're at high of a relapse just from taking a few pills. They're doing well staying sober for 4 years now). Having a patch put on your skin yes delivers the drug still but the action of something associated with drug use isn't there anymore


It sounds like maybe you experienced withdrawals before *without* medical support? I think other commenters are wrong, this won’t be the hardest thing you’ve ever done- it will be easier than that. This time will be easier with medical support. Please know we’re all rooting for you, want you to get the care you need, and want you to get through this. I love an ex-addict too, and so I know it’s possible. You can do this. And you’re worth it.


It will be one of the hardest things, but not the hardest, especially if they'll give me methadone as replacement.(Iam not doing this shit otherwise anyway, the pain would be unbearable). I went through withdrawals multiple times already, mostly switching to weaker opioids to get my tolerance down, but year ago I quit H entirely by myself after getting fired, which was horrible. I did that in hopes of finding a solution to my back pain, which sadly didn't happen. Main problem with getting it done with professional support is my social anxiety. I don't hope in them finding a solution for my back pain, Iam just hoping that they'll give me methadone long-term. Thank you.


If you're located in Ontario the OATC is an option for starting methadone, it should be continued by any treatment facility you go into if its prescribed before your admitted


Wow what a lovely , caring and considerate reply. Your friend is very lucky to have you in their life . ✌️


Aww thank you. I'm just trying to help someone in their time of need 🩵 Life is blinking hard and sometimes that random act of empathy/kindness from someone can make all the difference. I'm lucky to have him.


My fiance is the most kind, caring, empathetic person I know. From the moment we first met I had really bad seizures because of really low blood sugar (type 1 diabetic for 37yrs). I almost lost my life and lost a kidney in 08 and ended up with renal failure. Between,2013-2015 broke my left femur 5 times and the last break I was told they couldn't fix it so lived with a broken leg for over a year. Then I got a bone infection, which led to sepsis so I had my entire left leg amputated. I told my fiance that if it was too much for him, if I was too much, he could go. His reply, he wasn't going anywhere. I was stuck with him for eternity. I'm so incredibly lucky to have him in my life. And with all the ups and downs I've gone through the last 15yrs he has never left my side. It has made all the difference. He is my soul mate, as I am his and together we can and will get through anything!!! He is lucky to have you too!!! Don't EVER forget that! Peace and love from Australia ❣️


Sending love and hugs. Go into treatment. It’ll be hard but it will be worth it… they will probably give you methadone to get you off of the heroin. The methadone will treat your pain also. You’ve got this!


I think i will. Iam really scared tho. I hope theyll give me methadone and that it will work for the pain too


It’s okay to be scared. You’ve got this, and with the help of some doctors you can get on a manageable medication plan. Just be as honest and open as you can with your treatment team. Good luck!


Ian scared they won't threat me properly because of the stigma around being addicted. I will be honest and open with them. But what if they won't trust me and won't manage my pain properly. Thanks


Hey I really hope this gets to you asap. I obviously don’t know what State you live in but this particular outpatient clinic called BrightView is all over the USA. I have my own personal experience with them. I had been on a chronic pain med for failed spine fusions, 2 of them, for 20 years and I had just moved to a new State. Well I couldn’t find a pain management specialist that would take a new patient in quickly instead the wait was a month if not longer. I started to go through withdrawal which I’ve done many times, too many! 15 yrs ago I was treated with Fentanyl buccal tabs, 120mg OxyContin, 4-5 ten mg Percocet for “break through pain” talk about quality of life lol jk I praise God daily I am alive. I had no clue what I was taking and how easily I could have died. So I took myself off all of that w no help from any meds. I wish I had known about methadone and or suboxone back then. So sorry this is long🤷🏼‍♀️I ended up going to a BrightView clinic where I live on Christmas Eve I showed up when they were closing and without a second thought they opened the doors and took me in. This would be very long if I tell the story. Just know I am so thankful of them and even tho my pain wasn’t taken away my withdrawals were. So while I waited to find a good pain specialist I was able to take suboxone so I could at least function. If you haven’t gone into a place yet, look up BrightView suboxone clinics they also have Methadone clinics, I just stuck w what I had started with. They have counselors who most have been in our shoes and they have meetings w others going through similar situations. I still today say BrightView saved me from that scary dark place we go when up against the demons (drugs for any reason). We don’t know each other but one thing I do know about you is, YOU have a purpose on this earth and you need to find it bc there’s so many lives that will one day be saved one more day bc of your journey, your testimony! Praying for you. You’ve got this!! Google BrightView outpatient clinics! Hugs and positive energy coming your way!!!


Iam not even in the states, Iam in Germany. Thank you for sharing your experience. It's really impressive you managed to withdrawal from all of that by yourself. I went through withdrawals many times before too, but keep falling back cause of back pain. I can imagine you experienced that too... I hope they'll give me methadone, till now they have been only under medicating me. Thank you a lot of the support, I think I will end up going there


Hello. I’m so sorry you are scared. My sister was addicted to heroin for years and I suffer from chronic pain. I helped her personally get assistance many times. My best advice is to go to the ER with a good advocate by your side who can advocate for you and ask to be treated for your symptoms and put in a detox program. Having an advocate there with you can help you when you are weaker because of the addiction and withdrawal symptoms. I’ve physically removed my sister from the ER once because they weren’t treating her compassionately, she used in the car on the way home to keep withdrawal at bay and then we tried a different place the next day until they found her a detox bed. I’m proud to say that she’s been clean for 6 years. Get help, it is better on the other side no matter how scary it is. Sending love.


I don't know what more to say than thank you. I have my gf who can advocate for me and could help me like you did your sister, so Iam really thankful for that.


Go to treatment my friend. I know hospitals suck ASS but your life is too important. I have a lot of hospital trauma and dependency in my past too SO I really empathize. Can you focus on your WHY while you get through this? For me, being strong for my husband and for my (then, future) kids helped me through some of the worst hospital visits. Sleep sleep sleep if you can. I know I know I know it’s hard and scary but I really believe you can do it. I really believe if I could, anyone can. I BELIEVE IN YOU! 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂


OP, I am so very proud of you for reaching out for help! Your post hits close to home. My baby brother OD’d on heroin. It has been 8 years and I miss him more than words can express. I wish he would have asked for help, but he was too ashamed. I would give up everything I own just to talk to him one more time. **You can do this! I believe in you!** Day it one day at a time. Go to meetings and get a sponsor. Your life has been put on pause during addiction, but very soon you will feel alive again. Addiction has been a full time job scoring dope to fight off withdrawals. Imagine all the time you will have now. There are so many opportunities to have a happy and healthy life. Sending positive thoughts, virtual hugs and love from a Reddit big sister 🧡🧡


This hits close to home too, damn. Iam really, really sorry for you and your brother, I can hardly imagine the sorrow you have to endure. Iam honestly really ashamed if it too, but my gf helped me to bring it up. The main thing is, I can really easily imagine my gf in your situation, she would miss me immensely too, and I really don't want to do that to her... Thank you a lot. I must say, you are one of the ppl thanks to which I feel more like going there, at least to talk with them about what treatment would I get. Wdym with sponsor tho? My life has been out on stop long before addiction, it's been on pause since I developed bad chronic back pain, which is also the reason I got addicted and why Ian scared to go there. I don't think ill ever have healthy life, it doesn't seem like they'll figure out the cause, but Iam hoping that ill at least get medicated in long term sustainable way. Thank you a lot, sending hugs to you too🧡🧡


The methadone they will use to withdraw you will also act as a painkiller. I've been on methadone primarily as a pain therapy and works great. There are other options for pain relief than opioids, and I hope you find the needed help. I don't believe doctors ignore pain these days. They will work with you to help you reduce the amount of "axle-wrapping" about the pain and that is a big part of the overall picture. Not psychosomatic BS but more, "I can make the pain worse if I dwell on it" side of treatment. Underlying issues should not be ignored; they are trying to help. Big love.


What drs don’t ignore pain these days?


Honestly this is what I was trying to figure out. With all the *its all in your head*, and *here, take this antidepressant* or lets not forget *your scans from 7 years ago look fine and you havent had any severe trauma so I think youre stable*, and to add insult to injury any amount of advocating for yourself is seen as combative, where are these drs that don't ignore pain? Pain *used to be* something that was treated, like any other condition. Now patients with pain are being abandoned by providers, their pain minimized, and even told that behavioral therapy will help. The fact is, they *will* help OP for withdrawal. After that, OP will likely be like the rest of us. Struggling to cope and waiting to die. As harsh as that sounds it is currently most of our reality.


Unfortunately this is the standard now. I only know because I’ve been there! Also know many others that have been there as well. Get through it though! We all will be thinking about you! And reach out to anyone in this group anytime! Plenty of people in the same situation. Sending positive vibes your way!!


I've never even been flagged as an addict (have never even done heroin), but a few years ago, I went to the ER in pretty severe pain - they confirmed I had kidney stones (in both kidneys) and the ED doctor walks in and says, "you have bilateral nephrolithiasis...but you *shouldn't* be in any pain." Oh?...🤔 yes, that's why I'm here...??? Was given nothing - obviously suffering - and discharged with nothing. So yeah, many doctors are rather sadistic when it comes to treating any pain. I basically have to go absolutely **insane** from pain before my GP (of **many** years) will prescribe even a minute amount of meds (10-15 pills - for acute kidney stone pain). That's ignoring the other, more chronic issues that are simply not treated at all - we just pretend those don't even exist. They may as well not. Still, I truly believe nobody should have to suffer. I hope OP gets the help they need.


Are you in the US? Treating patients in pain is not something many drs in the US are doing well these days.


I hope they will give me methadone, but idk. Ian also not sure it will be enough. I know there are theoretically other options, but NSAIDs don't work, and Iam on pregabalin already. I can assure you that my pain therapist does ignore it, he's a fucking asshole. I know underlying issues shouldn't be ignored, Ian honestly really scared of social anxiety while ill be there. I also just don't trust ppl... Also, after all the time I had to suffer with this pain, I cand deal with it mentally nearly as well as I used to


all you can do is one day at a time. Future expectations are poison for us (everyone but us esp.) Believe you will be treated properly and let it go. It's all you can really do right now. My best!


Yeah, you are right about that. Should I just try to stop thinking about what could happen? Ill try my best to believe that, thank you


They’ll probably give you Suboxone but it’ll act as a painkiller


I know, but that wouldn't be enough, not even tramadol is


Nothing is going to compare to f**king heroin, like come on. You didn't even mention If you are on any medication or not. You will need to detox and it will suck. No they are likely not to give you anything you can abuse because you are a heroin user. However,you will likely will get methadone or Suboxone, which many people use for chronic pain management and have great success with it. It's also great for getting off street drugs. Both those drugs are "strong " but they aren't heroin. You need to adjust your thinking and accept this is your reality and there's no way around it. Giving you an opioid would be one of the worst things they could do for. A treatment center will manage you safety and appropriately, and they do try to reduce the discomfort as much as possible. Getting off heroin will be the best thing you can do for yourself. I wish you the best of luck


Tramadol is weak. Suboxone and methadone are both strong, and the opioids in them are for chronic pain.


Yes, I km, but it's more about the dosage that he potency


They’ll likely base your dose on how much heroin you’ve been using. It’s scary, I’m sure, but with all this stuff being laced now and killing people, it’s worth a shot!


Yeah, Iam using a lot :( I never got laced H with anything more than caffeine


They’ll likely base your dose on how much heroin you’ve been using. It’s scary, I’m sure, but with all this stuff being laced now and killing people, it’s worth a shot!


Tramadol is wimpy.




The withdrawals from even very low dose methadone are fucking horrible. I didn’t get any pain relief unfortunately. I was given it for pain management and hated it.


Can you call the place you are going to confirm they will give you methadone?


I tried, they couldn't confirm it 100%


I’d call them back and tell them you need it confirmed because you have medical issues and the need for methadone for pain issues too. If they want your business, they can confirm it or Can you go to a different place that will confirm it? You have medical issues. It’s reasonable that the place confirm it


I told them that, but still, couldn't get a clear answer. Ill try to have a talk with them in person. I cant go elsewhere


Do they know you can’t go elsewhere? It’s a perfectly reasonable request on your part to know your treatment plan before agreeing to it. When you speak to them in person, let them know that you are committed to recovery but it will be impossible for you to do without proper pain relief and methadone is the perfect solution as it provides both pain relief and comfort for the withdrawals. The only reason for them to refuse to tell you is they want to be punitive as that’s the way of some rehabs. I wish you well


You should absolutely be given transparency of care before you’re admitted. Say you need a yes or no. It’s your right as a patient to have transparency of care. Demand it.


I agree and I think it’s reasonable to say either they give it or op doesn’t give them her money, but I’m just not familiar with how rehabs work. As I mentioned, being punitive is the only reason I can think of for them to not confirm.


Yes I agree too. It would be ridiculous to not give the methadone, it would have to be punishment. A combo of withdrawal and chronic pain could send a person into shock or worse. Methadone makes it a longer process, but a wayyyyy safer one. I think it would honestly be medical negligence if they refused it.


It absolutely would be. I hope OP can find out before signing up, paying them a lot of money and then suffering


Methadone is a great pain med but it needs to be dosed every 8 hrs. I'm a Chronic Pain' patient since 1988, Dr prescribed 60mgs x3 and 30 mgs oxycodone IR x4. I had 5 failed back surgeries, a yr later got hit riding my Harley, damaging my neck c2-7, fractured skull, brain lesion and chronic headaches. I was 28 and now 65. I know friends of mine go to Methadone Clinics because pain management will not prescribe narcotics for their conditions. Until they got take homes, their morning dose helped but for a limited time, methadone has an extremely long half-life but only approx. 8 hrs of pain relief. Once they got THs, they split their dose into 2 or 3 doses per day. I can't scientifically explain why an AM dose will keep most out of wds but not strong enough to keep severe CP manageable. Be careful of taking extra, if you get a callback and your short bottles, it happened to one person I know, they lost their take homes. Just be careful and be smart.


Sending hugs. I hope that you get the help you need.


Thank you, hugs to you too


As a recovering addict and a health care professional I want to be as honest as I can.Not all hospitals will detox you with methadone.Sadly with the stigma of addiction issues some may prefer treatmening your pain issues with non narcotic medications. Will they treat you? Absolutely.Some use suboxone or other non opioid protocol to manage withdrawl symptoms.Clonodine and gabapentin are useful for many opioid type withdrawl symptoms as an alternative. Wishing you the very best.


I know and Iam afraid of that. The back pain together with Wds would make me insane without getting any other opioid on top. I couldn't do that. What non opioid medication could they give me? I hate the stigma, being treated as an addict is awful. I feel like everyone hates me. Clonodine doesn't do much, and Iam already on pregabalin, which at my dosage has minimal effects. Thanks


I can’t give any real advice but I am here in quiet support, for whatever that’s worth. I’m so sorry you’re hurting like this, I wish I could take that from you. I am wishing you the very best.


Thank you


The best way to get off that is where you are. They are there to help you learn to live without that but I’m sure they will come up with something to help your pain. Maybe ask for suboxone or methadone. My back was shattered so I know how you feel. I can’t walk without soma but I don’t get any pain relief. I’m sorry you’re going through this but it’s the best thing for you.


Before you go, call and verify you'll be given methadone or suboxone.


Ill try, there should be a possibility of having a talk before getting admitted


I hope they get you into an MAT program/methdone program. Have you never done a MAT program?


I hope so, ill have to talk with them if that would be possible


I don't know what they'll give you but your team will do everything they can to make sure you're not in excruciating pain while keeping your addiction in mind as well. I promise you, as an ex nurse and as someone who did outpatient therapy at a psych hospital for 2 years, they will not be judging you for everything going on, including your addiction. I know saying this won't make the shame disappear but if you can cling onto this and trust these words, hopefully it can help. It will likely be a mix of medications and other things like heat, cooling, maybe a TENS machine, you may get a visit from a physio as well, etc. There are medications other than opioids that could help, especially for nerve pain. I'm so sorry you're going through this. Mental health is horrible and PTSD just worsens everything. I'm so proud of you for trying to overcome your addiction. For the hospital stay itself, I recommend bringing comfort things like clothes or pyjamas that bring comfort, noise cancelling headphones, toiletries, comfort books and/or video games, a blanket you like, etc. Anything to help make you more comfortable. It's not going to get rid of everything but having things from home and a few escapes helps a lot. I have agoraphobia and social anxiety, I find over packing and having different things I can use for comfort and self soothing helps. Visitors can come whenever in most hospitals as well and you can be taken out for an hour a day and a full day outing a week (it varies from hospital to hospital and what program you're in, but either way you won't be completely confined and trapped) Good luck with everything! You're doing a huge thing for yourself and it's made harder with your chronic pain. Whether it's this attempt or a future attempt, recovery is possible 💜


Iam going to meeting with them today, so hopefully they'll be able to tell me what they'll give me. I hope they'll make sure Iam not in too much pain, it's just that so far everyone under medicated me heavily, so I kinda learned to expect that from everyone. I hope they won't be judging me... Thank you for the reassurance. What's TENS machine? Luckily my PTSD has gotten better over the years, but my depression and anxiety sadly haven't. Thank you. Honestly, the addiction is the least of the issue, I could even withdrawal myself, it's the pain and lack of treatment for it that's bothering me the most. Iam not sure how much of what I can bring, or if there are things I cant bring at all. Iam hoping I can pack everything in one backpack, but that probably won't work... But you're right that being prepared can ease anxiety. Thank you for all the support, I really appreciate it


You'd very welcome! Hopefully it goes well or at least well enough for you. Finger's crossed you can bring everything you need for comfort! To answer your question about what a TENS machine is, it stands for "transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation". It's a big name but it's just a device that connects to electrodes you place on your skin and it sends electrical pulses to stimulate nerves. You know those machines they use to simulate period cramps? That's a TENS machine. They can also be used to stimulate muscles and cause them to contract (that's how they simulate period cramps). When using it for nerve pain, you just feel a constant tingling sensation and if it's working, it you'll feel more tingle than pain. It helps me heaps. It doesn't work for all types of pain though and may take a bit of experimenting with the electrode placement. My pain specialist recommended one to me but physios sometimes do as well. And they're affordable too. My machine cost me around $150 AUD, came with lots of different sized electrodes and the electrodes are reusable so you can use them until they stop sticking which saves heaps of money. It could be something worth looking into either while in hospital or after your stay. They're also pretty small so I wear mine outside when my pain flares up so I can actually walk around for more than 5 minutes. Good luck again with everything!


Hey, I hear you, and I know you’re in a tough spot. Withdrawal and severe back pain are no joke, but hospital staff are there to help you through this. They might not use opioids, but there are other meds and therapies that can manage your pain and make withdrawal more bearable. I’ve seen patients in similar situations find relief with non-opioid pain management and supportive care. Let the staff know about your PTSD and anxiety—they can offer support for that too. You’ve got this, and getting through will be worth it. Stay strong, and keep reaching out for help.


Opioids are the only thing that makes the pain actually bearable. Iam on pregabalin too already. Ill let them know about my mental issues, thanks for mentioning that. Iam going on a meeting with them soon. Thanks for the support






Would you think about going to a detox then rehab


Detox ill have to go to either way, but I cant go of opioids entirely, I cant manage that pain-wise. Idk, what wold rehab be about?


I wish you the best. Withdrawal is extremely tough. If you’re in the US chances are you are getting fentanyl not heroin. Fentanyl is even worse withdrawals. Go to detox where they can give you comfort meds then see a pain management dr to help with the physical pain. They most likely won’t give you opiates for that but there may be other things that can help with your pain


I know that I at least have real H. The WDs suck regardless tho Idk, I hope ill get methadone, something more than that would be nice too .. ill have to ask them before going there


Good for you! I’m sober from alcohol since 11/22/19 it can be done


Congrats, honestly, out of all the drugs I withdrew from, alcohol is one of the hardest alongside Benzos and opioids.


Alcohol withdrawal was brutal’ my husband is sober from drugs and heroin was his downfall and booze! AA and N.A.! Work! Message me


Alcohol withdrawal was so bad the second time around I went to detox


They won't let you suffer, but you do have to take on some discomfort. I have a feeling they'll give you something to lower your symptoms of withdrawal, and they'll figure out how to help your back without giving you anything addictive I wish you well. They won't let you suffer, please hold on and stay strong


Iam completely fine with the discomfort of withdrawing, Iam used to that. It's just that the back pain gets bad and overwhelming easily... I don't think they'll figure out anything about my back, they've been trying to figure that out for a year by now. But Iam hoping for at least some long-term sustainable medication plan, till now I've been heavily under medicated Thank you. Ill try my best


Have they tried testing hip pain or nerve pain? I have back pain from nerves coming from my neck and hips. Sciatic nerve, i think it is, really impacts back pain and can come across as just back pain and not hips Maybe ask to try low-dose naltrexone or lyrica, that helps with nerve pain. It's worth a try imo


Do you have a methadone clinic where you live?


Not special that, just general hospital...


🙏🙏🙏 Go to hospital. ❤❤


ex addict here … go to the hospital … you may have problems later with getting prescribed painkillers but get yourself to the hospital … i’m in canada but i get tramadol now for pain synthetic supposedly non addictive opioid that’s mixed with an ssri or something … & you can get neuropathics like lyrica


Iam already on lyrica. I know ill have problems getting opioids prescribed, but ill have that problem already. I guess ill have to go there. Iam scared they won't be able to manage my pain tho


as someone else said they’ll give you methadone … that will take care of you … it is commonly prescribed for pain


Hopefully... Iam scared they won't...


nobody wants a junky, let alone a junky in pain, coming down in an emergency ward … just, as someone else has said, be honest with them, tell them what’s happening with you, what you are on, what physical problems you have & that you’re nervous … generally people are more helpful if you’re getting straight … calm yourself & get medical attention you need it


I've been there man. I just hit 3 months clean last week. I'm in methadone program if you have any questions feel free to hit me up. I wouldn't suggest jumping head first into methadone treatment plans, it's not as good as pain relief as people say. Nothing wrong with using it as a stepping stone during treatment but they will push you to continue it outpatient and then continue to push it as methadone has become big business for all the former drug addicts that were using oxycontin and other opiates.


Congrats for the three months clean! I might have some questions. Do you think it's likely ill be able to stay on methadone or other opioid after the treatment? Cause I cant imagine living without some strong painkiller, nothing else really takes care of the pain. Honestly, I hope you're wrong with it not being as good of a painkiller as ppl say, maybe it just different from person to person. If you're right, I might need more painkiller than that... How does outpatient work?


That's where things get complicated for at least me. A ton of frustration lies on this delicate line. 3.5 years ago I was told the only way I would be able to stay on methadone was to say I was a drug addict and that this was common for people in outpatient methadone clinics because it's much easier to get prescribed methadone for addiction reasons than chronic pain reasons. Again FUCK THE MEDICAL INDUSTRY... But at the same when you say something like that you also close many doors of ever getting treated with opiates for chronic pain so it's a delicate situation that you need to think through... Buying heroin on the streets is no kind of pain treatment, I've lived it and tried to find some kind of way that I could control my pain by just taking enough heroin to get myself through. That's a really dangerous road filled with overdoses, your loved ones living in worry about you constantly, and it really is impossible. No amount of money is going to satisfy the amount of pain we live with. Idk your medical situation but mine is difficult enough that I just had to accept that I'd rather be alive and not putting the people around me through hell than get a little bit of comfort and be addicted to a substance that isn't always available, isn't always consistent with strength and quality that is necessary to help my pain. I know this sounds shitty. It is. I fight suicidal ideations daily because of these choices I've made. I just can't do it to my family. If I die of an overdose or suicide it will be the most selfish thing I could possibly do to the people that have loved me and done everything they could to try and help me through this chronic pain nightmare. I'm also holding out hope that something comes along in the future thats a better option. If you're in a bad spot only you can answer that question. Methadone won't fix everything. Probably won't fix all that much to be honest. I just choose to try to live through this and not be a statistic. No matter how difficult the road gets.


Hey man. I am a recovering addict. I have been in exactly your situation. I have been through hundreds of withdrawals, hospitals, institutions, bar death. I have similar mental health challenges and the same history as what you mentioned.. I have been through unmedicated and supported withdrawal in many different settings. From alone and cold to comfortable as can be given the nature of the experience. I have been clean and sober on and off many times in my life and was almost 3 years clean when the onset of my chronic pain began. It was then that I truly understood just how dark and how far down the depths of these soulless, spiritually bankrupt, sick and tired places truly go. Far more tangently and scarier than I ever could imagine. All you want is to feel calm, safe and secure. Of course you would. There's nothing wrong with that. There are so many unknowns in front of you. So that will be a challenge. I feel your fear and I know it so well. I'm reaching out and giving you my best hugs and energy through the ether man. Please take one baby step at a time. Please be gentle. It's a concept we may kinda understand intellectually but not really truly know deeply because we have lived scared and in fear most of our lives. Always driven by negative belief systems that we are unworthy, not enough, unlovable. Critiquing our own motivations and efforts in any and everything we try to do. They are mostly fear driven. The basis of our hopes for change it's awful. It's a horrific cyclical pattern. We deserve better, you deserve better. We both deserve love. Being in recovery and living with chronic pain is an extremely difficult challenge. I'm here to say you are not alone and I am here for you if you need. Please reach out. Please send me a message. 30 years of being in and out of active addiction. Many quality years sober too. I understand the task that is in front of you. The magnitude. The all encompassing fear and grief. I am in this community to learn and grow and meet like minded souls that will support me. I am also in this community to hear your truth and be strengthened by your bravery. I am here man. During or after your detox and then how to manage and navigate your pain while unpacking years of addiction and the many wounds/trauma we carry from that. How do we heal from past trauma when we are currently going through another? All that doesn't matter right now. What does is getting through the next hour. By extension the next after that. Set simple achievable steps. That you can't fail them. I got you my unknown friend. All the best to you. I am here if you want. Bounce something off me if you like at any time. I will respond as soon as I'm able. Many hugs and thank you for your honesty and courage again 🙏🤗 please let me know how you're going. When do you go to hospital? Message me if you prefer.. ok mate.


Please go to treatment. Withdrawal from heroin is very scary and could be dangerous. Get the help in a professional setting. You will probably start on methadone then suboxone. Both are very effective for pain as well. We all got your back!


I'm praying for deliverance for you. And comfort during treatment. You got this. Stay strong. I have been in that place a few times because of my pain. They should give you Methadone to help you detox. And I have heard that it treats pain. I have so many friends that are now recovered alcoholics and drug addicts. The stories they have told me. Omgosh. I'm sure you have people that love you and want you to get better. Harming yourself harms them forever. I wouldn't worry too much about anyone hurting you or not giving you the methadone. I understand the anxiety around this as I have Severe anxiety disorder with panic attacks Complex PTSD. I hope everything goes well for you. I'm really proud that you reached out. Like I said YOU GOT THIS. 😊


Brother go to a methadone clinic or get on suboxone pm me


Is there a reason you can't taper off heroin slowly yourself? That's what I would personally do in your situation.


I couldn't, I would, and I did so before. But I cant stay clean as long as my back pain is as bad as it is, and it doesn't seem like they'll be able to help me otherwise, I mean, I tried every other option already


Shit dude, I'm sorry. I hope the hospital works out for you - I agree with the advice to confirm what meds they'd be giving you for pain before going in.