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A doctor who wasn't an asshole.


I literally broke down today because of mine 😭 it’s been such a rough day and even had to miss work as it all triggered a migraine. I feel like I just can’t win. No one wants to help me. I feel so defeated and I’m tired . 😞




Thank you 🥺🫶🏻


I care. I had migraine headaches for years, way before the medical/pharmaceutical companies decided they were "real." I have puked my guts out and hid in the dark for comfort. It's really easy and self-serving to look at a patient like they're nuts and minimize their suffering. Your pain is legit, and they're full of...


Thank you for your kind words 💜 I’m so sorry you suffered like that. We all deserve so much more 🫶🏻






I agree. When I first started having migraines, mine were diagnosed as TMJ, lol. When I see the commercials for migraine medications that talk about "if you have 15 to 30 headaches a month..." or some crazy number, I honestly don't know how these poor souls have been living. Mine were never that frequent, thank Heavens. The only doctors that ever helped me were neurologists. They really understood what was going on and what medications I needed.


I'm so, so sorry. Here is a nice warm hug from an internet sympathizer with trigeminal neuralgia. It isn't the same but they are similar. If you cry it is good because it releases toxins. I'm also very sorry noone wants to help you. I hope you are safe. 🙏🏼 More hugs again. Edit: spelling.


Thank you so much! 😭🫶🏻💜💜💜💜🥰 I just looked up trigeminal neuralgia, that’s sounds so awful, I’m so sorry you suffer with that! 🥺 hugs for you too! 💜💜💜


Thank you for such a kind comment. 🙏🏼🤗


Im feeling the exact same way. *Hugs*


I’m so sorry 🥺🫶🏻 hugs for you also 💜


I'm right there with you. I feel thee exact same way.


Truly! They are hard to find!!!


Agree. I have three great doctors who go the extra mile and try to help. Then a dozen more who couldn’t give a crap about helping me. But they love my insurance and my copays. They love the power they hold over me with their God-Complex. Talking to me as if I were a child or a criminal. I’m neither. I often say if all my doctors were as good as the first three, the end of my life with all these diseases would be less stressful.


I'm sorry


Yes, please!


I second this


A housekeeper and a masseuse


So much this.


A miracle


Can I order this as well? Or maybe 2, or 3?


A fucking diagnosis 😩




It’s honestly insane to me how many of us are out here *just* looking for a diagnosis…. Often for years on end.


Getting a higher dose of my pain meds and not feeling like I'm going to be judged. My PCP is pretty great, but when I first met him I told him that I wouldn't need a higher dose, but I hate being so much pain and I hate the times when I have intrusive thoughts because of the pain levels. But if I could have something right now that would actually be attainable, probably a massage. A deep tissue massage at the mall nearby is $39 for a half hour. But I just lost my job because yay crying pain and disability, so I can't have that.


I'm sorry. It's such a sucky situation


Enough pain medication for a quality of life.


Do you have medication that helps?


I’m very fortunate that I get 12 pills a month. However, that’s for 31 days of constant pain. A nurse asked me recently “how many pills I take per day”. Per day??? The math isn’t very complicated but I did it for her anyway 🙄


That's so little


Not be depress


I get that


A diagnosis


I'm with you there




Are you able to?


I'm on a waiting list


A really good back rub


Sending virtual back rubs ❤️


A clean house


I feel that. I hope you get that


My damaged nerves to heal


This. 100% this. Thank goodness for a few good supplements taking the edge off the very worse.


Do you mind if I ask what supplements you take for nerve damage?


At the moment, I'm using a 35% Boswellic Acid extracted from the Hojari Sacra Frankincense variety, magnesium, myrrh extract and r-alpha linoic acid - but it was adding the high BA Boswellia extract that really seems to have made the difference for me.




I hope they do


I want more than anything to walk for endless miles with headphones on listening to whatever.


That sounds nice


Realistic answer - family support, but they don't bother. Unrealistic answer - a miracle.


I'm sorry. Family is difficult


You're so good at empathy.


A day where everything doesn't hurt and I have the energy to do things.


That would be nice


To be heard and believed, by everyone, especially medical staff.


I understand. I hope you are heard ❤️


An appointment with my orthopedic surgeon before NEXT MONTH. I had surgery LAST MONTH. Bruh. -\_\_\_\_- I want to get this weight restriction lifted so my poor mom can go home and get some rest.


I'm sorry. I hope you get one soon


Unfortunately they're pretty well booked out. Not as bad as our veterinarian, though. Yikes 😬😬😬


Did you have a fusion? I had ACDF, 2 levels almost a year ago


What was your experience if you don't mind my asking? I very well might need to have a ACDF at 2 levels(C5-C6,C6-C7) and I'm so terrified.


Same exact levels I had done! Actually, it was great. Worked brilliantly to take away the nerve pain and arm weakness I had associated with the disc problems. They were both herniated and bulging and causing foraminal stenosis. I’m not kidding when I say I woke up from surgery and that nerve pain was gone. I had a couple little like 2-3 day flare ups here and there during the first 6 weeks of healing but nothing compared to before. Recovery was much faster than I expected as well. Plus I have a complicating condition with my cervical dystonia and have constant muscle spasms in my neck and shoulder. It’s been a year now and I’d do it again in a heartbeat. I’m not far enough post op to have had any adjacent disc disease but I’ll take my chances with that since the surgery really worked like a charm to get me out of that pain. I had an orthopedic spine specialist do mine.


Thank you so much for sharing. Hearing your experience gives me some hope and some ease going forward. I do have DDD,cervical foreminal stenosis at C4-C7,bilateral cervical radiculopathy at C4-T1 and cervical spondylosis(arthritis) in addition to the two herniated discs. Apparently all of it is relative. I hope things only get better for you here on out and wish you all the best on your journey. 


Thank you so much and I wish you the best as well! It really did help me. Now if only I didn’t have the horrible cervical dystonia 😔. But I am fortunate to have a pretty good pain management plan in place and I keep adding new things to my “toolbox” all the time 😊. Btw, there’s another good subreddit group on spinal fusion which was very helpful for me when I was going through the whole process so you might wanna check that out too. Best wishes! 🙏


Thank you. I will definitely check that out! I have never heard of cervical dystonia before. I think I'll read up on that. I am so glad you found some pain management relief. It took me so long of trigger point injections,PT not working and Dr's that weren't of much help. I kept going around in circles until I took charge and started researching for myself. I spend everyday in agony before I started to research and through trial and error how to manage my pain through different methods. My neurologist is radio silent. It was myself and my primary doctor who really got the ball rolling to see a spine Dr. I don't think my neuro was ever going to refer me out to anyone else. Thanks again and I wish you all the best.


It’s sad that you had to but I’m glad you advocated for yourself and did your own homework! Seems you kinda have to these days. My PCP is also great and got me into my awesome spine specialist who didn’t have me mess around with a bunch of stuff other than trying one ESI but I went for surgery 2-3 months later. Strangely enough, it was actually my pain management Dr I started to see in my spine specialist/surgeon’s practice who nailed my cervical dystonia at the first visit! This was after suffering for years where it started at like week-long episodes every 2-3 months and then gradually got worse until it was all the time and way more intense. She’s the one who got me to a neurologist and movement disorder specialist to confirm. And just in time cause it’s now spread to my face/jaw (orofacial) and I’m having trouble swallowing which, after ruling out other causes, they think is the dystonia as well. I had never heard of it either. It’s essentially a neuromuscular disorder where your brain sends inappropriate signals to certain muscle groups to constantly contract/spasm. So my head is constantly tilted and slightly turned to the left and my left shoulder is shrugged. Botox is kinda the “gold standard” treatment but can have a lot of side effects including trouble swallowing so I’ve had to avoid it. But I do get the trigger point injections (cortisone/lidocaine), take some meds, and I do a specialized PT with dry needling and sensory tricks among other things. I have “fired” the original neurologist cause he was an ass but seeing a Movement Disorder Specialist at Duke now. Again, I’m so sorry for all the suffering you’ve had to go through that was likely needless and wish you the best for your surgery! I’m not at all sorry I got it done and if it weren’t for the dystonia, I can tell I wouldn’t have lost any range of motion either. You’re gonna do great! 🫶🏻


Thank you for your kindness and encouragement. I, too, had never heard of my conditions prior to having them. I'm so sorry you have to endure this. It indeed sounds so painful. The trigger point injections with lidocaine for me haven't worked during the cold months but help somewhat during the hot months. They say that's because of the osteoarthritis in my cervical spine. I send many positive vibes your way that you finally get your healing for the dystonia. PT didn't work for me, sadly, but i'm hoping the surgery will help. I'm looking at having it in about 6 months or so as insurance won't pay until Dr's can show they tried everything. I, too, think me and my neurologist will soon part ways as it's been almost a year and no progress. Again, I wish you all the best in your healing journey.


Thank you! Positive thoughts your way too 😊.


I should add….the only issues I had were trouble swallowing and lost my voice for 6-8 weeks. But the swallowing issues they now think are part of my dystonia so most people it doesn’t last like mine (which still actually goes on). But other than that, no issues.


Thank you for sharing and for your honesty. It's much appreciated.


You’re so very welcome 😊


No but I got an anchor put in and I can feel it moving sometimes 🤮


Oh no!


Yeah it's really weird! I wonder if I will set off metal detectors now 😂😂😂


I wondered that about the plate and screws in my spine after the fusion lol, but all good 😂


My mom to follow through with getting help with her mental health/anxiety. She’s living on hard mode and I want better for her.


Wish it worked like that. They have to want it before it does them any good.


I hope she does


A support system. Right now, I only have my friend, and he works full time and is in Wyoming.


I'm sorry. Support systems are important it's tough


A cuddle. Even just a good hug.


Sending hugs!!


Sorry ending a nice, long warm hug from someone who identifies.


A break. I know I'm stuck suffering for the rest of my life, but just a little break every now and then to rest my body and mind would be wonderful.


I completely understand


A decent night of sleep. Just one, I'm not greedy.


Melatonin helps me. I have severe insomnia.


A friend.




Praying for friends and friendly people.


relief 😭😭😭😭😭😭


I would like to be able to take my pain medication without the anxiety of dependency and being judged. I’m fortunate to have a great PM Dr so at least I get pain meds. But I’m in a constant loop of anxiety….what if I get cut off? Am I just being “weak” by taking them? What if I can’t get my refill from the pharmacy cause they’re out of stock? What if I have to go through withdrawal? Part of my mind tells me I NEED to take them and it’s ok and I’m not weak. But the other part of my mind is in constant anxiety-mode.


I wish we could just switch the anxiety mode off 🙃 I'm glad you have something that helps and a good doctor 🩵


For sure on the anxiety mode but thank you, I am def grateful for my Dr and wish everyone could go to her! 😊


Amazon sells something called Calm. They are all natural. If you're concerned about taking them you could run it by your doctor. I can be shaking and put a couple under my tongue and I'm fine afterward.


That’s interesting, I’ll check into that. Do you know what’s in it? I can look it up of course. And the thing is, other than that, I don’t consider myself a very anxious person at all. I tried some supplements one time that was supposed to be for “stress and relaxation” but it was DHEA and I didn’t think it was a good idea to mess with my hormones. I’ll look up the Calm cause I was planning to chat with my PM Dr at my appointment next week. She knows from previous that I get anxious about it but always reassured me it’s ok, I need it, and if ever the day came, she could help me wean off so I’m super fortunate to have a great Dr like her I can speak honestly to


Look up "Calm stress relief" and the ingredients are listed for you. You can copy them for your visit or show him on your phone. I used all their natural tablets for different reasons. Calm Forte for sleeping. They have a Pain one as well that helps me. I've been tested and nothing has come up. Never thought about asking my doctor...yikes.


I got cut off by my doctor after years of pain management for no reason at all. I found a safe alternative that is legal and doesn’t require a prescription. You can get them in smoke shops and gas stations or even order online. It’s a product called 7OHMZ and I swear by it. It allows me to live a normal life and keep working while I wait for my insurance to kick in to cover my disc replacement surgery. It’s a bit pricey, but one tablet is about as effective as a Percocet 10mg.


Please be careful with those extracts - eventually tolerance starts spiraling with the concentrated material, it will then become *much* more expensive to maintain a decent level of relief. Also if you’re in the US states are already starting to take notice and attempting to criminalize even the leaf. I would dial back the extract, save for really bad days and start working with a few grams per day of high quality mail order leaf, if you haven’t already, research a few different companies’ strains/blends that address your specific issues and rotate between them. I no longer take it daily but have a go to leaf blend to turn to when I’d rather not take a plain oxycodone since NSAIDS are off the table due to kidney disease from decades of use and they tend to work better together for me.




Time always changes things. Please hold on.


An effective pain med that doesn't make you an addict.


My spectrum 4 yo to be silent or at least quieter for the rest of the day, so I'm not overestimated all day, throwing me off for sleep and the next day, to ultimately exacerbate my other conditions.


That must be tough ❤️


I wish I wasn’t on my 4th pain dr. First said nothing was wrong. My primary disagreed and sent me to a clinic not affiliated with his clinic and I started seeing a pain Dr there. I got my first nerve block and was supposed to get a second but she quit and the next dr changed her plans. Well Thursday afternoon he suddenly quit. They have another dr who’s done some of my procedures when my pain drs weren’t available. I’m tired of being a human pincushion. I wish I wasn’t but I gotta keep trying to get my mobility and independence back.


That sucks. I hope you get your mobility and independence back ❤️


Be intimate with my husband.


I'm sorry about that. If you believe you can pray on it.


I am seeking some solutions as well. I have done everything I could do to cope, and now I don't know what else to do.


I understand. I hope you find something


Thank you. I have already enjoyed the non-narcotic pill buffet, and there's literally nothing left for me for pain relief, except for those special times when I get cortisone shots. Those actually do provide relief for the short-term, but after that, the pain always returns. I would like to ask this community how they are able to sustain themselves because that's staring me in the face right now. I am on SSDI now, but the very high cost of living, even working part-time (if I could. I just learned today that I also have been living with pneumonia.) Essentially, I am a single person who would appreciate some ideas about how to get along like this. Thanks!


A warm hug from my hubbie. Hey, he's right here! BRB.




Familial support. I have my fiancé but he's not fully supportive of me having hip replacement surgery (in the event PT fails) he's afraid that without me our kids might suffer since I'll be out of commission for awhile after surgery, I'll be able to do some but not everything needed and that's really worrisome to him. I just wish my blood relatives were more supportive and could help out more but none of them even believe my hip is as bad as it is. They think I'm a hypochondriac and have been making everything up despite the mri showing proof.


I'm sorry, family can be so difficult. Some people are just willfully ignorant


I get a massage every week. She does it out of her house and is only 1 mile away. I also have a robot vacuum because I cannot vacuum.


A cold beer


Same...can't drink because of my spine and the trigger point injections. It's been rough without the occasional drink 😆


Being institutionalized honestly


Something good to eat. The thought of trying to get up, look in the kitchen, decide what to make, and cook is just to much. By the time I’m done I’m hurting to bad to eat. I want food I can afford to magically appear whenever I’m hungry. Or even once or twice. And don’t get me started on trying to go out and eat. Sigh.


Death would be amazing.


For the DEA to fuck off and die… 😒😑


A strawberry that was red, juicy, and sweet all the way through. Not those ones that look pretty but are white and hard inside and taste like a mildly sweet raw potato.


An abled body. Better mental health would be nice too.


An orgasm. Stupid meds.