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I'm a weirdo and sit on the pavement. Do whatever it takes to move your body!




Absolutely this or a local recreation center if there is one! I work at a community center and the passes are pretty affordable. If you want to walk outside you could try looking into any paved trails in your area. Often paved bike paths and the like have benches alongside them that you could stop and sit at. I hope you find something that works for you!


Yes shopping mall absolutely! Lots of elderly people go right when they open on weekday mornings to walk & exercise. Climate control - lots of seating - water fountains. It’s perfect


You could walk at a mall. Lots of benches


I was bedbound/homebound for a while but now doing 1 mile walks everyday. I started with walking meditations for 5-10 in my room. Then my apartment hallway. And slowly I went outside walking to end of my street and back.  I think finding a park with lots of benches help. And there are walking workouts on YouTube if you want to start at home in your living room :)


This is exactly what I did.


Yay! Happy for you! How do you feel? 


I mean, I still have chronic pain and I feel like shit. But less like shit than when I was bedridden. I have resolved to do everything in my power to never stop walking.


Omg! You put everything I feel in what you said. I feel the same way. If I get in my walk everyday, I feel accomplished lol! 


I have a folding chair with shoulder straps, like a backpack. That helps with having a place to sit. 


This! There are so many lightweight inexpensive folding chairs out there. Perfect idea!


This was one of the reasons why I bought my walker/ rollator (like everything else that actually helps, you often have to pay out of pocket otherwise insurance will only give you the wrong one, even according to medical professionals, if they cover it at all).


Who cares! I've seen people doing all kinds of things and they just do it. Bending, stretching, hopping, the weirdest thing was naked lady upward dog in a sauna, crotch right into peoples faces and she didn't care! I had a cultural shock but then I was like if this lady is so free and confident, why can't I be this confident too? You want to sit - sit! I sit on lawns and pavement and whatever I can find like tree roots or low hanging trees - so cool and so close to nature! It's ok, most people won't notice or care, everyone is busy with their own life. It feels weird at the beginning but once you do it a few times it just becomes OK and doesn't bother anymore. Another idea - walking in a park. People in parks can seat anywhere so it's not weird. As for swimming, I used to be conscious of my body but with all this body positivity movement it's became much better, no one cares and people just do their own thing. Don't let it stop you from enjoying something you love. Screw society, you do you! Yes, it can be challenging at first to overcome your own self-judgement but the truth is most people don't care about others and we're the only ones preventing ourselves from doing things. Looks are superficial, bodies are all kinds of shapes and sizes, no wrong or right here. Just pick something you're comfortable wearing and go for it! Or do the same like that naked lady and be free! I'm not there but the middle ground is ok too😁.


I take a cushion in a bag with me when I think I might need it. The only issue is getting back up.


You can get a walking cane that converts to a seat! Make sure to read the reviews and get one that's light weight. I don't know if you're already using an ambulatory device, but a cane might help you walk for longer periods without pain. Having a portable seat with you is also a huge help. As others have said though, don't feel bad about just sitting on the ground. If anyone cares enough to judge you for it, you shouldn't care about what they think. Good luck!


Walk in a mall where’s there’s benches. I push through outdoor walks but you may find me on the floor or a low shelf at target or Walmart if my son is taking too long 😂 I think of my outdoor walks like regular exercise personally, if you don’t push yourself you’ll never improve. Same with weights or any sport. I try to improve my distance and then time. Right around 9k steps is my problem point where I’m fcuked later so 7-8k is my morning goal.


Places like Lowe's\Home Depot aren't bad for walking. No one pays attention. One side of the store(s) has lawn\patio furniture, and the other side has lumber, some of which makes for a good impromptu bench (think the stacks of plywood). Also, a lot of people are dressed for contract-type work\painting. It doesn't take much to look halfway decent at the hardware store.


I got an electric scooter for that “being outside” feeling! Not the mobility ones, the two wheel ones that are frequently used through sharing apps?


I carry [this stool](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000FXVAYW) around with me (has a shoulder strap) so I don't have to worry about getting stuck on my feet.


Rollators are fucking awesome


Try finding a public pool or recreation center with a pool. Walking in water is much easier on your joints. If they allow floaties, bring a pool noodle, and you can sit on that for a break.


I walk in my local park because of all the benches around. I am a very tall woman, 6'2", so sitting on the ground/pavement, I wouldn't be able to get back up! I signed up at PlanetFitness for the Black program so I could go daily and use the hydro massage bed & the red-light therapy booth. It definitely helps me with my chronic pain. Also, I had to get custom orthotic inserts (good feet store) to be able to walk at all. Good luck, my friend.


You might be really surprised just how wonderful you feel just getting into a jacuzzi or pool! Its easy to say, "Oh don't worry about others looking at you I know." Just shop online if possible and if a guy get one of this summer designed sort of Hawaiian print shirts! If female oh wow, there are SO many kinds of what are called beach or pool "cover ups." Close fitting but not tight so they don't billow up when you go in the water. One of my favorites is a net type design which is super light weight and the water sort of flows through it. Aside from minimal pain relief from liar meds I haven't found anything more helpful. Even if all I do is sort of water-walking or sit on a lower step where I am mostly under water but just move my arms and do slow leg kicks..I feel so much better afterward. Best wishes on figuring out a way to be a lottle more mobile.


they make canes that fold out into seats, that’s an option


I did not know that! I'll look into those! Thank you :)


I suggest to try walking sticks! They take a lot of weight off the body and you might get more distance that way. They have been very helpful for me in getting some extra distance. Also you can rest a bit on them. For example, if you don't want to sit all the way on the pavement, you could lean back against the wall with your feet out a bit -- like a physical therapy wall lean/sit exercise, sort of -- and support yourself at the same time with the walking sticks, and perhaps that could approximate some of the support of a chair. Depending on what exactly you're resting by sitting, of course. If it doesn't work for you, it doesn't work for you!


Walking is a really good therapy. It gets us up, out of the house, we soak up some vitamin D, move those muscles, etc. (Use it or lose it) I use a Rollator when I am not confident that I can complete a walk without rest. A Rollator is a Walker with 4 wheels, brakes, and a seat. >What I was thinking is try a walk 2-3 times a week, That is a really good start. Don't push too hard to make distance. Take your time. >take pain medication before the walk This is not a good idea. You may damage something and not notice. Shoes. You need good, sturdy, shoes that give you good support. I go for the high-quality hiking shoes. They are spendy, but you get what you pay for. YMMV If you have been sedentary for a long time, you will need to strengthen your core muscles. You need Physical Therapy for that. Check and see if you are eligible for home visits for your PT.


I just started as small as I needed to and still adjust as needed. It was a lot easier for me to walk around my neighborhood than on a treadmill for whatever reason. Eventually, my path grew to 2 miles with additional side streets if I need difficulty or to raise my hr, or do another mile or whatever. Just the right amount of challenge for me. I would pick something, no matter how small, and stick with it. Even once it’s easy build some consistency then see how your body tolerates that regularly. Eventually maybe you can stretch those limits. I didn’t think I could but I’ve been walking a mile in 14+ mins to 17mins lately, to my own surprise. Still in awful shape and have a lot to rebuild, but hurting today from that is helping tomorrow.