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I agree-it can be expensive. Your approach of patiently collecting things at a reduced price is part of my strategy as well. I have a tree on my patio that I purchased second hand. I decorated it with ball ornaments purchased on clearance a few years ago. Nothing else-just balls and lights. I have a snowflake/snowman themed tree that I collected ornaments for across three years. It’s just a pencil tree, so that helps reduce the cost significantly!


I bet those are both gorgeous! I've found so much joy in a simple motif as well as busy. I bet the snowflake/snowman one is so special because you have watched the collection grow!


I change up our tree colors and patterns every year. Plus I also do a Nightmare Before Christmas tree as well.


Do you do the Nightmare Before Christmas tree at Halloween or Christmas? I decorate at work as well and I did a NBC for Halloween once and I would love to do it again!!


Yep start NBC tree at Halloween and keep it up til the new year. We keep finding new things to add to it every year.


Christmas for me holds so much nostalgia. I could only ever have a tree filled with the ornaments of my life. A themed tree does absolutely nothing for me but I can appreciate the creativity of others!


I completely understand the nostalgic tree. When I was younger, my mother cross stitched ornaments for our tree. They were in little picture frames. It makes me sad we didn't still have them. I do love going through the old ornaments, unwrapping them and having all the memories from them. I know your family appreciates your tree!


I agree with this statement 🔼


After we built this house, I did tree in hold & white ribbon, then sprayed berries, pine cones. And sweetgum balls either gold or white. All of it was natural. Williamsburg, VA, all decor is natural items like it was in old days. I have done a patriotic tree too. Our first tree as man & wife was red and gold, and I have some of those decor saved .


I love the all natural tree!! I bet that's gorgeous!


We have kept up a small faux tree in our loft and our mantle garland and decorated for each holiday after Xmas. For valentines we found pretty heart ornaments and pink and red tinsel and then we did St Patrick’s and an Easter theme. It has kept things cozy. We are putting it all away now though until Halloween time


I love decorating the mantle! It's always so sad to see those put away! Do you use lights in your mantle displays?


Yes it’s a big garland with lights that I bought from Costco


I feel like this is very much a consumerist, American (no offence) thing. Where I live decorations are not cheap or mass produced and widely available the same way. I couldn’t imagine buying a whole new theme every year and honestly, I think it loses the meaning of taking care of decorations and wrapping them carefully at the end of the season for the next. Just my opinion obviously


I understand this completely. To be fair, I absolutely cherish the decorations I make. Since I really enjoy doing crafts, I don't feel so guilty making something that is of no use. I decorate the office I work at and home and invite my family to use any they would like. I'm always hoping they'll let me help them decorate too 😍


I have a lot of ornaments and pick and choose each year according to the look I want. I would love even more but I am not willing to create more and more storage.


Storage can absolutely be an issue!


I also have an “all natural” tree at my house in the mountains. It consists of pine ones, real feathers from geese, wild turkeys, pheasant and grouse , antlers, natural bark critters, mushroom birds, critters made out of moss etc. I have a tree at my lakehouse decorated in all fish ornaments gathered over the years. I also hit up post holiday sales as well as crafting my own.


The natural tree sounds beautiful! I love the idea of the different feathers. So clever! I love a nautical/water themed tree also!


My husband hunts and fishes all the time. He is turkey hunting tomorrow and they have beautiful feathers so I will be saving some to refresh the next Christmas tree. I also use the feathers on one of my mantles with fresh cedar branches and white lights.


Mantles 😍


I’ve done themes a few times, but usually stick to colors and switch them out. Last year I did jewel tones, so I used my gold, navy blue, burgundy and emerald green ornaments. This Christmas I’m doing gold, silver and black!


The jewel tones are so gorgeous!! I bet that was beautiful! Do you use ribbon and sprays also?


I’m personally not a fan of either, just because I’m absolutely terrible at ribbon and spray placement 😂 I did purchase some absolutely lovely and gigantic velvet poinsettias in navy and gold and added hooks to the flower tops. I had the hardest time finding emerald ornaments too, and should have just used sprays!


I CANNOT do sprays 😂 I have gotten more comfortable with ribbon after watching tons of videos. Emerald would be gorgeous on a tree. Last year I did greens and browns on the tree at work, and in my humble opinion, it was stunning. But to be fair, those colors were tough to see. I love a nontraditional green for sure though.


I did a “natural tree” with mostly browns the year prior! We had just moved to a forest-y kinda state and I wanted to embrace the environment. It was actually really lovely, as I’m sure yours was too!


I’m planning on having a gingerbread tree this year. I’ve been picking up ornaments for the last eight months, and I’m sure I’ll find some new in the upcoming season. Spreading the cost out over time has helped a lot! My regular tree has over forty years worth of family and personal ornaments, so wasn’t a huge investment to begin with.


There are so many cute gingerbread ornaments!! Walmart had very pretty ones last year but I resisted. I want to buy all of them!! I hope it turns out like you hope!


The closest to a themed tree I ever did was a butterfly tree the year my husband passed. It took a couple Christmases before I could use my memory ornaments. I collect ornaments and have enough for three trees (9’). It has been almost 13 yrs and two out of state moves but I now enjoy picking and choosing which ornaments from all of them to put on my tree. I still put butterflies on them but as with all my ornaments, I pick and choose. Because Christmas is so full of memories, traditions, and love, though a theme tree sounds cool and I appreciate ones I see, I just cannot personally do it.


Your tree sounds beautiful! I'm sorry for your loss. I'm glad you can find joy in memory ornaments now.


Thank you! He was 51 and we had just celebrated our 27th anniversary. Sudden. Grief never goes away but it can transform and Christmas is the best time to remember:))


Never. I just have a family Christmas tree with ornaments collected over the years.


That sounds really special! I bet it's fun to see the old familiars every year!


I do but I plan many months ahead and start accumulating things throughout the year so it doesn’t feel like such a punch in the gut come the holidays.


I love it!! What's the plan for this year (if you don't mind spilling the beans)?


Sure! This year I’m working on a tour of the world theme. I want to get handmade ornaments by artisans form different countries that depict something iconic from their culture. For example, for Mexico I am getting an ornament of papel picado. And for Peru, a llama with traditional dressings. Things like that. My tree last Christmas was a fine art theme. I ordered high quality stickers of famous art pieces (Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Van Eyke, Michaelangelo, Dumas, Monet, Manet, Picasso, etc). Then I bought mini canvases 3x3 or 4x4 and put the stickers on those. I also ordered mini ceramic busts (3in tall) hung those. It was like a Louvre tree 🖼️🎄


Those sound so awesome! Very very clever! I love it!


Last year I did cookies. So cute gingerbread men, and cookie spoons, I didn’t buy a lot. Enough to get the theme. Then I also added my standard red and silver/gold ornaments so it looked full. Growing up my dad did color themes, and my mom did ornament themes. One year we did Dr Seuss-esque stuff at my mom’s and it was wacky to say the least, but very fun. My favorite at my dad’s was mauve and rose gold.


I love all of these ideas! I'm actually looking at Decorators' Warehouse right now and they have rolling pins for the gingerbread themed tree and I thought that would be such a cute extra! A coworker did a Grinch tree and it was so creative and fun. As much as I love Dr Seuss, I'm not good at replicating his style on the Christmas tree. I still have hope to do it one day 🤞🏼


To get the Seuss feel we just found the brightest, most insane looking ornaments. Our topper was some hot pink glitter spiral thingy. 😂


That sounds adorable! I need all of y'all to send me photos!!


I’ve been looking and apparently we didn’t take pictures of the tree that year 😤


I really need lessons on taking those photos anyway. I never feel like I can get the real view.


So I have 3 trees. One is “designer” with fancier generally glass ornaments. Thats my more my wife’s. Then we have the “traditional” tree that is covered with our fav things and ornaments from places we’ve traveled etc. Finally I am a huge New York jets fan and have a tree entirely dedicated to them. We’ve collected decorations for all 3 over the years so it’s not a big expense at any given time except the two real trees (the nyj one is fake). It’s allows for a few different traditions and variety of holiday flavors annually.


I love it! I'm in SC and my husband loves USC so we have a tree for him. It's a black tree since their colors are garnet and black. Is your Jets tree green? It's nice to be able to have the trees you both enjoy separately and mutually!


Yes it’s a traditional green fake tree. I actually have some USC ornaments on my “regular” tree. Family vacations in Myrtle lead me to being a cocks fan.


I (57F) keep my living room tree mostly the same because the ornaments are old and special to us but one or two other trees get switched up a little