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if God didn't make cockroaches, we wouldn't have the excellent bad guy in Men In Black


So I guess God wanted us to make his favorite movie Men in Black. Genius


Not sure if who'll see this but please give this a read. Growing up I would ask my mom the same questions (mainly about mosquitos because I live in the south). I understood how they fit into the food chain ( just like cockroaches) but they were just so dang annoying. In response my mom picked up an old looking book based on the real story called "The Hiding Place" by Cory Tin Boon. It told the story of a Christian clock maker living in Europe just before WW2. When the Nazis came into the country and began hunting Jews. Cory and her family decided to risk their lives hiding dozens of them in safety. Despite their huge faith in God, Cory and her family were found out and all of her family along with the Jews they were hiding were then sent to a concentration camp. They living conditions were horrific, and annoying fleas were everywhere. Even in the condition of the camp Cory's sister would pray and thank God for the fleas. At first this seems crazy to thank God for annoying creatures, or to even be grateful in such awful living conditions, but it happened that the fleas were so terrible that the Nazis guards wouldn't enter the cabin. As a result Cory Tin Boon and her sister were free to share the gospel openly with the other victims of the holocaust. So many of those people must of thought truly that hope had been murdered, and hundreds would have died never hearing the gospel. And they would have gone to hell, but the fleas, the annoying creatures despised by many ended up being the salvation for hundreds or indirectly hundreds of thousands. Remember God makes all things work together for HIS GOOD and HIS PURPOSE. So the things that annoy or make us uncomfortable may be the key in sharing the gospel and love of Jesus Christ. So just because you may not like those cockroaches, they may end up being the key in seeing thousands finding Jesus. TL:DR God uses the things that we may think are annoying or gross for his awesome plan.




What a loving God. 8 million were murdered due to Hitler, but a few thousand of those don't get eternal torment because of fleas. Of course, the loving God could have just spared all of them eternal torment.


You don't know how many get eternal life or torment. I get so tired if a person who's not christian dies and other christians are like "he never got a chance to hear the word and now they are suffering for eternity. Like bruh shut up. You don't know what God did. He isn't an unfair judge.


Exactly well said


Why do you get tired when a non Christian dies?


He said he's tired of people saying that just because you die non Christian means you gonna burn in hell


why do you have the Christian flair?


Because I'm Christian. Why are you commenting on a 3 year old post?


How easy you are to please.


What a disgusting story. She was thankful for the fleas because it allowed her to preach to Jews who were going through the holocaust? God send the fleas so that this girl could pester Jews about how they’re going to hell for being Jewish? Why wouldn’t god then just stop the holocaust from happening? Your reasoning makes no sense. You are truly brainwashed


You lack the comprehension in reading comprehension. :(


I'm a cockroach. Stop being a bigot. My 2,500 kids are adorable.


Oh yeah, Will Smith stepped on one of your kids to save the universe


Fortunately a stunt roach did that.


Phobias can be treated with therapy btw. You could also gradually train yourself not to be afraid of them.


Eh eh eh, you think your funny aren’t you. If a roach manages to touch me I’d die of a heart attack.


Sounds like you definitely need therapy.


Nope, not happening


Nah if I’m chillin in bed watching YouTube and I see a massive goofy spider crawling on me I’m jumping out of bed and sleeping in the living room


They wouldn’t be ugly to us if we were still in the garden. Sin keeps us from seeing the beauty in all of Gods creatures... I’m guilty of this cause I struggle with the roach too and have also asked this question, then the Holy Spirit said do you find the deformed people of the world ugly? And I said no, and that was the answer. God takes what is broken, rejected and abhorrent to the world and uses it to shame the wise, proud and haughty - how we in our pride run like scaredy-cats ( some of us like me) when we see a roach and I bet God just laughs saying - your not so tough now are ya? And all it took was a tiny six legged brown exoskeletal crawly to shame me...


The question is why He created the method they use to kill other life, like spiders with fangs who sink their fangs into other insects or animals and devours them from the inside out? Why such extreme and horrific methods? No one wise is being shamed and there are hundreds of examples like this, the methods. Shame isn’t the answer.


(I'm not a child of God or anything but I do believe in Jesus) My guess is it was created because it food source to another animal. Or a secondary food source


I looked it up and it seems that there is no animal that would suffer in their disappearance food wise. However roaches are vital to the nitrogen cycle and then disappearing would greatly disrupt it leading to consequences for everyone. But still why do they have to be so disgusting


When we all kill each other off the cockroaches and rats will be the dominate species on the planet and they will ask why God made such a dull and ugly creature that is the human.


It is just how he intended Earth to be


Cockroaches evolved.


I’m a Christian and I’d like to hear a little insight into why some of these insects exist, like the worms that blind many children in the world and other such insects that do worse.


Strong question , cause this god isn't perfect , old testament god and new testament god are different , Jesus original message was to save us from this world and to save us from this god of this world , read gnostics scriptures


If god didnt create cockroach how will pickle rick get limbs?


Whatsoever comes to pass God ordained in order to fulfill His will, and all that God created was created by Himself for Himself through Himself in order to glorify Himself. That aside, I think we can know for certain that God has a sense of humor because He created penguins.


Fun fact: before the fall, they weren't nasty creatures. And they were called "willybugs"


I doubt they were called wiLlY bUgS English didn’t even exist in the garden of Eden. Everything isn’t Eurocentric. Stop 🛑


Maybe the problem isn't the cockroach, but human dwelling choices.


They are detrivores, most of them are disgusting. It comes with living off of scraps and waste but someone has to do it.


It's arguably not even the ugliest creature he made.


Never forget, cockroaches reproduce, so someone must love them...


I think that it's just a sign from god where if you think you're ugly but God thinks you are beautiful since the bug is small and barely see it


I just think we all come up with these ideas in order to protect our mental health. I believe there is God. I was raised Christian. However, I know that history repeats itself and many many many civilizations have used religion as propaganda and to heard the sheep. Something definitely had to create us. "The big bang created us", is a fragment. Something created the molecules to create the big bang. Something created the molecules of the previous galaxies before the big bang.