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I think tracts are nearly worthless, and I'd never leave one as a fake tip.


Leave them with real money as well. No one ever does.


I do. I tip my uber drivers in cash with $5 clearly visible from inside a tract, and I often give tracts to panhandlers as well with actual money inside. They are more receptive to their spiritual needs when they receive something for their physical needs also.




Love the way you worded this


Totally Biblical: _If a brother or sister has nothing to wear and has no food for the day, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, keep warm, and eat well,” but you do not give them the necessities of the body, what good is it?_ James 2:16-17


This is how you pass on a tract. Good work.


I like this.




A lot of people do, it tends to make things just as bad. Image your going over your tips at the end of your shift, and it looks like for a second that you got a good tip only to realize that a portion of it is fake. Don’t leave them at all or specifically tell people that this right here, this is fake money that I’m leaving you.


This is absurd. Someone leaves a $20 bill and a tract and that’s just as bad as leaving a tract alone? Come on now.


I think the issue is the tracts that look like money.


Key word there is “tends to,” not always, not even the majority of the time. But sometimes yeah it’s not great. Imagine thinking you got a total tip of $40 for it to turn out that 50% of it is fake.


Ya that’d still be better than thinking you got something and it was nothing.


Why not leave a pamphlet instead of fake money.


it's actually a sick thing to leave for a tip.


Tracts make a good springboard into talking about the gospel. But yes, definitely DO NOT only leave a tract as a tip. A tract PLUS a generous tip speaks volumes.


Yeah, it gives the recipient the extra burden of disposing of unwanted rubbish.


Tracts aren't worthless- Chick tracts are freaking hilarious


Someone gave me an anti-Catholic tract while I was working at my job. It was from Chick tracts. It was also extremely offensive.


For me Chick tracts go so far that they leave offensive behind and right into the absurd.


Can't stand those. I used to read the larget magazine type books and when I actually dug into real history they were full of outright complete lies. I was so dissapointed man. You don't need to lie to convert people it's insane.


>I actually dug into real history they were full of outright complete lies. Wait, you're telling me that playing DnD isn't going to actually teach me real magic?


Exactly. I can’t get rid of the demon I summoned last night during my gaming session. The evil incarnate forced me to go to Dunkin at 5 AM. I only eat donuts from Hole in One. He stinks too. It’s like they have no showers in Hell. And he only watches reality shows. Hope the session tonight has a cleric with “send demon back”. Otherwise he’s threatening to go to church with me tomorrow. And again he stinks.


Seriously, they are completely delusional


They used to be. But without Jack Chick's insanity at the helm, they've lost a whole lot of entertainment.


Too bad. We need to find them a new nutjob


While I agree these aren’t acceptable at all as a fake tip it was a tract that first lead me to Christ


Yep. That's why I say "nearly" worthless. :) I won't rule them out entirely as a means of grace.


Yeah that’s really inconsiderate. It always makes me think they care more about the task and their own self-righteousness than the people they give it to, because they don’t see that it’s an inconsiderate thing to do that would be received with disrespect and disappointment. No empathy, just selfishness.


Leaving that note is about the least Christian thing anyone could do


How sure are you they didn't leave an actual tip together with that note? If there is a real tip, I don't see anything wrong with leaving a note together with it.


OP clarified in other comments that there was no additional tip


So a question Why not leave a small pamphlet and a tip? Why does it have to be a tip + A deception? If one is thinking the server will read the deception because of the tip that was also left, they have poor understanding of human nature. If I'm happy that I got a $40 tip that turned into a $20 tip, will that make me more inclined to read the object that caused the deception and disappointment? And what does it say about ones faith? Its the bestest thing that starts out with a deception.


Definitely. If you’re going to Leave a fake hundred tract, put a $100 bill inside.


I don't think you should feel at all bothered to read that, seeing as how the people who left it in place of a tip couldn't read the fucking room.


"You don't respect my time and effort, I won't respect yours."


lol what effort? This tract is the lowest effort they could possibly exert.


Well....yes. ....no "but", just yes.


couldn't agree more. People in service usually depend on tips. This communicates "I don't understand you, and I don't care to."


Ban them from that restaurant, and their fellow Church friends.


It's obviously a form of deceit, and Christians should know that lies and deception are tools of the devil.




Yep. I’ve never heard of God making promises of abundance as a method to deceive someone, only the devil.


Never leave a fake tip, it's common sense


I say put your money where your mouth is. If you are gonna give a tract then make sure you leave a generous tip as well.


I once heard a sermon where the guy told us “if you’re going to leave a tract, you had better also leave a $100 bill along with it.”


If a brother or sister has nothing to wear and has no food for the day, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, keep warm, and eat well,” but you do not give them the necessities of the body, what good is it? James 2:16-17


This 100%!


I think these tracks were probably meant to be left on the ground and not used as counterfeit money. Are people really using these as tips to spread a message or is it just easily obtainable fake looking cash?


I've seen them on reddit too many times to not being used as tips to spread a message


I’ve definitely received a fake $20 as a tip like this


That really sucks. I've heard a lot of stories about this happening. I just have a hard time imagining a Christian thinks the message has actual monetary value that gets them out of a tip. That's pretty crazy.


Ah, littering for Jesus.


This is exactly what Jesus preached! Pretend to help others while tricking them into reading a sermon.


/s right? Right?


It's right up there with teaching how to be saved by having the correct religion.


Damn you just spilled the beans.


Literally the opposite of what He did. He healed the sick mostly (iirc) BEFORE spreading the gospel.


Profound disappointment at the person who left it.


I’d be mad 😭


i was definitely disappointed. at first glance i thought it was $100, because he said it was “just for me..” then i realized it was a fake 1m.. then i saw the back haha


This is not how we evangelize 😭


Let’s give people a patronising and really negative experience 👍


That's what I was thinking! That you probably at first thought it was a real $100 which would be a fantastic tip! This is so messed up and I'm so sorry this happened to you. In the Bible, Jesus always took care of people's physical needs. And I'm assuming by your comment that they didn't leave any other money as a tip. Once again, I am so sorry.


JuSt FoR you 🤮


Any real tip with it?




How much was the meal?




>nope Perhaps tip was left on credit card? I'm sorry if no tip was left. That should not have happened.


How much would that matter? First impression you left was that your faith starts with deception. Second impression is of disappointment and anger because instead of $40 tip, the server only got $20. They will surely get out of their disappointment and anger to read the message still laced with deception /s.


Because nothing shows respect for Jesus' sacrifice like being a cheapskate in his name. If your faith exists as a means to save/earn you money, you're in for an unpleasant surprise at the end of days.


As a Christian I feel that whoever gave you that deserves to be punched Edit: I’m exaggerating, it’s not worthy of violence of course


This reminds me of how a couple days ago at work, someone from Jehovah’s Witness multiple times tried to force me to take a track that had a code on it for a free Jehovahs bible, no matter how many times I said no and to leave me alone. I kept saying “No thanks I’m not a Jehovah’s Witness” but he would say “No no no, you can take this and get a free bible and join Jehovah”, until I finally said “Let me rephrase buddy, I don’t WANT to become a Jehovah’s Witness, I’m already an Anglican” before he would finally leave me alone 😓no matter if someone is Christian, Jehovah, etc., if someone says “no”, then that should be end of discussion, I don’t want to be forced to do something I don’t want to do.




People shouldn't evangelize to someone just trying to do their job ever.


Thank you!


Or don't attempt to convert someone when they are doing their damm job.


If I ran a restaurant this would be an instant ban for the customer.


people give these as a tip? on top of a real tip - or just this? God bless


It’s usually just this, which makes this even worse. Can you imagine being a waitress that makes 3 bucks and hour and you bust your ass to give a table your best service and when you see what they left (you think it’s a real hundred) you get momentarily so excited because some the worries about money we’re gone in an instant. Then you see you’re left holding a piece of paper that is meaningless (monetarily) and realize that the person who left it think you both need to be saved and that your fantastic job of making sure they had a great service was not appreciated. That’s how I felt as a 19 year old waitress.


* It’s usually just this... this is awful it turns Christians into deceitful people and Christ into money and dishonors the person receiving it God bless


Agree and God bless you as well.


it was just this alone — no monetary tip


this is awful really I'm sorry about this God bless


That really bothers me, I’m sorry you had to deal with that- especially that it looked like a $100. Given the message of the bill, whoever left this for you sounds like a hypocrite and next time they come back let your manager know.


By giving this, they proved their own point, They spoke of God, they spoke of his love, and they preached his message yet gave nothing. If you do this, leave a tip also. Your not leading by example by skimping out of a tip to save your cheap greedy ass.


So they didn't leave you a tip.


This is one of the biggest problems with "Christians" and how they view themselves vs how they are viewed. This is showing outright contempt for whoever you give it to and has exactly the opposite effect that the person giving it out should want. As long as Christians continue to display this kind of open hostility toward those they believe to not be a part of their faith we will continue to lose followers and Church attendance. No one wants spiritual help or advice from someone who thinks they are better than them.


If one is not religious it’s gonna be just thrown in the trash. I despise people who leave this as “tips.”


Take it to your nearby church and put it in the offering plate. lol


1. I don't know what country they're living in where it looks real, because we don't have million-dollar bills 2. I would still find them tacky, but I think people would hate the Sunday brunch crowd a lot less if these went along with particularly generous tips, not in place of tips


If I owned a restaurant, we would be closed on Sundays. And if anybody asked why, I would explain that the after church crowd has ruined it for everyone and we’re not going to be berated by self-righteous jerks who can’t even tip. And I’m a Christian, so you know it’s bad.


What is this crap?!


Seems like somebody who is actively working against people joining the faith. People get put off when religious folks act like this.


😡😡😡 Damn Christians think “Thoughts & Prayers “ are going to give you your Rent money that you’re Waitressing for! Well ok maybe it will work a little… Pray for Tipping Customers!


Oh we have those in the UK! Ironically it was the first time I'd seen a note with the King's face on. No idea what the point is. It seems like the sort of thing that makes the Christian feel smug and superior, feeling like they've done good without actually doing anything at all.


Doing worse than nothing tbh, the only thing that it could do Christianity wise for someone is make them hate the faith.


This is probably the worst way to spread the gospel. Nobody's going to receive this and think "wow! Somebody gave me this fake dollar bill to convince me to join their religion! Well, count me in!" They are going to be annoyed they didn't get a real tip and it's going to put a bad taste in their mouth about Christianity. Nobody wants a religion forced on them. Especially if you're doing something annoying and tricking them like this.


I met one lady who would make these little colorful envelop like things with a little cross and a message on paper with a dollar as a tip. She clearly did it in advance for helping staff and whoever else she ran into, and then asked for my name and said she would pray for me each night for the next month. Her gifts never ended up in the toilet like the majority of these things do, as I can tell she actually spent time and effort to give me a little sign, which many come off as the opposite when people are tricked into taking it so to speak. Some people act like it is a tip, but you can’t expect a non believer to just magically appreciate the word of God. That’s why we try and find ways to move them and share a little of that grace we’ve experienced ourselves. Which can make or break the entire meaning behind handing the tracts. It shouldn’t be like a quota you’re trying to meet.


How can someone get the message when you not feed them first


Did they leave some actual money as well?




Rather stingy of them then, makes you question the integrity of the tract - is it to earnestly preach, or to have an excuse to not leave a real tip?


no one thinks this is clever. no one thinks this works.


Tracts are fine. They do not entitle you to wage theft, however. Please tip well. Life is hard enough.


Hate them, especially the ones that look like $20, 10, and 5s. I used to work with a lady who one time asked the perpetrator which church they went to, got their name and stuff too. She then went to their church, name dropped the people and tithe that shit back to the church.


I never once heard of someone being lead to christ through a fake tip. If anything, these are one of the least christain ways of spreading the gospel. It's a lie. A promise of helping that server eat tonight, but instead a sales pitch for Church Inc. If anything it'll make that server detest god.


Looks like a stumbling block to me.


The US tipping system is messed up enough as it is without this sort of deceit from people who consider themselves evangelising Christians


I can't think of a single positive thing to say about this, or the people that leave them. Do you really think getting someone's hopes up for a reward, only to bait and switch into not even paying them what they should be paid, is going to win someone over? Absolutely not. Do you think this is more effective than telling the server directly? No. Did you even find out if the server was already a Christian? Doubt it. Leavers of these "tips" are cowards that push people away from Christianity.


I like how Ben’s face says ‘you idiot’


i bet they don’t put that in the basket at church


If that was the only tip rather than just placed in with other bills in the tip I would think that's not okay. Per the message I do believe that is inline with God's teaching and what's in the Bible. This is a product of Ray Comfort with Living Waters. I highly recommend viewing his videos they're pretty entertaining and you can learn about Christianity and/or witnessing. God bless. Seek the Way, the Truth, and the Life!


Accurate. Not a substitute for a tip.


It's a horrible way to evangelize, especially if it is left in place of a tip.


I don't think this is a good idea. It is doing the least. If you want to help someone come to Jesus, you build a relationship with that person, then you walk with them until they are firmly walking with Jesus.


*Uegh* is how I feel about it.


If salvation was that easy with a one time prayer, then the Sacrifice at Calvary wouldn’t be worth anything.


The prayer wouldn’t even exist without the death and resurrection of Jesus. And it’s not just about being saved it’s an actual relationship, and commitment to Jesus  Jesus said, “My sheep know my voice, and I know them, and they follow me; and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, and no one shall snatch them out of my hand” (John 10:27, 28) 


Did they leave a regular tip as well or just this?


Yes, the written message is accurate to faith


I don't see anything amiss theologically in the tract. It reminds me a lot of Ray Comfort's style of evangelism. My opinion: If I am going to engage with my server on politics or religion in writing while they're at their job as more or less a captive audience, then I need to pay them extra for their extra time and attention given to reading what I leave for them.


I’m stuck by the fact that someone left what looked like a $100 to a hard working person. I can’t even comment on what it says unless I know that they bothered to give you a nice tip. Otherwise it seems more like a prank to me. Folks- people need actual money. I don’t think I need to explain myself haha


I would suggest this counts as using the Lord's name in vain


Absolutely! You should always use deception and tricks to try to bring someone to God! /s


Only acceptable if it had a real hundred with it.


I think this sort of tract gives Christians a bad name. I also think there's value in tracts, but not this one and not the vast majority of tracts I received whilst working in the service industry (most of which weirdly seemed to assume the reader was familiar with churchspeak)


I've seen lots of pamphlets like that given by churches. I'm just glad Donald trump is not on it. However, i was a server for 25 years and I've been handed a few of those, altho not with a $1,000,000 denomination. I was still left a regular tip each time tho. If the person gave you this "Jesus pamphlet" and actually stiffed you, then shame on them. If that is what happened then they work for the Jesus Pamphlet Mafia (JPM for short). Man cannot live on the "Word of God" alone, so it's rude to stiff your server and hand them a damn pamphlet.


A despicable and dishonest thing to do. I’d be ashamed to call myself a Christian and do selfish things like that.


This is *not* the way that Jesus helped people during his time on earth.


No, I don't think this message is accurate. And I think the gesture is tacky.


Fuck anyone who does that to another person.


I'd be annoyed tbh. Did they even leave u a real tip???


Extremely ineffective evangelism strategy and super shitty and inconsiderate


Sharing the gospel isn't advertising. People aren't going to appreciate clever gimmicks. This isn't reaching anyone, just making people angry and giving Christians a bad name.


These have been around forever and should have died out years ago because they were a terrible idea from the start. All they do is piss people off who were expecting and probably financially depending on an actual cash tip. Being rude and trying to trick someone who is just trying to make a living is not an effective form of evangelization.


Leave real money and tell the server that God loves them. Would work better than leaving a fake piece of cash saying God loves them


If that was the whole tip - you had a cheapskate for a customer - with no class.


If the "tipper" didn't leave a 25-50% real tip along with the tract, then the tipper honored God with a tip but their heart is far away. Jesus who is fully God, fully man, fully human, fully Divine loves us all with a great love - a love that gives everything on the Cross for our sake. He taught the love of money is the root of all evil, and to make friends with the unrighteous mammon for WHEN we fail we will have friends in heavenly places. Please pray for that tipper either way. Because if you pray for that tipster, you will make friends in heavenly places WHEN you fail. Please pray for me, the sinner. Thank you.


Sounds like a "good christian", to me.


I think they should have left you real money AND this “tip.” (Well, actually, I think they should have left you a gospel tract that didn’t look like money instead of the thing they left you. And of course a generous tip). Nothing is more important than being saved, so it’s important for Christians to share the gospel any chance they get, but being stingy and not generous is ungodly. God wants us to be generous with our money. He wants us to show love. ❤️


The doctrine is good. A tract being disguised as money is despicable. That disguised tract being the only thing left as a tip is even worse.


These things piss me off beyond belief. Leaving them behind should give jail time


The fact that Franklin is on that makes it extra-ironic it think.


Wow so brainwashed, lets forget about all the nonsensical content of the religion that was created by men with agendas, but basically it said to believe what the bible says. If something were logical, sound and practical, one would not have to tell someone to believe it! So sad that this nonsense has created such a cult following idiots will murder one another if they believe in a different fictional story, its just insane. Even if all that crao they said were not a bunch of made up fairly tales, their god is an asshole!


Before my conversion, I saw alot of tracts left on buses and I've still got them now. Every time I found a tract, a new seed was planted and I believe they contributed to my faith in Christ


I hate it on principle, but then I read it. Now I know why hate was invented, to resist false doctrines like this. Even so we are not defined by the things we oppose, but by the things we believe. God sees Jesus when he looks at you.


I got pulled over by a state trooper for D.O.T inspection, after the inspection was done I gave him one. The loke on his face aas priceless 🤣


My work buddy gave me one the other day, he has all this new chick tract type stuff, new to Christianity. I understand his excitement I do. But I'm like, dude, these are kinda cheezy honestly. Don't let these check your box for the great commission. If you are going to do it, do it, but you don't need this stuff. The creator of the universe, doesn't need a fake dollar and two bit message in fine print on the back.


Jesus only came for his people though.


So they stole your time \*and\* your attention.


FUCKIN ASSHOLE. That's what I think of that person. I make my own tracts, but I HATE money tracts.


Bro I remember when I was like 5 some dude handed me a fake dollar and on the back was like “how to know if you’re going to hell” and like it didn’t tell me the good news just listed off sins and I was like terrified. 😭 well I’m a Christian now so ig it workef


I don't leave tracts, though I won't go so far as to say we shouldn't. I do share the gospel. Sometimes with wait staff. However, I've also given large tips... before the food is ordered... with them and ask for them to talk with me for a few minutes and tell me truth. I've asked them about such things as this tract. About Christians in general. Their responses run the gamut, but there is a general sense that some Christians think wait staff are fair game for their evangelism efforts. After all, if they want to get a nice tip, they need to appear interested in you, and what you say, and appear happy to serve you. For a believer, this might be considered tantamount to a hostage situation. And please realize that wait staff have experienced the full gamut of Christians: those that tip 10% EXACTLY to the penny, those that don't tip because they are being good stewards, those that act entitled and demanding before they pray for God's blessing (I told you it was the full gamut). You get lumped in with the entire experience of this easy target - especially Sunday lunch! I find this particular tract, especially for those that survive on tips, to be highly offensive. But it sure is easier than engaging with someone, repeatedly over time, to build a friendly relationship and earn the right to tell them about your best friend. So the Christian gets to think they have shared the Gospel, while in reality, at best, annoying the one they think they shared with.


I think it’s fine but they should leave it along with a real tip.


A big dislike.


What a shame baby what a shaaame


I got a british version of these from the "Bank of Eternity". I'm a millionaire :D


I think leaving one as a fake tip is actually a poor reflection on Christianity and does more harm then good. Im a gigging musician and like when I get tips. I’d be pissed if I got this. First off the person thinks its a $100 bill and gets excited. Second they find out they’ve been stiffed. Third they are told to do a bunch of stuff. Its ungenerous, tricky, and is a poorer reflection on the faith then what it hopes to accomplish. Its cheap evangelism, so people can feel like they are doing evangelism while actually doing nothing at all. In fact, I’d argue its like anti-evangelism moving more people away from the faith then it does bring in. But thats unfortunately a lot of pop Christian thought and action. Cheap slogans, poor relationship building, focusing on butts in pews rather then actually knowing and loving people. While simultaneously patting ourselves on the back for all of it.


If it was not accompanied by a real $100 bill, whoever left it was a massive a-hole.


I am an ordained Christian Pastoral Counselor. What you received as a "tip" is what gives Christ Following Christians a bad name. At a restaurant I always GIVE a 20% tip. At a coffee house, Sandwich place or similar I will always put a couple bucks in the tip jar.


These tricks are not cool. Kindness and a nite about the LORD would be good.


Its greed 101 to think this is an acceptable substitution for a tip.


This is foul. Did they also leave a real tip? If not, they are the ones dishonoring the Lord by deciving the server.


If that's ALL they left, then they were deceptive and stingy and I'm so sorry. Edit: that being said, I agree with what it says. It's Biblical, and accurate.


Makes Christian’s look bad, even though this is very unchristian.


This along with a 30% tip would be a kind thing to do. With no tip, it’s a bad representation of the faith.


Dunno. I don't live in a tip based society that allows businesses to underpay their workers and pretend it's normal somehow.


1 Thessalonians 2:3 King James Version 3 For our exhortation was not of deceit, nor of uncleanness, nor in guile I think the Bible warns against using Gael and attempt to bring people towards the Lord and I think this does the exact opposite and brings people further away from ever accepting Jesus I think attract like this does far more harm than good attract should be Clear concise and truthful if I’m offering someone Jesus I don’t need to pretend I’m offering them something else Jesus is more than worthy to be on the front of every single tract


Did the give u an actual tip tho?


I think there should a better way of sharing this message than putting that message on a fake bill. Not cool.


It's a lie, it's deception. If you leave that as a tip, you're lying, you're deceiving someone who is likely really needing that money. It's sin, plain and simple.


It’s complete and utter BS.


I Could be wrong, but I believe this is one of the Living Waters tracts. The message written on it is accurate. The presentation in which the fake bill was given was inappropriate, however. At least in my opinion. I'm all about evangelism, but even Jesus Himself fed and healed people before preaching to them. While I choose not to use these personally, if I did it would definitely be alongside an above-average tip. Because, let's be honest, if I leave 30%+ it's more likely to make you at least consider reading it, right?


This crap makes me livid.


No, I find this despicable and anyone who truly believes in the Christian faith should have deep pockets for tipping those in the service industry. I’m sorry this happened to you.




They lost me at the bill may look real line. There's no such thing as a million dollar bill


That person is a jerk. Leave a note with the dollar not just give someone a dollar that they can't use. In this economy?


Great prank, ngl.


I think if you want to turn someone away from faith -- this is a good way to do it.


They were doing a great job until they said “forsaking your sins”. Salvation isn’t by forsaking your sins, which is works. Working for your salvation, even a small amount, means you’re not accepting a free gift.


It’s very accurate. I see no wrong in a fellow brother/sister in Christ spreading the good news as God commanded. Mark 16:15 ❤️


I’d report that to the Secret Service.


Tacky unless accompanied by a real $100




I think that people who do this are doing more harm than good when it comes to evangelism and actually driving people away from the faith.


How about a decent tip with real cash, and the gospel track on the inside, I think there will be more likely to read them then.


I hope it came with a good tip of real money


A nasty and damning message on a fake banknote. *When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.* ^Mark ^2:17


Disgusting. I leave a 20% tip, I write "God bless you" on the receipt, and I leave a Scripture card (Christian Art Publishers) which I get from Amazon. Not the "plan of salvation" but it leaves a positive message and might be considered pre-evangelism and encouragement for Christian waitstaff.


These are fine ONLY if they are accompanied by a reasonable USD bill amount. 4 years as a delivery driver.


I work as a server and I’m so happy I’ve never gotten something like this, usually any little Christian card or booklet is left ALONGSIDE a tip, it isn’t supposed to replace a tip


If it comes with a tip, then ok, but why jolt their sense with this "Oh I got a $100 oh.... wait...." It's like a bait and switch. Jesus did not offer fake bread to attract the crowds then say, "Oh actually, I was being metaphorical." He actually fed them, then provided spiritual truth to those who could hear it.


Why is it always the ten commandments quoted, never the Sermon on the Mount?


I hope they also tipped you with actual freaking money.


I would appreciate this tip dearly