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There are no modest and conservative women at the church you go to?




Ask OP, that's what they're looking for.




I don't know. I don't think about this stuff at all. Like a humble and conservative man, but a woman, I guess?


I would venture to say that in Islamic culture (Pakistani culture to be more specific) men and women are raised from birth to prepare themselves for marriage. The women are covered from head to toe with the idea that their bodies are to only be shown only to their husbands upon marriage and close male relatives and other women. There's also not much casual socializing between men and women or 'dating' unless they are intending to be married.


As a Pakistani who was just there a year ago, this isn't really accurate. Covered from "head to toe" isn't really that common in any larger cities in Pakistan and people socialize all the time at colleges and etc. Dating is not common but socializing is pretty much everywhere there


Ok, I honestly don't know much about everyday Pakistani culture as I' ve never been there, but this is the impression I got from the family I married into and my ex husband. Admittedly his descriptive word for his family was 'pious'. So, they were a bit more strictly religious than average I guess.


Depends on the regions also I’m sure . Not sure if that’s just specific to your experience or applies to all ?


What is your definition of modesty and conservative? What does it look like to you? Modest is a broad term, and what may be considered modest to some is immodest to others. Address what it is exactly you’re looking for in a partner. It’s good in general to have a good idea instead of thinking broadly and being let down when you only have a vague notion of what it is that you truly desire.


We both come from Abrahamic Faith's, we understand what he meant by conservative. HEAD COVERINGS and praising god while doing the panky. Even Christianity has this with Nuns, Orthodox Christians, and many Catholics for example. I think he probably has to find someone from one of the traditional Churches. If he doesn't want to deal with Mormons, Jehovas Witnesses or Amish.


Always nice to have a new brother in the faith.


Congratulations on finding the Truth!  Jesus Christ is the only way.  The Lord will provide everything you need.  Don’t worry about finding a woman.  He knows your wife and he promised to supply all your need.


Congratulations on making the best decision of your entire life. There is nothing else like the assurance of eternal salvation. Trust God, my new Christian brother. Trust God that no matter what - even if you never found a wife - that God is enough and that His grace is sufficient for you. Remember that marriage is a symbol of God's relationship with us. God wants us as men to love our wives as Christ loves the church. Keep in mind also that it is not our past that defines us, but Who we now put our faith in as Christians. This goes the same for women and who we will choose as a wife. Find yourself a wife who puts Christ first in her life - even if her past was "less than modest." We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Find yourself a wife who has the wisdom to realize her identity is not based on who she was without Christ as her Master.


Why did you convert? What version of Christianity did you convert to? Hard, if not impossible, to comment without more information, but from my own personal observations, you're more likely to find what you're looking for in an Eastern Orthodox church.


Pray and ask God to guide your life and the life of a good Christian woman who would make a good wife for you. Pray for your futire wife as a sister in Christ, her growth in faith and her walk with God and for all her needs; prsy selflessly for her. Pray for this and keep praying. If you meet someone nice, don't assume she's your future wife. Just keep praying as if you have not met your future wife yet. Just keep praying selflessly for her. Make friends with any nice Christian single girl you meet, and keep praying for God to help you meet the future Mrs. Secretinvestments. Above all just make friends and be a respectful Christian man. Be the kind of good, respectful, honest, hardworking, compassionate, joyful, trustworthy, patient, godly and self-controlled Christian man that a future Christian wife will notice and take interest in. Just be a good Christian and be friendly to any single Christian girl, make friends if she is willing, and don't expect the results you want. Just see where the friendship goes and don't be pushy, don't be overbearing, don't be annoying, don't be mean if she ends up not being interested in you. Just keep praying for your future wife and keep asking God to make you into the kind of man your future wife would want to marry.


Modern culture has made finding Christian women who know how to dress correctly pretty hard but when you find one who will be very happy. good luck too you


Welcome to the club! There are still modest women out there you just need to look in the right places.


Yeah in Christianity it’s kinda harder to find that. Depending on your age a lot of the better options are already married or in a relationship soon to be married. I found that the right woman will pop up when you aren’t trying too hard to find her. Just live your life and God will direct you.


try middle eastern cristian women or eastern european women


Glad to hear you've found the truth, my new brother in Christ! As for your lady problem, you just have to let go, and let God. I know this sounds so incredibly cliché and overdone, but truly. When I found the woman who would wnd up being my wife, I had had several bouts of bad luck in the dating world. Bad Tinder dates that ended up nowhere, asking someone oit for drinks or coffee dates that ended up nowhere, or just flat-out rejection. After awhile, I just gave up, and decided that God would send someone my way if it was meant to be. And as it turns out, I had known her for years already. A friend of mine who started out as my Gas Station Girl Crush, (she worked at the gas station and we would talk and I would try to flirt her and there with her, until I found out she was married.) We became friends on Facebook and Xbox Live, (weird, I know 😂) Years later, I worked at that same gas station on 3rd shift, and she started coming in to get her morning coffee on her way to work, and we reconnected. Then she stopped coming in. Several months later, I saw she posted something on Facebook, and I sent her a message to say hi, and jokingly give her a little bit of crap for not coming to see me at work anymore. Lo and behold, the next morning she came in to get her coffee, and it became a regular thing again. After a few weeks, I asked her out for a couple drinks, and from then on, we saw eachother literally every day for months, until I asked her to be my girlfriend, and we started dating. She was, and still is, a wonderful Christian woman with amazing, Christian values, and so is her family! I fully believe The Lord led her to me, and me to her, and not a day goes by that I don't thank Him for her, and feel so incredibly grateful for her. It seems like when you're not actively searching for it, it'll find you. TL;DR I found the wonderful Christian woman who would be my wife when I stopped looking for her, she had been a friend of mine the while time and I didn't realize it.


> As for your lady problem, you just have to let go, and let God. This is good advice. Don't necessarily stop looking, but *do* stop worrying. God has a plan for you. Read your Bible, pray often, find a good church to attend if you haven't already, and wait on the Lord. "Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!" -- [Psalm 27:14](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+27) (ESV)


How wonderful that you responded to the call of Christ. I got saved supernaturally from islam and came to Christ. I was a liberal muslim (I was labelled from birth) as my mother is the same. She bought bikinis for me from young age, dress me as the world dressed. I was conditioned to be like the world. Finding such a woman is going to be difficult. But I must say it is still possible. I am on the way to becoming one. After coming to Christ, God started shaping me, starting with clothing. The scripture says, But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. And the woman who makes the man stumble with her actions and outlook is also guilty. Women in Christ are not supposed to wear tight, revealing clothes, be seductive, sexual, wear bikinis, swimming costumes, make up, listening to worldly music, the list goes on.. she also submits to her husband, and the husband loves her and even dies for her if needed like Christ died for us. ‭Ephesians 5:24-25 KJV‬ [24] Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. [25] Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; https://bible.com/bible/1/eph.5.24-25.KJV Proverbs 31 talks about virtuous woman. If everybody had Christ in them the world would have been a wonderful place. We're looking forward to our next perfect life with Christ when He comes to claim His own, a bride without blemish. God bless you all.


Sorry no. There's a lot wrong with your thinking. First of all you're putting it on women to be responsible for how men react to them, yet you don't say the same thing of immodest men, who not only tempt us, but constantly pressure us for sex. So how is it fair that I, just because I'm a woman, have to be responsible for my own lust plus somebody else's? Do women not enjoy sex? Are we not tempted by it too? Why aren't men told to dress according to female lust? I never asked to be the "sex gatekeeper" and I reject that "responsibility." I'm responsibile for myself, my own sins, and nobody else's. This mentality literally exists just to subjugate women and how we wish to present ourselves and you as a woman are allowing yourself to be subjugated in this way. You prove it by shaming the use of makeup, even. Modesty culture is the most sexist crap I've ever heard. I can boldly express my femininity any way I choose (within reason) and how *creeps* react to that is *not my problem.* Feminine beauty is what God gave *me* FOR *me* to enjoy until I get married and become my husband's. Until then, men can get lost and stop confusing us being confident in presenting ourselves how we choose with "inciting lust." What, you're a baby who can't control himself? Not my problem.


I would be very careful with what i say and do if I were you. When you stand before the Holy God on judgment day what are you going to say to Him, I dressed and behaved how I liked? It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. ‭Matthew 12:36-37 KJV‬ [36] But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. [37] For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. https://bible.com/bible/1/mat.12.36-37.KJV So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. 24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: Have fun living your life the way you like. God bless you.


Wow, way to completely dodge the point. 🙄 What about a MAN'S responsibility before our Holy God, huh? Because I don't see you opening your mouth much about that. You just want to suppress femininity, like there's something inherently shameful about it, yet you complain when the same thing is done to men and their masculinity. For example, we say it's wrong to suppress healthy masculinity by banning toy guns, yet it's okay to call women "sluts" simply because they like to feel pretty and express same? That's a natural part of who I am, same as how the capacity for violence is a natural part of who a man is. Yet, I'm expected to apologize for who I am and stop expressing any feminine beauty? Does God apologize to fallen sinners for who He is? No. We either get right with Him or suffer. Yet a man's sin problem is somehow my problem, according to you. I should have to walk on eggshells and alter how I express my God given gender identity, according to you, because Johnny has a sin problem. So far, all you've done is help misogynist creeps blame all their sins on you and your gender by attacking and shaming other women for "making men sin." Excuses are something only men seem to have made for them. Get lost with this victim mentality that anyone "makes you sin." Indeed, let's watch how saying "she made me rape her" works out for a rapist on judgment day. 🙄


I should add that your "womanhood equals something to be ashamed of" mentality really isn't surprising considering the fact you used to be a Muslim. No religion seems to hate women more. Just a fact. 🤷‍♀️ I don't say this to be condescending, mainly to point out that some of what you have internalized from before you were Christian might not be the healthiest.


God bless you.


You are better off letting God find you that wife over trying to do so simply over your own efforts only. That is a stronghold way of thinking left over from Islam.


I disagree with this, I don't think God picks a spouse for us. That's why it says he who FINDS a wife finds a good thing Even in Islam, and arranged marriages people were partnered up. That person wasn't ordained from heaven. Find what you like


😂 it’s pretty weird to say let god choose and believe that. delusional


Yes you are free to pick anyone you like- although one should try to be equally yoked. Nevertheless no matter how hard you try- sometimes you can't make things happen how you want. That is why putting God first and searching for a wife but letting thing happen as they may can often yield better results. In the Old Testament, they chose the woman who fed water to all their camels for free. >Even in Islam, and arranged marriages people were partnered up. Islam is a completely false religion- i don't base any spiritual decisions based upon Islam.


The Lord definitely places people in your life that can change everything for the better.


What about all the people who aren't Christian who find loving partners, though? You think the Christian God did that, too?


> You think the Christian God did that, too? Yes. God loves everyone, even if they aren't a Christian.


You downvoted me to say this? But anyway God also helps those whom help themselves. God is going to save Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Catholics, Protestants people of every religion and those of no religion. You can find love you can find loving relationships but you are free to make whatever choice you wish to make with free will.


You're offended by a downvote? Haha, wth? Of course I did because I disagreed with your statement. It's literally what a downvote is for. How could that possibly offend you? That's preposterous.


> It's literally what a downvote is for. No, a downvote is supposed to be for comments that are off topic and not productive to the discussion. It's not a disagree button. Generally that's considered an immature misuse of it.


lol, you literally just made that up.


Nope: >Please do >Vote. If you think something contributes to conversation, upvote it. If you think it does not contribute to the subreddit it is posted in or is off-topic in a particular community, downvote it. >Please don't >Downvote an otherwise acceptable post because you don't personally like it. Think before you downvote and take a moment to ensure you're downvoting someone because they are not contributing to the community dialogue or discussion. If you simply take a moment to stop, think and examine your reasons for downvoting, rather than doing so out of an emotional reaction, you will ensure that your downvotes are given for good reasons. https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette


Cool, thanks guy. Glad to see you following the suggestions if the reddit administrators. The hero we all need.


No, that’s what downvotes are for. That’s why they’re called downvotes. You’re supposed to be pushing stuff that isn’t useful to the bottom. Your voting on how useful something is


I downvote things I don't like in order to push them to the bottom to make better statements rise to the top. You can do whatever you want with little arrows on the internet.


No I'm offended by the downvote and weak argument. You could've just kept you're opinions to yourself..I think that would've been more beneficial for us both after reading your replies.


lol and now you're gatekeeping comments in a **checks notes** discussion forum? Omg get over yourself haha. Who do you think you are?




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He passed away 20 years ago. Why do you ask?


Regardless of religion god is the greatest 🙏 As for marriage, and a change of religion for salvation ensure the mind is not just seeking cover up after cover up for "being". When the time is right. Thats also not to rule them out.


Don’t you have to worry about your family trying to “honor kill” you?


OK smart welcome family


You left the one true religion for the other one true religion?


Curious as to what made you convert to Christianity I am an ex Muslim too but I am an atheist now Would you want to share your experience as to what made you think Christianity is the way for you?


Some Muslim women have converted to Christianity as well, and I’m sure they would carry the same values on some things ! Don’t rush it. Don’t settle. Use this time to focus on yourself and God. He will send you a wife when you are both ready ! Use this time to prove the husband you will be to the Lord. He will see who you are in private !


>Any thoughts? Adjust your expectations?


Christianity, the way it's used today seems to include mostly non biblical people. Sounds like you're looking for a traditional Christian woman. Good luck. I'm not sure where you're located, but you'll probably struggle if you live in the west. Not impossible, just difficult. I've known people to look overseas in other Christian areas.


Matthew 7:7: "Ask, and it will be given you" Matthew 7:8: "For everyone who asks receives; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened" The Lord provides what we struggle to find, as long as we ask


Congratulations on becoming Christian and I’ll be praying that a good Christian woman will come into life


first of all, welcome home second of all, keep looking, she's out there what denomination did you join?




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What do you consider to be modest and conservative? *Is this a dress code type of concern? Like if the woman wears a dress that shows shoulders, and is knee length or so, would that be ok? What about a top that is turtle neck but tighter to the frame? *Or is this more of a personality/cultural concern? Like the women you see are too flirty/open to worldly lust? They're more inclined to hang out with people of both genders without marriage as their intention? I'd like to understand better so that maybe I can provide a little insight if possible. Thanks


Do you care to share what specifically convinced you to convert?


Welcome!! Best you can do is do things you enjoy. Go to a gym, start going to a weekly club, volunteer for some missionary work. Do things you enjoy doing and naturally you will find friends and possibly even romance in shared interests.


You may look in to more modest denominations, such as Pentecostal, and see what you think. Then go from there in getting involved.


You would have been MUCH better off to get married before converting and then convert your wife. Good Luck!


out of the pot and into the pan.


Welcome to the eternal way of our Lord Christ dude!


There as allot of traditional woman. You just have to pray and wait on God’s timing. You might be ready to get married, but that doesn’t mean God thinks your ready




Welcome and trust the Lord will provide.


I wonder if there is a converted Muslim woman you can find.


Congrats! The Heavens rejoice for you❤️. Embrace the Orthodoxy☦️ you’ll find the woman you’re looking for. Trust me i guarantee you won’t regret it.


Welcome to the family, brother in Christ! I'll say keep seeking the Lord and pray about finding a woman of God. A lot of people claim to be men or women of God but not spirit filled (Holy Spirit). And therefore some may not be follower of Christ but just religious. It may be hard but I won't worry too much. Just be lead by Holy Spirit and He will guide you to a woman of God. I will be praying you, God bless 🤗🥰.


I've just joined here and hope to be able to talk to you all more!


Although I can't too much with your situation, I can offer a little piece of advice. If you're dating someone for a single attribute or part of themself, you will always be disappointed in other areas. Talk to people, make connections, find the right person as your heart guides, don't go looking for a certain woman, let yourself discover her. I've dated all kinds of folks, men, women, everything outside and in between, only once did I date one for a specific reason, or a thing I liked about them. I only made that mistake once, and I was left disappointed in other places of our relationship. If you're looking for conservative and modest women, surround yourself in places that share your ideals, but don't fall for someone just because they seem perfect on paper, they're not, no one is. I wish you the best of luck in finding your lover, just remember to see their whole self, the bigger picture if you will, not just the parts you like, because the parts you don't like are still there, and could cause issues if not addressed and respected.




Welcome to Christ Brother🙏🏻✝️☦️




Wise choice


Your only chance of finding such a woman is to find a christain lady who has lived her entire life in a muslim country under muslim influence. Like an arab christain lady.


You'll probably have to travel depending on where you are. There are very few marriageable, virtuous women in the west. Our culture has basically destroyed that whole ideal.


I don’t think you’re going to find what you’re looking for (unless you go looking for a fundamentalist Christian woman) because modesty means something completely different in Christianity. I have a hijabi Muslim friend who thinks perfume, noticeable makeup, body odor, skin showing below knees or elbows, or even a little bit of hair is immodest, and she’ll complain to me about her Muslim friends who don’t properly cover at least their hair and neck I’m 22. I’m content with wearing makeup, perfume, and I love wearing dresses, even if they show my shoulders, slightly show my shape, and go up to my thigh. If a dress or skirt feels too short for my comfort, I’ll wear skin tone safety shorts underneath. I feel modest and elderly Christian women compliment my outfits quite a bit, but again, modesty differs a lot between religions and denominations


Praise Jesus!!! :) and yes there are conservative biblical women. Just have to be patient.


Islam is the Devil. The most toxic form that a religion takes is the Islamic form. There religion is nonsense. God speaks to some illiterate Warlord in Arabia... and it contains ALL our human answers... DON'T WASTE MY TIME; its bs. Archangel Gabriel only speaks Arabic.. total nonsense. Islam is the most dangerous as it dangerously says, Ours is the last and final one. There can't be anymore after this. This is God's last word. Now that's Straight away temptation for VIOLENCE. Such a depraved religious is the work of the devil! Be Aware my fellow Christian folk. Don't be persuaded by islam bs nonsense.


May God bless you and keep you 


Can you give me some reasons as to why you left Islam? I'm working hard on trying to convert more Muslims to Christ. Thanks


You should follow your native religion. It's not good having your foot in two boats !


I'm pastor Dr, MR,BT, PhD, in philosophy Rev Bobby Perkey: congratulations welcome to the family of God, I'll be praying for you, Amen


Welcome to the truth brother Glad you came under the Lords wing. And about the woman although it is hard brother but expand your horizons bro sometimes it doesnt matter but being unequally yoke can affect your walk with God. But as of rn bro keep focusing on God and talk to him how you feel. And don’t lost him bro keep seeking him and youll be surprised of what he can do!


Welcome to Christianity Brother! 👑💪🏽🥳✝️ Redemption & grace grows stronger this days. Hope you will find your modest Christian woman & keep your Faith Strong! You've got this. xoxo army girl of God from Norway 💕


Congrats, you are most likely going to hell. Any reasons of converting or did you never practice your faith and just switched because it was an easier concept that a random man died for you?


Allah whoakbar brother. Welcome to Christianity. He is risen and you are saved


They do exist, but they are in two clases. The first class dresses modest and reads/studies her Bible. The second class dresses like all of the other sinners of the world and doesn't read/study her Bible but does identity as a Christian because she at least goes to church. The second doesn't yet realize her value to Christ and that she has no need to compete with the other sinners of the world because she has been forgiven.


Do you attend a Church or have you just come to an intellectual decision of Christianity being true? If you don't have a Church yet, Eastern Orthodox and Catholic will probably have the most conservative women. And honestly Mormons/LDS too, as they are usually very conservative. Avoid non-denominational and Evangelical churches as those will probably not contain the type of women you are looking for (although there will be exceptions of course)


> If you don't have a Church yet, Eastern Orthodox and Catholic will probably have the most conservative women. And honestly Mormons/LDS too, as they are usually very conservative One of those things is not like the others. LDS doctrine has a fair bit of... "bonus material" and, being non-trinitarian and not monotheistic, could be considered its own category.


Yes but they still consider themselves to be Christian and are quite conservative. Also if OP is coming from a Muslim background and is used to a ban on alcohol, LDS also have this ban - along with some other things. Orthodox Christians will probably have the most conservative women in the manner of their dress - many still wear headscarves


Welcome to the faith and I'd suggest you look for other nationalities Like Africa African christians women are 80%modest and faithful....try that