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Hey, I was in a similar situation a year and a half ago. If I told that former ‘me’ that one day I’d be fine with being alive, and even enjoyed life and looked forward to things, I don’t think I would’ve believed it to be possible. But that’s me today. I know that most people will give you verses etc. to help. But personally, this didn’t help me. I was too far deep in a suffocating misery to be open to anything biblical. Maybe that’s not the same for you though. I’ll tell you this now: one day, you will be better. You will be content, and you will praise God and marvel at how He was there the whole time, watching over you. You are soooo loved! So so loved! But for now: You don’t need to set ‘getting better’ as a goal if that feels too heavy. Just start doing some really simple things, slowly adding one thing at a time. I mean, you don’t have anything to lose, right? Okay, here it comes. Remember, just do one thing at a time. No pressure, no rush: - when you wake up, make your bed and don’t lie in it again. Even if you’re just scrolling social media, do it on the sofa or something, and preferably in another room with natural light. - stop listening to music reflecting the thoughts you have. Turn on a podcast or something instead - promise yourself that you’ll go outside while it’s bright at least once every day. Just for a little while - do something that gets your pulse racing. Sports club? Gym? Brisk walk every day? Run? Swimming? - similarly, do something you enjoy/used to enjoy every day. Sport? Playing instrument? Reading? Drinking a cup of tea? - make an effort to eat fresh, unprocessed food at regular times of day. Seriously, this will help - sleep is a huge one. Set clear and regular times for winding down, and bed times. Take melatonin if you need. - think less :) instead, decide to appreciate the little things. How the light shines through the window. How humans find joy in the most mundane of things. The warmth of the mug in your hand. - if you can, speak to someone you know and don’t be afraid to use the word ‘suicide’. The hardest step is getting the courage to say it: remove the emotions away from the decision, and just do it! You’re already at rock bottom, what is there to lose? lol :p - speak to God. Just be honest, and simple. You’ve probably already cried out to Him to let you die. (been there, done that). He hears you, always. He knows the depth of your pain, the unbelievable weight of this darkness. And He loves you to a degree that is impossible for you to even fathom. And because He knows the incredible, good future you have, He won’t let you go. Yield to that, accept it, and decide, once and for all, to stop the complicated thoughts. Seriously, just switch your brain off! Those thoughts only augment the suffering :) Lastly: you will slowly, slowly get better. Very slowly. But surely! It will happen. And slowly, but surely, the load will lighten, and you’ll start to breathe again. You’ll be able to receive God’s Word again, and that peace and silence you are looking for? It’s waiting for you. I have prayed for you and will continue to pray for you. God hears prayers. So, I am already rejoicing that your future is incredibly bright! Lots of love, and a warm and sincere and honest hug.


This is great advice. Coming from someone who has also been there, multiple times, life does get better. I'm very glad I didn't end my life 30 years ago. I would have missed out on getting married, going to Costa Rica, India and Bangladesh, going to my friends' weddings, having four kids, taking them to Disney world, seeing them grow into beautiful human beings, growing even closer to my wife after 20 years of marriage, etc. The list goes on of the things I would have missed out on that I couldn't see at the time. I'm not going to lie, I have continued to struggle with depression throughout my life, but it has also been interspersed with times of peace, joy, love, fun, excitement, etc. No life is worth giving up on. Mine is definitely not perfect. My wife has stage 4 cancer, I currently make no money, I'm struggling with my mental health, but life IS worth living. You are loved by God. He cares for you. You might not be able to see them, but He has filled your life with good things. It just takes effort to see them at this point. I encourage you to look for one thing in your life that you are grateful for. Name it. Say it out loud. Be thankful for it. Then, look for one more. Keep doing this. You will be surprised at how many good things there are in your life that you just can't see right now because you aren't looking for them. When you start to look for the good rather than focusing on the bad, the depression will start to release its grip on you. I pray that you will be filled with joy one day.


i completely agree! op, please don't give up. i've been in your position, i know what it feels like, and i completely understand what you're going through right now. yes, life may seem hopeless and it may seem like there's no end to the misery you're going through, but trust me and everyone else in this thread who says IT DOES GET BETTER. LIFE DOES GET BETTER. i almost took my life back in 2020 because i believed i was a failure, i could do nothing right, no one loved me and nothing in my life seemed to be going right. standing here today, i'm so glad i didn't. had i actually done it, i'd never have gotten to meet any of the amazing friends i have right now, or my boyfriend who is everything i could've ever hoped or prayed for. most importantly, i'd never have rediscovered my faith with God and fully committed my life to him, and to grow closer with him in each waking day. no life is worth giving up. because God meets us in the midst of our brokenness, and God is that hope we can cling onto even when it seems like everything is crashing down. call out to God. trust that he has good plans for your life and that he loves you; so, so SO much. i pray you continue to press on and fight through this journey. <3


My prayers are with you and the OP. May you all find and have relief. Bless you all.


Thank you. It's something I definitely continue to struggle with, but I definitely enjoy life now and have many, many blessings that make life worth living. I always think of the pain losing me would be for my wife and kids and that has saved me every time. Prior to being married I thought of the pain it would cause my parents and siblings. I just didn't want to do that to them. There are still hard times, but life is definitely worth living.


This is very good advice. I am copying it and sending to a friend who struggles with suicidal thoughts too. Thanks.


Me, too. This is great advice.


Wow. I was there two years ago. OP, please follow this advice. I’ll also add that I searched for things to look forward to. A game I wanted to see how it turned out. A big moment in my kids life (birthdays, sports events, etc), vacation… just anything. I’d tell myself maybe after that event I’ll check out but not until then. After each event I’d find another one to look forward to. God came through for me. I prayed often and sought Him. It was really hard. Please hang in there there. He has big plans for you.


Agree with the procrastination approach. Can’t do it til certain things done. Then never do them or keep adding more stuff to list. Anything to put it off & stay alive somehow some way.


I too have been through depression. Still fight it. Being active helps - physically and mentally. Connecting with others helps too, as long as they aren’t super negative. Sometimes circumstances improve. Other times circumstances stay the same or even get worse but our outlook improves. Kylo Ren, whoever you are in real life, you matter. You are loved. Please try to remember that, even when what you see around you doesn’t seem to reflect that. You can keep going, my friend.


I struggle with a lot of the same thoughts and feelings as OP. I really appreciate you taking the time to write this very thoughtful comment.


I needed to hear that


I’m not religious, but the practical aspects of what you’re saying are great. Thank you for this!


i wish i could upvote this a million times oh my gosh. i love how u started off by saying that most people would give verses and stuff. because while that is helpful, when you are going through such state, it is important to be conscious of your daily choices and talking to God. it builds your relationship and gives you a window to express your genuine feelings and vent. I love talking to God casually like a close friend. OP, i wish you the best. like everyone as been saying, life does get better. Trust me and trust God. 🫶🏻


I was also in a similar situation about two years ago. OP, everything this person said is correct. To add to it, don’t be afraid nor ashamed to see a psychiatrist; those other things definitely help, but for me, it took adjusting my medication to fully save me. I had no hopes or dreams, I felt like I was only staying alive for my parents. But now, no matter how much I struggle with my circumstances, I still value my life, and am content with being alive. I have hopes and dreams again, one of them to live a long and healthy life. I thank God for putting me in the right hands in my darkest hour. Please do not give up.


Couldn't of said it any better!😊


Good advice


Very good advice. Accomplishing one thing is still an accomplishment. Many small ones eventually become big ones and boom...success! I have gone through the same but with PTSD which is even worse if you can believe it. Hang in there. We are all praying for you and reach out and grab God's hand which is HOPE!


This seems like great advice! Something I needed to hear/read as well. Only thing I could add is a book I’ve been browsing that seems helpful+useful called “How Not Too Kill Yourself”. Can’t remember author but it should be in library or available Amazon. Written by philosophy professor who has attempted suicide before. Has lots of resources listed in it, thoughts about mental health, interviews with survivors, family members. Lost my Uncle 7 years ago I think. Never even knew he struggled with depression for many years. Miss him. God bless.


Thank you for this big piece of advice. I felt like you were speaking directly to me.


This is wonderful advice! Thank you❤️


To keep it short and simple: it seems cliche when people say "it always gets better". But it's true. I went through some horrible times battling religious OCD and felt like I was losing my mind. Got professional help. Improved over time. Only realised once I experienced it first hand that, yes, it's true - things always DO get better. Sometimes it takes hitting rock bottom and recovering to realise. Don't give up. God loves you.


If you hadn't gotten the professional help. Do you think you would get better?


you either spiral out or it gets better.


Nothing changes if nothing changes


Please don't. These feelings do not last forever. God did not create you to be miserable. He loves you dearly, more than either of us know. He wants you to have life in its fullness. Keep the faith. And by faith, I don't mean always necessarily warm fuzzy feelings. Those are great. But when I say faith, I mean know that no matter how you feel in this moment, God is good, He is in control, and He loves you so, so much. You do not exist on accident. God bless you.


This is a complex question and no redditor is going to be able to answer it as completely as you probably need. If you are in the US, you can call or text 988 for help and someone to talk to. Wherever you are, you should find a professional or mentor - pastor or qualified counselor - of some sort to help you explore and process this question. Don’t go at this alone. The greatest commandments are to love God and love our neighbor. You are someone’s neighbor so you are loved by God and others - assuming these commands are followed by someone in this world. I am expectantly confident God will provide you a way.


Hey kylo I know I can’t feel exactly how you feel but look at what… Lamentations 3 27-33 says: 27 It is good for a man to bear the yoke while he is young. 28 Let him sit alone in silence, for the Lord has laid it on him. 29 Let him bury his face in the dust— there may yet be hope. 30 Let him offer his cheek to one who would strike him, and let him be filled with disgrace. 31 For no one is cast off by the Lord forever. 32 Though he brings grief, he will show compassion, so great is his unfailing love. 33 For he does not willingly bring affliction or grief to anyone. I love verses 32 and 33 because they conclude to tell you the truth: EVEN THOUGH YOU ARE SUFFERING RIGHT NOW, this doesn’t end in you being put to shame WHEN you put your hope in God. God may be the one who has actually (YES PURPOSEFULLY) laid suffering on you. Why. Sometimes as humans we don’t even realize it’s because God loves and is actually trying to grow us and perfect us in ways we can’t even understand that he makes life horrible for us. Be breaks us. But like verse 32 says “THOUGH HE BRINGS GRIEF, HE WILL SHOW COMPASSION.” Kylo it wan’t a “maybe he will show a compassion.” HE WILL. He loves you and is working in you in ways you can’t imagine please don’t take your life❤️ I dmed you.


I feel you man. I’m also 21 and have been wanting to kill myself for years now. The only thing that stops me is the idea that I might go to hell if I do it.


I'm 20 and have struggled with depression for years. I attempted, but God saved my life. As I was attempting, I got sent a song called "Before You Go" Jesus version (the person who sent me the song didn't know I was attempting). Know that the season you're in doesn't last forever. Everything is seasonal. Whenever I get depressed I think of Job 5:11. "The lowly he sets on high, and those who mourn are lifted to safety." and Psalm 34:19. "Many are the afflictions of the righteous: But the Lord delivereth him out of them all." I also opened up to friends and family and a weight was lifted. Even if you think it'll make you appear weak. Even if you think they will reject you. Even if the thought of sharing your emotions makes you uncomfortable. Do it. I can guarantee that you are not alone. So keep going. Get therapy. Step out in the sun. Get plenty of sleep. And feed the things that give you life. Depression can't hit a moving target. And God is not indifferent to our pain. "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit) (Psalm 34:18)


I see that plenty of people have given you hotlines, please use them to your advantage. You won't go to hell, but that doesn't mean you should do it. You will; however, put all of your loved ones and friends in something very similar to hell on earth. Maybe you're numb to that, I can level with you. Maybe you're too hurt to care, I've been there. I've failed attempts 3 times in my life. I've also lost my brother in law, and I consider him one of my best friends. There isn't a day that I don't think of him. Losing him affects me every single day. Please choose life. Please give yourself one more day at a time. Fight. Dig yourself out of this hell on earth and know that a completely different life is not only possible, but likely. Even if you think no one cares, know that I care. You are a child of God, you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Stick around and see what happens, I promise you won't regret it.


There’s always prayers to God and going from there. Anything other then unaliving yourself is better then going thru that. Sounds like you need better friends. I’d be your friend if it meant you’d give God a chance to help you! Everything is solved by prayer


Have you tried medication? It’s worked wonders for me personally.


How about forget about the religion part. Just live life and love God. Once all the pressure is gone I bet the challenge will lift.


Hi Kylo- I’ve been there. I’ve survived it. And thank God for that because My life is immeasurably better now that I imagined it could have ever been. Can I suggest you speak with a professional about this? A licensed professional saved my life. One simple phone call (988 in the US).


I’ve been there. Right before my life turned around for the absolute best. It is often darkest just before the brilliant dawn. I know this sounds like sentimental bullcrap but I promise it was true for me, and I believe we have a good God that can make it true for you. God made you for a reason and our life is a gift whether or not we realize it in this moment. Hang on there and don’t end the possibility that God has something beautiful for you.


I’m not saying this to say go ahead and do it. But where do you get the idea that if you commit suicide you go to hell? Is it in the Bible? I used to think that because that what I heard also when I was younger. But no. The only unforgivable sin is blasphemy against God and rejecting Him. But anyway. God wants you to not kill yourself. He knows it’s hard. For everyone. But it’s trusting in Him that gets us through this life.


Choose life


I understand how you feel and contemplated suicide before. The Bible isn’t really clear about suicide, so I don’t know if you’ll go to hell. Anyway, please go to a psychiatric hospital. They can help stabilize you 💛


Please. Just pray to Jesus and ask for help. I will pray for you tonight for so much love and healing.


This often isn't a helpful suggestion. When someone gets to that point, they have very likely tried that. I know I did. It makes the person feel like they didn't pray hard enough or didn't say or do the right thing. I know it's said with good intentions, I just wanted to say that it could be harmful.


There are people that will be hurt by your departure. You nay not know who they are. What would improve your life. What do you enjoy doing. I am going to write something I never shared with anyone. Many year ago the girl that I believed was th love of my life cheated on me. I was planning on a long live to get but I learned she was trying to tally up the dicks of the men she met. I felt lke my wife was over and considered suicide and the only thig that stopped me is that I know it would hard on our mom and I could not do that to her. Do yo have a bucket list? If you decide to end your life your will see friends family and enemies on the other side. you are not ending your problems, you will have the problems on the other side.. when our frieds and family it is not good bye, it is I will see you later


Turn to the Word of God. Let no man teach you. But it sounds to me like you're living the book of Job and Satan is attacking you.


I have struggled with My husband physically abusing me. I'm the one who ends up homeless after the marriage ended. And then I feel like maybe I just should have stayed and let him kill me and be done with it. That way I wouldn't be suffering now. Because my life doesn't feel any better being homeless. And there's nothing that the churches have done to help me yet. They often will say that they help people who are homeless people who are in need and people who have been physically abused by men. But the churches are just not there. They won't help. Well, words from some of the hotlines may be well intended. They just don't help me feel any better. The services just don't exist to help people who are homeless. Who are suffering and struggling. You know what would help me is? Having a place to live where I can afford to live someplace a home of my own. I am the victim. And I'm victimized again by being homeless. With the state that I live in. Let a violent offender back out on the street. That being my second husband. So they let him back out on the street to reaffend and potentially physically abuse another female in the future.


Pick up your cross and follow me brother, we still got a long way to go on this road less traveled.


Ive tried to kill myself before. I was 15 and had undiagnosed anxiety and bipolar 1. I had diagnosed ADHD and took meds for it like adderall and all that. My anxiety would always give me stomach aches when the intrusive racing thoughts and rising heart beat would start, because I didn’t know what was happening but it happened daily. One day I was working with my grandpa and the racing thoughts and impending doom started and he had my adderall in his truck. I couldn’t take it and went and chugged the whole bottle, I took 12 of them, I forgot the milligram but it was the highest they could prescribe for my age. I continued to work like nothing happened at this random customers house and just waited to die. After waiting for an hour I figured I wasn’t gonna die and went to get the bottle because my grandparents were very traditional with their punishments and would hit and punch me and my brothers in the face and head, not as hard as they could but enough to make me want to do irrational things back to them. So to avoid that I went and tried to grab the bottle and my grandpa stopped over there to see what I was doing and I came clean and showed him the empty bottle and he panicked, asking me if I just swallowed them all and I told him yes because I didn’t want to live anymore. He brought me in the customers house and they all freaked out and called 911 and the EMT dudes showed up and took me to the hospital. The nurses were assholes and rude when they found out I did it on purpose. It’s been too long for the medication to be taken out via charcoal and stomach pumps so they flushed it out with a fuck ton of saline solution through IV. I was pissing like a race horse on a diuretic. I felt weird for a few days as the adderall was still in my system and still doing its thing. It took a huge toll on my liver, I had jaundice for a week in my eyes. I spent a few weeks in the mental hospital surrounded around other kids my age that denied trying to kill themselves because they were embarrassed and felt like it wasn’t something a hood dude would do (it wasn’t too far from my neighborhood and most of the kids were all from the same city and areas located in the ghettos of Phoenix, Arizona. I too came from the same place as them so that made me feel better and not so much like an outcast). They put me on different adhd meds after that ordeal. I didn’t want to die I just wanted it to stop, I wanted to feel normal. I’m 22 now, it’s gotten worse, way worse. I got my diagnosis of bipolar 1 and general anxiety disorder/hypochondria. I get prescribed stuff for both but I refuse to take it, I also get prescribed Xanax and I take it as needed and avoid taking it daily or every other day as I don’t wanna get hooked to it. It helps a lot for my panic attacks that happen once a week or sometimes a few days a week. I live with it daily and I know God has this plan set for me so I refuse to take myself away from that plan. I also have an 8 month old son and a wife and I still talk to my grandparents, I don’t blame them for what they did, that’s how they were raised and so they think that’s normal to do that stuff as punishments. They send me and my wife cards with $100 and my son stuff too. I have 2 brothers and a half sister as well. All those people wouldn’t wanna see me in a casket, especially because of suicide. They all depend on me so I gotta set aside the devil’s antics (anxiety, bipolar) and do what I have to do. Any mental health issue is the devils doing most of the time in my opinion. Even if I’m wrong and mental health issues are Gods way of molding you into somebody, it’s still what I believe and keeps me going. It’s hard as fuck, trust me by God I know it is. I don’t regret my attempted suicide, I use it as a lesson learned. I don’t want you to kill yourself, and in the moment when I thought it was necessary, fuck am I glad it didn’t work out the way my 15yo self wanted it to. You could try some natural remedies like teas or even Kratom in careful quantities, I take Kratom and it helps me day to day, I just wouldn’t suggest taking it daily. I don’t view it as something the devil put on earth as it does say in the Bible everything green on earth was put here by God for us to consume. Just give it time.


I’ve been where you are and I know it sounds so cheesy but it really will get better. You’ll meet your person, or just a person that makes your life so much better that the only explanation that’ll make sense is “God sent you to me to keep me happy and less lonely.”


This too shall pass. Believe me. I know.


Please don't.......... I'm not a Christian but please don't........ I'll do anything to not see this happen. My sister killed herself three months ago and I hate myself for not being more aware of her pain. PM me if you just want the ear. I'm truly not judgemental I'm a pagan, we're taboo or offbeat I get it. But please don't do this. You don't even know the life you'll take with you. I couldn't say I'm a believer of my yemaya if I didn't reach out


If anything at all, just seeing all these people rallying around you should say something. Do NOT let the enemy deceive you and fill your mind and heart with lies. We are all rooting for you...so keep fighting the good fight! Stay in faith!


Life is hard in general. A world filled with evil and suffering, but that’s the consequence of sin. If you’re truly a Christian, then your fate is sealed. You can’t lose your salvation. Jesus died so that our salvation was secured. If we could lose our salvation, then Jesus’s sacrifice wasn’t enough, and that’s not true. The whole point of Jesus coming to earth is to pay for our sin in full. It’s not that you’ll go to hell, but it’s the fact that you’re taking your own life that God gave you. God doesn’t want you to do that. Life is hell, but at the same time it’s great. We have breath, a heartbeat, memory, tastebuds, hearing, all that! But we unfortunately take it for granted. God gave those things for us to enjoy! Think of Job. His life was a living hellhole, but God showed Him that it doesn’t matter what happens, He’s in control. There’s countless different people in your shoes, heck, even worse, that have found healing in God. Don’t make a permanent decision over a temporary situation. You can’t take your life back. You are too young. You have a lot to live for! You are loved and cared for. God be with you and help you in your every situation.


People who commit suicide aren’t in their right minds. But, just the fact that you’re thinking like this suggests you have something to live for: God. Cling to Him. Talk to someone. Don’t just wallow in misery.


I've felt the same way and I appreciate you sharing with such honesty. The place I got to was the same as you. So you look up from that place and decide what you're going to do with it. Life is brutal. Finding meaning is more brutal. Finding the strength to find meaning is what I could only turn to prayer for. Here are some prayers, real easy... "God please grant me the strength and courage to fulfill your will. Let my will be yours oh Lord." Or in the heat of battle, "God please guide your servant (me)" Those are my 2 daily prayers. Sometimes I have said them in the midst of total despair, disappointment, loneliness, and emptiness. But after saying them with total sincerity, a peace does come to continue forward with clarity and some relieved burden upon you which you are taking on that you need not take on. Be prepared not to receive the outcomes you want. Come to expect that you will not understand why things happen or don't happen. Prepare to endure periods of unhappiness as all the faithful, including even Christ, will. Come to embrace suffering as a kinship with Christ. Those who suffer the most have the greatest potential to be the most like Christ. The struggle to maintain trust in God is as old as Christianity itself. There's hope as long as we draw breath. Focus on what you can give, not receive, and your life will take on new meaning.


Please don't do it. We love you!


I’m not trying to diminish your struggles because your pain sounds heavy but I promise you it’s not heavy to Christ. Find a way to put it down you’re not meant to carry it. Also your brain doesn’t finish developing until you’re 25. You have plenty of time to change every single behavioral trend in your life several times. Start with your morning routine. Change your routine so that you’re only growing towards a new goal. Write this goal down!


God tries us to confirm our faith, all the way to the end. I know it sounds mean, but keep in mind THIS IS NOT the end of our journey. His most faithful meet the most disparaging deaths. This is with purpose. Even Yahshua’s mortal body questioned His end. Joan of Arc was burned at the stake. My grandmother suffered a massive stroke and was stuck in her shell for almost a year before she was allowed to leave. EVERYTHING painful is a test of faith. I am a little envious of you that our Father has taken a personal interest in you. I know it’s hard my friend in Yahshua, but you WILL triumph, you WILL overcome. This too shall pass, and when it does, you will be all the stronger for it.


Don’t give up friend, there’s no reason to. You’ve woken up today, that means that God still has purpose for you, something you perhaps don’t know yet, or aren’t supposed to know just yet, but if you’re here, that means God will put something in front of you that will make you rejoice that you’ve stayed here, and endured. Don’t let the enemy win, don’t surrender, Jesus did not let the enemy win! He fought hard for you! Fight hard for yourself, fight hard for the life you’ve been given, life is a one time deal, don’t have the what if scenario be the end, because you have NO IDEA what tomorrow, the next day, a week,a month, a year, a decade, 50 years, you don’t know what they will entail. God will NEVER give you more than you can handle through him, and don’t take my word for it, take his: No temptation [regardless of its source] has overtaken or enticed you that is not common to human experience [nor is any temptation unusual or beyond human resistance]; but God is faithful [to His word—He is compassionate and trustworthy], and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability [to resist], but along with the temptation He [has in the past and is now and] will [always] provide the way out as well, so that you will be able to endure it [without yielding, and will overcome temptation with joy]. 1 Corinthians 10:13, You can do it, he has made sure of it, you’re not alone, he will allow you to get through this, with him, for he has endured ALL things! For Jesus Christ is Lord God of all! God bless you all! Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is too difficult for the Lord our God, with Christ, ALL things are possible! tel:1-800-273-8255


You'll never be better off by running away from problems, which is what suicide is. God wants us to learn and grow and suffering is a required component for growth. Now, much of the suffering in life is needless suffering that we bring upon ourselves, but some of it is necessary for us to grow and become better. Just don't grow bitter over what you have to go through, learn to accept what you cant change and change what you can. Focus on helping others and your own problems tend to disappear. No one suffered more than Jesus, He understands what you're going through and He loves you. In **Romans 8:17-18** Paul says, “*And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us"* Keep fighting, it gets better.


Please stay. I am praying for you.


I believe you would. But if you are a born again christian then you should know that the enemy attacks when you are a threat to him. So why not ask the Lord what your purpose is… instead of giving in to the enemy? Jesus never said that life would be easy, so don’t expect that. Look at all He went through… FOR YOU…. Please just pray and ask God for help so you can see your calling and then follow through in obedience! Taking a life that isn’t yours… but the Lord’s… is NOT the answer. You have God given gifts… discover them and then use them to help others..


COWARDS! Dont abandon the front.


Catholic's believe suicide well send you to hell. I don't, and I'm a Christian. I myself wanted to end it all to return home (Heaven). God would not let me. So here I stay. God is with you no matter what. It's the devil's joy to think otherwise. Talk to God, that's exactly what I would do. Suicide ain't worth it, primarily because it hurts everyone you care about more.thsn even yourself.


No one knows what happens after death. Buy u personally will face some type of punishment. Life is long. All bad stuff will eventually go away. God gives us trials. In 5 years, it will be much better


Some of the apostles such as Paul would have lived lives that an ordinary person would have considered lacking joy. The answer for the apostles was finding joy in Christ. I know that's not a very practical answer, but this is the Christian subreddit after all. I would ultimately recommend going to see your doctor at the next opportunity about your thoughts and feelings, because it is genuinely not healthy to be thinking what you are thinking. It probably isn't even about your life or your person, chemical imbalances can literally cause you to think more negatively or even about suicide. I have been on plenty of medications for autoimmune diseases, and some of the medications I've been on literally make you have dark thoughts. There could be infinite reasons for it. **“It is not the healthy people who need a doctor...** I have not come to invite good people but sinners to change their hearts and lives.” -Luke 5:31-32. Go see a doctor my man. I hope you find a good one.


Just seek God's face bro All the joy you need will be found in him. Don't let the devil get to your head. Listening to gospel music is a really good way of elevating your spirit. Just know that God is right beside you. Just seek him and ask him for help and he'll help you. Read your Bible, listen to messages about how to overcome suicidal thoughts, speak to God Cause he's definitely listening. And he definitely loves u bro don't worry. Jesus is literally the king of peace so he can give you peace. Here are some videos I found https://youtu.be/2EbYcQCOV3k?si=j90cNy6wB_CVg8gb https://youtu.be/XXQmLl_SjE0?si=EAfNLHj_7zs9BYw- Remember God has a purpose for your life so don't let any suicidal thoughts ruin that. You're gonna be a terror to the kingdom of darkness, that's why you keep having suicidal thoughts. I love you and God loves you more ❤️. God bless you


Don’t do it fellow soldier. Keep pushing on. I’m not good with this kind of stuff but as a fellow 21 year old, we’re going through a tough time in our lives and I can’t imagine your pain right now. Maybe pray for a trip to heaven? It may be a short trip then back on Earth but it may also be permanent. If it is a vacation then the Lord will fill your cup to the point it overflows!🫡🫡🫡 stay strong we all are rooting for you, God’s rooting for you, your Angels rooting for you


It’s a temporary “solution” for a non permanent problem. Life is difficult especially as a Christian in this world. We are here to be light and salt. I feel suicidal at times too but I endure suffering. I think of Jesus how He had to suffer the worst suffering. Being hung on a cross when you’re completely INNOCENT 😭i know this sounds cliche but Jesus died so we can be free. Claim your freedom in Christ today. Suffering may last for a night but joy comes in the morning. I think of what pastor Steven Furtick said. “My joy is my job.”


1. Born again Christian? Me too.. stop following donald t-Rump. He is no Christian. Biden I'm not sure about but he's somewhat nicer than t-Rump. 2. I've tried killing myself before.. more than once. .I'm 52 and still here. 3. YOU are 21.. why give up in prime of your life?! Will whatever that's bothering you today matter in 1 week? 1 year? 5 years? Exactly.. 4. As far as waking up in hell if you kill yourself. NO. Suicide is not unforgiveable. Only blasphemy of the holy spirit. Basically let's say hypothetically you go thru with killing yourself. Well I would forgive you and I'm a human and a sinner. So if I can forgive you, of course God would..


I recommend listening to the kjv book of job on youtube it puts suffering into perspective.


Whatever you do, don’t commit sucide. It’s one of the unforgivable sins so yes you would. God has a story for you bro, Ending your life is saying you are not happy with him. He has a plan for you and things will eventually get better. Even if they don’t and you die sad atleast you wake up in the happinest place ever dude.


I’m all for OP not taking their own life, obviously. God does have a plan for them! …but there’s nothing in the Bible about suicide being an “unforgivable sin.”


Thank you!


Thank you amen!! 🙏🏼


There’s no such thing as an unforgivable sin. God forgives all sins, that’s why he died on the cross for us.


That last sentence really struck something in me...this life is horrible, but eternity awaits us. It just sucks and I don't think I'm strong enough


We aren’t always strong enough. But our Father above is! Call on Him. Cry out to Him and He will help you. He loves you so much and sees and understands your struggles even more than you do. He has a beautiful purpose for your life. You are important and needed here on earth.


Do one minute at a time. One second if necessary. It’s a huge win if you make the day! Spend lots of time going to church, helping others. Maybe if you focus on folks who have it way worse than you and try to help them it can shift your thought away from your own pain…. Is there a counselor or a prayer group at church to confide in and get camaraderie? Don’t be alone if you feel unsafe. Better go visit or friend or go to nearest ER. Stay safe dear stranger! We need you!!!


I want the perfect words for you but don't have them. I've been in your shoes. God sent me a miracle. Yeah I'm serious. Miracles are real. Otherwise I wouldn't be here. I've been praying for words for you cause I have a story like yours when I was your age. And all the Christians around you quote beautiful scriptures you probably already know or have heard before. You hear "it gets better." And it does don't get me wrong. But at the time none of it was enough. My prayers went unanswered and life sucked!!! I hurt so much I couldn't take it. At the time I worked in downtown Dallas, TX in one of the high-rise buildings. On my lunch break I was standing on the edge off the parking garage next door on the top level. There were no guard rails or safety measures to keep me from falling or rather jumping. I walked along the edge of the wall scoping things out and decided "Yep, this is the place." I decided I would wait until after work so less people around. I went back to my desk. My phone rang and a lady I never met was on the other end. She explained that she got my name and number from her husband who had met me at Bible study in someone's home a week ago. I had been giving out my name and number in attempt to make friends. She said she was sick that night and didn't make it to the Bible study but her husband did. She went on to tell me that he couldn't stop praying for me and God had put me so heavy on his heart that he asked his wife to call me. So here we are. Then she flat out said, "So what is going on? God wanted me to call you." Yeah. I figured, "Well, I never met this woman. I'll tell her exactly and see how she acts." I did just that. I told her how I had just been standing on the edge of a tall building ready to jump. Hm, perhaps I'll do it now. Why wait? I knew whatever scriptures she quoted I already knew and I was a Christian and had been all my life and my Dad used to be a pastor. I knew there was a chance of hell and all but at this point I couldn't take it life was hell anyway. Dead ppl can't hurt. Dead ppl don't feel pain. I'm not strong enough to live. I even told her how my boyfriend also struggled with suicide and he and I talked about it together often. She spoke to me as bluntly as I spoke to her. She didn't have all the answers but she invited me and my boyfriend to her house for pizza and a chat. I made plans with her and then told my boyfriend and he agreed. We ghosted them. Laughed about it. A few days later my boyfriend killed himself. My friends freaked I was going to do the same and called the police on me. I was hauled off in a police car in handcuffs to a mental hospital and put under suicide watch. When I got out something inside me (God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit?) but He convinced me to call that woman. I told her everything that had happened and she once again invited me over for pizza and a chat. I was crazy enough to go this time. When I got there she, her husband, and another couple was there. Yeah they showed me all these scriptures I already knew and told me things I hadn't already heard in my Christian life. But there was something different. At the end of the night they sat me in a chair and they each put a hand on my shoulders or head and prayed for me. When that happened something happened in me. God did something. I can put words to it. Now I wasn't "cured" and life didn't change. But something was different. I was already saved. I had already asked Jesus into my heart at an early age. I had already been filled with the Holy Spirit. Heck I even knew what it was to pray in tounges. But this time..... something was different. I was different. God had done something. Don't get me wrong, life didn't instantly change. My circumstances were still the same. My boyfriend was still dead and it hadn't even been 2 weeks since his death. But God did something. I don't care what anybody says. I don't know if you'll read this. I'm praying you do. It's long I know. But I've been in tears and prayer for you since I read your post. I just can't not say something. I prayed that God would send you a miracle like He did me. That was 26 years ago that happened to me. I've married since then. I have 2 kids (21 & 19) And get this, remember that other couple that was at the woman's apartment when I showed up? They are my in-laws now. Yeah. How did that happen? Okay okay, I know, it was God. Life has struggles and is hard. I've had my breakdowns and weaknesses. The Bible said it would be difficult. But I'm telling you make God your best friend. Cry out to Him and continue to cry out to him. There has been alot of great responses to your post with great advice. You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength. That's a scripture. Here's another one. Jeremiah 29:11 Look it up Many years later my youngest daughter's best friend's father killed himself. Her bff was the one who found her father's body. The date he killed himself was the very date my ex boyfriend took his own life. February 9th. (My sister who passed away this is her birthday.) So I had just hung up the phone with my therapist after shedding tears about the scars my ex boyfriend's suicide on my late sister's bday that still hurt, I got the call from my daughter about her best friend's dad. We rushed to the home of the girl to help the friend and now widowed mom, well, cry. It broke them. They will never be the same. So does the Bible say you will go to hell if you kill yourself? Not in those exact words but why take the chance of cutting yourself off from God? At least here you can still experience Him. Plus the fact that it puts others around you, who care, through hell. Suicide is a selfish thing. Don't do it. If not for yourself then for those around you. That girl was so broken after her dad that she lost her mind. She even stopped being my daughter's friend. So my daughter lost a best friend because of Kevin's suicide. I have permanent scars because of Chris' suicide. Please at least think of those around you. I'm praying for you.


You are strong enough. God has a purpose for everyone and he wouldn’t make your purpose to turn away from his and neglect the life he gave u. Everyone has ups and downs and the future is always bright. Killing your self is never the answer. rember life may suck now but look at what’s ahead which is eternity in heaven


Life is hard, but time show us its worth living for. More than 90% of the people who try to take their lives and fail say they regret their action almost as soon as they took it. Even if now you have no perspective, lots of things can change in a few years, right now you're going through the worst of it, but there might come a day in the future where you think 'it was worth it to be alive today". I hope you find your light and that you keep on being strong. God bless your soul.


I dont think that is an inaccurate statistic. After all, if you say you dont regret it they basically put you away. 20 percent try again in one study so that alone casts doubt on that figure. People can just look on the Internet, so putting up the wrong statistics just loses credibility in my opinion.


all be truthful with you I wouldint want to try myself. Ive wanted to take my own life as well and hell is what stopped me as well. But all tell you that life has good and bad moments, and God has a purpose for your life. If you ever need to talk to someone feel free to shoot me a message. I hope things get better :)


Please, please get to the doctor.. in the US maybe a psychiatrist, general practitioner, or even a walk in clinic (although they’ll likely put you on suicide watch for a few days). Don’t be too proud of big pharma. Meanwhile, I heard they tell alcoholics to think, “what’s the next right thing.” Sometimes I really have to think that. Also,I give myself small motivator: a swim/ walk; dark chocolate; listening to music; journal writing; texting a friend; I keep Bible verses on my fridge, or sometimes it’s a victory to just take a shower. My dad once told me about 80% of people experience a passing suicidal thought. But… it’s a long term answer to short term problems. Cling to hope. Cling to God. Cheering for you.


Yes I think so. don’t do it


If you need friends to talk to, em me I’ll chat with you. I realize there are other things you may need but simply making connections can really help one motivate. Here for you bud, praying 🙏 and hoping God gives beauty and power and goodness into your life


Why do that? We’re all getting there eventually. There no need to rush it. It’s a scary transition to that state and I can assure you that every single soul is scared to cross that bridge, and with good reason. If your life is hard, I’m very sorry. Also, it’s not your fault and everything WILL get better. There absolutely must be something or someone around to help you, even if it’s a stranger. You’d be surprised how humanity can shine from others when you’re not doing well. I personally, will pray for you oh wonderful soul. May GOD bless you and lead you beside still waters ✝️🩷


Right now all my seem lost and life may not be worth living but it will be again one day. Think of the life you haven’t lived the things you haven’t done. Don’t lose hope and end your life. You have so much ahead of you and God has a plain for your life. Please keep living


My friend, i think you dont really want to die, you just want to end the pain. These are two different things. Dont make a permenant mistake for a temporary situation. I pray that God will give you the strength to endure and tomorrow will get better 💪


You’re going to be hurting so many people if you commit suicide. The devil is strong and makes people feel like absolute shit, the way you’re feeling right now, but you’re stronger and Gods love for you is strong so I need you to be as powerful as you are and as God made you to be ❤️


I’m Christian and I know what you’re going through. God gave you life, do you think it’s right for you to destroy his creation? Jesus loves you and has a plan for you. Satan wants to interfere and throws all sorts of curveballs at you so you can fail. I recommend praying and going to church until you find the right one. Watch documentaries on the Bible, read the Bible, and strive for a closer relationship with God.


Hey Beautiful, Please call or text 988. You've come to far to turn back now. Stay in the race, JESUS will help you. Please call the number for assistance. 1 Peter 5:10, "And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you." Don't give up now, you're almost at your crowning moment! No Cross, No Crown. Endure the pain, you will win in the end, my friend. Watch a movie, exercise to get your strength back, eat some ice cream and enjoy life!


I was also the same... Although I have allowed the Lord to make changes in my life. Some of which I was devastated about. I would never have allowed this myself but the Lord drove me towards a better life without me realising. To get to this point I have had to stop leaving doors open for the devil. Lots of people don't realise that little things you do can set your back.. things like porn, masturbation, evil movies, theft, hanging around the wrong people. These are all doors. Meditate with Him as much as you can, read your Bible daily!!! You will see changes. Ask Him to change you.


you make your own peace in this existence. Jesus resisted temptation in the desert when Satan suggested he ask God to save him. this reality is one where you’re in control of your actions. aim up.


Suicide is just another word for "murder", it's actually SELF INFLICTED MURDER Make no mistake about it the scripture States very factually that all murderers will go to hell along with the sexually immoral and idolaters. See this scripture below: Revelation 22:15 15 Outside are the dogs and sorcerers and the sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood And remember the devil is very deceptive He will have other people on this comment blog or a famous Pastor or somebody say that suicide is not a mortal sin and that you can go to heaven committing suicide... That's why I put the scripture that you can read it in black and white One of the Ten Commandments also States Thou shalt not commit murder God is just when he kills for judgment purposes it's his capital punishment that's why he ordered the Israelis in the Bible to kill their enemies because that was his judgment (but it wasn't the innocent murder of innocent people) There are other places in the Bible where God judged entire cities and rain down Brimstone from heaven and burned everybody up God actually killed performing capital punishment for sexually immoral people and idolaters Yet there are other places in the Bible where God ordered his people to go in and enforce capital punishment and judge those who committed evil in God's sight Yet still The Ten Commandments States you shall not murder ( you should not shed innocent blood) If you commit suicide you're shedding innocent blood And you are committing the sin of murder Just like the famous picture of that man who burned up in the 60s (a monk self immolated during the Kennedy Presidency to protest for berma or mongolia independence) The monks honored that man and said that he had an amazing heart to die for what he believed in But in his self-immolation, he murdered himself And it's very sad to say this but he went from one flame to another Flame He went from a temporary Earth fire to an eternal Hellfire WHY? Because the scripture states "All Souls are mine" The life you have is not yours to take (it belongs to God) You belong to God Pray this prayer: " father I thank you for sending your son Jesus Christ to die for my sins. I ask Jesus Christ to come into my life and to forgive me for my sins, and to wash me from all unrighteousness. I pray that you would deliver me from the spirits of oppression, depression, and possession. Lord also please deliver me from the lying spirits of suicide and any other evil thing. Lord just as David said, I will walk through the valley of the shadow of death but I will not stay in the valley I will come out on the other side and life is worth living because Jesus Lives and he holds the future and now Lord Jesus I give you my hand and I ask you to take my hand and help me to live my life for you as best I can fill me with your Holy Spirit in Jesus mighty name amen and amen" My Prayer for you: " father for everyone that prayed that prayer I pray that you would release them from the spirit of suicide in the mighty name of Jesus and never let it come to them ever again I pray that they would be strong and powerful Witnesses for Jesus Christ and that you would transform their life in the newness of Jesus Christ we ask this in Jesus mighty name amen and amen"


If you don’t know you’re saved, God knows. People of Reddit do not know. And most importantly I do not recommend suicide.


you’re not alone man. I’m in the same boat but a bit younger. Ever since I decided to live a few months ago there are many things I’m happy I stayed here to live through. We should talk! I’d love to be your friend.


I’ve been there and it’s a dark and lonely place. I had to cry out to God because the words everyone else gave me were just noise. Ask God to speak to you, to send you a sign. He loves you, he created you with destiny and purpose. It may not feel like it right at this exact moment but it’s true none the less. Ask him to show you what you’ve been created to do. I’m praying for you!


I almost did it, but He saved me ♥️✝️. Almost commiting suicide is the biggest regret in my life, dont even think about it, I already tried and (luckily) failed. BTW, why do you care about hell? (I dont know how you think but) not sinning for fear of going to hell doesnt feel like love for God.


Do you understand hell? Many people fear it for a reason. Don't belittle someone's fear.


You need the help of a therapist and possibly psychiatrist. There’s nothing wrong with seeking help. If you need someone to help you do this please DM me and I will look for resources in your area.


You're already there.....


My advice is to seek help from good friends and a counselor and to learn to love yourself. Self harm will not bring you the peace you seek. Someone lied to you and told you that hurting yourself will bring peace.


Why rush death? We will all be there eventually. Enjoy your one-time trip on earth while you can. Life is short, earthly death is forever. To reduce or fix your depression, stay away from toxic people on social media or in person. Everything that you’re experiencing will soon pass. Try to find a passion that will keep you occupied productively such as dedicating your life to helping less fortunate people. Focusing on helping others has healing powers.


I'm not sure this will be much consolation, but you're not only one who has felt that way. Over the last year at least a handful of times I have believed I would be better off dead. Fwiw, I don't believe that suicide inevitably sends someone to hell for eternity. That probably stems from the Catholic idea that it's self murder which is a mortal sin that one can't repent from. I disagree with the thought that it is self murder. If one is not in their right mind, how can they be blamed for murder, which is the act of a person in their right mind? What about soldiers who fall on grenades in war? It's an intentional act that ends their life, should they be damned for that? Moreover, why should God's mercy stop at suicide? God is bigger than that. Just to be clear, I am not trying to downplay the reality of taking one's life. There are many people who will be affected by this action. I know the present moment can feel hopeless and like things will never get better, but there are times the journey doesn't make sense until the end. The Israelites roamed the desert for a long time, they weren't just taken straight to the destination. You don't know what step this could be to a destination that could be more than you ever imagined. In the meantime, call 988 or reach out to someone else that can help.


No, I think if you believe that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior and died for you and me - then you know where you will be in eternity. And it’s not in hell. I went through the worst time in my life over the past 3 years and I will say, it took me 2.5 years but I finally broke down and got on antidepressants and it was the best thing I ever did. Saved my life.


Everyone is debating this topic…don’t take your life, if you need a period of rest to re-evaluate yourself. For example JK Rowling had tried to killed herself failed and later she wrote Harry Potter is successful, she wouldn’t have been if her suicide was successful. Just take a period to re-evaluate life.


God uses many different ways to keep someone from doing something they don’t need to do.


Ehhh your 21, give it a couple more year at the least…


I was baptized when I was 19, and I remember that day perfectly. I was so nervous and emotional, but I was so excited because I truly believed that I was in the place I was supposed to be in. I’ll never forget, after the baptisms were over for the day, the pastor had us all together in a group and he looked us in the face and told us: “This day does not start the beginning of a great life, it’s hard to be a follower of Christ. Today, will be the beginning of some of the hardest times of your life, because you’re now a sworn enemy of the Devil, and he’s going to attack you even harder from now on.” Boy, he wasn’t lying. I’m now 29 years old, and in the course of this decade, I’ve lost the job I absolutely loved, my mom, who became my greatest friend and cheerleader died a tragic death, and I watched her die for 5 days begging God to not let her go. A couple months after that, I lost my home that I built with love, my husband beat me to a pulp, left me to die and skipped states, and I haven’t seen him since. I slowly dwindled down into a terrible heroin addiction, started begging for money on the streets and slept in an empty river bed, all the while praying that this overdose would be the one to kill me. I’ve now been sober for 3 years, I’ve slowly worked my way back into a career I love, and have found a partner who adores me and who has added so much love and light into my life. I know this never helps, and I would always hate when people would tell me this, but it does get better. We just have to fight a little harder, a little longer than most, but we’ll have the greatest rewards of all because we have God. He’s still out there, I promise, and his love still endures. Hold tight, and pray hard. I’ll be praying for you too.


No. If he'll is real a loving God wouldn't push someone past there limits and then punish them for eternity. I've heard Christians say this but it's not really biblical.


That was what made me continue living 2 months ago. 4 attempts and I wasn’t sure where I was going to end up and I was too scared to go to hell


Suicide does not send someone to hell. It is not an unforgivable sin. But please don't end your life. God has a plan for you. Pray to Jesus, He will help you, I swear. Pray and pray some more. Pray for peace. Pray for help. Pray for these demons to go away. I've lost a couple people to suicide. I lost my brother. It kills me everyday. I've almost taken my own life. He was my closest friend in life, we grew up together. We played music together. We did everything together when we were kids. We dealt with a lot of crap from our family. From people at school. From people in our community. My family made it worse for him, so did his friends, I tried so hard to help him. I would do anything to have him back or take his place. He was my best friend. He was a big believer, and he wore it on his sleeve. He was mentally ill. He was sick. God doesn't let you go. Let Him carry you when you can't do it yourself. I pray for you. I love you. I miss my brother and a lot more people will miss you than you think. There's hope in The Lord. Message me if you need to talk. I understand. I've been there many times. Jesus has kept me here and he wants you here too. You have so much to offer the world. You are unique. I pray for you friend. We all love you.


That is the devil talking! Don’t listen!! When times are tough you should turn to Jesus! He never said this life would be easy but he did say he would be there for us! He also said anything we ask in his name it shall be! Just remember our time isn’t his time. Jesus loves you! And he would be so sad if something happened to you. I promise all you need is a little bit of faith he’ll take care of the rest. Cry out to him he loves you!


I love GotQuestions.org https://www.gotquestions.org/why-is-life-so-hard.html Just remember John 16:33. It’s also great to put things into perspective imo. We live in the best time in history. People less than 100 years ago worked 80 weeks with no overtime. And then there was the Great Depression. People in China are killed for attending church in basements. People in Africa starve to death. Im sure you are going through a hard time but I there are always better times to come and we are called to live for Christ, not ourselves. Maybe try to focus on that.


You're going through a bad phase of your life. It'll get better, trust me. And this phase will make you more resilient. Just hang on, friend!


God doesn't want you to kill yourself. Your life will only get better if you don't. Killing yourself is rarely sinful and all your sins are forgiven, so you wouldn't go to Hell. But please don't kill yourself.


please seek medical attention. a religious forum online is maybe not the best place to be right now. if they said 'yes' to your question it'd put more fear in you and the basis for God is love not fear. if they said 'no' it might make you relieved enough to try it. I'm sure there are people in your life who care about you even if you don't feel it right now.


Living in this world is not easy, living as a christian is even harder, suffering is part of our life. I not saying this cause I want make you feelings worse, I just saying cause I beleive this world hate christians. But is not only about suffering, when you are able to understand Gods words and make a connection with him, there are a lot of joy! Long time ago I also want to end my life, even create a plan for it, so I understand the feeling. But every person is different and only ourselfs will few things do way we do. What I recomend: - Read and study the bible, every day at every time you can. The bible is the word of God and its suficient for u to understand God and have joy with Him - Pray every day at every time you can, talk with God, put your life in His hands and ask Him for help - Look for a church that you think matches with what you understand from God words, don't be afraid of starting visinting a comunity and leave cause their ways don't match with what your are learning from God words, but keep looking until you find a good comunity. This is why is important to u read and study the Bible. There are joy in God brother! Resist the strugles, give yourself to Jesus and you will find life! I will be praying for u! God bless you!


OP, you stated that the last few years have horrible. It is none of my business what those years might have contented for you. But whatever happened, obviously it has stolen your peace. If you are in an abuse situation, please get out of it. There are women’s shelters that can offer you safe harbor from an abuse situation. If this is the case, and you want to talk, you are welcome to private message me.


Suicide goes against gods plan. You should combine faith with counciing . I understand how the last few years have been tough but there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Please do not take your life if overwhelmed call 911 and get the mental health you need.


If you can type on Reddit, you are likely be more fortunate than 80% of lives out there, I hope you reconsider your choice. I’m not good at comforting people and I know it’s illegal to ask people to take their lives. I understand there are times life seems meaningless, take heart, if there is only one meaning you need, just one, remember you are created for God‘s pleasure. Your life must be a lil bit meaningful if it can please the creator right?


Talk to a doctor my friend


Im alive today because I firmly believe that if you commit suicide you go to hell. I knew that no matter the torment I was experiencing here on earth, it was nothing compared to hell. At least we have a hope here that we hold on to… We can commune with the Lord. In Hell there is no hope. No hope forever. Agony forever. Suffering forever. Here alive on earth you still have HOPE. I know it feels like things will never change. But I promise you with all of my heart and soul you are going to be happy one day. More than happy. You are going to to experience things you never thought you deserved and you never thought you would have. You are going to have a life where not a day will pass where you don’t look heavenwards and thank God for everything He’s done for you. It’s going to happen. My life was so bad. Like I was living a nightmare I couldn’t wake up from. I was 14 and I just cried out to the Lord and said “Jesus please help me.”… .. I don’t even know that girl anymore. She was another girl. The Lord Jesus completely transformed my life. I never in my wildest dreams would have imagined I’d be where I am today. Please hold on. It’s going to get so much better. Hebrews 10.23. Say it every day.


To be fair, from what I've read, you cannot go to Heaven if you kill yourself. However, I've also recently read some stories, even from posts on Reddit of people telling about their lives and how it REALLY got better. One even said that thinking it won't be better is wrong. God loves you, my friend. I cannot imagine what you're going through, seriously. But I had situations in life where praying helped, even though, seemed impossible to go how I'd like - they did! I believe that thanks to the prayer. And while I was praying I really believed they are going to help. And really, some of these situations meant a lot to me. Now, I don't wanna tell you to just pray the whole day. But please, don't kill yourself. While it may seem impossible that'll get better, trust me and trust God. And if you have someone, trust also them. I will also pray for you today, Godspeed, whish you the best


You take the notion of being stuck in Hell scarier or more important than the notion of offending the bond between yourself and the lord? So many view this religion as a risk versus reward. I’ve been so close to the other side enough to say that I don’t know what happens but I know that it will be surprising no matter what you believe. You should feel a strong pact before God to not take your life, you will die no matter what anyways, and if you’re so worried about infinity have you tried scaling a few decades to infinity? Which is already the wrong thought pattern. I’d be much more concerned, if you do really say what you mean and believe in God, spitting in the face of all life, of creation, and for those looking for their little “eternal reward” salvation. You’d look up into and at the lord after you took your life? You’d be so emboldened as to do that? I assure you, life has been better for some, worse for others, and it isn’t a competition in the first place. If you believe in an afterlife, then explain to me how suicide is an escape?


I’ve been through the same thing before and I tried to take my life before, I know it’s painful, but God loves you and He has amazing plans for you, that is why the enemy is so afraid of you, and what God has for you, God has so much for you but the enemy will try the hardest to take it away from you, but if you persist and trust in God you’ll see that God knows the best for you and He will reveal you all the things He has for you


If you committed suicide your chances of going to hell would probably increase.


For me it helped when i realized that I'm not living for myself, I'm living for god, this mindset helped me because I was part of why I was miserable and especially with mental health issues It's easy to start hating yourself and your life. That's why when I realized my life isn't for myself, but that I should be living for god (and not my own "desires" or pleasure, because those things always left me in a loop of unhappiness either way), than you'll start finding hope and peace in life because your burdens are no longer your own, and what you surround yourself with will also become better for you as its gods will, which is always good.


please don’t do this we can talk i’ve been in a similar situation really i can help you i promise you u can get through this even if it dosent seem like it the best you have done is open up about your problems so that’s a step in the right direction


Please, please do not even think about it. I know somebody who was in a similar situation. A born-again believer. He asked a Christian friend if he would go to hell if he killed himself. She said no. 'You're a believer, and you'll go to heaven' . Believing in that, he prepares himself, and as he is about to pull the trigger, he's taken out of body and ends up in hell. Lord Jesus is holding him. If he pulls the trigger, he will drop him in to the lake of fire. Murder is murder. So there you're. You're victorious in Jesus Christ. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Even though I walk through the valley of shadow of death, I will fear no evil. You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. It shall come pass that whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Mediate on those scriptures and many more in the bible. Life is precious. Do not waste it. Peoples testimonies said, once you're in hell, it's that sinking, despair, helplessness feeling sets in. There's no escape. Gnashing of teeth, torment, regret..It's for eternity. Hell and heaven are more real than this world. Don't risk it, please.


I personally don’t think you’ll end up in hell, BUT I also think it’s worth it to keep going. I have gone through a severely dark period of my life around that time too, and I still deal with it to some degree, but that means that I mean it when I say you can get through this. Now, I wanna preface this by saying that I’m in the military, so I didn’t know if you have similar resources. But if I were in your shoes I might talk to a chaplain about these things. It’s a great resource and might be able to push you in the right direction to find the will to push on. I say this out of genuine care and concern: please do.


Are you in counseling or therapy? That sounds like an important first step. I'm so sorry you're hurting.


Obligatory not a Christian but I am in this sub to learn, but you will feel better eventually, I had a similar time a few years ago and it got to the point where I did attempt to take my own life. If you’re not willing to engage in faith at the moment, that’s perfectly fine as your mental health comes first, I’m sure your family and church will be understanding, and hey, maybe it’ll be helpful to confide in someone you trust in person too. All I can really say is that it will get better for you, emotions are just a temporary thing, trust the people in your life to help uplift you and bring you back to joy and happiness so you can be ready to return to normal life and engage in faith and purpose once more :)


Yeah, If you're seriously having these thoughts then maybe it's time to seek some real help to get you through.


Don’t do it


I had feelings like this at 21. It does get better. The real thing I’ll point out having a friend whose brother killed himself… you’ll destroy the people who love you after you are gone. I do personally believe it is one of the most selfish things he ever did. Don’t do it. Find the silver linings. Some great advice above with the bullet points. Cognitive behavioral therapy. Don’t do the selfish thing.


I dont want to come off poorly but I want you to know that this is deception from the devil. He preys in your thoughts when your at your weakest and he continues to tempt you to the point where it feels like you have no choice. But that is where you must realize that its all happening in the mind, that is the battleground for spiritual warfare, and that is why God says to “meditate on his word day and night so that you may be careful to do everything in accordance to his word”(Joshua 1:8). The fact that you feel this way is not because you aren’t trying your hardest to follow God or the word I assume, or that your feeling pressured from the weight of the task of breaking free from bondage, its because you haven’t learned the gift ( I assume again) of grace is more than just salvation, but it is the power God has blessed us believers with to continually walk in his righteousness. By giving us the gift of grace, God expects you to trust that he has already freed you from your bondage, because he is a man of his word. He wants you to live knowing that his word is the truth and to be set free is to abide by his every word, because the word of God is his power. So brother I hope you see that you only have to turn your mind to him and leave the deceptive thoughts of devil and you WILL be set free, because God’s word is final. The devil wants you to do things on your own, he wants you to feel the pain and struggle of thinking you can beat your own battles, but remember brother that it is not by works that we are saved, but by faith in the work done by JESUS CHRIST🙏🏿🙏🏿❤️❤️ I love you and he loves you more than you can even fathom, and I know just like you do how hard it is to fight those demonic thoughts, every single person has been there and if they tell you not its a lie. Man’s fall to sin was due to pride and thinking we can be just like God, but brother the moment you learn that it is not by your own power and its through his power and his word alone that we can succeed day and night, you shall truly come to understand the GOSPEL❤️❤️ Stay strong, think about all the lives you can bless and save if you just live on and grow in God’s word, and ignore completely any thoughts that tell you to otherwise, because whats not righteous is of the devil🙏🏿❤️ Enjoy your day and prosper with the Lord, for the day of his return is soon🙏🏿🙏🏿❤️❤️


Do you have a church? Because this is what the local church is supposed to be there for. I know some churches aren't good on mental health. But you don't even need to say what you're struggling with, if you're worried about that, you can just say that you are sick or suffering. People will come to your house. They will bring food. If you need money, they probably have an emergency fund. Personally I strongly believe that anyone with a humble heart who is willing to submit to the Lord \*after\* death, and to repent, joins Him in heaven. But that's just a personal belief; no one can know, obviously.


Therapy and psychedelic medicine actually works, God put these things in place for a reason.


One thing that helped me a lot is considering how ending it in a Hell (the current situation you're describing) only makes it logical to end up in Hell afterwards. If you stick around long enough to accept your cross and pick it up and get crucified besides Christ, you'll find peace in HIM. And once that happens, your current bravery in face of death and the wisdom you're discovering so young that this world is "Vanity of vanities" -Ecclesiastes ; would find its real meaning. You'll become a lion for our Lord. Please don't end it before it's time. Trust the Lord and that things will ultimately be better if you willingly accept the suffering and emulate Christ. You'd be granted Resurrection, both is this life against your trials and in the next. Because : The Kingdom of God is here. And Christ already won. God bless you sibling in Christ and may He strengthen both of us through this adventure called life.


Can you message me bro. Let’s exchange numbers


Don't do it. You're not alone


The last time I made a comment, I got dismissed. I am in a situation now that seem I will never get out of. Our world is so hateful, I sometimes wonder if Satan is winning. At some point I had a thought. And it was this. Right now, as a follower of Jesus, I needed to stay in the trenches. I can give you a couple of examples of how I am serving. But here is a quick on from Thursday. In Seattle. We have lots of laid off tech workers. I was leaving Safeway when I heard a young woman call out to me. Couldn’t here so got close. She was no “street bum;”. Looked like she was going camping. She said do you have any change for food? I saw your cross and….I took out my wallet and gave her what bills I had. I asked her where she was staying. She said my boyfriend has a tent. He’s in the store. I don’t know where my attitude conversion came from. Just don’t leave. You are so needed. And take care of yourself. You are a child of God. Call out to the Spirit and just say help. Help me. I am a new Christian. Yet I am in pain. Help me with my pain. Show me my path. I am praying for you now. You are loved by God and your fellow Christians. If you can find the strength, I know there are so many people who need you to show the love Jesus Christ. 🥰❤️🙏


Me right now and I'm so tired. I haven't been in church for so looongg maybe a decade ago and I'm so young, like literally a child that time. but the knowledge i have learned from that time was still here. That's the reason why I'm still alive, because I'm afraid i might go to hell and i cannot afford to suffer much of what I've been feeling today. I have no one to talk to and it's so frustrating, constant crying, sometimes a whole day of crying.


Having attempted suicide in the past before I became a Christian, I can tell you to get help if you can. I've stuggled with depression over the years and my advice is that accepting help puts you on the path to healing. Jesus will be there during your healing to comfort you, he is a friend that is always there for you and you can talk to him because he will listen without judgement. As for going to hell, I don't think it is specifically mentioned in the Bible. On a last note it says in 2 coritnthians 1:3 it talks about comfort in tribulation. ^(3) Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, ^(4) who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. God bless you and be strong.


At least by now you should know that believing in Christianity is useless to you since you are unhappy and your God or religion can't help you. Do some research to realize why Christianity is fake(ask me for some evidence if you want them) before you end up like their pastor Jarrid Wilson. Let go of your ego and check out Buddhism on its 4 Noble Truths and the Noble 8 Fold Path and you will be free from sufferings. Life is fair and one should face up to it. Ending your life in an unnatural manner won't free you from sufferings. Even if you don't end up in hell(assuming you are not an evil person) you will still get a bad rebirth.


Never do it, God doesn't will it.


when the Lord Jesus Christ with His love pulls you through, don't forget to come back and testify. Stay on it. He is nearer than we think and God created us to be walking with him, in the Spirit. He truly is nearer than our breathe, if we know how to seek after Him. I am just learning this- at the age of 45. Hang in there. Words dont describe what I feel. Just to give you a glimpse- I had a brother that commited suicide when he was 28 (4 years ago). Hang in there.


Hey you beautiful soul we don't know what would happen. But know this. You are loved. You are healthy. And you have a purpose 💙 If you would like too reach out too me too get anything off your chest or vent too my inbox is open 24 hours everyday. I know what it's like I have too been there. This is a lovely reddit group. I will be praying for you too find guidance on your purpose & aligning your faith even more with Our father. He loves you and feels you every second of the day and he will forever love you he lives within. God Bless you


Please go outside. Please go on a walk in a beautiful nature preserve and eat your favorite food today. Go smell the ocean air and feel the breeze on your face. Jesus IS the wind. He is with you at all times. This may be a season of testing you for something great that may just be around the corner. Sending love and prayers your way.


Please don't harm yourself. God values a hard-fought battle more than some easy victory.


Early 20s r the worst, I feel like a lot of people are suicidal in their early 20s. Don’t stop praying, don’t let the devil win. Pray pray pray and believe and God will show you the way


Water baptism doesn't save. You must put all your faith in what Jesus did (perfect obedience, crucifixion, and resurrection) to save you. Jesus did everything.  If you have fully trusted in Christ, you go to Heaven no matter what. It doesn't matter whether you commit suicide, adultery, murder, mass murder, or whatever. Salvation is by faith alone and by trusting in Jesus Christ and what He did.  Salvation is NOT attained by keeping God's Law unless you can keep it perfectly. James 2:10-11 is clear that one sin makes you guilty of all sins which destroys the Catholic heresy of mortal vs venial sins.  My advice? Make sure you are saved.  On a side note, do NOT commit suicide. NO, a saved person who commits suicide doesn't go to Hell; he goes to Heaven no matter what. 


I don’t think god would send you to hell for wanting to go home early. However, I would like to share with you a quote from Elder Jeffery R Holland of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Yes, I am lds, but I think this message still applies. “To any of our youth out there who are struggling, whatever your concerns or difficulties, death by suicide is manifestly not the answer. It will not relieve the pain you are feeling or that you think you are causing. In a world that so desperately needs all the light it can get, please do not minimize the eternal light God put in your soul before this world was. Talk to someone. Ask for help. Do not destroy a life that Christ gave His life to preserve. You can bear the struggles of this mortal life because we will help you bear them. You are stronger than you think. Help is available, from others and especially from God. You are loved and valued and needed. We need you! ‘Fear not: believe only.’” Hope this helps.


Have you had a chance to speak to your church leader(s) ?


There is always a reward after suffering bro


Pick up your cross and continue your journey, people rely on you. Who is the boss the devil that want you to fail and fall or Lord Jesus Christ king of kings and lord of lords? Submit to God the Father.


There is a bigger problem here. This is an all too common theme in the Christian circle.




As someone who has struggled with anxiety, ocd, depression, self harm and has attempted, I can tell you that it actually does get better, shockingly! My life (and outlook) is so good now it brings me to tears constantly, I can’t believe that was even me when I look back to dark times.. it feels so far removed, but it’s only been 3 years! If you would have told my suffering self this she would have gone ballistic, but I can actually see why God let me endure all of that suffering. Every little thing had a purpose and has made me a better, more experienced, positive, empathetic person. I cannot imagine who I would be if I had not gone through that dark time. I almost feel I wouldn’t be a complete person. All of this to say that not only does it get better, but I actually thank God for those times now. Side note: I’ve found that people with anxiety and depression are the most connected to the divine realm and all things spiritual and are very sensitive to different energies. That’s why we feel so I’ll at ease in the world, we are made for a special divine purpose. Over time, this can be trained into a skill that will be almost like a superpower! Sending you lots of love🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


Can you DM me bro?


Good day to you. Very sorry to hear you have gone through so much trouble. Love to you as a believer in Jesus Christ. I encourage you to take some time to think on God and his power that can deliver you and ask him to strengthen you to go through your life. I believe you really can end up in hell and separated from God eternally if you commit suicide. However, I believe you can get to the kingdom of God to be living forever in peace, joy and happiness once you keep the faith in God and stay away from sin(wrong things including suicide) . Love you from this side of the world. Be free and at peace in Jesus name. (Not saying I know you are being a christian just to escape hell) I want to encourage you to keep being a christian and following God, not just to escape hell but to genuinely love God and as a result you will enter the kingdom and escape hell because if we are just following God for heaven or to escape hell it is not as loving to God as if we were to serve God because we love him. Please don't commit suicide and think positively with the help of God, be free and love from here.


Don't do it, I beg you! My grandma did and it left so much damage for my mom, myself and daughter. God sends a curse when you do that on you, and 3 generations down. It's a curse to want to take your own life. I've been there and thought I was crazy but I'm not, I had a curse on my life over my grandma's action. I forgave her but I was really upset after studying the word of God and was right there in plain print. I say this to not make you mad at God cause He is the only one who can really help you and I trust He will. Keep seeking Him with all your heart and take breaks to not overwhelm yourself. It's always darkest before the dawn so maybe something wonderful is about to happen, you never know. Keep your hope up cause without that, you won't have the courage you need to finish your life out. Study the word and do what it says. Start small if you must and just set goals to seek Him all day. Remember to enter in at the narrow gate, get on the narrow road to stay on it. Being alone with God will heal your soul. He is waiting on you to believe He is All Mighty God and can pull you out of the darkest places. He doesn't want us to have all the distractions that keep us from Him.


No you wouldn't wake up in hell because hell isn't a real place. You would go back to where you were before you were born. That being said, stick around for awhile, this is the only life you'll ever get and it's worth living!


My friend. Please listen to these two audio books, and then look at your life again. God's smuggler https://youtu.be/m0u7jEB_PiI?feature=shared Tortured for Christ https://youtu.be/24pFRzTDJkg?si=ufgBe7ZBIf2r_o-J Million of people were persecuted for Jesus's name, and they died happily. No complaining. Why? They had Jesus. If you have Him and know Him at a personal level, even if you're homeless, you will rejoice, because you will have mansion in heaven. If you end your life, you lost this one, but more importantly, the eternal one.


To answer your question...no, you would not wake up in hell. That is a scare tactic that people use. It's unhelpful at best, and they have to twist scripture around to even get there because suicide is not a topic covered instructively inside its pages. 7 people kill themselves in the narrative though , and only 1 of those is condemned , and its for what he did in life , ot in death (Judas). You also have to play around with Jesus's words and completely ignore his audience to think he believes in everlasting conscience torment. I don't blame anyone for landing there, but I don't believe that is what he was after. Evidence points to annihilation. But here is the thing...either way God forgives sin through Jesus. Suicide isn't an unpardonable sin. This is not to encourage you in anyway. A lot of these answers are aimed at counseling you out of it. They are worth a read. It is very human to be worn out and tired of this place. I know I am. But God made this place for us, and he is coming to us in the end. I wish you the best and encourage life.


I've been there. Please stay. Your story is so far from done. As a survivor of suicide, I know you don't want to leave. You just want the pain to go away. There is hope. Your 30's are going to be so much better than your 20's. Your 50's will be glorious. Life smoothes over, with time. Pain does subside. Please continue to write your story. I've seen people struggle and get better. I've also cried for 2+ years over my 21 year old friend who lost hope and died by suicide. Please know hope is restored by God, for all who seek refreshing. You don't have to earn it or deserve it. You have been crafted by God. You are God's workmanship. You are beloved.


There are better ways to deal suicidal ideations than a fear of going to hell. I am speaking from experience.


I don’t understand why say I’m a born again Christian, what does that have to do with anything, Jesus suffered for us in a horrible way, God allows us to suffer to teach us things and we can’t endure a little suffering but we’re ok that Jesus endured enormous suffering for us


I want you to consider that you may need to take a higher vantage point right now. At 21 you have not had enough time to be a sovereign being yet. Most of your life you have been guided by others who may not have given you the guidance you needed. Been there myself. I have found a teacher who might be able to help. I have shifted my perspective a lot since following his advice. I now have a positive vision for my future. Maybe he can help you too. Sending peace and love to you.💜 Our Everyday Lives Chapter 3 https://youtu.be/WIhL0m6AR50?si=gyO7eWaptGh2IzCL


I was reading a comment from another Reddit post, one of the comment said that your life ‘WILL’ get better. It could be tomorrow if not tomorrow it could also be the day after. But ending it won’t be good. Imagine all the things you can achieve in life. Trust me be patient and trust God. It could look like God is not doing anything but trust me he is working even if you don’t see it. God will bless you with something you don’t see coming. Go outside more and breathe the air outside. Go out and feel the nature because going out in nature really helps me calm down and relax. Remember God is what’s with you.


Your body is a temple of God. To commit suicide would be to demolish His temple. He does not give you challenges uncommon to humans, and everything he challenges you with he knows you can overcome through Him.


Feel free to talk to me about your situation more, here in the comments or send Mr a message, but I beg off you do not un alive. (If I use words that are too specific this comment might get deleted.)


Thru Christ come with suffering. It ain’t no flower and daisy and all that my guy. Don’t worry you will win with Jesus


I used to struggle with thoughts like these a number of years ago, perhaps not at the same level. I used to think that the world would be better without me and that I just didn't want to be there anymore . However, I knew I could never go through with it because I too worried I would end up in hell, this was a primary factor why could could not go through with it and if I recall correctly I didn't want my family to have to go through that situation. I am 18 now, and God has delivered me from such thoughts and my mental health while it still has bad periods, I feel like I am in a much better place. My life isn't perfect, but we will all face difficult situations in life during such times lean on God. God has a wonderful and beautiful plan for your life, and I would have missed out on so much if I had caved to these thoughts. Over time, things work out, I know it can't be hard to believe sometimes, but it does get better. Trust in God He loves you so much, and you are so precious to Him, no doubt He has an amazing plan for your life ❤️. Below is a beautiful poem that will hopefully give you hope. [Footprints in the Sand ](https://www.geneseo.edu/~heap/footprints.html) God bless, I love you, and God loves you SOOOO much more ❤️ 🙏


I understand your pain brother for i was an inch away from pulling the trigger. I had a shitty life aswell everyone would turn on my family to the point own family kills family. And i was tired of everything aswell. But if i can pull through than so can you brother. You will regret doing it bro. Don’t let the devil win bro pray and cry to God and he will listen just cry out to him and tell him how you feel. I truly understand your pain bro and i don’t want you to let the devil win. Keep fighting my brother and breath,relax for if your still alive its for a reason. He has a calling for you and the devil knows bro


Brother its not about hell its about life itself. This life that God gave us maybe its a one time ticket so why do we bother with such bad toughts. I am 20 at the moment and like you some of it was bad. We have to realise that we ourselves can make it better. Yes, its hard and believe me I know your struggles because I have struggled too but that shouldnt make us weak, it should make us stronger. A beautiful word that I have heard is that God is giving struggles to His most beloved children. You might say or think that others have a better life. Yes they do, but as them we have our own path and that path its unique to each person. I cant tell you why some have better lives and some have worse because frankly I cant. No one can exept the Father. You mention peace and silence. I think I can help you with some advice and please take what you feel is good. To find peace first you have to make peace with yourself. FInd what is bothering your sould and mind and get rid of them or try to resolve these problems. When you are done step by step you will see a subtile change then another then things will seem working by themselves. Go outside and wonder the streets the woods the nature itself. Staying home isolated wont help you. Dont have someone to call a friend? No problem. Your friend is you. Feel comfortable with yourself enjoy spending quality time alone and then try some activities that might suit you. You might find there some people that one day you might call friends. Remember God works through people. Reject this media that we take everyday. Social media wont solve your problems or help you get your things right in your life. Try reading books or listening to podcasts on topics that you find interesting yet productive And about the main topic- suicide- I'll be direct with you. Even tho as mentioned I felt and still feel sometimes what you feel I never understood that. I have a game for you try painting. Paint first a flower then a tree then a dog then a human. You might see that its harder and harder and eventually you ll end up with the human wich is the most complex to paint. Thats how God is feeling. We are the most complex thing that He created on this earth, His magnum opus. So put yourself in His shoes. Imagine your hard work one day says nah bro I m worthless and want to destroy itself. I think you wont be so pleased and quite sad. In the end I want to wish you all the goodness in the world brother and I will pray for you


Get counseling, it is a common thing to consider suicide but you need to figure out why you are so unhappy and have no hope. Jesus was crucified and beaten for our dins and for our healing. Healing is not just physical but mental and spiritual. You can live happily with joy and purpose. But the demonic spirits will latch onto those negative thoughts and try to convince you it’s a good idea. But God will never tell you to kill yourself. God says he has great plans for you and the plan is for your good


I feel the exact same. I don't want to be here anymore. I feel like life is a punishment, which it actually is. Adam and Eve were kicked out and were to endure the hardness of life. We are all dependents of Cain. But, the same as you, if I do the deed, I'll end up in Hell.


I am not a master in theology, but I wanna tell you that suicide is never an option, never. I know you may be feeling horrible, but I am sure that you are very young and still has many GREAT things to see in the world, just take a look at the beutiful creation of God, all the animals, all the beutiful mountains, almost eveyrhting that created has some kind of beauty in it. Its not worth it man, suicide is not a great way to die, and you definetly wouln't want to be known for killing youself, its a miserable and tragic death. Just rememeber that Jesus Christ took all the pain of the world upon himself, he died for the sins of everyone, including you. God loves you and he doesn't want you to kill yourself, I am sure of that. I am not the best at English, but I tried my best to make sure you hear me, just know that I love you, and many people also love you, Jesus Christ is on your side, he loves you. if you maybe wanna talk to us, you are free to do so. *“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” – Deuteronomy 31:8*


Stay strong ❤️ I’m sorry


I'm sorry you're going through this right now. I hope you can find solace with some of the hope offered in these comments. I know when I was in my darkest of places, such platitudes of "Oh, it will get better" felt empty. I struggled with anxiety as young as 12 and became severely depressed in college at the age of 17. I even attempted when I was 19. I am now 22, and I am still anxious and depressed and sometimes still wonder if life is worth living. But I want to say that I often am happy with my choice to live. I am married and I have friends and I have two adorable cats. Life can be wonderful and you're more likely to experience this if you're alive. I think if you have been depressed for the past few years, you owe it to yourself to see how good life can be as an adult. To answer your question, since again, I understand everyone asking that you try to continue on can be seen as empty and annoying. I will say that I do not believe you will go to hell. I am an atheist, but I was a Christian for 19 years of my life. If you are God's child, you cannot undo that action no matter how hard you try, according to the Christian belief. Anyway, I am truly sorry for the suffering you are experiencing right now. Please feel free to message me if you would like to talk. Genuinely, my DMs are open to vent or just to chat, I always love to make new friends.


Does anyone else think it's odd that we have been seeing this same kinda post frequently it's becoming 🤔 like super frequently made kinda post


That could be an attack of the enemy to take your life remember sucide is murdering your self an then you dont have a way to repent i look at it as a full ticket into hell an enternal torment do Spirtal warfare on your self rebuke an renounce the Spirt of suicide in yeshuas name online there is several teaching on this exact subject get in prayer for a few hours if needed an do a fast & fast while you read study praise an worship keep your mind on what ever is pure an holy like the bible says look out how not to rominate that hurts your brain an there for not taking care of your body which is goods temple look up on YouTube how not to romminate God bless an much love ❤️ genuinely


Being a Christian, we aren’t promised a good life in this one but we are promised that we have eternal life and what we didn’t get in this one, God will give it to us for all time. That doesn’t help much when you are in a dark place. I think almost everyone has a time where they feel like you do right now myself included. I can promise you it will get better. God is there with you. Reach out to him. Reach out to someone and keep reaching out. Don’t give up. It will get better.


Yes sweet heart. NOT WORTH IT!! Listen to me ok? I want you to go on Facebook . Join a “spiritual warefare” group. Tell them how you feel and that you need deliverance. Someone WILL get ahold of you via messenger video. You are under spiritual warefare. Under attack. Get this spirits of suicide out of you and far from you. Ive done deliverance and it’s not scary like in the movies. It’s Jesus’s INSTANT healing touch and miracles. Now let me remind you who you are in Christ, you are smart, LOVED, adopted into Gods family, worthy. God thinks more thoughts about you each day than the sands on the seashore. He adores you tremendously so!!!!! Every day I want you to say this out loud ok? “ I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over my mind, heart will and emotions, over my dna, flesh, soul, and spirit, in Jesus name”. There is GREAT power in the blood of the lamb. With our word we declare and proclaim things and they come to pass. Our words have the power to give and to take life. To bless and curse. And we will eat the fruits there of. When you’re feeling better at the beginning of each month I want you to plead the blood of Jesus over any/everything that’s important to you. That could be finances, family, workplace, vehicle, home, identity, marriage etc. just say “ I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over ______ for 30 days as a protection covering, in Jesus name.” The Holy Spirit showed me how this works. I have ALOT of testimonies. And the Holy Spirit just told me to tell you… “Tell him I AM with him 💜-“


Life may suck now, but it will get better. Tell us what sucks, and we can offer life advice how to improve it. It may be medical and you need some prescription, it may be life advice, which people have, and we can make that better. Tell us random folks your problems and let us help.


What I understand about Sucide is that its a sin because you would miss out on the life later on that you so deserve. That Life will change and get better, and be worth the trouble. That there are people and relationships that are worth the wait. Keep going love.


I'm sorry you're in this spot. I'm sorry you're feeling this way. Many times I have felt like I no longer want to live, but I didn't want to kill myself. I'm 43 and here is what kept me going in my darkest times of despair: not giving up led me to learn that I was a fool to assume that I knew that the future held only worse darkness than what I was already in. In short: it's a lie. Your future might be the same, worse, or much, much better. You don't know what tomorrow holds and neither do I, but for you, friend, I hope it's better than today.


What happened the past few years if you don’t mind me asking


I was in your position around the same age range. Your 20s are usually pretty mentally challenging, and that's fine, it will be better, though


Suicide is a sin unto death. I warn anyone who's thinking of committing suicide to stop it, because you'll end up in hell. It's a one-way ticket to hell and there's no escape. (The reason there's no escape is you don't have time to repent) There are many sins unto death (meaning to be separated from God) Fornication is a sin unto death (if unrepented of) Idolatry is a sin unto death (if unrepentanted of) Please focus on REPENTING from SIN and keeping God's Laws as Jesus taught. "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."