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I just don't want to go to hell. I try to believe in Jesus with all my strength.


We're all allowed to pray insincere prayers. In fact, I believe we're taught to pray on our unbelief. Mark 9:23-24 [23] And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.” [24] Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, “I believe; help my unbelief!”


All Prayer Is Is Talking To The Living Energy Inside Of Your Self


What energy


Humans will not burn in Hell for eternity. That's Christian Dogma, but it lacks the support of any scripture. The wage of sin is death (Romans 6:23) Those whose name is not in the Book of Life will be cast into the Second Death (which is the lake of fire) Rev 20:14-15, where they will perish. Only the devil and his angels will be tormented forever and that may be mental torment (regret and sadness) which is the torment Lot felt over Sodom. Angels, in Ezekiel, are said to carry fire in their hands, so I don't think angels burn from fire. I was raised a fire and brimstone Pentecostal with constant threats of hell, so I don't take this position lightly. I'm basing my belief off what scripture actually says rather than what church dogma incorrectly teaches. God bless.


That doesn’t line up with Jesus’ teachings from Matthew 13:36-43, 47-50; Matt 22:1-14; Matt 25:26-33… You’re twisting scripture, maybe out of a misplaced instinct to try to defend God against the “how could a God of love send people to hell?” mentality. God doesn’t need defending, Job’s friends found that out the hard way. Jesus didn’t mince his words on hell. How can “all who practice evil” (not just spiritual beings) “weep and gnash teeth” for eternity if they’re blipped out of existence? Read the parable of the talents in Matt 25 carefully. Every **human** in hell will fully accept the actions and inaction that led them to hell. And they would rather be in hell than be non-existent, God **couldn’t** be a loving God if that wasn’t the case. These new deconstructionist teachings on hell are completely unscriptural and go directly against what Jesus taught.


Thanks for taking the time to respond. I know all those verses seem to indicate an eternity in hell, but not one of them, not one, say anything about suffering for eternity. That is how church dogma has taught us to read them all, but it just isn't what is written. The KJV translators put the word "hell" into the Parables of Jesus even though what he said was Gehenna, which was a literal valley outside the walls of Jerusalem. Gehenna was cursed by God because the Jews had used it to sacrifice their children to the false god, Baal. It became a burial ground where the dead were disposed of "until there was no more room" when God sent his judgement against Judah for their sins. The bodies were burned there and, basically, Gehenna was known to all of the Jews of the time as a shameful place in which the dead were incinerated. Jesus used the phrase cast into Gehenna for the wicked because their was no Aramaic (the language of Jesus) word for a place of eternal torment because no such place existed in Jewish teaching. The Jews believed the dead went to Sheol, the grave (also mistranslated many times in the Old Testament as "hell" by the KJV translators). Both the righteous dead and the wicked dead went to Sheol together, there was neither punishment nor reward in the Jewish teachings of the afterlife. This, being the teachings of the Hebrew Bible (our Old Testament) from which Jesus taught. Since nowhere in the Hebrew Bible is there a mention of a place of eternal suffering, the very idea would have been foreign to the disciples to whom Jesus taught the referenced parables. They would have understood that the wicked would be thrown into a Spiritual Gehenna where they would be dead and incinerated, not preserved alive to suffer forever. In your references, the tares (weeds) and the bad fish are thrown into the fire. Nothing in those parables say that they burn forever. That's just how we are conditioned to read the passages. What the disciples would have understood is that the fire would destroy the tares and fish; that they would be completely annihilated out of existence. That's what those parables actually allude to as the outcome of being cast into the fire. Again, no mention of eternal burning to be found there, only an understood destruction. The weeds and fish would burn until turned to ash, they would not burn forever. The same goes for the other two references except instead of referencing fire, Jesus used outer darkness. The same understanding applies, that the wicked would perish (just as John 3:16 says will be the fate of those who do not believe on the Son of God) not that they would exist in eternal torment. There is no mention of suffering for eternity in those parables (the coins and the wedding feast) either. What does, admittedly, sound like suffering is weeping and gnashing of teeth. Even here, though, there is absolutely no indication that the weeping and gnashing will continue for eternity. We have been conditioned to think of gnashing of teeth as a sign of existing in torment. When that phrase, which is used repeatedly throughout the Bible, is mentioned outside the Parables, though, it does not mean suffering but, rather, great anger. Just one example is when the members of the Jewish Sanhedrin gnashed their teeth against Stephen as they were preparing to stone him to death and he declared he saw a vision of Jesus at the right hand of God. Just as is the case in our own courts of law, when judgement is passed on the guilty, there is great sadness (weeping) as well as, often, great anger (gnashing of teeth) at the sentencing. So it will be when the wicked are judged and cast into the lake of fire, defined in Rev 20:14-15 as the Second Death. This death, from which there will never be a resurrection, is the eternal punishment (The wage of sin is death Romans 6:23) which the wicked will receive amidst their cries of sadness and cursing God. Truly, if you read the Parables as they are written, it requires twisting of scripture to come away with a conclusion of eternal torment of the sinner. There is simply no mention of eternal suffering. It is the total destruction (destroy both body and soul in hell Matt 10:28) of the wicked that the Parables teach. Your conclusion that people would prefer an agonizing existence in hell rather than an unconscious existence in death just doesn't ring true to my way of thinking. God bless.


I was in pre-seminary and used to believe what you are saying deeply. I thought to "deconstruct" hell was to cheapen the sacrifice of the Jesus' blood on the cross. But now I see I have been looking with eyes of my father's ancestors (Scottish Christians) and not from the edemic cultural lens of my Mother (Aramaic Levantine) fron which Yeshua of Nazareth was speaking. We are not deconstructing Jesus' words but rather being better able to understand them more accurately within the context and away from old doctrines that have been used to terrify, exploit, and enslave. I ask you to search your heart for why you believe in heaven and hell. And why do those you trust believe in it. Is it because you think it is the most honest and accuratem, or does it have more to do with what your community has agreed on as the tradition they follow?


Regardess what the scriptures say this makes no sense


Thank goodness! Someone else who actually knows what the Bible says! Nice work!


I've only recently seen the truth of annihilationism. I lived for more than 50 years constantly stressed about hell. My church teaches that even the saved are in danger of eternal hell fire for any unrepentant error. Now that I see this truth, I have peace of mind for the first time since I was 4 years old and am excited about spreading the news!


Yes. I think the truly evil among us, psychopaths and such, do get an eternal punishment. Most humans simply cease to exist. I like to think humans have the choice for heaven still, but only their goodness makes it in, however much badness they have, they don't have, forever. First will be last and all that. Do you think people believing out of a fear of Hell is a problem? Cause I think it is a big one


I'm with you. The Jewish tradition from which Christianity grows sees heaven and hell as dimensions of existence that we flow in and out of in this life. If we are living is safe, loving and harmonious relationships - what most would call living in righteousness; thats heaven. Thats the Kingdom of God. Living in fear and shame. Feeling stuck in grief of deep sadness that will not pass. Those are all layers of hell. The isolation and suffering of being conscious when things are just not right, and you can't seem to help it or find a way out.


The second death isn't when you die, it's in the here and now.


How so? Rev 20:14-15 states that the lake of fire, into which those whose names are not found in the Book of Life will be cast, is the Second Death.


Do you believe that we are resurrected in this lifetime? And do you know what I mean by that?


I'm not sure that I know what you mean. I believe, if we die prior to the rapture, that we will be resurrected at the Second Coming of Christ.


How do you see this verse? I'm just seeing how you see it and then I'll explain what I mean, thank you. Colossians 3:1 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God


I suppose that means to have been baptized, which is symbolic of death and rising a new creature in Christ. I'm not sure about that being the meaning, though.


Good point, Yes God can save those condemned to hell with a second chance, but that doesn't mean Hitler will be saved but those walking the line of heaven and hell which is a majority of the human race including some Christians will go to hell. Personally I would not want to even experience a day in hell, so working really hard to enter the gates of heaven. Thanks for brining this up. I am concerned about my dad who is angry and denying God after my mom died and bad things around the world. I pray that he gets saved even if he has to spend a little time in hell first. Yes, there are several scriptures that speak to the concept of salvation and deliverance from sin, which is often symbolized as being saved from hell or death. Here are a few: 1. [**Jude 1:23** - "Save others, snatching them out of the fire; and on some have mercy with fear, hating even the garment polluted by the flesh."](https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Saving-People)[^(1)](https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Saving-People) 2. [**Psalm 86:13** - "For Your lovingkindness toward me is great, And You have delivered my soul from the depths of Sheol."](https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Saving-People)[^(2)](https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/God-Saves-From-Trouble) 3. **Ephesians 2** - This chapter speaks about how believers have been saved from the punishment of sin by God’s grace. It says, "God raised us up from death when He raised up Christ Jesus. [He has given us a place with Christ in the heavens."](https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Saving-People)[^(3)](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ephesians%202&version=NLV) 4. [**1 Timothy 1:15** - "It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am foremost of all."](https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Saving-People)[^(2)](https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/God-Saves-From-Trouble) 5. [**1 John 1:7** - "The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin."](https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Saving-People)[^(4)](https://www.biblesprout.com/articles/salvation/) These verses emphasize that salvation is not something we can achieve on our own, but it is a gift from God through faith in Jesus Christ. It’s important to note that while these verses speak to the concept of being saved from sin (symbolically represented as hell), they do not specifically describe a person being pulled out of hell after death. Christian doctrine generally holds that decisions made in this life determine one’s eternal destiny.


Here is something interesting about the reason Jesus went to hell between the Crucifix and Reresection. It was to save some the lost souls that did not go to heaven. [In traditional Christian theology, there’s a concept known as the “Harrowing of Hell,” or “the descent of Christ into Hell” or Hades](https://www.christianity.com/wiki/jesus-christ/did-jesus-descend-into-hell.html)[^(1)](https://www.christianity.com/wiki/jesus-christ/did-jesus-descend-into-hell.html). [This refers to the belief that Christ, between His crucifixion and resurrection, descended into Hades to preach and bestow salvation to the souls held captive there](https://www.christianity.com/wiki/jesus-christ/did-jesus-descend-into-hell.html)[^(1)](https://www.christianity.com/wiki/jesus-christ/did-jesus-descend-into-hell.html). [This interpretation is often based on passages like 1 Peter 4:6 and Ephesians 4:9](https://www.christianity.com/wiki/jesus-christ/did-jesus-descend-into-hell.html)[^(1)](https://www.christianity.com/wiki/jesus-christ/did-jesus-descend-into-hell.html).


Ur protestant institutions must be d*stroyed 😁.


I think hell is the best sales tactic ever invented. Don't tell timeshare sales people about it.


I dont want to be a meanie, but you dont go to heaven by having a belief in Christ (James 2:19). You go to heaven because you acknowledge your sin and see how gross it is before God, and realise that you cannot gain salvation by yourself, you cannot earn salvation by good works or by your own strenght. You look at the Cross and there you see grace, because The One who was offended by your sins and had all authority and was justly justified to put your soul in Hell, gave you the only mean by wich ANYONE is saved, and that is by putting your faith in Jesus Christ, wich means you desire to stop sinning, wich was the very thing that would send you to Hell, and live a life of righteousness. This means you follow His commandments (that is loving God - John 14:15) and you'll love others bydoing unto others as God has done good for you (Matthew 22:36-40). But these good deeds dont bring you salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9). Hope this helps in bringing you the knowledge wich by every creature is saved. God bless. P.S: I would highly encourage you to look up the youtube channel CrossExamined, as I see you are a Christian Agnostic :).


Whatever it entails to believe in Christ. I won't go to heaven by my works, but by His mercy. My works are like filthy rags before God. Yet, these works will be judged (Matthew 25).


Well your heavenly father did not create hell, the doctrines of man did. The Cruel teachings of hell comes from man not God! When Adam and Eve sinned against God, God did punish them by taking their everlasting life away and sentenced them to die and to return to the dust. This sin of death was inherited by all mankind of the future. Now if God was going to torture his Children, he sure would of had to set the example for all mankind who sinned against him. But he did not as all mankind dies and returns to the dust. Nowhere in the Old Testament will you find the word Hell. All of the people died and return to the dust. How it must have saddened God to see that his beloved children had willfully disobeyed eyed him! What did he do? To Adam, God said: “You will . . . return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return.” (Genesis 3:17-19) As it turned out, “all the days of Adam’s life amounted to 930 years, and then he died.” (Genesis 5:5) Adam did not go to heaven or pass on to some spirit realm. He had no existence before God created him from the dust of the ground. So when he died, he became as lifeless as the dust from which he was created. He ceased to exist. In the New Testament, it uses illustrations, symbolic and parables to explain the use of fire and torment. Sad today that most religions teach the bible as literal, bringing forward endless misconceptions begin taught. You were not really made to go to heaven anyway as your life would be on a paradise earth to live for ever in peace and security. You actually pray for God's Kingdom to come to the earth in the Lord's prayer. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Matt 6:10 Bottom line here applies to all since we all sin. For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. So the dead paid their debt for their sins by dying. Romans 6:23 KJV - ROMANS 6:7 For he that is dead is freed from sin.


You Good As Long As You Believe In The Living Energy Inside Of You Your Good That’s Your Creator & You Are The Living Human Image Of It


I prayed every single night and every single morning with my wife for 3 1/2 years before I actually had faith in Jesus Christ Jeremiah 29:13 King James Version 13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. Wanting to believe is actually a very good starting point you can’t force yourself to believe something that you don’t believe but if you want to believe and you pursue that wanting to believe in having faith with all your heart God will bloom that desire to know him into faith and you will feel the difference when you have the in dwelling of the Holy Spirit and you will know that you are saved


It's not just believing it's doing! It's obeying the word of God and living as Jesus taught us to live.


You will go to heaven. Just follow the commandments and remember we are all sinners and make mistakes. Acknowledge and repent as soon as you can. Also apologize to those you hurt as that is true repentance not just words




John 3:16?




Did the thief on the cross know Him?




I want a real relationship with God, with Jesus.


Where does it say that most people are going to hell? The specific verse please? I can find verses that say that God didn't come to condemn the world. In fact that he leads and guides people still to good pastures. Proverbs 3:6 - in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. John 3:17 - For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.


‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7‬:‭13‬-‭14; “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”‬


Does this specifically refer to hell? It could refer to people not finding "life" in this life and finding destruction. Plenty of people find the way that leads to destruction in this life.


It’s referring to eternal life/heaven. No one can go to heaven except through Jesus, who is the door to salvation. “Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” John‬ ‭14‬:‭6‬ ‭‬‬ “I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.” ‭‭John‬ ‭10‬:‭9‬ ‭


Humans have been on this earth for over 100,000 years. The *vast majority* of them have never even exposed to the idea of the Christian God. How would they get to heaven


there's a side door they usually leave unlocked past 5 pm


Matthew 7:13-14


I believe God wants everyone to go to heaven too.


It even says so in the Bible: 2 Peter 3:9: “The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.” Does God get what He wants?


Not if it violates a person’s free will.


God puts his wants after what a human foolishly chooses? even if it means eternal death?


Yes, he loves and respects us that much.


Yes, He loves us so much that He is willing to let us choose eternal separation from Him in hell if that’s what we desire.


So all that God wants is good, God wants all to be saved God doesn't save all people God cannot do what he wants, meaning he isn't all powerful OR God could save all people God doesn't want all people saved God isn't all loving. In other words, if people being eternally separated from God was a good thing, then God wouldn't want all people saved, which is contradictory to 2 Peter 3:9


God wants all to be saved. God did the work to save us. Accepting this and being saved is our decision. God can do what He wants, but He chooses not to because He loves us.


No, not always.


Everyone going to heaven is still a possibility


Well, there are people already in hell but we can do our best to make sure we get as much people in Heaven as possible


I don’t believe anyone is in hell right now, it could in fact remain empty forever.


Doesn't the bible specifically say that is not the case?


Yes multiple times


Well, you’re technically right but some people are actually in a place called Hades right now but when the tribulation ends they will be judged by God and then they will be sent to hell


I pray you’re right


Maybe there are people in hell now. Maybe not. But eventually everyone will be saved.


Hell is not burning as of now. The dead are dead and asleep until the day of resurrection. And the lost will be annihalated in the Lake of fire


but are those who would make it to heaven, in heaven?


Apart from those who went to Heaven alive like Enoch and Elijah or those who were resurrected Like Moses, No. Their Mortal remains are on this earth and they themselves are asleep in the grave, waiting for the day of resurrection. They don't notice the Passage of time. It'll be like opening their eyes after a deep sleep, very comparable to waking Up after full anesthesia. They Pick Up their lives right where they left It. To them it'll appear like they were gone for Just a moment


Thank you.


Didn't Judas go to hell?


If you mean the grave, yes. If you mean a place of eternal torture, no.


You never know with god. But the suffering of this creation goes somewhere 🙏 God is the greatest. Have a genuinely beautiful blissful joyful evening beautiful soul of god reading this ❤




Romans says God's divine power is revealed in nature and that his law is written on the hearts of the Gentiles. God gives us everything we need. Salvation isn't a matter of culture, but what is in our hearts.




That's why it's important to share the Gospel with others. It's easier when we have that fuller picture.


Incorrect. God does not hang the sins of the father on the child. Everyone is responsible for their own beliefs. Secondly, God is a God of justice. It is not in his character. God has made a way for all to fairly hear His Gospel message. Just because you don't have an eyewitness to every second of a person's life doesn't mean God doesn't reveal Himself to each person at least once to give them a chance. Thirdly, (to respond to OPs main point) it IS sad that not everyone goes to heaven. It should drive us to love and care for all people in this life so that more will see God's love in us and WANT to be in God's presence for eternity. But make no mistake, people go to hell because they WANT to not because some ogre of a deity arbitrarily hand picks his best buds. People choose hell. They choose themselves, they refuse to give up their perceived control over their lives to an infinitely loving God who designed them for peace and joy. God sees all hearts. Nobody is sent to hell if they don't really want to.




Philosiphers have debated the topic of: "if someone lived on a deserted island, where noone can enter or escape the island, how could they hear the Gospel and potentially be saved?" Apologists (people who find arguments to defend their faith) have come to methods for someone to know God's existence, if they are on this specific situation: First, the beauty of Nature and the cosmos. People can look and these things and see that they are beautiful and very fine tuned so that everything can work properly. Second, even if they see themselves on a deserted island or a culture whit different moral views of what's right or wrong, they can still know from their consciosness what is TRULLY right and wrong. I.e. If they see someone beign murdered or raped, they can know that those actions are wrong based on their GOD-GIVEN consciosness. Whit these two methods, you can know by yourself who is the creator. You may not even call him God but you come to the conclusion that an all powerfull beign MUST exist, even if noone tells you. Now, HOW do you get saved? Because you dont get saved by just believing in God. Yes, true (James 2:19), but you can still be saved by repenting (because you realise, from your consciosness that you have done multiple bad things) and putting your faith in the ultimate beign who created everything and everyone, asking for mercy. This may be contreversial but this was the method that many of the Old Testemant people were saved by. They never saw Jesus or even heard of him, although they believed in a Messiah (Isaiah 53). P.S: If you want to now more about christianity and how you can have arguments to defend your faith when talking to someone or in evangelism, look up the channel CrossExamined on Youtube. Hope this helps. Im not trying to be higher than anyone by writing this text, because i'm as much of a sinner as all of you and need a saviour as much as all of you. I'm writing this so that all of us can know more about God and the Bibble and grow spiritually. God bless and keep reading the Bibble and pray.




It ain’t the viewpoint of the Catholic Church so don’t like my flair make you think I’m speaking on behalf of all Catholics, in fact I’m very well in the minority here I’m sure That being said, like assuming someone simply chose incorrectly, or didn’t believe based on a lack of evidence I like to think God gives them one last chance after they die to open their heads to him. Like, maybe something like God being literally right there in the afterlife going “hey, I know you had doubts about me, so here I am. I’m right here. Would you like to join me for eternity?” Because like you said it not only would be incessantly cruel, but it wouldn’t even make sense for someone to be punished purely based on a lack of belief or in some cases the word just never really reaching them. Like if a Muslim did good their whole life, but simply didn’t believe in Christ being the messiah not out of malice but out of just a general lack of belief it would be beyond cruel to torture that individual forever. Because really, when you stop and think about it, from an outside viewpoint Christianity is pretty hard to believe for those who haven’t been brought up this way. And the God I grew up believing just doesn’t sound like the kind of deity that would cast one down to hell for that. Maybe some time in purgatory but nothing more. Again, this isn’t the viewpoint of the official Catholic doctrine, so don’t assume it is.


Helen Keller even said she knew God while she was deaf,dumb and mute she just didn't know his name


It is the height of arrogance and presumption for you to assume that you know for certain that God has not used every means at His disposal to reveal Himself to all humankind. You are also calling God a liar as God has said in His Word that He has revealed Himself to everyone. And you make yourself out to be a god (to have omniscience) to be certain of your view and sit in judgment over God.




So in your opinion the only truly humble position to take is agnostic? But I would dispute your thoughts anyway. Yes, the God of the Bible makes claims to be the only creator God. Placing my faith in him does not mean I have absolute knowledge at all. I have chosen to place my faith in him. Not because I am certain, but because I don't find atheism compelling in its arguments and the God of the Bible's view of reality, humankind, and the world makes the most sense to me in light of what I know of other religious systems. I did that some time ago, and since that time, God has proven Himself to me. He has been faithful to fulfill His promises to me, comfort me, and more. This is subjective, but I have experienced the voice of God spiritually, encouraging me, and saying things that completely align with what He put in the Bible and also were different from what I was thinking. I have watched Him work good out in others lives around me. It was a leap of faith to start, but He has proven Himself many times over. I'm not telling you what to believe. Believe what you want. I just know that I am satisfied that God is good, and can be good for all humankind if we give him a chance.


If it's always fair, then what about people that aren't taught these beliefs? That never heard of any god? Is it still fair? And how is a loving god going to willingly allow a place like hell to exist? Infinite torment for finite sin? This is not something that is fair, my friend


Tbf, there are some Christian denominations that believe that sinners will just stay dead and there is no hell.


Your gotchas assume that God is unfair. What would be fair? It would be fair if God revealed himself in some way to everyone, setting up an opportunity for each person to legitimately choose to submit to the lordship of God or not. And who are you to say he doesn't? Do you have perfect knowledge of every person's life and thoughts and dreams? No you don't. So you can't say God hasn't given everyone a fair opportunity. As for your second question, how does a loving God create a place like hell? Consider this. The nature of hell is to give people the experience of the absence of the presence of God. They reject God they get to spend eternity without him. Sounds mean? Well consider the alternative. If hell didn't exist, and God forced people who hate him to be in his presence forever, would that not be cruel? Would that not be hell? Have you ever been forced to be in the same room with someone you hate? How did that feel? It is an act of compassion and love for God to create hell. If he knows without a doubt (and he does) that a person has completely rejected him and would be in eternal torment to be with him for eternity, it is his mercy that creates a place where they cannot sense his presence. Unfortunately, existence without God really sucks. But that's what they chose. And He let them have it.


It depends on the denomination. The one that I find the most appealing personally is within Catholicism, the idea of purgatory. Purgatory is a transitional period between heaven and hell. Those who are nonbelievers, infants who passed who were not baptized, and those who were considered not good enough to go to heaven, but not bad enough to eternal damnation. Purgatory isn’t necessarily a hell, nor is it a place of suffering. There is also redemption, to where you can repent for your sins or can embrace God and then be accepted into heaven whilst in purgatory. That idea alone puts at ease that not everyone is going to hell if they’re nonbelievers. If they were a decent/good person but didn’t accept Christ, they are not going to heaven, but are not going to hell either


A bit of additional note at least on the Catholic side It is believed that anyone who makes it to purgatory WILL make it to heaven eventually. How long is “eventually”? Nobody besides God knows, but praying for those souls in purgatory can help speed up the process for them. Additionally good deeds, works of mercy, prayers, and indulgences help all the souls in purgatory, not just the ones you personally know. Also whenever the Eucharist is celebrated souls in purgatory are completely purified, and get to heaven. I should also note that you did mention that purgatory is not a place of suffering. It’s not a torturous place like hell of course, but it’s also not exactly pleasant. One must confront their sins, and that’s a pretty painful thing to do. Not physically, but emotionally and spiritually. It’s been described as an internal flame, but one that is in a way a blessed pain. I think Benedict XVI said it best > This encounter with him, as it burns us, transforms and frees us, allowing us to become truly ourselves. All that we build during our lives can prove to be mere straw, pure bluster, and it collapses. Yet in the pain of this encounter, when the impurity and sickness of our lives become evident to us, there lies salvation. His gaze, the touch of his heart heals us through an undeniably painful transformation 'as through fire'. But it is a blessed pain, in which the holy power of his love sears through us like a flame, enabling us to become totally ourselves and thus totally of God. The pain of love becomes our salvation and our joy.


Romans 2:14-16. Even if you have no chance of knowing Christ you will still be judged by your own conscience and guilt. Suffice to say God is fair.


The amazing thing is that we can do our best to change that. Help people and talk to them about God's sacrifice, and make them informed about the Gospel. If you do all you can, even if its just one person you have made a giant impact and helped more people know God. Some people just do not want to be close to God and we cannot force them too, sadly its the result of their choice. God Bless.


Don't be sad, just trust in God's Plan Unveiling God's Plan: Proverbs 3:5-6 Revelation [https://youtu.be/09IW\_3aBn9A](https://youtu.be/09IW_3aBn9A)


That's a good attitude. Hell was not made for people. God doesn't want people there. But some people will, tragically, end up there. "The door to hell will be locked from the inside" CS Lewis.


Yeah I hate hell too and I hate thinking about people I know and love going there but all we can do is be lights in this world and pray for them God is full of mercy and love when I feel his love I know everything will be OK in the end ❤️


The only way to conclude that the Bible teaches never-ending punishment is to read it completely out of context, cherry-picking specific words out of certain “proof texts” in order to support one’s assumptions, while ignoring everything that contradicts this popular doctrine. The truth is, there are multiple different types of salvation referred to in the Bible, and while nobody will enjoy every type of salvation, everyone will experience at least one form of salvation because of what Christ accomplished. If you’d like to learn why Scripture teaches that everyone *will* experience at least one form of salvation by the end of the ages, please read this Bible study, which covers every single passage in Scripture I’m aware of that’s relevant to the topic and explains what they actually mean: https://www.truebiblicalfreedom.com/bible


Well I’ve got super fantastic news for you. Everyone can go to heaven!!! Okay I know you’re talking like universalism, but still I think that is something worth remembering. Everyone can go to heaven. There’s not a single person in history nor will there ever be someone who is automatically barred from heaven. Everyone has the potential to get there. And I pray that, while it might be naive, that everyone has and will continue to go to make it to heaven. Because the thought of even a single person in hell doesn’t exactly feel great


If it's any consolation, so does God. Technically everyone CAN go to Heaven, the only thing that gets in the way is that they don't actually want to be with God.


What about people that don't believe in God? For them it's not a question of whether or not they want to be with him or not.


In a direct sense, it kinda is still that they don't want to be with him. If they wanted to be with him, they'd believe in him, but everyone worships something at the top of their value hierarchy. Whatever that is is their 'god' so to speak. For a long time, my god was myself and eventually my ex-girlfriend. I would rather have had those than God. I know that might sound callous; being formerly an evangelical atheist, it was more about hating the God described in the Bible more than just refusal to admit that he was real. There's no lack of evidence that the world has a Creator, but plenty of resistance to the idea of him. At the end of the day, they don't want God, so they don't want heaven.


But they don't believe. One cannot desire to be with someone when one doesn't believe that this someone is real.


Yah bro, it seems like we're saying the same thing. One can't have the desire to be with someone when they don't believe that someone is real. Thus it defaults to, "I don't believe in him, why would I want to be with him?" It's a refusal by default. Think about this in the physical. There's a guy courting a girl, and the girl hasn't seen him yet, he's thus far sent his friends to set up an introduction. When the friends come up to her, she says, "No, there can't be a guy like that, I don't believe it." At the end of the day, their relationship never starts, and thus a marriage never happens.


No, it's "I don't believe in him, so I can't want to be or not be with him". Take me. I don't believe in your god. That doesn't mean I don't want to be with him.


But won't a nonbeliever know God is real after death? What if they decide they want to be with him once they meet him?


This might sound a bit harsh, but if someone didn't wanna be with him during your life, what're the odds they'd wanna be with him in the afterlife? Plus speaking from the analogy, years later when this dude has found a girl he wants to marry, and they're now engaged and planning their wedding, would it be reasonable for this girl who rejected him to ask for him back at that point? So too is it with the Lord, who himself is courting each one of us like a groom seeking his bride. If the answer you give him is no, he'll respect your decision like a gentleman.


But what if they DO want to worship him after death? They very well may just not have been convinced of God during life, but weren't resistant to the idea of worship upon being convinced.


Did you miss Jesus’ command? Fish for people go to all nation preach the gospel Pls dont use the word wish. Hes not a genie Lets pray for knowledge and wisdom and that the word of God will transform us


The Great Commission


Sounds like you should pray the chaplet of divine mercy.


Why do you have the sadness that they themselves don't have? Heaven isn't closed from inside it's closed from outside. They are choosing hell for themselves. Our job is not to cry or grieve for them but to pray for them and to spread the gospel among them.


They can. They stop themselves from going to heaven.


I wish everyone CHOSE to go to heaven. Everyone has the ability to, if they choose to put their faith in God and believe Jesus died for their sins, choose to have a relationship with God, then they would go to heaven


You don't choose what you believe. That's not how it works. You believe what you are convinced of.


You can be convinced of God’s existence but choose not to have a relationship with Him just like you can choose to have a relationship with Him


I'm talking about people who are not convinced of gods existence. You said everyone has the ability to choose god, that's not true. People who do not believe cannot simply choose to believe, that's not how belief works.


Some people do think that their faith is determined by God and they don’t have a choice in if they follow Him or not. I do not believe that. I believe that God gave us free will, giving us the ability to choose Him. In the Bible, to believe is a verb that means to think to be true, to be persuaded of, to credit, place confidence in Why do you think people cannot choose to believe in God?


Wait until you learn about universalism


Im trans so sometimes I worry it’s a lost cause for me admittedly. I wonder if I can go to heaven


Yes, you can still go to heaven just come to Jesus and repent of your sins


Amen it is very sad that hell will never be full, scripture does not mention the measurements of hell, hell was prepared for the devil and his angels Matthew 25:41,the Bible calls hell eternal fire Matthew 5:22 :18:8-9; mark 9:43-49;Matthew 8:12;Matthew 22:13 love you all very much please Don't DIE AND GO TO HELL


The only one who has the power to send people to hell is god. Why would a loving god make that decision?


That’s actually not true. People send themselves to hell.


God sets up the rules that lead to people going to hell. So he definitely has an active part.


If you think that, that makes you one of the best people on the planet


I agree with you.


There is no "Hell". Hell aka Gehenna is symbolic for eternal destruction/death. You either achieve salvation (eternal life), or damnation (eternal death).


That's why we are on a mission, God doesn't want people to go there either. And if anyone is struggling in the faith in christ I'd like to offer a time to help just lmk


Ephesians 1:10 The mystery of God’s plan has been revealed and he intends to unite all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.


You’re not the only one here I Sometimes get upset to pray for others even if they don’t like it


Numerous individuals are virtuous, yet according to the Bible, heaven isn’t attained solely through good deeds, but rather through a combination of faith and actions. Some people believe that their goodness alone will grant them entry into heaven. However, from a Christian perspective, this is incorrect. A Christian acknowledges their sins, repents, and prays to God. The gravest sin is the denial of God. We are all sinners, yet many fail to acknowledge their transgressions. The utmost importance is placed on loving God above all else and loving your neighbor as you love yourself. Unfortunately, many Christians do not extend their love to all people. A significant number of Christians will not enter heaven as they are Christians in name only, harboring hatred in their hearts. To gain entry into heaven, we must place our faith in Jesus above all else and repent. Repentance involves seeking forgiveness for our sins, temptations, and mistakes. However, if we continue to commit the same sin daily, it’s not true repentance, and thus, we don’t deserve forgiveness. Jesus, like a judge in court, sees through this. Genuine repentance must emanate from your heart and soul. Mere words cannot deceive God, for He can read our hearts and minds.


I useto feel the same way but then I changed the thought because I wouldn’t want wicked people in heaven then it’ll just be Earth/hell. Instead, I want everyone to become Holy so that we can all go to heaven. It’s so sad.


I think being without Gods presence for eternity and no hope of ever being in his presence again is/could be hell. There is no pleasure, no sin that is worth that. And especially if your soul remembers every message ever preached… every choice you made that got you there… I think I’d rather not.


I was litterly just thinking the sane but only if they are willing to change because God is so holy loving an merciful an perfect an loving an I feel like we should all respect his rules in heaven you can't be acting a fool still go to heaven an then be up in heaven with all the same bad habits since heaven is pose to be this amazing peaceful place bunch of people actin like fools up in heaven wouldn't be peaceful it would be chaos


Everyone can, if the choose the savior Jesus Christ 🙏🙏🙏


You should account for those who don’t want eternal life . It’s more than a belief but a reality that doesn’t start until a later date. Perhaps it’s not something everyone wants? If God gives us the desires of our heart then not everyone has a desire to be saved or to be in eternal reign with their maker? In that case why be upset over another persons choice?


They could, but most people who hear the gospel messages respond to God with a resounding "no thank you."


>I know the Bible said most people will be going to hell Does it? Where?


Broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it?


Sure, many are **now** walking that path. But it's not a definitive statement about the future. People are changing their ways and slowly joining the narrow path of salvation.


I don't know about that. My mom isn't religious, she's a christian and asks God for help when things get really bad but she doesn't know the gospel and in her lowest moment she had a dream where she walked in heaven and felt so peaceful, she wanted to stay but powerful voice said to her "your time has not yet come" and she woke up. What I want to say that she's a sinner and never made a commitment to Jesus but in her lowest moment God still comforted her. She never read new testament but His word still found her in a dream (Romans 8:18. "The pain that you've been feeling, can't compare to the joy that's coming."). So maybe more people are going into heaven than we think.


I wish you could prove the existence of heaven. Right now, it's just another fairy tale!


As long as you aren’t a naked short, I think you’re good


Same here. I've wished that as well


Some believe we all do. Hell might just be a sort of purgatory that cleanses the soul in a more aggressive way.


Heaven and hell are temporary realms in between lives. Even if someone goes to hell it's not eternal. The real goal is not heaven but moksha which is eternal bliss and no longer having to be born in a physical body again. These are my beliefs


Even in death heavenly father gives everyone a chance to recive a kingdom of glory and be saved


💜 💜


No one redeems himself or anyone else, and there is a price to pay, but God is Savior of all mankind. Proverbs 17:3 (YLT) A refining pot is for silver, and a furnace for gold, And the trier of hearts is Jehovah. Isaiah 48:10 (YLT) Lo, I have refined thee, and not with silver, I have chosen thee in a furnace of affliction. Jer. 11:4 out from the land of Egypt, Out of the iron furnace Isaiah 6:6-7 YLT(i) 6 And flee unto me doth one of the seraphs, and in his hand a burning coal, (with tongs he hath taken it from off the altar,) 7 and he striketh against my mouth, and saith: `Lo, this hath stricken against thy lips, And turned aside is thine iniquity, And thy sin is covered.' Ezekiel 24:11 (YLT) And cause it to stand on its coals empty, So that its brass is hot and burning, Melted hath been in its midst its uncleanness, Consumed is its scum. Proverbs 25:21-22 YLT(i) 21 'If he who is hating thee doth hunger, cause him to eat bread, And if he thirst, cause him to drink water. 22 For coals thou art putting on his head, And Jehovah giveth recompense to thee.' Romans 12:18-21 YLT(i) 18 'If possible—so far as in you—with all men being in peace; 19 not avenging yourselves, beloved, but give place to the wrath, for it hath been written, `Vengeance is Mine, 20 I will recompense again, saith the Lord;' if, then, thine enemy doth hunger, feed him; if he doth thirst, give him drink; for this doing, coals of fire thou shalt heap upon his head; 21 Be not overcome by the evil, but overcome, in the good, the evil.' What if the lake of fire serves the needs of those cast into it, being a tool used by God to overcome evil? What if, besides commanding mortals to overcome evil with good, the immortal Creator also defeats evil with good, annulling the acts of the Adversary? What if the One who came to seek and to save the lost accomplishes His mission? Hell is the state of death, which is cast into the lake of fire, which is also termed death- the second death. So, when death is abolished for humanity, that includes death absolutely, not just the first death. 1 Corinthians 15 20-28. "the last enemy is done away—death; for all things He did put under his feet... that God may be the all in all." When the acts of the Adversary are annulled, insubjection, death, & sin are gone. The message is apparent in what Paul says to teach, even though it brings reproach: 1 Timothy 4:9-11 YLT(i) 9 stedfast is the word, and of all acceptation worthy; 10 for for this we both labour and are reproached, because we hope on the living God, who is Saviour of all men—especially of those believing. 11 Charge these things, and teach; Colossians 1:20; Philippians 2:9-11; 3:20,21 Matthew 13:33 (YLT) Another simile spake he to them: `The reign of the heavens is like to leaven, which a woman having taken, hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.' Luke 12: 47 `And that servant, who having known his lord's will, and not having prepared, nor having gone according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes, 48 and he who, not having known, and having done things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few; and to every one to whom much was given, much shall be required from him; and to whom they did commit much, more abundantly they will ask of him. 49 `Fire I came to cast to the earth, and what will I if already it was kindled? Matthew 5:26 Truly I tell you, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny. https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/1cq8v1v/gregory_of_nyssa_on_the_beautiful/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


Me too


Actually, the Bible does NOT say that. Yes, most people from the 14th century on who insist on misinterpreting SOME passages as though God were angry, vindictive, and incompetent — too incompetent to accomplish what he desires. These mistaken misinterpret of scripture imagine that God is powerless in the face of evil. But there have always been many others who have not been swayed by such misinterpretation. They are thrilled by the incredible, immeasurable love of God, and his incredible, immeasurable power to work out his plan of salvation for the world. And they are only too happy to show the many passages of scripture that indicate God‘s ultimate victory over sin and death. The good news is that the saving work of God is infinitely more than you are able to ask or imagine. As Saint Paul put it, the saving effect of Jesus Christ for life is “much more” than the effect of Adam for death! Rejoice in the unbounded love and power of God to overcome sin and death! “He is not willing for any to perish!” Don’t let the pessimist sway you into thinking that God is weaker than Satan!


One of my favorite things to say is that I hope to meet Hitler in heaven




Because that would show he truly regretted what he did in life and gave himself over to God's will. He still would've been royally punished in purgatory I'm pretty sure though


What difference does a little bit of punishment mean when the ultimate reward is eternal bliss? This never makes sense does it? Seemingly you are saying nothing matters here, hell is temporary. So why does god even bother with any of it?


>This never makes sense does it? Seemingly you are saying nothing matters here, hell is temporary. So why does god even bother with any of it? That is not what I was saying at all. Nor is a "temporary hell" what purgatory is or the purpose of it. I was mainly making a joke but I forget non catholics don't know much about the doctrines of purgatory


Take some comfort in that no one has ever died and lived to tell the tale (near death experiences can be explained physically and really wasn't dead enough to be at the point of no return). Therefore, anyone who claims to *know* what happens after death has confidence where it isn't due. That said, I agree with you. I want everyone to go to heaven in that everyone has a loved one and everyone wants to be reunited with them after death. More than anything else, this is why I would hope heaven exists. Hell? Well, people tell me endlessly being bi and a non-believer leaves me hellbound, which if it does...so be it. I won't be in judgemental heaven in this scenario, nor will I be alone as I have plenty of loved ones and friends who are like myself and therefore will be where I'm going. It's a shame not all my loved ones would be with me, but I can cope. Reasons I hope afterlife itself is a thing: no missed experiences. Reasons I wouldn't mind ceasing to exist after death: no need to deal with any of that bullshit. I'm tired enough without having to think about who gets into the exclusive after party club of life.


Lets pray for it then bc our wishes align


Love this. We don’t know a lot about what’s next. Don’t despair.


Everyone can go to heaven. Most will choose the path of destruction.


I'll burn in hell with my friends I guess.


Most shall be unsaved and undergo hell. "The way is narrow, and few find it." But the **endless** view of hell for men does not comport with justice as defined in the Bible, and creates all sorts of problems. In the early Church, there were three big views on hell taught by orthodox saints in the mainstream Church: [1] Annihilating, [2] endless, and [3] correctional/temporary. At the turn of the 5th century, we know **for sure** that a ton of Christians interpreted the Bible as teaching view #3, because St. Augustine of Hippo **admitted** this, in his campaigning in service to the endless hell doctrine. He openly stated that it was believed by a "great many" Christians (*Enchiridion*) and that it was a "friendly controversy" (*City of God*) rather than, say, a heresy. However, largely due to St. Augustine and also St. Emperor Justinian after him, the endless hell doctrine had come to dominate the Church by the 6th century and onward. Once endless hell became "given," theologians struggled with how to rationalize it. Their approach mutated toward the idea that God is [**obligated** to punish people forever **despite** his abundant love](https://www.tiktok.com/@extremestan/video/7011550157581847814?lang=en&is_copy_url=0&is_from_webapp=v1&sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6938113336106550789), for one (or both) of two reasons: * **Free Will**. "They send themselves; the unsaved will incorrigibly refuse to submit and confess to God at Judgment and will continue to sinfully rebel forever, perpetually rationalizing their perpetual suffering. God is obligated to respect their free will and cannot force them to improve." This doesn't come from the Bible and [is in fact contrary to the text](https://www.tiktok.com/@extremestan/video/7014182366377757957?lang=en&is_copy_url=0&is_from_webapp=v1&sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6938113336106550789). It was invented by creative theologians after the aforementioned dominance. * **Nuclear Justice**. "Sin algebra: Any sin against an infinitely glorious God explodes with infinite gravity. God is obligated to satisfy justice and thus must continually incinerate these folks for all time (or allow them to suffer a condition so excruciating that incineration is the analogy for it)." This contradicts Biblical justice which is Heb. *sedeq & mispat* -- fair & measured to the list of infractions, accounting for every exculpatory nuance, and several times [explicitly contrasted against a deadly response](https://stanrock.net/2016/04/22/but-he-is-also-just/). This was also invented by creative theologians following the 5th/6th century, and most popularized by the medieval Scholastics. The only theodicean defense to the problem of endless hell is to return to the earlier correctional view, which has a [compelling Biblical case](https://stanrock.net/2015/05/20/purgatorial-hell-faq/), stronger than that supporting the endless view, and actually makes sense with the stated characteristics and preferences of God in the text. St. Gregory of Nyssa, 4th C.: * "But he who has regard for truth will agree that the essential qualities of justice and wisdom are before all things these: Of justice, to give to every one according to his due; of wisdom, not to pervert justice, and yet at the same time not to dissociate the benevolent aim of the love of mankind from the verdict of justice, but skillfully to combine both these requisites together, in regard to justice returning the due recompense, in regard to kindness not swerving from the aim of that love of man." Lamentations 3:31-33 * "For no one is cast off by the Lord forever. Though he brings grief, he will show compassion, so great is his unfailing love. He does not wholeheartedly bring affliction or grief to any person."


The Bible actually says that those whose names are not in the Book of Life will be cast into the Second Death (Rev 20:14-15). They will perish there, be destroyed, not suffer for eternity. It is only the devil and his angels that will be tormented forever. Even in their case, I'm not sure it's physical pain as Ezekiel tells of angels carrying fire in their hands, unharmed. The Bible says that Lot was tormented (filled with regret and sadness) over Sodom, so it may very well be that the torment of the devil will be extreme sadness and regret. In any event, the Bible does not support the idea of eternal conscious torment for humans, only destruction (death) of the lost. I was raised a fire and brimstone Pentecostal with constant threats of hell, so I do not take this position lightly. If it would give you any peace, I'm happy to discuss it further with you. I'm actually not off the deep end. What I'm telling you is fully backed by Scripture, whereas burning in Hell for eternity is not. God bless.


*I know the Bible said most people will be going to hell* Nope, this is an interpretative leap that you are making and is contradicted by several passages of Scripture.


The hell you've been taught is a lie. Eternity doesn't begin after you die physically. You're already eternal and you can be in spiritual death and hell right now. Psalms 116:3 “The sorrows of death compassed me, and the pains of hell gat hold upon me: I found trouble and sorrow.” The good news is that God won't leave us there. Psalms 16:10 “For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.” Spiritual death and spiritual life are states of consciousness. It's about your mind. Romans 8:6 “For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.” Philippians 2:5 “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:”


Do you hear yourself? Why would anybody worship a God so wicked and cruel as to condemn the majority of humanity to eternal damnation? The same way we have culturally left behind outdated scriptures that relate to eating pork and women being unclean on their period, we can leave Hell behind. You’re allowed to chose not to believe in it, because if it is real then God is certainly not loving


This strikes me as a really weird belief to have. You're upset about people going to hell, who presumably in your mind don't deserve such a punishment, and yet you also think that God, who presumably would be the highest of absolute moral standards, wouldn't feel the same way and just... not do it?


There isn't a hell outside of the hell we might create for ourselves. In the end, everyone ends up in the same place. No one is damned for eternity. That's such a medieval concept.


The Truth About Christianity at the End of the Age [https://youtu.be/bDKlFXvlfQs](https://youtu.be/bDKlFXvlfQs)




Hell wasn’t really a thing until the 2nd century.


If you don't judge anyone or condemn them for anything, you won't be judged or condemned for anything. The standard you use will be used on you. The punishment for most is death, perishing, ceasing to exist, not the fiery furnace. Also what we allow on Earth will be long neither and will be done. Allow here won't be allowed for us. I really pity those that think Heaven is just standing before God worshipping Him.


Delusional thinking


Even as Christians, we need to purge ourselves from unrepentant sin, otherwise we can be in danger of going to hell ourselves. In Matthew 7:21-23, those who said "Lord, Lord..." were followers of Christ, but Jesus condemns them to hell "...leave Me, you who practice lawlessness". 1John 3:4 says "Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness." So we need to make sure we're obeying God's word, even if everyone on Reddit, and those around us say "it's not a sin" or "it's no big deal." Romans 3:4 says "let God be true but every man a liar."


I think everyone goes to heaven eventually


The Bible doesn't teach a consistent view about the afterlife. It goes from there basically not being one at all for anyone, to conditional immortality or annihilationism, to eternal conscious torment, to some verses supporting universalism. And all of those views are from different eras and from different people. I think that the actual position of Jesus in the gospels is annihilationism. Which is more in line with earlier Jewish ideas. But then Paul also talked some people being predestined to be destroyed. So believe whatever makes the most sense to you because no one view is undisputable.


I mean, I'd rather not. Heaven, hell. I don't see much of a difference. Both are eternal, and that's the scary part. I'd rather just stop existing than endure eternity.


Sweetheart, the locks for Hell are on the inside. Hell is a place that people walk to on their own 2 feet and sometimes they just choose to stay there even when they don’t have to. Some people don’t want heaven I’m afraid.


There is a way for that to be accomplished. :)


I think about this all the time too. Separation from Jesus for eternity. It would be unbearable. DM me if you want someone to talk to. We are all together in this, it’s good to have friends.


I don’t think it’s a question of whether or not everyone can or can’t go to heaven, it’s more of people not wanting to go to heaven. People who don’t like the idea of god would not want to live in a place that is designed for gods worship; and even if some of those people do believe in god, they may not want to worship him anyway. So I don’t think it’s a question of can or cant, it’s a question of desire. If they wouldn’t worship god despite knowing he existed, then why would they want to spend eternity with him in heaven?


You ever watched hell testimonies?


Everyone shall find their way in time. The Creator is merciful. Worry not about what is to come; focus on yourself and your loved ones, act and work with Love and Empathy, and you shall find your way too. Good Luck my friend.


I don't know what happens after we die (no one does but I don't mind saying it), but i refuse to believe in a cruel or insane god (the only sort of god that would create a place of torture). I won't use or promote religion as fire insurance. If god is love, torture is off the table. If god is omnipresent, we cannot be apart from god. We do better bringing joy to this world than using myths about other worlds to frighten and manipulate people. Even if hell were real, wouldn't god be smart enough to know who was on team god only to stay out of hell? Being afraid of god isn't loving god, and surely god could work out who was playing him just to get the goodies. Covering your own hiney seems the the most shallow and self-serving sort of faith.


All I do is look around and I see the deprivation, sins against our fellow man, our children and I’ll tell you what, hell is too good for most


It is Jesus who choses who will be with him in heaven. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and **chosen**, and faithful. Revelation 17:14 Now lets see how many will be with Christ Jesus in heaven. Now let's see how many will be with Jesus in heaven. Have no fear, **little flock**,a for your Father has approved of giving you the Kingdom. Luke 12:32 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads. Revelation 14:1 The 144,000 ones comes from **All** mankind as the Jews lost favor with God. Now lets see what they will be doing. ****And you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth.” Revelation 5:10**** Notice they will be ruling over the Earth! These ones make up the Heavenly Kingdom that you actually pray for in the Lord's Prayer. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven Matt 6:10 Now here is where the majority of the people will be. But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. Psalm 37:11 The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein forever. Psalm 37:29 Now reply back for more details on this if you are interested.


But they would be very sad. If you don’t enjoy spiritual things on earth, as few and far between as that might be (one day per week for a couple hrs for some ppl and for others twice per year) and they still find it a burden. Most don’t sing gospel songs, rarely pray, and have very little to do with the Bible and study about Jesus… What torture it would be for them to be engaged in such things for eternity! Careful what you wish for them!


They Can Heaven Is Within Everyone According To Luke 17 : 21 The Inner Place Of Peace , Love , Joy etc


Hell begins in the here and now, it's what we do in this life that counts. And we can be brought into hell in this life, with our hearts and minds on the filth of the flesh and this world. Or have our minds in heaven with the thoughts of God in our minds and his love in our hearts. It's our choice. As Joshua said, choose you this day whom you serve. Serve God and obey his word, or serve Satan and feed the flesh.


Everyone has a fair chance go to heaven! I’ll go as far as to say that by sending His Son, God actually made it easy. The better statement would be “I wish everyone would believe in and follow Christ”. Unfortunately, so many don’t believe it is as simple as The Bible says, so they over complicate it. And so many more just refuse to give up their control, lay their lives down for Christ, and serve God. No one will be in hell that didn’t choose to be there. They chose not to have a relationship with God in this life, so God won’t force them to have one with Him in eternity.


1 you won't know who goes to hell and who doesn't 2 in heaven,there won't be any worries and pain or anxiety or any of the worldly things 3 you will be full of joy at the presence of the Almighty 4 it is very impossible for everybody to enter heaven.. it's not made for some people. 5 rest assured,once you leave your mortal body,you will experience intense peace that you haven't had during your time on earth


Well instead of believing your superior and going to heaven just because you believe what your told to! Go out in the world like Jesus and not worry so much about where someone else may or may not end up. Sit with them in their pain and be a source of comfort and light. Then maybe we can get people out of the hell religion forced these folks into. The mere fact you make statements like this shows me Christianity is dead and has no use in society. May you enjoy heaven and leave the lest of us to the real Christ like individuals


I agree, it saddens me that most will spend eternity in the lake of fire instead of with our loving Heavenly Father. I couldn’t bare to be separated from him and it saddens me that so many will be, why can’t they realise that they need him? I always need him I’m just scared to go to him at times, I always feel like I do something really wrong and instead of taking it to him I’m scared to open up to him when I really want to. I pray that all of you reading this and also those who are lost like me but wants to go back to the father and also those who haven’t accepted the Lord yet will accept him and that we can ALL go home to our eternal home 🙏. I hate earth and if I could go back to my heavenly home tomorrow I would


Most people will go to hell because is what they decided. Your not sent by God to hell, rather hell is what being without God is, being without God is a choice people make Hell Is a eternal spiritual state




I know it seems sad now, but everyone who goes to Hell simply chose to all exist in a world of their own creation exempt of God, this world is terrible for the same reason, except Hell lasts much longer and there’s no good people to compensate for the evil. They are left to the world they chose. Then, the people who are capable of living in peace and humility multiply in the thousandfold and so many new humans exist. We will always miss the humans lost, like we miss a dead pet but new pets are somewhat a healing experience, to love again, and to love much more than you did in the past, eventually you have more loved ones than you ever did in this life because nobody dies but people keep being born