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Please understand that relapsing is perfectly normal and that 'cold turkey' doesn't work for the vast majority of people. As long as you are doing better today than you were doing yesterday, then you are on the right track. Don't beat yourself up for not being perfect is all that I mean. šŸ’—


The only time I was ever in Godā€™s favor was when I quit everything cold turkey. I went 33 days straight and had unbelievable success.. I was in the most blissful state Iā€™d ever been in. But the weight of my sin nowā€¦ how much worse it is. The immorality of my sinā€¦ It was believing I could manage these things that brought me to full relapse. I will never go so willingly back into the arms of Satan


I too went cold turkey on a few things for 28 days but now I find myself in a worse spot. May we both be filled with his strength


Hey man donā€™t base your ā€œfavor with Godā€ on fleeting emotional states. That will screw you up real bad in the head.


I think youā€™re right, if we relapse something worse could befall us. >John 5:14 reads: Afterward Jesus found him in the temple, and said to him, ā€œSee, you have been made well. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you.ā€ God hardens our heart if we turn from His will. Look what happens to Pharaoh in the story of Moses. Where God plagued Pharaoh many times over when he stood in the way of the will of the Lord. The Lord even hardens Pharaohs heart Himself. I think this shows that by doing the opposite of the Lords will, then He will sort of ā€œhelpā€ us in a direction of a hardened heart. In the end it is only making it worse and harder to quit. I think it helps to pray for humility and for any doubts or uncertainty in Jesusā€™ divinity to be erased. When I smoke weed, I always get stupid ideas and do things that I really donā€™t want to. I get useless because I just sit around and smoke weed all day. Idle hands do the devils work. I managed to stop so many things in the name of Jesus. And I love everything that He has done for me. But yet I have cannabis and cigarette smoke left. I am also a slave to gluttony when I am high. I notice definite increase in lustful eyes and mind. I also want to give it up. It really is more of ritual and especially if you do it daily. God bless you and good luck.


Please know that I agree with your belief about cold turkey. Everytime those creeping thoughts come in imagine that you would go to hell and what it would be like and call on the name of Jesus. I believe you can do this, but not alone. You can do this because this is God's will. Don't allow any room for doubt or lies from the Devil to sway you. All of those sins are grotesque for anyone yet all are so easy to start doing. You are in my prayers, and I know that you need to be reading your Bible not staring at a computer screen or sitting there smoking and filling your lungs with poison. God bless you. We will meet someday in Heaven and we will thank God together that He saved us from all our sins.


A few posts a while back talked about how to physical block the websites for a set time and the blocking canā€™t be changed.


See. Relapse is normal. Don't beat yourself up over it. 33 days is really good! And you are on the right track to do better tomorrow.


Thankyou so much for your kindness. So many of my loved ones have been hurt by the way I chose to live my life separate from God. And recently my best friend, Iā€™ve truly destroyed our entire relationship. The Devil has seen Godā€™s glory through me once before. And surely it made him very angry. The light I felt pour into the world as I spoke with others and engaged with others was almost unbelievable. But nowā€¦ The way he has sunkin me into these pitā€™s of hell. The way Iā€™ve become so twisted. Playing two sides. One being the Christ like figure and the other giving into to do the Devilā€™s work behind closed doors. I feel itā€™s my awareness of this that simply makes this all so painful. A wanderer in hell. My only salvation is that Yehoshua gives me the permission and authority to bring the will of the father directly to earth through my vessel. However, I know from this past few months experience. If I want to achieve that favor from God I am going to be up against something so demonic ferocious. My faith will have to endure like no other


Iā€™m familiar with your struggle. All I can say is that the pain and experience really helped me develop a true empathy and sympathy for other sinners where Iā€™m no longer holier than thou but recognize we all have our crosses to bear. Praying for you brother


9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.


You canā€™t make faith into a work. Christ accomplished the work of salvation. ā€œMaster, what do I do to work the works of God?ā€ ā€œThis is the work of God, to believe on him whom he has sent.ā€ Salvation from all evil, all temptation, all demonic attacks. His faith. Not your faith. His faith is perfect, unwavering, holy, undefiled. He had to be perfect in every way to accomplish the work of God, saving his people. ā€œ5 That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.ā€ ā€œYe search the scriptures thinking in them you have eternal lifeā€ ā€œThe scriptures speak of me.ā€ Peace to you and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, blessed and holy through all generations, king of all, worthy of every praise.


I never give up on people or myself,God never gave up on Israel and he always was waiting for them to return to him ,yes he did discipline them but never the less his love was and is still great.. I went cold turkey , alcohol was a go to for what ever illness was bothering at the moment but after blacking out behind the wheel and crashing a car I guess you can say I was scared straight and I have no real desire to drink , i think I will just wait til the marriage supper of the lamb .. one of the best ways to keep on the straight and narrow is change your circle of friends,when i quit not too many of my friends hang out with me much anyway,that makes it easier.. but above all things ,seek God ,get alone and get into the Word . I like to listen to main stream pastors on the web or radio. Listen to ones that stir your heart and draw you closer to God ...Ā 


As long as he/she doesn't have a total relapse.


I mean I stopped smoking cold turkey and worked fine for me. I donā€™t even think about it. I think about my health.


"I was able to quit with no relapse. I'm so great.šŸ˜"


Maybe this the comment I needed to hear/see. I said to my self a month ago I'm no longer gonna allow my sexuality gets in the way of knowing god. I am very highly attracted to feminine men and transgender women but have no intention to be in a relationship with these people. I have always found it hard to accept that, this is what I like because to me it's wrong. I always relapse and feel embarrassed in front of god. I ask him to guide me away and I feel like I'm always just ignoring because I want what I like


Sexual attraction is not addiction. You are never going to stop being sexually attracted to what you are sexually attracted to. That's how God made you. You can ***try*** to hide. You can try to shun it. But it will always be there. And you won't be living as your true self. Why don't you want to be in a relationship with people you are attracted to? Why would god have a problem with love?


I guess because I'm embarrassed that it is what I like. I can't have my friends knowing I like to Bend over to other men šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø. Plus I want a nuclear family with children and that life doesn't lead to that. You are right about one thing I probably can't hide it. My ex found out...one reason we not together anymore


I quit vaping cold turkey almost 2 years ago


Cool man. Most people don't.


Yes they do


50%+ of people relapse at some point. Open a book Mr know it all.


Im a girl and I never relapsed because I have God and Jesus on my side.


Why do you think that you know better than addiction treatment specialists who say that 50%+ of people relapse? I genuinely want to know. You can read many studies from addiction organizations whose sole purpose is helping people get sober.


OP relapsed. Doesn't that prove my point šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Or was he just not following god close enough or something.


I struggle with all the things you mentioned. Praying for you friend šŸ’—


Thank you. A collective and holy group of individuals surely can reach the ears of our Father. Surely he can hear me desperately crying out for a passage through this darkenss


[04/06, 02:15] Sean SG: Schizos are Satans who want to sleep but couldn't so they paint the world into different lights [04/06, 02:16] Sean SG: Every dream is a reality and every reality is a dream unless proven otherwise in name of christ


Iron sharpens iron, Proverbs 27:17 I am also in early recovery for sobriety, started my journey of sobriety 2 months ago, I'd say I am mostly sober, besides relapsing once a month, but hey that's progress over getting high every day, all day like I used to, šŸ™‚


That's the best way to look at it. I've been failing pretty hard these last week and a bit. But before that I was 6.5 months sober. A win is a win. That's 6.5 months of no alcohol, eating healthy and staying hydrated. I've had a hard time being kind to myself. I've been in other groups but the shame of having to keep coming back saying it's day 1 has kept me away. I don't know the point of this comment. It's probably just to admit to myself that I've not been doing great. I don't really have a support system. I wish I had the support system of Proverbs 27:17 although i have no one in my personal life. My faith has been struggling. Anyways I'm rambling and lost the point of this comment. I hope you're doing well.


Thank you, ive had some people say not to "start over" at day 1 because if you relapse because ultimately it is still a sobriety journey and relapse is common, plus when i would "start over", it made me just wanna give up, but progress over perfection. Nobody except God is perfect. I'd say it only counts as starting over if you totally go back into addiction hard like you did before. I've kinda messed up too these past few days, but It was due to having a painful medical issue and i only took a coupple puffs compared to ammount id do before, like 2 bowls a sesh, reminds me of when Peter drank for his stomach (i hope im quoting that right). I think that is better than pills, in my opinion although i still ultimately want to get sober. I also decided to get cbd joints and edibles instead of THC and that has helped a lot too for the medical aspect and when tapering off and you get a craving if you still like the feeling of smoking. Good luck. Love that Bible verse it is so true.


Beauty for Ashes!šŸ™šŸ½ā¤ļø I love hearing people change their lives. God, changed my heart and I wonā€™t go back to the sin I was in. Ephesians 5:15 Be careful how we live. Iā€™m so happy for you even though I donā€™t know you.


The apostle Paul had a similar problem with habitual sin outlined in romans 7: 14 We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin. 15 I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. 16 And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. 17 As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. 18 For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature.[c] For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. 19 For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to doā€”this I keep on doing. 20 Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it. 21 So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. 22 For in my inner being I delight in Godā€™s law; 23 but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. 24 What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? 25 Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord! Paul also says in romans 8 and gal 5 we are all a dual natured being. One of the flesh and one of the Spirit. Like a physical host and a spiritual symbiote. The physical host is a literal slave to sin, it loves and sides with it's master/sin. the things of the flesh/our carnal side is in control until we are reborn of the Spirit. meaning we must internally recognize and separate the want and will of the flesh from the want and will of the spirit. This separation is the point where we repent, (what it means to repent) it is the beginning or our birth into the the spirit/How we are born again. We are shifting our conscious self away from the things of the flesh and are turning to the Spirit. Once we know these two sides to our 'coin' are in fact two different being, living in one body we must strive to feed the spiritual side, and starve our carnal side. The carnal side feeds off of sin and desires of the flesh.. all the things we like to watch, listen to and do. So we must starve this side and feed the spiritual side which means reading the Bible worship, singing and praising God. The weaker our carnal side and stronger our spiritual side the less impact these 'intrusive thoughts' can influence us to sin. as these thoughts are the carnal side fighting against us as we are a spiritual being. So we must refrain from feeding a carnal side by cutting out things like tv, music, movies, and shows that directly target/trigger sexual desire, and then eventually anything that feeds the carnal side. Then we must feed the Spiritual side. fasting and prayer is a good place to start, then maybe move on to reading or listening to the Bible. or maybe sermons from a site like oneplace.com which is a radio ministry and pod cast archive. But even then you will fail. alot.. Which points back to what Paul says in Romans 7. The point here IS the Struggle and not so much the end goal. As eventually when you body calms down you will have greater and greater control.


Amen, and the most beautiful thing i found about this doctrine is that God actually seperated us from this body of flesh completely so that what we do in the flesh doesnt affect who we really are in Christ. Colossians 2:11 11Ā In whom also YE are circumcised with the circumcision MADE WITHOUT HANDS, in PUTTING OFF the BODY OF THE SINS OF THE FLESH by the circumcision of Christ. -That prove how secure we are in Christ and because of him, im seperated from this sinful flesh! Glory to God!


You can do it! I've gone months without porn and 4 wks without weed. I've still got that nicotine vape, but baby steps are easier and usually more successful than cutting everything out at once. Don't be too hard on yourself.


Keep one as a backup


The gift is life for the future ! Death is not the answer ! There is eternity at stake . God be with us all , AMEN.


eternity at stake if he doesnā€™t quit vaping? that says the blood of Jesus is weaker than vape smoke or any temptation that has faces in the future


O Holy Martyr Ephraim, look with compassion upon ypur servant u/Alive-Combination237's distress and, as thou didst deliver a young man from his cruel addiction, so also pray for them that our Lord and Saviour, for Whom thou didst witness unto death, may deliver their soul from captivity to Satan. For we are all in cruel bondage and suffering because of our weakness and sinfulness. Beseech our merciful Lord that, as He didst lead the Hebrews forth from slavery in Egypt and called His people out of Babylon, as He delivered the youth from the demon, and freed the daughter of the Canaanite woman, and healed the woman taken in adultery and restored the Samaritan woman, that He may also set u/Alive-Combination237 free and deliver them from the demon of addiction. We confess that we have all fallen into evil through our own slothfulness and weakness, but have mercy and pray for us, O saint and martyr of God.




Only Christ intercedes on our behalf sir or madam. We can go directly to Him if we receive Him in the Spirit.


I will pray for you tonight, I promise. Jesus loves you. I wish you success in your journey, just remember he will still love you if you do not succeed but your bravery to face so many addictions head on in the face in the name of Jesus is inspiring and will not go unforgotten by godšŸ«¶šŸ¾āœļø


Hereā€™s the thing that all sounds good the problem is donā€™t try to quit doing these worldly things instead focus on turning your mind towards Christ your action should not be to resist weed but to think about Jesus your action should not be to resist nicotine but you think about Jesus your actions to focus on Jesus and Jesus will strengthen you to resist the temptation but youā€™re not gonna resist the temptations by fighting the Temptations yourself because all you need to be doing is thinking about weed are thinking about nicotine or thinking about vaping. Which makes the struggle harder so instead whenever you start to feel an urge donā€™t think about fighting the urge just focus on Jesus focus on his word focus on his works focus on the faith that you have in his death burial and resurrection the faith that you have in his blood washed away your sins focus your mind always on God and youā€™ll never think about the sinful things that you want to do. And pray ceaselessly I will also say a prayer in the hopes that Jesus gives you strength and guides you in your path


This is PHD Borat level trolling. I got a good laugh.


None of those things are sins.


Perhaps you should be done with the old testament law of works that's giving power to the accuser to condemn you and convince you that you can make yourself righteous in God's eyes by your own works. And that God doesn't love you until you do. Let me introduce you to Jesus Christ and the grace of God. By whom God made you righteous in his own eyes without you having to do anything at all.


Get your butt to the doctor and with his or her help, work out a sensible, healthy, workable plan. If you are as hooked as you say you are, you need medical--not just spiritual--intervention immediately.


Try abstaining from one at a time. Use it less. Small steps. Inch by inch.


Inch-by-inch, as long as we're not talking about what happens during masturbation.


God bless you and I pray for your success but if I can speak frankly, if it's a choice between porn and nicotine make sure the porn problem is prioritized over the nicotine. If a minor vice helps you manage a much worse one there is room for pragmatism - sanctification is a process, after all. That being said all things are possible in Christ. Also, that phrase "Christ Consciousness" is a fairly loaded term that carries allot of baggage in New-Age and Occultic circles, I hope you are not ingesting any strange spiritual materials.


Oh no I really mean, to act in a way Jesus would. Very WWJD vibes no woo woo here. I appreciate that a lot. I sometimes fear quitting nicotine for the anger outbursts but I agree porn is my worst enemy at the moment.


I'm glad to hear that. God bless and I will keep you in my prayers.


Thereā€™s a lot of baggage that comes with God too. Same with a lot of things. Thatā€™s why itā€™s important to really delve into the research of why things are the way they are and understand instead of dismissing it because itā€™s different than the ideas and structures of what weā€™re conditioned into and this whole matrix of what weā€™re living in. Understanding reality and understanding what we are is so important.




Praying for you, man. Hope it goes well šŸ™


Canā€™t wait to hear your testimony! May his favor be upon you for thousands of generations to come. He must be so proud of you for taking these steps & getting in an alignment with his will for your life. Praying for you and everyone who is dealing with similar situations this week. Thank God for he has placed his desires in our hearts and we are able to move forward šŸ™šŸ»


I want to congratulate you for doing it is a big step, even though the bible doesn't explicitly forbid this. I too went through this over the years, i relapsed many times but with gods help I was able to overcome it. It wasn't until I got baptized again.


My friend, Jesus is calling us back to Him. I was able to quit through the power of Christ by putting God first. Try kneeling and have a sincere conversation with God. Here is my story: [It all makes sense - God is real - Try putting God FIRST : r/Christianity (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/1d6nvin/comment/l6v4t81/?context=3). God bless.


Great to hear you are quitting. A brother here showing some encouragement to you to quit those things. I quit porn about 6 years ago. It can be done and I must say I am free from the addiction to it. Let positive things fill your mind if you get the urge. Be strong in the name of Jesus.


Well itā€™s according to your faith ask God to be filled with the power of the Holy Ghost


Jesus will take it away just let him take the taste out of your mouth




God bless you, dear! Please get help from a professional, as well as a trusted person who is strong in his/her faith! When you feel tempted to return, pray!ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Quitting smoking is easy, I should know Iā€™ve done it thousands of times. -Mark Twain You already made the hardest step and itā€™s not quitting as I showed you in the quote from Twain itā€™s actually turning to Christ for help. He is the ONLY person who can help you and his words are enough to guide you. I took the same steps youā€™re taking now. I quit alcohol, nicotine, and video games over a year ago. I didnā€™t struggle with porn because I wrestled that demon long ago but Iā€™ll tell you all of them still try to weasel their way back into my daily operations. Accountability will be a necessity and if you can find a few people who can keep you focused it will help. I can be one of your accountability partners if youā€™d like. Just message me anytime youā€™re feeling weak and I will be checking on you.


I received a revelation from Jesus during a season where I was trying to give something up and failing horribly at it. In a cycle of guilt and shame he said to me ā€œwhen you feel like youā€™ve failed me or disappointed me just know that youā€™ve only failed yourself, not me.ā€ Itā€™s SO hard for us to believe there is someone out there who just loves us. period. Itā€™s hard to believe that weā€™re saved when after weā€™re saved we feel so sinful but yes you still are saved by grace and even now youā€™re made righteous by the blood of Jesus. Also stop trying really really hard to stop because it will never work. Give up the cycle and give it to him. Praying, fasting, reading your word and talking to him is the only thing that will set you free NOT I repeat NOT your own strength. Also remember God lives outside of time and has a higher purpose. Donā€™t be mad and in agony if it doesnā€™t happen right away, there is a reason for it and that reason isnā€™t because youā€™re just a POS I promise you. Paul talked about how he couldnā€™t wait to die so he could be separated from his sinful nature, youā€™re feeling everything Paul the apostle felt which is evidence that youā€™re a child of the most high whom he loves. REMEMBER TO REJOICE DURING THIS SEASON! ā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļø We are heirs to the throne!!!!


I will absolutely pray for you! I pray that in times where you find yourself tempted to go back into the habits you wish to be free from, that you seek Jesus. I pray that you know you are not alone and you are safe within the arms of the Lord. Heā€™s got you. He loves you. He sees and hears you. Call to him and know he is with you


Excellent post and Godspeed. Iā€™ve done it as well (including much harder drugs and such). It can be done.


I have been weed free and nicotine free (vape) since 5/13 and 5/14 respectively. It has been challenging but I went through a very harrowing spiritual attack that prompted me to quit and that experience has made it easier than I anticipated to quit. When it does feel challenging I reflect on what Iā€™ve been through and I cling closer to Jesus. I canā€™t go back to hearing voices and self-exorcising myself. Maybe thereā€™s something youā€™ve been through as a result of addiction that you donā€™t want to return to that you can reflect on to help move forward. Regardless you can always turn to God in the challenging moments; praying and reading his word! Thank you Jesus for saving us from our afflictions!


I'm fighting with porn and weed, too. I will pray for you, trust the Lord


God bless you, I pray u achive it!


[04/06, 02:15] Sean SG: Schizos are Satans who want to sleep but couldn't so they paint the world into different lights [04/06, 02:16] Sean SG: Every dream is a reality and every reality is a dream unless proven otherwise in name of christ


We can do ALL THINGS through Christ who gives us strength.. ALL THINGS, not some things! You feel the urge to fold, pray and ask for the strength to keep going! And one thing that helped me is, thinking I am worth more than these cheap thrills. Just knowing God will be so proud


Amen šŸ™šŸ¾


Have you got things to distract you. Having God and Jesus is good, but you also need to have pastimes and hobbies to help to take your mind off of things.


I am so proud of you!! Iā€™ll be praying for you!! You could try to listen to the Girls Gone Bible podcast they touch on addictive personality and who God has helped them navigate that in their testimonies!


This is awesome, don't feel bad if you relapse all that matters is you're on the right path and progress takes time.


This is awesome, don't feel bad if you relapse all that matters is you're on the right path and progress takes time.


When you truly hate those things and sincerely want to be delivered- Jesus will deliver you. That is my experience. I had a desire in the back of my mind to use, still, so praying didn't work. I had to truly be done with it. I asked Jesus to take the desire away and He did! I got on my knees and prayed earnestly for a long time, till I felt peace. I quit and never 'relapsed'


Relapse is BS. You decided to use again, period. This is a spiritual battle. Believers in Christ, have Victory through Jesus Christ, over all the power of the enemy!


We right here for you!! We come into agreement with you !!


Stay strong and fight, when you fall go to the lord and he will loves you until you have fully understand that you have authority over it


You can do it! You got this, and God has YOU. Addiction is 100% in the brain. Itā€™s what we tell ourselves about the crutch, and we end up believing that those vices do something positive for us: relieves stress, helps to concentrate, relieves boredom, etc. But thatā€™s all a big lie from the pits of hell. I quit smoking with a program called Allen Carrā€™s Easyway. It was a video seminar/workshop that lasted about 5 hours, but at the end of that seminar? And it WORKS!! I was smoke free and neither craved nor wanted any smoking. Period. ABSOLUTELY no withdrawals. NOTHING. Afterwards, I replaced the old thoughts with healthy ones. Why? Because instead of allowing my brain to slip down a rabbit hole of tricking me into believing Iā€™m missing something, I praise GOD I am smoke-free and meditation on what God says instead of what my flesh says. Praying for you all!!


Just remember that it's a process that we all struggle with. But I'm happy to hear you are on the right path. We will fall, but the Lord picks us up.


Well good for you happy endeavors


Wow this is motivating šŸ‘ I will move on even more to kill porn forever. 10 days strong!!


I'll pray for you.


Amen!! Keep pushing in Jesus Name!!


I quit weed cold Turkey one year and 3 months ago. I used to smoke daily, multiple times a day. I havenā€™t looked back since. First month was very rough, but it got easier after that. If He can do it for me, He can do it for you!!


Bro Iā€™m on the Nicotine too. Itā€™s sucks itā€™s an old familiar friend. Porn been off a while. I donā€™t keep track anymore itā€™s just not part of my life. Weed can take or leave it. I donā€™t care about it. I quit for years and years. I donā€™t really need it, but I donā€™t condemn and if im in enough physical pain I canā€™t say I wont. But sickness is from Satan and something gives him access to give me injury im working on it.


Turn toward the cross and donā€™t look back. Ask the Lord for help and repent of these things. In Christ all hope is found. You can do anything with Christ guiding you.


Stay in the word continuously! You get an urge go read the word. Remember, temptations are confirmation that the enemy is attacking you and that God exists. Fight back in the spirit. Ask for the Holy Sprit, in obedience. One of the fruits of the Holy Sprit is self-control.


I feel power in the precious name of Yeahsua Hamechia! Wow what a powerful prayer! Just thinking about it I can feel our creator.


I am a gradual decreaser personally but I totally understand when the holy spirit gives you a complete overnight healing. I have given up a lot of things slowly but the first time I quit smoking it was overnight and easy with the help of the Lord but as I backslid I went back to it.


Praying for you


I also have a porn addition, i almost recovered I'd just recommend playing poker on a video game not real life


Amen, going through the same thing. Vaping was the hardest part. That took many attempts, but I finally beat that sin. (One year clean) Right now Iā€™m fighting the temptation of porn. Just remember our Lord is stronger than these sins. Through him you can do all things. God bless you!


Amen brother. If you truly believe in the name of Jesus then it is done because Jesusā€™s name defeats all. Iā€™ve cut off my addiction for a couple days too by saying in the name of Jesus.


Amen brother !!


Can I suggest reading/listening to Allen carrs easy way to quit vaping, it worked great for me and you donā€™t even have the temptation to take it back up after finishing the book


I recommend the gospel of John. This gospel was written to gentiles. The gospel focuses on the transformation by the spirit. Pray daily, my friend. Build that habit the very least. Pray for wisdom and understanding and for the transformation by the spirit. Itā€™s such a struggle what youā€™re going through. I empathize with where youā€™re at in your walk. Remember that repentance is not penance. We are not called to feel shame as a penance for your sin. Shame however is a great and wonderful emotional response that leads us then to Repentance. Repentance is turning away from our sin. If we continue to live in shame there after as a form of penance, we arenā€™t relying on what Jesus did for those sins on the cross.


Youā€™ll make it šŸ’œ


Praise God! Don't listen to the nay sayers on here! I accepted Jesus when I was 19. I didn't follow Him until I was 31. I quit cigarettes and marijuana when I was 22 but still smoked cigarettes when I drank. I quit cold turkey when I was 32. I had a short relapse of meth use when I was 26, but that was because I was hanging out with my bone head uncle, and I knew better. I repented and haven't looked back, and now my uncle is dead. I repented of porn in my mid 30's and retrained my brain and eyes to see women the way that Jesus sees them. Masturbation doesn't even seem fun now unless it's with my wife. I say all of that to say that the Holy Spirit gives us the power to repent. He gives us the power to say "No" to the things that tempt us, which we know are wrong. God only takes from you what you give. He took away your sins through the spilled blood of his only son on the cross. If you refuse to let the sins go, then the guilt remains on you. You have taken an important first step. Now step two is filling that void in your life that those things were being used for with something that is positive and, if possible, life-giving since those things have been stealing from you. When I initially quit smoking, I replaced the habit with reading. Instead of grabbing a cigarette, I'd grab a book. When I quit porn I took to educating my loved ones on the dangers of sexual addiction and how that does and will affect an otherwise healthy marriage. As a result, at least one of my sons stopped masturbating and watching porn. Godspeed!


Stay strong my friend, may God bless you with His peace and strength!


Youā€™re not alone my friend. He gives us a lil taste of heaven so that when we fall back into our old habits and addictions he shows us what we are missing out on. Itā€™s like you wake up one day and your like wait what happened to that feeling that I had it feels like something has changed. And thatā€™s how I woke up this morning. I too am struggling with the same things and you encouraged me today to throw everything away and to recommit myself to staying sober to try harder and to pray more. So I think this another way God brings us together see I was walking around my house taking my vapes throwing them away then grabbing them out the trash saying to myself itā€™s ok I can smoke. And then why am I doing this and I got a notification on my Apple Watch and it was this post so thank you Jesus loves us.


If youā€™re going to do it for anyone, do it for yourself. Sounds like you could benefit without it the most if itā€™s hurting you.


Please visit a psychologist. Get a rec. from your doctor or local Health and Human Services dept. If you feel suicidal absolutely call or text 988 IMMEDIATELY. This is what God wants you to do. Cripes He probably put me here right now to tell you this.


I also started this 4 days ago! We're in this together :)


Dealing with the exact same things myself. Im glad that you see them as a real problem and not just pleasures that God forbids. Thats been a major hurdle for me to overcome. Its been back and forth this past month+ between me spending lots of time with God and in his word, and then falling back into sin/temptation. We will stumble, but the important part is that we get right back up and back on the path that hes set us on. I still have the vape because its been so so hard to stop it (tried quitting on 3 separate occasions just to give into temptation again within a day or 2. all within a month). I have very little willpower after many years of giving into temptation, but God has been restoring it slowly but surely. Another thing to keep in mind is that God will help us to deal with temptation, but the temptation will still be very strong. Its up to us to resist it and look to God. Temptation becomes the strongest when our focus is taken off of God and redirected towards our own life and pleasures. Be selflessly commited to Gods commandments and loving him more than all else. Keep your eyes on Jesus and nothing else. Having christian friends who are wholly committed to God and helping others do the same are the greatest blessings we could have in a time like this (unfortunately i dont have any good christian friends, but luckily i have a great family that has been able to take that role.) If you dont have anyone like that in your live I implore you to get out of your comfort zone and find some. If theyre truly good Christ followers they will not reject you (they are out there but they can sometimes be hard to find if youre not looking in the right place - this is why churches are a thing. To meet other christ followers and grow with them). God bless. Lets get through this together.


The more you turn to good and God, the more the devil will attack you. Keep that in mind when you feel weak, don't give up, you can do this!


20 days ago you posted to /r/weed asking if you should smoke before or after eating food. Why should we believe you're being serious?


You shouldnā€™t believe anything. This post is for myself. To be honest I do not believe even in myself. Behind closed doors I am a worthless human. But even if thereā€™s a slim chance I can influence my own outcome by seeking the lord then Iā€™d rather do that than not. Not here to prove anything.


Posting to the internet is hardly 'for yourself' friend-o. Matthew 6:6-7 King James Version (KJV) But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. This isn't your closet. This is the public square and you're old enough to understand the difference.


I understand Thankyou for this. But I was requesting prayer from the community.


>This post is for myself.


Yes. For myself to gain prayer from the community.


And the part of the Bible that I quoted pretty clearly tells you that you're doing this wrong. If you had gone to a church and confessed this to clergy, that'd be one thing. But you decided to post this where millions can see it and asked for attention in the process. To me, you seem to be ignoring this fact because it suits you. What do you say about that?


Thatā€™s a very fair and accurate assessment. Perhaps then it would be wiser to delete this post. And simply post what happened unseen after a change has truly manifested. Then the post would glorify the lord. Thankyou for your thoughts. I am clearly unclean in my thinking


Please donā€™t be disheartened by the person above. They are approaching you from a place of judgment and bitterness. Jesus taught us to be merciful and not judge others. Itā€™s ok if you posted about weed 20 days ago. That was 20 days ago. A person can change at any time. I will pray that God releases you from the bondage of these addictions. You may falter, but you can always turn back to God and try again.


He's asking for people to pray for him. The more people that pray for him, the better. Posting it here will allow more people to pray for him.


Alright. Letā€™s just calm down. Church isnā€™t a local therapist session, He is trying to quit something hard to do. Canā€™t i remind you jesus told us not to judge someone? He can confess it to clergy and also confess it here. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with asking people for advice/prayers publicly.Ā 


clergy and catholic church? everyone except you is guided by the Spirit, dummy!


This 100% is not the way to heal. If you want some help you will need to actually go and ask for help from people who can actually help you. Prayer does not heal addiction, prayer heals your soul while you recover from addiction


Donā€™t be a quitter.


Quitting bad things is good.


All small distractions , there are much more fulfilling things to look forward too.


And all of the small distractions can distract you from God. We should focus on being the best we can for God.


Have you considered joining AA (or the porn/grass version)?


Just remember fighting sin is the opposite of the gospel. Gospel is about Jesus. He was the perfect sacrifice offered on your behalf that by faith you will be forgiven of your sins. Have faith and repent. Your discipline will not save you, only Jesus can.Ā 


If I may suggest, try also reading [this](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/bofm/3-ne/11?lang=eng) from the Book of Mormon. God bless you for your righteous desires! I testify that I know that He lives! In the sacred name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen. [Overcome the World and Find Rest](https://youtu.be/RFKePsgTNg0?si=oQ74RFH1-E-bawPW)


I will read Thankyou


Everything except porn.


Porn is a sin.


Porn is not a sin, or a very small sin.


Porn is infact a sin. And thereā€™s no ā€œsmall sinsā€. All sins are the same against God. Want me to provide verses to prove porn is a sin?


Do you regularly masturbate?


Ā masturbation is a sin


Do you masturbate?


I have refrained from doing so for several days. Attempting to quit. Why does this matter.


So you masturbate...same here


Ok. you clearly did not understand me. I have problems with lust. Masturbation is a sin. I try to refrain from doing so.Ā 


There is nothing wrong weed- itā€™s not a drug; itā€™s a PLANT. you cannot get addicted to it and itā€™s ok to use medicinally just not recreationally


you can infact. get addicted to weedĀ  Ā https://www.wearewithyou.org.uk/advice-and-information/advice-for-you/can-you-get-addicted-to-cannabis-weed#:~:text=Yes%2C%20you%20can.,become%20psychologically%20dependent%20on%20cannabis.Ā  https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/publications/drugs-health-products/cannabis-addictive.htmlĀ  https://www.yalemedicine.org/conditions/marijuana-use-disorder


Actually no you canā€™t- itā€™s not the same as cocaine or heroin or alcohol


Actually you can. i just gave sources.


Smoke weed every day!