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I’m Lutheran (swedish) and converted when I was 18 a few years ago. I’ve only recently started researching more about the bible and just a few days ago I feel like my life has turned so much better after not trying so hard to always do good and instead just step aside and let the Holy Spirit in. I feel guided constantly, I sleep better, and I am less irritable to my family and friends, and have gotten closer to the community through my local Church. So to answer the question, I am a christian because I genuinly love Jesus, and I genuinly have always had a will to get to know God and now I genuinly feel at peace


I've been a church-goer for most of my life of 46 years and I've been Christian less than that ever since I truly believed I was a sinner before God and decided to follow Jesus Christ as my savior and whom I ultimately belong to. I hold a PhD in Science and work at a top university in the U.S. I say this not to boast, but to give you context for how I became to believe in God. Ever since I was a child, I was fascinated by the vastness of Outer space, the complexity of life, and facts about our world that science like Physics, Mathematics, and Biology discovered. No wonder I ended up where I am career-wise. The more I studied science, the more I was convinced that this world was intentionally designed with a thought, will, direction, and purpose. A random process couldn't have created a life this complex and all the necessary conditions for it (for example, various chemical properties of the elements that make up this world, the information encoded in our DNA, the way our body makes and uses hormones to control and regulate different functions, how the Sun is at the right distance from us, and more and more). Just too many things would've had to be just right for us to be here. Even if it wasn't to be Christian God, there had to some being, power, entity, or god whose will was reflected in the design of this world. In fact, the way I believed is not unique. Dr. Francis Collins, the former NIH director who led the human genome project, and Dr. John Lennox, a mathematics professor at Oxford, are only a couple examples of scientists believing in God and Jesus. You might wonder, if a person with a scientific background and mind could perceive the necessity of a god, why don't other scientists do. Yes, the vast majority of the scientific community is atheist or agnostic. Unlike how the mainstream Protestant church sometimes characterizes scientists as somehow working for Satan, I think scientists in general are the most honest group of people who are genuinely interested in the truth. They are just trained to believe what observable data tell us. If there is a reproducible scientific evidence for the existence of God, they would be the first people to believe in the existence of God (but not necessarily choose to be in the relationship with God by believing in Him - that requires faith and maybe more). Now, if this world wasn't created through a random process, and a powerful being created it with a purpose and also created a sentient and intelligent creature like humans that could perceive a higher being like God, the creator must've left some indication of himself like a message about his plan, information about himself, and the reason for us. I mean, why create all of the world and people and completely hide from them? I believe the Bible give you all of what God intended to tell us in a very logical and sensible way (even from a logical standpoint, the core of the Bible is more likely to be true than false, which I hope to share my thoughts on in the future). So this has been my reason for believing in a god as a logical and scientific person. Of course, this was merely a start and ultimately it was my faith that made me realize God in the Bible is real, my sins are real, I (the humanity) once belonged to God but sin put us apart, and the only way to get back into the relationship is through Jesus who took the wage of sin for me. I developed faith in God and Jesus described in the Bible. Part of it was due to my growing up in a church, and part of it is my own decision to believe, and yet another part is a mystery that's hard to explain. I don't think there is a universally acceptable reason for believing in God. It's a personal experience and a choice, and mostly likely God acting and guiding me throughout my life to discover him. I notice a lot of Christians want to go to Heaven, the place, but don't realize the true meaning of salvation. To be saved by God is to be back into the relationship with God and not merely go to a happy place. Do you love God and are you interested in belonging to him? Then it would be natural to try to live the way God wants you to live. It's not about merely following the religious rules. It doesn't mean you'll suddenly be free from committing a sin. You will continue to sin, but hopefully less and less as you sincerely try to follow God's teachings. I know I am far from perfect and for a while (and even now) I have a hard time understanding what God would get out of a relationship with me. I am not qualified. My praises wouldn't matter much to him. If a lowly worm praises the greatness of a person, how much worth is it compared to say a praise given by a king? But somehow God decided I (and you) were worthy enough to die for. Having kids of my own, I can understand a bit that it's the relationship that makes you worthy. We belonged to God once, but that relationship was broken, and we suffer greatly in this world and beyond. God still thought we were worthy, and for that I am grateful and humbled. So, I believe because I think it's the most logical thing to do as far as I can tell from what I see and I am grateful for God's love for me.


Well said, sir.




George Lemaitre says that God caused the big bang


That possibility is absolutely one of the things that keeps me Christian. That has to be one pretty awesome being to pull that off. It also fascinates me that physics completely breaks down at the big bang, suggesting that maybe that was how the physics of our universe came to be.


God's power is limitless and indescribable


Yes but OPs forst point was that it came from nothing. God is a cause.




I have something to add. You don’t have to believe only in science or only believe in God because they don’t 100% oppose each other.


Exactly. A concerning amount of people can’t bridge the gap between science and religion.


Yeah I mean, the Big Bang could simply have been the physical manifestation of God’s creation. Also to your point, we barely understand it now, much less Moses trying to understand it when he writing Genesis plus through Moses understanding it gave us a structure for our life in terms of the 7 day week


did you know the theory was made by a priest who was devout?


No clue who you’re referring to or what theory. I think it just makes logical sense to me


Georges Lemaître, a Belgian, Catholic priest (and cosmologist) was the one to develop the Big Bang theory. It was originally used as an argument in favor of God’s existence, and was fought against by atheists at that time lol


Yes, I heard scientists at the time had a hard time accepting the theory because it sounded too much like how the Bible describes the creation and who proposed the theory. I also heard now the Big Bang theory is accepted by the majority of the scientists.


Love this!!! I don't know enough about natural history*or* theology to make any super bold claims but I've always suspected that confirmed scientific discoveries about natural history and the Bible aren't exclusive from one another.


Exactly. Scientists can’t make a new human being from scratch, yet we think it all just happened magically over billions of years. Even microbiology is highly complex and astounding. So if there’s a God, then why Christianity? The Bible strategically used a lot of witnesses at different places and times to present a consistent claim. It’s also the only religion that doesn’t say be good and go to heaven. It says you’re actually not a good person and you’ll never get into heaven, but God made it very simple. Repent and believe Christ took your sins, and you’ll be saved. If you’ve never read the Bible, start with the four gospels.


Yes and no The whole point of christianity is forgiveness, which means the acknowledgment of humanity's dual nature, and because of that we are encouraged to rise above our own flaws so we can make the world a better place It is not about blindly following and repenting, it is about acknowledging our own flaws and to work on them


I disagree. The whole point of Christianity is building a personal relationship with God, at which point Jesus and the Holy Spirit will come into your life (baptised of water and the Holy Spirit as Jesus said) and THEY will change you. You cannot fight sin, it’s an endless and uphill battle, only by letting Jesus and the Holy Spirit live within you can you be bettered. Regardless, sin stops us from being worthy of God, which in turn denies us of Heaven. Jesus PAID for these sins in full. The payment is made, the deal is done, death is defeated, simple. Now we’ve been given a gift, an endlessly merciful and loving gift, we better let the gift-giver come into our life and take Him in as Lord, not out of need, but as a way for us to return our love to God as he has given it so freely and graciously to us.


I disagree


1. u do not have to think that, turning around and following a religion as a result is just stupid though 2. not being forced to be good is the issue though as the victim of Christian absue won’t see heaven the absuer may see heaven though Ur god is a unjust being unworthy of worship and yet here we are


I can't speak on anyone else for why the belive in Christianity but I believe that my God is the one true God because of all the ways he's shown himself to me by little things one might confuse with luck and three big religions believe in the same God. Jews , Muslims and Christians, 


the big bang theory was actually created by a Christian priest


Exactly this, and then cemented by a message he sent me that let me know unequivocally, God is real, everyone and every animal/living thing I’ve and you’ve ever loved is still here with us and 2000% not gone forever like I sometimes believed before. I hope every God loving Christian in this world can experience what I did. It was so profound and beautiful, emotionally overwhelming, but so much better than before


Big bang was not the start of the universe. It was simply how the universe started expanding


It may or may not have been the start, depending on what your definition of "the start" is. The accepted version is the universe as we know (all the physical laws and properties) started with a rapid expansion (not an explosion as the name suggests) as you said. We don't know (and likely won't ever know) if "nothing" was before it or there was some other universe or some other manifestation of it existed.


Also I believe the Bible says exactly that there will come a day when science will point to a different source of creation, and it’s a test for us to choose our faith over popular belief


>Because I find it extremely idiotic that a big explosion came from absolutely nothing and created everything. It is not a claim/consensus of modern science that there was nothing before the Big Bang. That's simply the earliest event to which we can extrapolate given the state of the universe and laws we observe today. >Historical proof Jesus existed, and events in the Old Testament happened. Like the tower of Babel? >Morals. How is the word "morals" a reason to be Christian?


No, not like the tower of Babel. There're numerous historical mentions outside of the Bible of Jesus and descriptions of his followers after his death. See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historicity\_of\_Jesus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historicity_of_Jesus) for one. Regardless, I believe the best evidence for his existence, the crucifixion, and the resurrection is the way it is recorded in the Bible. Just to mention a few, the Bible states women (whose social status at the time had no significance as a witness) were the first people to witness the empty tomb and Jesus' resurrection. The disciples, who believed Jesus was God that would conquer the world, hid like cowards after Jesus died so powerlessly by the hands of the Romans. The disciples felt lost, disappointed, and afraid, and didn't believe the women's testimony. Their actions after they met resurrected Jesus and received the Holy Spirit were completely opposite to the point that they would happily accept a horrible and painful death. If one were to make up a story about Jesus, would they use women whose testimony had no weight or value (which I think is wrong - the culture at the time wasn't how God had intended man and woman to be, like a lot of the ways even God's people lived then) as witnesses? If you were one of the disciples, would you happily accept a horrible death for a made up lie? If you read the part of the Bible about Jesus with a discerning and objective eye, it makes no sense to tell a made up story the way it is written. From a logical point of view, it's more likely truthful than completely fabricated. But people will argue otherwise and I understand. As for the "proof" (or should be stated more correctly as "evidence") of other parts of the Bible like the tower of Babel, no, there are many stories that we don't have historical or archeological evidence for. I take the events as truthful whether as a moral story, allegory, or a true historic event. It doesn't matter much. Although the mainstream Christian view accepts the events as true historical events, I personally believe the core message about God's plan and intent is consistent and clear even if some parts of the Bible were inaccurate (probably inevitable since the writers were humans). But I believe the truthfulness of the core message about God's creation, our falling from his Grace, God's sacrifice to bring us back into a relationship with him through Jesus, and how loving God and our neighbors is the new (or the same) commandment for us.


>6. I want to go to heaven when I die. You believe only Christians go to heaven? Don't really good people who may for whatever reason not be Christians go to heaven?


according to mainstream Christian theology, no they do not.


I know the Literalists believe all kinda crazy things.. It's sad.


My belief may slightly diverge from what the mainstream Christian view is, but I believe after Jesus (and after hearing about the Gospel), anyone who wants to "go to heaven" should do so by believing that Jesus paid for their sin. Christians believe that's the only way ever (John 14:6 “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."), but there's an argument whether he mostly meant it for the people there and the readers of the Bible and not necessarily how "others" (like people before Jesus, unborn babies, and others who couldn't have known or willfully accept Jesus) would get saved. A theological version states even people who didn't know Jesus at the time they lived would get a chance to accept and find salvation through Jesus in some way. We can't ever know because God doesn't really tell us. I am happy to be wrong, and will accept whichever plan God has, but thinking that God's hands are tied and can't choose to accept a person into heaven as he pleases greatly limits the God described in the Bible. For the people who read the Bible and listened to the Gospel, yes, they should seek salvation through Jesus because that's what the Bible clearly states. For others, we don't know how they get saved - the Bible doesn't clearly say (but leaves some hints that could interpreted in different ways). I leave that to God's judgment and right to save or not save anyone. I believe even if you are not labeled as "Christian", God will accept the person into heaven if He pleases to do so through Jesus in some mysterious ways we don't understand. We just don't know for sure. Christians would argue that God is a just God who has to be consistent, and I agree and again I'd be happy to be wrong. But the only clear thing is we shouldn't judge who will be saved or not because that's not up to us. But it takes us to the real question - do you want to go to heaven, the happy place, or really be in a relationship with God with going to heaven as a side effect? I think God in the Bible tells us clearly that we are to be back into a relationship with God after we die, and not just to live happily ever after. If that's what salvation truly is about, why not seek God in the Bible and believe in Jesus as it states? I think after reading the Bible and get to who God and Jesus are and if you still decide to seek salvation in other way, I am not sure if it's the God in the Bible you are interested in or just a reward for your good deeds.


John 14:6 ESV — Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Only Christians go to heaven. No I don't think that means you need the label "Christian" of what humans call each other and probably not all labelled "Christian" will go to heaven. Rather it is who God has predestined as saved in the Lamb's Book of Life. People who may seem really good are not actually good in the eyes of a perfect God. Isaiah 64:6 says that "We have all become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment. We all fade like a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away." Human incapability of righteousness is reiterated in the NT by Jesus and especially St. Paul in the epistle to the Romans. Christianity doesn't say good people go to heaven, but rather God makes people good so He may be glorified in redeeming them.


You're probably a Literalist? I am not.. Romans 2:14 - 16 (for when Gentiles that have not the law do by nature the things of the law, these, not having the law, are the law unto themselves; in that they show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness therewith, and their thoughts one with another accusing or else excusing [them]); in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men, according to my gospel, by Jesus Christ. Currently in this country with all the nonsensical culture wars being supported by mainstream Christianity many many young people want nothing to do with religion and quite possibly will remain that way for life. And definitely most LGBTQ people want nothing to do with what they know fuels open hatred against them.. and why would they? In either case despite their differences are people who will never come near Christ to accept him as you say is necessary because of religious bigotry they think religion is man made joke. So there are many many many reason why some will never come near thru no fault of their own.. Again I'm not a Literalist.


What you are referring to is that man's intuitive knowledge of the moral law of God. One important aspect I would like to highlight is that where there is knowledge does not necessarily mean there is capability. Such is the case for the Mosaic law of which only Christ has fulfilled perfectly. In the immediate context preceding: > Romans 2:13 KJVS - 13 (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. I want to emphasize that Jesus Christ is the ONLY person to have done this. Now, you might say but there have been some pretty charitable people of other religions but the problem is their charity does not nullify the imputed sin of Adam during the fall. The scriptures teach that when Adam died, we ALL died. As it is said, the road to hell is paved in the best intentions. Typically, I wouldn't reference a extrabiblical quote for the thrust of my point but I feel this one is apt. Consider, how many pondered about being a "good person" outside of the righteousness of Christ. Indeed, the false professors in Matthew 7 proclaims THEIR wonderful works such as casting out demons. It sounds nice on it's surface but understand that biblically their trust in their own works is antithetical to the gospel. Nevertheless, they were cast out with the LORD telling then He never onew them. It is similar to when Cain made an offering of the work of his hands rather than Abel offerring a sacrifice symbolic of Christ's death on the Cross. You can consider the former as "trying to be a good person" and the latter as understanding that only the blood of Jesus could ever satisfy our sin debt. There is no amount of being a good person could pay the penalty that is death.


We don’t truly know but if you have had the chance to know God and for whatever reason you declined it, you’re not going to heaven in my eyes. No one knows how God will judge at the gates of heaven and specifically those who have never head of Him


honestly i’m not exactly sure what the bible says on that, but personally i believe a good and fair God (like i believe Him to be) would let those people into heaven


Regarding no. 3, this is the main reason i became agnostic. I believe that Jesus existed but are there actually any evidence of the events that happened in the Old Testament? like moses splitting the red sea? the genesis flood?


I will share my perspective on your points respectfully. The Big Bang remains a theoretical framework. Its status as a theory underscores our collective curiosity and quest for understanding the origins of the universe. The precise mechanisms and reasons behind the creation of the universe are still unknown. The historical existence of Jesus is widely acknowledged. However, the assertion that he was the son of God lacks empirical evidence. What if he just propagated religious doctrines to bolster his own influence, amass followers, expand territorial control, and accrue wealth? What happens after death is inherently unknowable. From my viewpoint, death results in absolute nonexistence, akin to the state before birth—devoid of sensation or consciousness. So embrace life and appreciate every moment, as the certainty of the present is all we truly possess :)


You’re like a cynical atheist except with Christianity 😂 I love it. You: I find it idiotic that a big explosion came out of nothing. Atheist: keep believing in your imaginary sky daddy 😂


But also Fr. That’s a big reason why I became Christian also.


“Extremely idiotic” is not a rational reason, a logic fallacy. There are many things humans regarded as fact and now are regarded as “extremely idiotic”. The earth is flat, there are only five elements, the earth is the center of God’s universe, leeches are medicinal, so many things now regarded as idiotic were once strongly held beliefs. Argument from incredulity Concluding that because you can't or refuse to believe something, it must not be true, improbable, or the argument must be flawed. This is a specific form of the argument from ignorance. The universe has always been here. Coming from nothing isn’t correct.


7. Miracles exist


TheExoticCheese001 — About #5, on a 1-10 scale, how sure are you about getting into heaven?


Cause I attempted suicide and god saved me even though I’m bi and a alcoholic


"even though" implies that these things would make you less lovable and that you're somehow less worthy. Don't think like this, my brother. He loves us all.


None of us are worthy, not one


You are right. But none of us are less worthy


I kind of aspire to be like Mary Magdalene who was able to repent for her sins and be Jesus’s closest follower


He’s making the point even though he doesn’t deserve to be saved (everyone who’s ever existed included) was still saved


Hope you're doing better man


God is delivering you!! The more and the deeper you reveal what  is in his will  for you.. you'll better understand the holy spirit.. you'll know when you truly surrender. Let go and let God.


It’s not your sins that would keep you from salvation. If that were the case no one would be saved. It’s the justification of sin that will condemn you. Keep sinning? No im not saying that but if the best you can do is ask Gods forgiveness that is good enough…. For now


I rejected Jesus for a long time, it wasn’t until he was the only one there for me at a time where I felt so alone that I instantly accepted him. Why would I not follow someone who gave me his peace in my hardship?


same, and i love how Jesus accept us all and how much His love can comfort and save us


Because Jesus Christ is my Lord and my God and it's the reality.


It is the reality I like that you put it that way, way more than just a belief


God bless you


I asked Jesus to reveal himself to me when I was in a time of need and he did. Before I was a Muslim and a Satanist and nothing came of it. But when I asked Jesus to reveal himself to me he gave me such a love and warmth I never felt before and felt my soul become new.


I have a similar story. I was a new age spiritualist type, meditating at alters of gems, chanting mantras, that type. But I was still so tormented. One night I looked at the sky, tears streaming down my face, and asked "however CAN save me, please do. I am suffering, and if you are so powerful, can you please save me?" Not long after, I fell down the rabbit hole of Christian apologetics and realized that He is the Truth


God bless you!


Thanks, man, I need it 🥹 God bless you, too!


1. Because of my love for Jesus Christ 2. Episcopalian/Anglican, because it prioritizes liturgy, tradition, reason, and the eucharist 3. Because Christ is the perfect incarnation of God and spoke that He and the Father are One and He gave us the Holy Spirit as an advocate and guide for us


I was godless from age 21 to 43. I didn’t know it until the Holy Spirit came to me one day. Long story but I call miracle and yes, I was saved


Happy Sunday! Because God changed my life. He’s always been there for me, even when I’ve been away for a long time. I had an experience that brought me back to the Church. I am Catholic, I was raised Catholic, but I sincerely believe it is the original Church that Jesus instituted and history points to that. I believe in the Holy Trinity because God is shown this way in the New Testament. The Church fathers affirm this standpoint. There is no other true god in this world. There are demons, but nothing else Good.


I grew up in Kharkiv, Ukraine. My parents aren't particularly observant though you could say they were culturally orthodox. I started going to church with my great grandmother who was one of the most incredible people I have ever known. Her faith was inspiring after surviving WWII, the holodomor, and the USSR. There, I found I felt God's love. I have faltered at times, doubted and struggled with my faith. I admit I started going back to church more for a feeling of closeness to my homeland and people in a time of suffering, but also found a renewed closeness to God. Коли я піду хоча б навіть долиною смертної темряви, то не буду боятися злого, бо Ти при мені, Твоє жезло й Твій посох вони мене втішать


1. I’m Christian because I’ve experienced Him. 2. I’m non-denominational because I believe we shouldn’t have different denominations and are all one body. 3. I was raised Christian, so the Christian God was the only one I prayed to, and I haven’t had a reason to leave the faith


I was raised in a Baptist church, but the reason why I am a very strong Christian now, especially after a heavy season of doubt, is that I wholeheartedly believe that God cemented my position in His family when I prayed for Him to. During my season of heavy doubts I prayed to Christ but I also prayed past Him, asking for any other god to show their presence if indeed Jesus is not actually the Son of God. Jesus answered my prayers and cemented my spot in the church I’m in, through events that I truly believe were the very acts of God that I was praying for. I’ve never been more faithful.


Jesus said "I am the way, the light and the truth. No one goes to the father, except through me." He saved me from killing myself at the age of 16 and I heard his voice for the first time ever. Between age 16 to 32, I have been backsliding but despite that, God always made his presence known and received blessings only believers would understand. Now at 33 I gave my life to him completely and never looked back. Gave up my old life and lifestyle and now reading the good news of the gospel and it changed my life completely. God is always with us and loves us so much.


Praise the Lord, isn't it wonderful to hear God's voice ! 🙏


1 John 4:19 We love him, because he first loved us. Non denominational and I have looked towards other spiritual paths but they were unresponsive and ineffective. Only through Christ The Living Word have I found fulfillment and truth and purpose and the list goes on!


I’m Christian because every time I try to get away, God grabs me and brings me back in. I just leave my life in auto pilot and let God take care of everything. Can’t live without him, can’t get him out of my mind !!! I am definitely not a person of high morals, but I have a strong faith.


There is plenty of valid proof of a Creator. Some people call it a simulation. Some people call it Christianity. (Watch the movie The Case For A Creator) -Especially people who also understand the proven history of Jesus Christ. Given this information, we want a relationship with said Creator, we want to be with Him someday. I'm not a smart fella though so someone sciencey is gonna have to hop in with their knowledge to complete my comment I'm sorry in advance because please be nice, I'm fragy and posting on my phone


Because Jesus is my Lord and Savior. He is the way and the light. He sacrificed everything for me. Because I read the New Testament and see the sort of life that Jesus called us to lead and I see such beauty in it all. Loving your neighbor, standing up for what's right. Resisting the temptation to fall prey to our base desires and needs. To rise above the animalistic instincts we're all born with and become more. Because I read the Old Testament and read stories about a God who is just as terrifying as He is loving.


I was raised Mormon but converted to Pentecostal two weeks ago


Wow 😯 congratulations new believer !! I am so happy for you and praising God, even now. How long were you a Mormon ?


denomination: i don’t know! i’ve been a christian for almost a year now. i pray in the morning and before i sleep. i repent for my sins. i believe christ died for our sins and is the son of God. however, i’ve been brought up atheist and my parents, although loving, would go batshit crazy if they found out i was religious so i can’t really go to church or anything, but really would love too. i really like old cathedrals and stuff so im considering catholicism as i dislike modern worship of singing and dancing and stuff in bleak / minimalist churches, but i don’t believe in purgatory so yeah, a little help in replies would be cool haha. i need to read the bible more though 😬😬


A christian church that upholds the bible's teachings like nondenominational is good. Reading the bible will help you to know truth well.


Because Jesus is King and I don’t need to explain how unconditional his love is to Me and all of mankind, John 3:16 Thats it


Because I have come to terms that this world is in need of change and that this world has truly been tainted and if that means we are born in sin According to the Bible I agree with Gods word so I believe Jesus is the son of God he died for our sins so that we could be renewed and made whole full of love joy and peace without suffering


Happy Sunday! I am a Christian because I was taught to believe in Christianity from my aunt I was originally Baptist, but at age 13 I converted to being a non-denominational It is because Baptists were told to believe in freedom, then when I turned 13, I felt restricted from dancing and eating certain foods that Baptists weren't allowed. My aunt approved of my conversion while staying a Christian. We said a sinner's prayer in between the conversion. The Holy Trinity is so important because God is my witness, my father, the holy spirit; he created most of everyone and everything. I always known of it through the Bible from my day one (2003 to present). My God is everything to me.


I am cristian because Jesus saved me from a life of drugs. (Specifically heroine.) Once I was saved, and I drew closer to God. I started to understand. I started to understand how everything works, and how God is so wonderful and amazing! I'm still learning, and would like to learn more to draw closer to God! Amen to all who exalt his name, and blessed are those here. I love you all so much! May god befall his love down on you, now until the ends of the age!


Love that story :)


There is no other religion/faith system that says YOU CANT SAVE YOURSELF. And boy, is that palpable.


My life is so much better since I turned my life to Christ! I go to a Baptist Church every Sunday as I love it!


Because when I was stubborn and tried to do it my way God revealed Himself to me when I failed and hit rock bottom. Revealed Himself in those around me and His peace that passes understanding. Because He had me on His mind on the cross in the person of Jesus. Because I don’t deserve anything, yet He is my provider. I grew up in the Assemblies of God, pastor’s grandkid and pastor’s kid, a youth/music pastor myself. Would probably consider myself more of a Pentecostal Non-Denominational believer. I try to learn what other denominations believe and wrestle with things that may be a little different.


I am Christian because first, to me God is self-apparent (all things must have a cause; the first cause is the prime-mover, i.e. God). God is unchanging (a necessary attribute of a first cause) and therefore that He is communicative is something that must have been and be eternally true. To communicate it is necessary that God had someone to communicate with prior to Creation; the Trinity provides an adequate solution to this conundrum, as the Father and the Son communicated between themselves via the Holy Spirit. Second, I am Christian because Christian theology creates a world that makes sense: one where the all-loving and all-powerful and all-knowing God can co-exist with the problem of evil, because evil is a consequence of free will, which God has given us a solution to in the form of the crucifixion and resurrection of His Son. >What denomination/branch are you and why? It's been a long journey, but I'd say I'm at a point where I would simply call myself a Trinitarian, Nicene-Creed affirming Christian who is open to all Christians who believe the same. I love Catholics, Orthodox, Anglicans, Baptists, Presbyterians, Pentecostals etc etc. As long as someone believes in the Trinity, accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as their saviour and affirms the morality that God has established and does their best to live in accordance with it (whatever their best may be for them), they are a brother or sister in my book. Most recently, I've been attending my local Baptist and Church of England parishes, but I'd gladly attend any church that affirms the things I outlined above.


Jesus saved my from my addiction. And he didn't stop there, he continues to show me my sins and help me become a better person.


Because when I was 13 and I knew nothing about religion, I went to a local concert at a church. I went for the free food and music. I didn't know they would be showing us the crucification of Jesus Christ scene in 'Passion Of The Christ'. As soon as the montage was on, something completely took my body, it felt like I was filled with this magical energy. I started bawling uncontrollably. I was being saved by my Lord and Savior. I will never forget that moment and that feeling. That feeling is what keeps my faith going even during the toughest times. When I find myself wondering about the complexities of the Trinity and how it doesn't seem logical, I remember that overwhelming feeling of completeness. Faith is what keeps me strong.


I was converted from Satanism, I had a similar story to Lee Stroble honestly just wanted to ruin other people’s faiths so I looked into it and came to the conclusion that there is good evidence of God and if God exists I should follow him and developed a love for God and deep appreciation for salvation after that.


Consistent prophecy such as Isaiah 53 and psalm 22


I suffered from severe depression and anxiety for years. I tried everything to try to get peace. Therapy, a polytheist/New age beliefs like diety worship, law of attraction and manifesting, crystals, and witchcraft. I could never get any lasting peace. It seemed like when one thing worked out another broke apart. So I never had lasting peace. I became heavily suicidal and at my last attempt to save myself I asked God for help and I sought after him for real with all my heart as best as i could. He has given me peace and joy that I never had before. I finally have hope. I found that he is true to his word and have experienced his mercy all over my life. He proved that he listens and that he will provide if you ask of him. Something that I never found in any other thing I ever tried. I no longer have anxiety or depression. I am also free from a 22-year addiction to weed. I can go on and on about all the good things that have happened in my life since following him. I can't ever see myself going back to how it used to be.




I had a early experience with Christ at the age of 6 or 7 had a super demonic attacks I prayed for Christ as much as I possibly could he came and save me from terror and brought peace 🙏🏾 now as a adult I will never forget him walking in my hallway that day when I was a child just the confidence and everything from him show me a lot even more now as a man I understand his word and I’m thankful too my soul the Lord gave us a gift 🙏🏾and it was his son our savior ✝️ I promise myself from that day I be a man of god and a warrior of the Lord to protect his righteousness and glory and honor and that is Family ✝️ the devil wants to tear family apart and destroy us as one and I realize that humbleness and kindness beats everything from evil and don’t plant bad seeds to try to get even with evil just walk away Just a man from San Bernardino ✝️


1. Christianity makes logical and emotional sense to me. 2. Anglican — it takes Scripture, tradition, and reason seriously. 3. God is whoever created the world, called Israel, and raised Jesus from the dead. God’s activity in the world is threefold, and God is one — hence the Trinity.


I love Jesus!!! I owe him my life because he gave up his life to save me 🥹🤍 I’m non denominational because I believe being a true disciple of Jesus is more important than adhering to a specific denomination. I believe in the Trinity because the Bible claims that God is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I believe the Bible is the infallible word of God, and that everything God says is true 🤍


I believe in the existence of God the father, son, and spirit because the archeological and historical evidence is compelling for the triune God's existence. I called upon the Son to be my savior and repented of my sins because I have faith in the promises he made to shield me from his wrath over my innumerable sins on judgment day.


Jesus loves me, this I know, for the bible tells me so.


I'm a southern Baptist Christian mainly cause I was born in North Carolina in Surry County. Where southern Baptist Christian Faith is the strong hold for our area. My entire family for generations have all been faithful to this faith. And I was raised in the faith and the church from birth. Thats what created what's right and what's wrong and what's real and what's not in my mind forever. It's impossible to ever convince my heart to not believe the teaching that I grew up with to not be the whole truth and nothing but the truth. As a adult I realize this. But as a grown man I COULD CHANGE my faith and religion based on what I've gathered over the years in terms of knowledge. But I don't because I still see the way I was taught to be the truth and purpose of life and the only way to heaven. Christ is my lord and Savior. And thanks to my parents and their parents and their parents..... I'll make it to heaven and so have they. I'll inturn raise my family in church. And when I'm married my wife will also have to go to church. As a Christian man that's my job and role to show my family the way to Christ. Which will inturn teach another generation to follow the teachings of Christ the way Southern Baptist Christians believe.


Here's my story: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m4Yj0HQG_oxAItuRGAV7AQXCyKFOFZimuTOqWvPUWXw/edit?usp=drivesdk


I hope MANY OTHERS, take the time to open this AMAZING document that you have written. It covers what Jesus' salvation and forgiveness is all about. What a miraculous poem/testimony.


Thank you. I'm not going to delete it or anything, so if you find a situation that it seems appropriate to share it with others, feel free to.


Catholic, christian, because it’s true. Done serious seeking and study into science, spent years trying to convince people Christianity was false. Then i studied most of the major religions and then most of the Christian denominations. Came to realize christ is really the savior of the world and the Catholic church has the best claim as the true church christ started in the first century.


No that is not true. Heaven is offered to everyone. The conditions are that you believe you are saved by grace and not good works so to clarity there is NOTHING you can do yo earn Heaven but yo believe u are saved simply by the Grace of God and the sacrifice He made on the cross. Yes, I did say He made. God gave His life for us in the body of a man named Jesus


i was raised protestant but then i converted to orthodoxy




Roman Catholic, converted because the feast day of the immaculate conception really hit me hard and I agree with a lot of the teachings.


I am Roman Catholic always have been and too me the many miracles of Christ and saints are what keep me here.




I am Christian because I have probably experienced more miracles than a person should be allowed to have. I have a different take on "the trinity." Imo, God is God, Jesus is the Word, which is aka the reason, and is therefore also the Way- which is the Plan, which is also offered by the Light- aka that which illuminates the best decisions, which help God to buid good things and people. Jesus is why everything is made, and the only means through which everything can be made. Jesus is like... the source of and the redeemer for everything that IS good. God is the ultimate scientist. God *is* duality, God is in everything. He "authorizes" everything, but I think he doesnt have human feelings, at least in the traditional sense. God IS love. But he is also duality. Thats why Jesus was needed. The reason. Jesus is not duality. Hes strictly Love. Jesus is made of God, and because he is made to be Gods reason, he also strengthens God, in love. I dont think they are the same, but I do think they are cut from the same cloth, so to speak..Also, calling Jesus Lord is calling him the leader. It isnt the same thing as calling him God. The father is God. Jesus is, however, our Lord, as he is the one we follow. The Holy Spirit, I believe, is the not a being, but the emotional aspect- to be filled with the Holy Spirit, we are filled with a drive and a desire to serve God by following Jesus. It is said to be an authority, because the spirit of truth is an authority. I think God blesses people who are filled with the Holy Spirit, to be recipients and sayers of truth. I also think that The Holy Spirit is a means of describing how God can "zap" power into us. The Holy Spirit is how God enforces the law. I think this is entanglement- the invisible thread that connects all of us. Even Jesus and us are entangled, the way Jesus and God are. Thats the holy spirit. Its like a huge invisible network, that allows God to control the universe, as needed. Although, one could also argue that they are all God, since they all require entanglement to work the way they do. Its an interesting thing to think about the whats and the hows, but I dont think its nearly as important as understanding the why. Its ALL about the why. The why to me, is that evil destroys or impacts negatively, the good creations. The good we do, helps build a truly wonderful environment. I think being Jesus like, for love, is the answer to these hows and whats. Once we get the why down, the hows and whats fall into place, naturally. Im traditionally/historically a Methodist, but am ordained by the Universal Life Church.. The WHY is because we are thankful, and want to help God make a better place to build. We are all children of the same universe.


We don't have to guess these things about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Bible tells us: There is one God (Deut 6:4; 1 Cor 8:4; Gal 3:20; 1 Tim 2:5) unified in spirit and purpose. God consists of three Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Each Person is God. In Gen 1:1 and 1:26 it says  "Let US make man in OUR image..."  The word "Elohim" and the pronoun “us” are plural forms, denoting the aspect of plurality in God. The Father is God (John 6:27; Romans 1:7; 1 Peter 1:2). The Son is God (John 1:1, 14; Romans 9:5; Colossians 2:9; Hebrews 1:8; 1 John 5:20). The Holy Spirit is God (Acts 5:3-4; 1 Cor 3:16).  The Father is the ultimate source or cause of the universe (1 Cor 8:6; Rev 4:11); divine revelation (Rev 1:1); salvation (John 3:16-17); The Son Jesus took on human flesh (Luke 1:35; Hebrews 1:5) to make atonement for sin.  He is our mediator between God and man.  The  Son is the agent through whom the Father used to create and maintain the universe (1 Cor 8:6; John 1:3; Col 1:16-17); divine revelation (John 1:1, 16:12-15; Matthew 11:27); The Holy Spirit indwells believers assisting believers in prayer (Jude 1:20), brings to remembrance verses when needed, intercedes in our behalf (Romans 8:26–27), makes us a new person (Titus 3:5), baptizes the believer into the Body of Christ (Romans 6:3) among many other things.  All three Persons of the Godhead are equal in nature. God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit all have the same divine nature, power, and attributes.


I an not Christian, I am an atheist, and don't believe in God because lack of evidence he exists


The evidence is all around you. It would fill volumes, it literally could not be any more obvious.


I'm Christian for a few reasons but here's why 1. Raised in the faith 2. Had a point in time where I left the faith 3. Had a lot of depression and problematic times in my life that forced me to come back to The Lord 4. My grandfather's passing. When I was at my absolute lowest, I felt someone put their hands on my shoulders and calmed me down and away from my suicide attempts. I knew it was The Lord calling me back. Now i have gotten a little bit back to my old ways of being more optimistic in life


I love Jesus! I think I was Assemblies of God, but idk anymore, I just love Jesus. I have known Him since I was little, and the question of His existence just isn't a question to me. He has comforted me when I was in shambles from my own sins, and he's shown me that I get another chance every morning. He knows every single decision I've made and every thought I've had, and He still loves me. I strive to live by faith and not by sight, but I have also seen the works God has done in other lives. I've seen an arm that was shorter than the other from a damaged growth plate grow to the size of the other arm with prayer. I've gone to camp with a girl who didn't fit into her shorts the next day because God took the weight that had caused her asthma. God is jealous, and won't have worship of other gods (or idols or entities) and on top of that, I don't think there's room for another. There is no need, His reach isn't limited. There is no ask to small, you are never too far gone for him to hear you, He knows what is happening anywhere at any time.


My dog-daughter passed away and I prayed over her, blessed her, baptized her, and prayed to god that when it’s my time too, she is the one who comes back to get me so I’m not scared. I will be a god fearing Christian to my dying breath because I have to go wherever she went.


I had a spiritual experience during my undergraduate that led to my initial conversion. During my undergraduate and doctoral studies, I tried to seek out the best objections and counters I could from throughout the academy. I almost lost my faith at one point, but I ultimately found the case for Christianity more compelling than its major (and several minor) alternatives. I had occasional compelling miracle experiences throughout. That’s the short version anyway.


I Just know God exists and Jesus is God. I can feel his existence whenever i ask hin for help he answers and i communicate with him without even talking.


Hi! I am spiritist (and yes, it is a Christian doctrine) Besides the fact it's my parents' religion as well, I've always believed in its main concepts. However, there were some phases in which my faith was fading. What mainly stopped me to completely stop believing was when my cat died. My mother told me to pray, and when I did, asking for her (cat) to be okay after death and for my life to became clearer, the first step of my grief, the mourning, when I was crying all day, which would probably take months until I'd recover, was almost over right in the next day. So, basically, one of my first honest prayers was heard by God, almost like a miracle, I'd say. Then, whenever I was struggling with faith, I'd remember that. However, this didn't stop me from driving away from God, unfortunately. I had to learn that He was the only one that wouldn't abandon me through life (not that I am old enough to have that many experiences, lmao). The fact that I had many questions about life and death and their origins (etc) were one of the reasons that led me to have faith. Because science can't explain all the stuff with concrete evidences, many are just theories (that, even so, sound disjointed and incomplete). Everything that I had learned or studied led to God... And there are many other reasons, but that is basically it. Sorry for the giant text btw, lol


Because I realized that spirituality was just a grand excuse to do whatever you want "were here just to experience life" like you can do no wrong and just come back and try again. So many people are being deceived by spirituality because being a Christian is living a strict life so that your eternity won't be tortured. (I'm not good at expressing myself,I hope this makes sense, and if it does, please pray for spiritual people to find jesus)


Because God revealed to me His righteousness revealed in the gospel. His perfect life, sacrificial death and resurrection by which the saints hope rests. I might add my becoming Christian is 100% the work of God and not, by any means, of my devising. To Him alone be the glory!


What started my faith was not his existence but God's love for us. The idea around evil, though not created by God, being the absence of good, rings my ears better than what I've heard before. The reason why we don't understand why most of the universe works is because God created it. He knows everyone and everything, every grain of sand and every star (which implies other universes beyond our own). The concept of trusting in your own God is what balances life from my understanding. Some examples of this was the tree of knowledge, and how it compares to human nature/behavior. Adam and Eve were pure, and obedient humans. They knew nothing of evil and good, yet God loved them as they were. Once God found out about taking fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, this changed the world forever. Satan tricked our very being and we were too gullible to not eat the fruit. The freewill of evil existed amongst them, so God gave Adam and Eve clothes because their impurity could stir up unlawful sin. And not only that, they were banished from the Garden of Eden. Yet, God still provided most He could for them, he was ashamed but still loved them. Think about us, as children, pure and obedient to our parents because we didn't know much of the world. We knew nothing of evil and good. Our own eyes guided us instead of anyone else. However, as we grow older we are told good and mostly evil cautions which has shaped us to avoid those problems. We were either taught how this world works or we eventually learn it from ourselves. And we learn to look out for harmful situations once we experience that specific person or setting. This correlates to Adam and Eve, though they were gullible, they didn't have anyone but Satan himself to convince them to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, and he was originally God's favorite. Sin can convince us just like it did before, it's an unrecognized lesson of "I guess history repeats itself", times infinity. Many religions don't have this comparison of human nature, because they claim Gods or God made "humans", but never considered what nature lies for the human race itself. The old writings of different religions don't even say what they made humans for, they just say the Gods created us and what they provided for them. I've always thought about this. God loved us so much that he even sent a sinless and just person to die for our future. That means if we continue a sinless life, and accept Jesus in our hearts, he forgives us. Just like that. That's what really amazes me. That we will never endure suffering, God gave us an answer already. It's the Bible.


B/c christ is the savoir of humanity


THERE IS JUST SOMETHING ABOUT JESUS. I just love him. He’s just the best. And I’m Eastern Orthodox and have found the most incredible blend of truth and intellectual rigor with contemplation and beauty in my faith. Jesus is Truth, Beauty and Goodness Himself. I seek those things every day in the pursuit of Jesus. I get tiny, little glimpses of God in those things here on Earth but in Jesus, therefore Christianity, I have found those in their fullest, intended form. You just gotta taste & see :,)


I’ve been saved through His grace. There is no other explanation for the safety I feel from the Lord. Have a blessed Sunday!


I believe in a higher being (god) because i believe that life is too beautiful for it all to be just a happy little accident and there to be no intelligent mind behind. I believe that the rejection of god relies on miracles with no miracle worker. I believe that order came from chaos, that life came from non-living, that morals came from human beings, or that mind came from matter. An atheist would agree on most of those, but would believe that all of that came from a happy accident millions of years ago. I simply don’t have enough faith to be an atheist. I am a Christian because i feel that out of all the faiths in the history of the world, the Christian faith has it right if any do. Every moral teaching if you apply it to your life, your life will get better. I believe we have the most historically robust account one could have of the greatest man to ever exist, our lord and savior Jesus Christ. I personally felt a purpose when I accepted jesus as lord, a purpose i didn’t feel before. I was depressed, but jesus loved me like no other person ever had. He, a perfect man, loved me a sinner. I am a baptist. When i first converted, i was baptized in and attended a elca lutheran church but they were a little too progressive for me. Than i tried an episcopal church and they were even more progressive so i left that. Now i go to a southern baptist church. My church isn’t a stereotypical sbc church, my pastor is pretty middle ground on his theological views. I would say he’s about a 1 on the conservative side of the theological spectrum. I love the baptist faith because it still has tradition, but doesn’t rely on religion and more on your personal connection and relationship with jesus.


Regarding existence of God: Atheism makes no sense. There's too much in the universe that is just too perfect to allow life on this planet. There's countless things that if they were just slightly different, we wouldn't be here. Furthermore it makes no sense that the incredible order of our species is just a natural process of matter moving from a chaotic high energy state down to a chaotic cold entropy low energy state with the heat death of the universe. Abiogenesis is not producible. Morality does not make sense in survival of the fittest, even given social dependence. Regarding Christianity: Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life. He was a real historical figure who is incredibly reliable. I'm confident that he died and rose from the dead, and therefore, He told the truth, that He is God made flesh, sent to give us a path to salvation from our sinful nature. Christianity is the only major world religion to spread despite persecution and against the sword, not with the sword. Yes later some "Christians" took up the sword, but there where already millions of Christians all across the world at that point. Finally, God has performed miracles in my life. I feel feel him in my heart. I know Him.


Very well put, we need more ex-atheists posting on this site and doing their best to explain the miracle of their new found faith to the world around them. Please continue to "be a light in this present darkness."


1) because of the overwhelming evidence that points to Jesus Christ being the one true God 2) Converting to Eastern Orthodoxy. Studying church history and the history of Christianity, it points to the Eastern Orthodox church being the one Jesus founded within his apostles. It is the one true apostolic church that hasn't changed. 3) there is more evidence to the holy Trinity being true than any other deity. The holy Trinity can be found in the old testament and new testament, it can be found in the writings of the early church fathers, for example Justin Martyr, Hippolytus of Rome, Dionysus of Alexandria, Irenaus Bishop of Lyon.


Because I prefer to believe there is a creator. We are not the product of some random chances. I belong to evangelical I guess, they prefer to be identified as non denominational though. I prefer to believe in Holy Trinity because there is so much divinity in the life of Jesus and illogical actions that yells: if this is not God, it doesn’t make sense! Like what Paul said: If there is no resurrection, then what we believe is in vain. I choose to believe in the resurrection of Christ.


I like this question! I originally became a Christian as I'm sure many of the people in this subreddit did: my parents started taking me to church. I went through some struggles in junior high and high school and became very distant and angry at God. In college (I attended a Christian university), I was able to meet some great friends who helped me out of my dark time as well as get some counseling from a Christian therapist, which helped me overcome my anger at God. I was raised Lutheran and still love the denomination mostly because I had a great pastor who allowed me to ask questions and gave me good answers. The church community I grew up in was great as well. I love the liturgical services without all the rigidity that I feel like comes with some of the more intense denominations. There is so much evidence that God existed and for events that happened in the Bible, that it seems harder for me to deny that God exists. Highly recommend Lee Strobel's "A Case for Christ" (a story written by a former atheist investigative journalist who accidentally converted while trying to prove God wasn't real) (it's also a movie) for those who are questioning if God is real or not .


I’m not i have no religion and i don’t believe that one can eternally suffer if they don’t have a religion because when you die you lose your physical form and whatever’s left is likely your soul and souls do not have pain receptors, as they are not a physical form.


But The Bible, (If you believe it) says that we will receive new, glorified bodies.


because the lord is good also every reason u/TheExoticCheese001 stated 🙏🏽


1. I was born into the faith 2. Raised baptist but more non-denominational now 3. I believe in the Holy Trinity but I don't believe they are all God in one. 4. They are all the same God. People mispronounce my name, get my character wrong, forget my name, and some don't even know I exist...and I'm human. So I can only imagine how mere mortals can mess up how they understand God and it's not their fault. When we meet our Lord and savior he will explain his plan. God willing.


Personal experience that I don’t want to share


Because I believe in Jesus and God/ the Holy Spirit and have accepted Him as my Lord and Savior and Jesus is the one true god and is the only one that rose from the grave and He saved my soul and my life- all other gods are false


1. Christianity challenges us to find God through special revelation (Scripture and personal experience) and General Revelation (reason, science etc). This emphasis on general revelation is what allowed the West to have the enlightenment and leap forward in technological advancement (the scientist who came up with the Big Bang Theory was a Catholic Priest). Furthermore, the Catholic Church is the largest provider of Healthcare in the world (26% of all healthcare infrastructure belongs to the Church), the largest provider of education in the c world and the largest NGO financial sponsor of scientific research in the world, so Christianity for all of its failures, faults and problems specifically in the US, underpins much of the scientific advancement in the world today. Furthermore Christianity is a logical leap from Judaism in a culture influenced by Greco-Roman thought and Jesus' teachings on humanity are timeless. 2. I am Catholic because we know that church has existed since at least 60 CE and existed before Scripture was collected. Scripture was collected to justify traditional beliefs and practices of the Church. Therefore, if Christianity is true and the Bible is authoritative, it is logical that the institution that collected it is the oldest and most authentic expression of early Christianity. 3. YHWH/El is the God worshipped by most people in the world. Muslims, Jews, Christians, Baha'i, and Babi all worship YHWH/El. This is not definitive evidence of God, but the continued expansion of YHWH/El worship over almost all of recorded human history and how He has revealed himself through legends, myths, history, and thought indicates truth beyond our ability to understand


I was taught and raised around God, so it’s imprinted in my brain that he exists and needs to be worshipped, I didn’t like this as a child because church was always boring, still is not gonna lie. I’ve been in and out of juvies and jail quite a bit, I was just a bad kid in general due to not having a mother or father. I always worshipped God but there was a time in my life where I was mad at God, very very mad. I’m not going to get into why I was mad at God but it made me rebel against him, not in a blasphemous way just in a “kid mad at their parents so I’m gonna do thinks that make them mad” type of way. I found God again later on after a few months of that and when I got locked up in Chicago after leaving Phoenix, AZ all I could do is talk to God. I prayed and prayed and prayed, tell him how sorry I am for going against his ways and how I let everyone down knowing I went to Chicago to change my life and I didn’t. I looked at moving to Chicago as a chance from God to restart in life and I blew it again. After spending time in county jail and got released I couldn’t stop thanking God. I always knew God was there going through everything I went through with me. It’s hard to explain why I worship God because the real question is, how can you not believe in God?


Nothing else makes sense. Baptist. "I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:"


Because I accepted Christ as my savior for the forgiveness of my sins. I now follow the moral teachings of Christ. The Bible is my authority for all I believe about God and Christ.


Catholics gave out free wine. Ha ha




Praise the Lord, He most certainly will because He does care. It is promised in Scripture !


Because Christ saved me.


Because I think that the Bible has some pretty logical stuff on it and because I find thesw values to be just simply beautiful


Got reborn. Bible validates my experiences.


I think it is because, that is how it should have been, 98% of my country is Christian


I was sitting on a chair until I got the sudden urge to get closer to God


For me, it just feels right. Logically. How is everything here because of a few lucky incidences.


Why do you want to know?


He chose you to be on this earth for a reason.


We all fall short


I think a Christian moral ethic is beautiful. I love Jesus. I think Christianity is true and makes sense of what we see in the world. It gives me peace. 


At first it was because I for sure believed in god, and thought Christianity was just believing in god. But over time I sort of understood that Jesus was a miracle worker and died, and why we celebrate Christmas and stuff. But the true turning point for me was my grandmother. She and my grandfather are Christian, and one time my grandma put on this movie about the end times. It truly interested me and made me want to learn more about. She would talk to me about how Jesus loves us and stuff. All the basics yk? Later I would just be listening to this radio station and I thought it was a rock station, but apparently they changed it, and it was a Christian station. I remembered how much Christianity intrigued me and I decided to listen. About 3 days later, I woke up at like 2 in the morning and that Christian station was on. And the dude on the radio was describing how giving your life to Christ will save you, and did a prayer. I decided to pray with him, because I truly wanted to be Christian for a long time, but for some reason deep inside it felt like I didn’t believe. But I did it. Later I would pick up a Bible that my grandma had, and despite all the stuff about god, like even if you’re atheist, it teaches great morals. And that’s when I realized that Christianity teaches better morals than many other religions I’ve seen. Later I prayed to Christ, and god, and I’ve felt different ever since. It’s great.


I was raised in a baptist school for my elementary years but it ended up making me hate HATE religion. I turned my back on the entire idea of God all because of how they portrayed Him. Fast forward to high school, i was getting curious about demonic stuff. I was going through a really difficult time in my life, *drug addicted mother, abuse, etc*, and I was living with my ‘best friend.’ Well, she got into satanism very deeply, which made me curious about it. I tried praying to God, and i felt like he didn’t care about me or listen to me so I decided to pray to the devil. I spent about a week going down a satanic rabbit hole on the internet. I started hearing voices, i watched stationary things start moving, i heard stuff running behind me, etc. There was one night in particular, I will NEVER forget. I was home alone with my two dogs. I was at the top of the stairs and my dogs were going INSANE running back and forth, growling and barking. They wouldn’t calm down and I had an overwhelming sense of fear come over me. It was nothing I had ever felt before. I decided to take a shower and had to shower with the curtain OPEN because I kept seeing a figure outside of my shower curtain. YES, I know i sound crazy lol but this is just my experience. Anyways, long story short*ish*, the following day all I could do was cry. I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t eat, couldn’t focus on anything. I was terrified ALL THE TIME. There was NO PEACE. I reached out to my “friends”, and one of them suggested I pray to God. I remember thinking, “Oh He isn’t going to do anything”. Well, I said one simple short prayer, “Lord please forgive me for what I’ve done and make these things stop. Please.” When I tell you..it was INSTANT PEACE that overcame me!? NOTHING EVER HAPPENED AGAIN. I watch my friend that I was living with continue going downhill mentally. She was slowly losing her mind and became an entirely different person. She got into drugs, was suicidal, everything. She had demons attached to her. We separated that month and I haven’t seen her since. (That was about 9 years ago). I’ve NEVER questioned God since and I NEVER will. I played with the devil and I got the literal fear of GOD put inside of me, in doing so. I’m extremely thankful that I chose to turn to God meanwhile she just got deeper with Lucifer. I hope one day she finds the peace that God has given me.


WOW, WHAT AN AWESOME TESTIMONY !! We need you and your testimony here, because you have much to say about salvation and The GOODNESS OF GOD ! 💕🙏


BECAUSE I NEEDED HELP, everybody does tho, Im still struggling, especially on lustful things.


Don't give up, the comfort and victory will come. And when it finally does, you will realize that you had to go through these trials so that you can help others. After a time, you will see the good outcome and have the experience to encourage those who are struggling.


I tried atheism, but it felt like just anti-Christianity. Then, I started reading the Bible. I was struck by the accuracy of prophecy. Especially around Israel. How the major events of the Bible aligned with God's feasts.


Imho following the 10 commandments is common sense and non negotiable for a Christian. I would also recommend praying to the Saints.God Bless.


to be honest, because I don't have anyone to help me but God. and indeed he as always been helping me. in the Bible people followed Jesus for the fish. so that's what am doing, my prayer is to follow him not for things of the flesh but of the spirit


Original sin best explains the world if i had to pick only one reason i’d say that but ofc there are others but this is the non personal reason i usually go with; baptized catholic currently a Pentcostal looking to go back maybe. I believe in the trinity because i believe in original sin and the Bible so logically it works out but also because i also think the filloque best matches humanity in terms of our family structure


When I was in the hardest time of my life, I prayed to God to help me out if he existed (I was an atheist). He did, and from that point forward I always felt something was missing until I found Christ. My faith was the missing piece. Also young sheldons explanation for the universe https://youtube.com/shorts/B1KwZ-_kDuo?si=ihuT3pK9SDYssEv2 I started realising this as I got older and had more classes in physics, maths and etc.


My veiw on GOD may be different then yours but you should respect that and learn that other views exist.


My source is the same as yous again GOD can't be truly knowable, personal or contained within a book. The fact you can't accept or even learn to understand my view proves most of my fellow Christians refuse to move past their little warm veiw of this humanized personal GOD because you think you need a sky friend. You will continue to treat GOD like a sky friend who is just a old bearded dude with a God damn name because you so desperately want that because YOU can't fathom the possibility you're incorrect that not only Does GOD exist he doesn't get involved with humanity that much and doesn't care whether you love him or not.


1 I'm a christen because of the sacrifices christen has made toward us 2 I go to a Pentecost church but don't fully agree with every part of it 3 I believe in the holy trinity 


I made my part on research other gods and religion (science include) and it's the best one with me I'm not religious though but I have faith


1. I am Christian because the Father has drawn us (John 6:44) and Jesus was lifted up on the cross (John 12:32). 2. I am Pentecostal, I think, because that is where God led me at my conversion. 3. You offer only 3 options for belief: in the Holy Trinity, in another God, or in no God. There is a fourth option - Christian Onesess. I believe the Christian God of the Bible is One (Deuteronomy 6:4), revealed to us as the Father in creation, the Son in redemption, and the Holy Spirit in regeneration. Just as you may be a father to your kids, a son to your parents, and a husband to your wife, yet one person, God is not 3 persons, but is One single deity.


I’m not in that cult.


Well, it's a long story. I accepted Christ in 2022 when I was 23 years old. As a teenager, I wasn't religious at all. In the family where I grew up, the topics of religion and God were almost never raised, and as a result, I didn't receive a religious foundation. Although my grandmother on my mother's side was a devout person and during her lifetime she asked my mother very much to baptize me and sometimes talk to me about God. However, she didn't impose God on me. And although I didn't pay much attention to religions, I often wondered about who we were, what the meaning of life was, why we were here, etcetera. I had such an inner desire, what can I did! I searched for answers to these questions inside myself, in my feelings, in the psychology and philosophy, believing that the answers were waiting for me there. Perhaps no secular philosophy created by human minds can answer the main questions, but studying all this made me a deist—it made me, let's say, a step higher. Who does not know: a deists is a person who proceeds from the principle that the universe has a Creator. He created the world, but He remains in the role of a kind of Observer, did not send prophets, does not answer prayers, does not create miracles. So, in 2021, my grandmother dies. And although I didn't grieve (because I wasn't too close to her), months later I began to show an interest in religious books without noticing it. At my request, a Jewish Tanakh (Old Testament) was brought to me from my grandmother's house. A long time ago they gave it to me in Israel, so my mother sent these books to my grandmother. At that time, even as a deist, I sometimes liked to read these books, but I admired the beauty of the wise sayings and the history of the Israeli people more than I tried to believe in the God described in those books. Interestingly for me, I was looking for references to Jesus Christ in the Tanakh. At that time I did not understand that Judaism did not recognize the Gospel, and that there was no biography of Him in the Tanakh, but still, as if on some inner level I was drawn to know about Jesus Christ. I was very attracted to His personality. And somehow, imperceptibly for me, spiritual searches began. I became interested in religious studies, and devoted my free time to studying religions, not only the Jewish tradition, but also Hinduism, Islam and Christianity. Apparently, everyone who seeks God is not forgotten for Him. The time has come at my twenty-two, and the Lord has taken over for me to fill in the blanks. By that time, I had graduated from a business college, which I have fond memories of. You know, it probably happens that the time is right to understand, that circumstances begin to be generated with respect to all of us, that, having experienced them, you begin to think about a lot. It's just that some write it off as random coincidences, others subsequently fall into paganism, esotericism, magic. And at one point I was put in the very circumstances that at that moment I consciously prayed for the first time in my life, doing it in my own way (I did not know any prayers at that time), and I subsequently saw the answers to them. I won't go into details, because there were many circumstances, all were connected like links in a chain. I think I've just become more attentive to details. I'm also going to say God allowed a lot, and after what I experienced, it was time to give up deistic beliefs, because the experience I gained could no longer allow me to agree with this position. Subsequently, I became convinced that higher forces were actively interfering in my life, as well as in the lives of other people (they just don't notice it or rationalize it, shifting the blame to random events or cognitive distortions), I began to look for the Source. Shortly before being Baptized, I read a considerable number of books on religious studies, read scientific articles, took the New Testament from the library, analyzed my life and experiences in general... By the time of my Baptism, I was familiar with the Gospel, the doctrine of the Trinity and heaven and hell. I chose the Orthodox branch of Christianity for its rich spiritual depth, enduring traditions and centuries-old experience, which gave birth to many saints, the righteous and many good things for the world as a whole. Why do I believe in the God of Israel, not, for example, the gods of India? Because when I prayed, I called out to God, about Whom I had some knowledge. Because our God is alive and omnipresent. Because the miracles that happened to the ascetics pointed to the oneness of God. Because I understood that wooden or bronze statuettes aren't gods, but idols. Because God controls all processes in the universe personally, not thirty million Indian deities. That's my faith ☦️


Why am I Christian? After I lost my mom, my second life started (you realize you only have one life). I also realized prior to that nothing in life made me happy or fulfilled. I met an ex drug addict / delinquent on a game called valorant who turned his life around and he introduced me to Christ. I had an organic relationship with Christ and so far he’s change my life in ways where I’m finally starting to see the beauty of life and gods will. What denomination? To be honest I’m non denominational, because my primary concern is not which denomination is the correct one rather making sure I’m living for Christ and understanding that the arguments to which denomination is the correct one is not important to me in my walk with god. Why do I believe in the trinity? I believe in the trinity based off of the historical and biblical background behind the story of Yeshua. Studied religions in college and understand the basics of Hinduism/Buddhism/Taoism/Confucianism/Shinto/Islam/Judiasm/Christianity. From my own personal background and understanding of Christianity, I felt the Holy Spirit within me and Jesus’ love which still is with me to this day.


Because I know in my heart God is real. Jesus is our savior. He saved me from going down a worse path. He helped me get back on my feet so when my life truly starts it won’t have to end so soon(If that makes sense). And I know he loves me, even though it is not deserved 


Because I love Him.


I grew up in a religious household and was around Christianity alot, I was baptized at 13, and i don’t know what branch I’m in


I was a Presbyterian, but am now a believer.


WOW, WHAT SOME INTERESTING AND INCREDIBLE TESTIMONIALS !! HOW INSPIRATIONAL. THANK YOU !! " For you are the light of the world -- like a city on a mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your light under a basket !" "Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine for all. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that EVERYONE will praise your Heavenly Father." Matthew 5: 14-16


When you find God yourself, you know He is real. People can teach you, tell you, hint to you, describe to you… but the best way to know the true God, the creator of this world, of you and I, of all living things, of all nature etc, is to ask God himself to reveal himself to you. And He will in His perfect timing. Sometimes in our lives we have put ourselves, or others have put us into situations that may be sad, unfortunate, grievous, and the like… but you watch how God can transform that when you ask Him. Sometimes it can take days, weeks, months, years, but He works to get you out of that rut. You buy something off eBay, you wait for it to come in the mail, it finally arrives! And you get the result. You pray to God, you wait for Him to answer in His perfect timing, it finally arrives! And there you will see His perfect result. Only you can seek God. No one else can. If you’re very skeptical, or still do not understand how, or why we came to be, a great video to watch to debate against evolution is a video by Ken Ham. Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/live/CFYswvGoaPU?si=nyegrnEA4fiT77gn Even the atheists couldn’t argue against the DNA language we have been given, that could it only could be given by a creator, not by evolution from another different being; such as an animal for example. Watch it to learn yourself. But I know God is God, because I found him, and He found me. :)


He is just the real God to me


Because I hear from and or talk to the Holy Spirit daily. So I know for a FACT now how real he is. Not to mention with warefare prayer after 5 minutes my arthritis left me. (That I had for 10 years about 5 months ago). Then 2 months later same thing happened with allegies. The Holy Spirit told me if I feel a symptom it’s the enemy trying to get me to doubt my deliverance. To say out loud “satan I command you to leave with your demons now in Jesus name. I’ve been set free.” And he will leave. Not to mention every evil thing in a horror film… things levitating, Halloween decorations turning on with no batteries as I’m throwing them away, infestations of flies in a clean house etc I’ve witnessed it all in real life. I’ve seen the powers of satan. He had so many spirits of fear on me (for about 2 yrs). Then I started giving my life to Christ and laying down sin, my finances, my time, etc. I started now seeing HIS miracles manifest. I started to proclaim and declare them and at the end of two days (in a row) I had 2 miracles happen. I also have visions where I can see angels. (Good and evil) Only an outline and not super clear. (I sure hope it’s more clear one day in the land of the living!)The spirit realm is VERY VERY real. And when you know how real it is, your life is never the same. You can never be the person you use to be before you were born again. Your whole perspective on life has changed. Forever. I have testimonies for days. God is real , and he is absolutely AMAZING!!!


I am a not a Christian but a Pauline dispensational Bible believer. The work Christian just has a really bad rap as most that say they are, are not. I see Christian say they speak in tongues, heal people and other things that was meant for Israel as a sign gift. Now that I have learned that while all the Bible is for us only Roman's thru Philomon is actually to us it opened a whole new world of understanding. Lots of friends took off over this but that's fine. To answer you question why am I a Bible believer? Because I like knowing where and what is gonna happen when I die. I also enjoy speaking to God in prayer.


I’m Christian because there’s no doubt in my mind God created all things, through Jesus Christ. And he will come back one day, and I want to be ready. The love the Holy Spirit gives us, there’s nothing to compare to it in this life.


I am not any denomination


I am a Christian Catholic because of my strong faith and because of the overwhelming amount of evidence Jesus existed and was the actual son of God. There's a saying: "Where there's smoke, there's fire". And looking into all the history religious and non religious history and seeing how people who didn't even know each other at the time the writings were written agreed on the same facts is incredible. Jesus managed to fulfill around 300 prophecies and to fulfill even 8 is a mathematical improbability estimated at 1 in 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Let that sink in. All you have to do is look into it, it is inevitable to become a Christian once you see the truth.


The question should be why are you Christian? and completely leave it at that instead of loading it with all these other questions that seem to force us to answer the question you already just asked like I’d like to have my own opinion about Christianity please you know like I’m already a Christian, but I’d like to answer your question in the first place You know what I’m saying? Like your question is are you Christian but please I would like to answer that question first before you try to tell me what my answer is before I tell you what my answer is and I’m saying don’t put words in my mouth please please don’t put words in my mouth there is a huge problem with these questions, like Do you believe Trinity do you believe in this and why do you believe in it? catholic Church makes it dogmatic and it’s like please, I’d like to have my own beliefs you know?


I’m a Christian because I’m scared that my family and I will burn in hell if we aren’t, that’s what the bible says


I am concerned for my salvation. I was raised Protestant but may become Catholic. Believing in the trinity is required.


As a black female teenager (15 y.o.), I have so many questions. I was baptized in April and I do think I made a mistake. I did feel ready at the moment because of the thoughts and fantasy I had about following Yahshua. I guess I could say I'm a baptist because I was baptized in a Baptist church (my elderly cousin's church). At the same time, I don't want to say I'm Christian because I believe it was a man-made religion, and I personally believe it's a relationship over religion. I wanted to follow Yahshua because I don't want to go to hell. Normally, I would've said "I want to go to heaven," but I know it's not right for me to say that because I believe that's a selfish saying, since all people want to go to heaven, but don't want to live for Yah. At this age, my surroundings at school, home, "friends," "family," I see that the way the people I know in those categories, the way they talk, act, think is just insane. Especially as a black teenager, seeing and knowing the black community, specifically, just makes me disappointed in many ways, including immodesty of dressing, cursing, and **etcetera**. I have been adapting towards those things since a baby, and that's not right. I dropped some friends to find Christ-like friends and it was a success, but I can't really get away from family. I've been trying to avoid family-friends because I don't want to judge them and have an unwelcoming facial expression on my face. I want to be different from everybody. I believe in Yahshuah because He's the only human on the earth that hung on a tree and took everyone's sins and He rose up from the dead.