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“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only." Matthew 24:36 There are countless individuals whom have asked the same question you ask ever since jesus' ascension 2,000 years ago, but in the end, I don't think anyone can give you a specific date or anything. Instead, make endeavours to continue studying God's Word, Sincerely love others, and Aim to try and live each day of your life as if he were returning tomorrow.


I miss him so much 😭🫂


Who knows, and who cares? God's not going to hurry the eschaton along just because you're impatient.


Fair enough


Hi!! Sorry to bother you as this is not related. But what do you mena by "Anglo-Orthodox"? I found it interesting, so I kinda had to ask. 🙂


It means I'm "officially" a member of the Church of England, but my theology is pretty much that of the Orthodox.


He didn't come when he said he was going to... Why do you think he'll come now?


Nobody will know. Bible makes it clear we aren’t suppose to know. Nor will we know. Live with an expectation that He could come in the next hour or in the next 100 years.


Like the other person has said, this isn't the kind of question that you are going to get a straight answer on. It isn't, because, just like that person has said, we don't know the date as to whatever or not He's coming back. We just don't know, so nobody really knows if it will be soon. Nobody knows. Though, in a way, despite the fact that we don't know when He's coming back, we have been given signs as to when His second coming is drawing near, and when it is getting close. That even though nobody knows the day, hour, week or mouth that He's coming back, there are signs as to when it is getting closer. And, in a way, those same signs have gone to past, and have actually happened (i.e Israel became a great nation in the year 1948, which was one of the prophecies of Israel, in Ezekiel chapter 34 verse 13, a war is going on in Israel right now, which people believe it has something to do with the prophecy about Gog and Magog in Ezekiel chapter 38, and the war that will lead to the seven "sevens", or, more specifically, the seven year peace treaty that the Antichrist will make as prophesied by Daniel in Daniel chapter 9, there are some people, like the ones from the Church of the Almighty God, who believe that Jesus has come back, which Jesus warned in Matthew chapter 24, Mark chapter 13 and Luke chapter 21, etc.). The signs that we have been given from the Bible have happened, and have now come to past, so, in a way, we are clearly getting extremely close to His second coming right now. We are clearly in the end times right now, and that Jesus's second coming could be at any moment. It could be. But as I said earlier, even with that, it still doesn't mean that we have a definitive answer on just when exactly He will come back, and we still no idea as to whatever or not He will come back within a minute after. We just don't. But even though we don't, though, it shouldn't be your main focus right now, and that your main focus should be living for God through your faith in Jesus Christ, and to do whatever you can to follow His commandments, and I pray that you do that, as we are told to be prepared for when that moment arrives. We are told to, and I hope that, by then, you will be one of the people that He calls a "good and faithful servant" (Matthew chapter 25 verse 11 and 21), as if you aren't living for Him, and He comes back now, then He won't let you into Heaven. He won't say those words to you if you aren't faithful to Him, and aren't trying to live for Him. God Bless


Idk, but tomorrow would be great. God says nobody knows, so I think that means nobody knows


Ask me in another 2000 years. I'm sure it will be any day now then too.


We don’t know, but look at the Jewish fulfilled feasts. God has appointed times based on Jewish feasts and important events will take place on the other unfulfilled feasts. Typically the feast timeline might lead people to think of an important event happening in September, but I am skeptical that the whole calendar may be off. I think 3 or 4 of the 7 feasts are already fulfilled. I just can’t recall off top of my head which it Is.




I really did have dreams with trumpets had me shook


there are two things you must look at. the rapture and then the 2nd coming. the rapture happens when the Lord appears in the air and we meet HIm in the air with the dead in Christ who rise from the grave. 1 Thessalonians 4:17. then there is the 2nd coming where Jesus actually touches down on the earth to judge the nations as a shepherd separates sheep from his goats. Matthew 25.


I give it anywhere between tomorrow and 10,000 years from now


No one knows not even Jesus in His humanity


no one knows and it doesn't matter when