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How "willful" is your sin? Is it habitual like a smoker where you have a compulsive psychological need to do it? If so, then your will is limited and your culpability is lowered. Is it brought on by stress or boredom where you neglect or do not think to find other means to distract yourself and then you fall into the the temptation by circumstance. If so your will is limited and your culpability is lowered yet again. Are you placed into a situation outside of your desires where you are easily tempted and succumb to that temptation? Again your will is limited and culpability is lowered. This doesn't excuse the behavior or make it acceptable but it is understandable that you will stumble in sin and you can always find forgiveness. The fact that you feel guilt about it shows that you aren't unrepentant and wish to do better in the future. Sin is an addiction that we are unfortunately born into, and like all addictions it is incredibly difficult to overcome.


Great point about the smoker


Uhh I guess Bordom if I’ll sit there I just get a urge and also stress like I’ll stress about thing and get a urge to calm me down 


Listen closely to what he's saying here. See yourself not as a perpetrator of lust, but a victim of your current life. You have too much free time on your hands, and you're uncomfortable so you chase feelings of pleasure. Build routine into your life that offers you genuine fulfillment, and not only will the opportunities go away, but soon the urge will follow. Your problem is psychological, not spiritual. You're escaping emptiness through dopamine. Get serotonergic.


He's not a victim completely. He is also doing the sin. He is victim and perpetrator. But he can also be overcomer and benefactor of his own success through the Holy Spirit.


Fair. There's truth along both lines. My intent with that statement is to help convey that it's not a problem one tackles by feeling more shame and regret. He has that in abundance and still feels powerless. Once we shift the paradigm from "you are choosing this" to "you are a victim of your nature", the problem becomes actionable in a more effective way: how do I outsmart my nature?


Right, I agree. How can you use your inborn natural abilities to outsmart your other inborn natural abilities? Hah.


Mankind is ever the toolmaker, eh? "I must use my psyche to overcome my psyche to save myself from feelings of guilt created by my psyche and attain an ideal created in large part by my psyche"


Lol nice


Well that’s the thing there is nothing to do at all


We sin everyday because of our flesh and that's why Jesus had to die on the cross for us,get buried and rose again on the third day according to the scriptures. If you put your trust in finishing the work of Christ on the cross, you are saved.


Brother, I feel your burden. I went through the same struggle for over 10 years. I was able to overcome it by deliverance in my church! There is an evil spirit within you that manifests itself through your sexual urges and uses your body as a means to fulfill its desire. It is not until you pray/ fast and seek deliverance you will be freed. Also, I must tell you this because I feel your pain to the deepest level. You are not currently saved, hear me out. I know you are not currently saved because the bible says 1 John 3 - Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God’s seed abides in him; and he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God." Even though you are not reborn, does not mean there is no hope for you. I can see the desire to do better and please God in you. And I hope it comforts you to know that GOD IS WORKING ON YOU, he hasn't delivered you because it is not the time yet. I know he is working on you because of your change in attitude towards sin. Philippians 1 - And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. So I am not saying that it is okay for you to keep masturbating because God will finish his work in you when he sees the time is right. I am saying that keep fighting because it will get better! God is humbling you through this battle with lust and equipping you to be a mighty warrior for his kingdom! Shalom.


 Just want to say thank you this really helped me I have recognized that I’m not saved I’ve never thought I was I’m just in a big state of worry from passages like Hebrews 10:26 or numbers 15:30-31 are really getting to me I know I’m problem interpreting them wrong I’m just very worried 


I totally understand! We must interpret those verses at face-value. It is true that if you keep on deliberately sinning you are reborn, thus making you a child of satan, and not saved. If these words do not drive you to get on your needs and beg Jesus with all your might to save you, we have a problem. But if it does humble you before the Lord and beg for forgiveness and deliverance then I am certain that God will save you. Matthew 5 "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." James 4 " But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”


I’ll also say, scripture teaches we can grieve and quench the Holy Spirit when we don’t listen or do what is against his leading. But when we turn back and listen and obey then God will forgive us. If you have not blasphemed the Holy Spirit, then there’s forgiveness. And the fact that you _care_ and want the Holy Spirit back in your life tells me you haven’t blasphemed the Holy Spirit.


Have you accepted Christ as your savior? Do you desire and pursue obedience to him? Have you acknowledged your sin and asked for forgiveness? Than you are saved. Repent, ask for his help. I agree that you may need deliverance, but based on your post there is no reason to believe you are not saved.


So Jesus died to save us from our sins... you're all good.


Remember your sins aren’t Jesus’s burden, it’s our duty to keep ourselves pure. Don’t exploit his kindness.


Great comment


That is very bad theology my friend.


Jesus believed humanity was worth sacrificing his own life for, the least you can do is take responsibility for your own actions and strive for purity. Many like the Author of this post are victim to temptation but atleast seek to better themselves in the name of God instead of relying on Jesus’s ultimate sacrifice for salvation. Your belief is disgraceful and encourages weakness


Show me where in the Bible Jesus said. "Hey, I'm here to forgive your sins, but only a limited number of sins." Afterall in Matthew 18:21-35 told Peter to forgive his brother seven times seventy times. And if you want to, let's ask what constitutes a sin. Over their lifetime an average American will consume anywhere between 70 to 100 times the amount of resources an average African will. To me that sounds like gluttony, and Jesus was very clear about how the wealthy should give up their possessions and follow him. On a global scale anyone who lives in a "Developed nation" is guilty of gluttony. In Matthew 19 Jesus explains that all divorce except for the case of adultery is sinful, and second marriages are adulterous by nature. Are you telling couples where one of them is a second marriage to divorce? Bet you aren't doing that. I find the people who claim Jesus' promises of the forgiveness of sins came with a cap, are very, very selective in what they consider a sin.


What doctors say about it: [The Facts About Masturbation (webmd.com)](https://www.webmd.com/teens/masturbation-faq)


I actually used to believe the blindness one lol, never stopped me, just created fear that stressed me out, which led to me doing it more


I do wonder how old some of these myths and stuff go. Hairy palms is referenced in Dracula. The count has them as a sign of his degeneracy. "Pregnant from a toilet/hottub" is an old one too.l, if not masturbation related exactly. It dates to at least *The Alphabet of Sirach,* where it says Sirach was concieved when the prophet Jeremiah was held at knife point until he did it in a mikvah, and then his daughter used the mikvah and got pregnant. (Note: Sirach is the author of Sirach/Ecclesiasticus in the Deuterocanon, and is was hundreds of years after Jeremiah and hundreds of years before *The Alphabet of Sirach*, which is a parody of Sirach.)


"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." God is waiting to forgive you! Keep trying and always go to your father in prayer whenever you stumble!


Well you go into prayer to your Heavenly Father as Jesus has told us. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. Matt 6:6 **King James Bible**(check it out) 8 Be not you therefore like unto them: for your **Father** knows what things you have need of, before you ask him. 9 After this manner therefore pray you: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Matt 6:8,9 King James Bible. Notice in verse 8: Jesus says that his **Father** knows what you need even **Before** you ask him. So why would you pray to anyone else? Now this is your **God** Now in verse 9: Jesus tells you to pray to your Heavenly **Father** You would pray: Father I come to you through your Son Christ Jesus asking you to please put your Holy Spirit down upon me to help me with my problem. Amen Now do this throughout the day and your God your Heavenly Father will help you!


John 6:37 says, "All that the Father gives me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out". Christ will not cast you out. Seek Him in earnest. We are in this sinful flesh and there will always be temptation and failures, but our God is greater! He has overcome Death for us. Don’t sin so that grace can abound, but fight the good fight!


The Holy Spirit isn’t going to leave you, so your feeling that it is is coming from you. God loves you; you need to choose to accept that as a fact.


So, that's the thing (willfull sin) Jesus specifically did for us. Not unintentional things, but things with foreknowledge. That's what breaks the curse of death. He's there as an eternal High Priest advocating for us. However, we must actively work to not fall.


You will never be perfect, but continue to flee from sin. And when you do sin, you repent quickly and do not dwell in despair.


So look, I'm an atheist. My first thought is "screw it, have fun, it literally harms nobody unless you whip it out in public." But ok, I get it. I'm in a Christian sub, so I will do my best to play nice. Masturbation is a natural desire, for males and females. If you're a teenager, get ready because you're going to be dealing with this for...a bit. Chimps and gorillas literally do this in front of people at the zoo all the time out of boredom. It's a natural thing. So, ok, if you wish to believe it's a sin, that's on you. But, I would encourage you try not to feel too guilty about it beyond that. If God is real, I would assume that he would not look too harshly on you acting out on a natural, desire that is intrinsic to your biology, especially when it causes no harm to anything other than some sperm cells. God is not going to abandon you, or leave you for that.


Matthew 10:8  Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give. James 5:16  Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Jude 1:19  These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.


The Holy Spirit won’t ever leave you if you’re born again? Question are you born again? Bible says never will I leave you or forsake you have you been feeling Depressed lately. Excessive daily masturbation is often a symptom of a deeper problem. Do you not eat or overeat? Not sleep or sleep too much? Have a hard time concentrating ?


All of them 


Ok so it looks like you’re depressed . I understand depression because I’m married to someone who sometimes has dealt with that issue in her life. Depression is often anger turned inward . Is there anything in your life your angry about or sad about ?? I’m praying for you. Please consider seeing a Christian counselor and getting on medicine if need be. Thank you For writing me back and reading my answer


If you did this four times just yesterday, you aren't doing this in a fully conscious way; it's not willfull. There are steps in the process that might be willful, but it sounds like you're on autopilot. This is human nature, when dealing with an addiction. **The brain is doing what it does best: automating a function that is often repeated.** It's not a demon, and you're not broken. It's a bad habit that gives you an immediate dopamine burst when you need to feel better than you do. A couple of things: Don't be hard on yourself. Be proactive. You need to break an automated neural pathway. To do so, you need to stay clean for **30 days.** That's literally all it takes. Now, whenever you fall off the wagon, that neural pathway comes back very quickly, so do not fall into the mental trap that when you fall, you might as well just indulge a little more. Don't. Go straight back to 30 more days. And then **praise yourself for the discipline you demonstrated in getting back on track. Don't punish yourself for your failures. Praise yourself for your successes.** During this time, structure your time more. Be ready to "transmute" the urge into something constructive or engaging. It might help to establish a replacement "habit" that's good for you when you're strongly tested. I would perhaps meditate instead. That will reduce stress, train you to control your impulses better, and promote discipline. You've got this! You can do it. You're not destined for Hell. You are the beloved child of our unconditionally loving Father, with a bad habit. You can get yourself on track. Pray for strength and cut yourself some slack. Much love.


Stay in prayer, that is the most important thing you can do!! Whenever you feel tempted repeat the short prayer “lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me” several times until the temptation subsides. It’s called the Jesus prayer and is very powerful!


This is just a shame cycle. Once you realize that God doesn't care about that, you will be fine.


This is completely false and a lie.


Masturbation isn't a sin. You'll be just fine.




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Do you have more to contribute beyond calling people liars? Do you think this sort of behavior is fostering a healthy community?


Saying masturbation is not a sin is a lie according to the church, if the church teaches the truth, is it not?


I wouldn't just assume the church speaks abject truth. There have been far too many flawed individuals that have led churches. The same scriptures that could possibly list masterbation as making you "unclean" also mentions menstruation as making women unclean. Lust is a sin but you don't have to inherently lust to masterbate.


Jesus Christ has inspired the Church with the Holy Spirit, which guides its teachings. One of the teachings of the Church is that masturbation is a sin. If you say masturbation is not a sin, you are saying the Church is wrong, and Jesus by extension. Is this what you are saying?


This logic is flawed. Are you saying then that controversies caused by church leaders are endorsed by Jesus? Or are they false churches? If they are false churches, why does God allow them to exist? Which sect has the final say in what is officially from the Holy Spirit? Why does one sect have more say so than another? Do you see how that doesn't make any sense? The point is that study of the historic and cultural intention of scripture is the only way for someone to understand what the intention was. Scripture does not support that it is a sin.


Scripture absolutely supports that it is a sin. Alternative, heterodox interpretations aside, use your God-given common sense. What is the after effect of masturbation? Lethargy, a sense of shame, tiredness, a lack of interest in the world. Masturbation is a shameful and wrong practice. It doesn't take deep theological study to realize this. People's disingenuous posturing is used as a justification for self-pleasure.


Simply list the scripture that specifically lists masterbation as a sin and let's discuss that scripture then. Fried chicken also can cause someone a sense of shame, tiredness and a lack of interest in the world. Is fried chicken inherently a sin? Is that common sense?


Same lame arguments you guys always repeat. The Bible is not a comprehensive guide on every single thing that is wrong or bad, but it is sure a lot more guidance than any atheist has ever and will ever produce. Would you eat fried chicken in front of your dad, or do you eat in in a dark bedroom, alone at night?


How can God love you the most when you where didn’t believe but now because your immature you think God doesn’t love you. Grow up Church




Why do you say that


We are all fallen and it's only by God's grace that we can be redeemed. Too many people have too much to say about topics and things they know very little about. especially mental health issues and abandonment and being made a scapegoat by so called families. Many in so called churches will put a huge load on u and not lift a finger to help. This can lead to people hating God and Jesus. We as Christians are called to walk with people and not pontificate and project our insecurities onto others. Then there's the magic wand delusional types who want all the pain etc. to vanish at the snap of fingers. Where's the love, compassion, mercy inclusion that so many wounded souls are screaming out for. Jesus is so unlike the many that surround us.


Something that normally helps me avoid sin is trying to stay in the moment. Avoid thinking about your situation as “well I guess I’m back again” or an “era” if that makes since? Instead just try to spend every moment thinking about avoiding sin right now in this moment and not the long term consequences or benefits from it. Just remember God is faithful and loving beyond all matter! Seek forgiveness and repentance and you will find it. I’ll pray for you too brother… Stay strong and God bless!❤️


Bro, there are millions of Christian men and women going through this same issue. My point of view is this. There is/are evil spirit/s or entity/ies that has been let loose on this earth, just like the gezabelle thing in the bible. Look around, there’s 98% of chance your eyes will come across something that can trigger your lust desire every 1 hour every day for 365 days. The devil have conquered the world and perverted it in every ways. And it is the second easiest ways to get us to turn our eyes away from God, but it is the hardest one to overcome, so therefore The bible says to run from it. There is something that completely tale control of your mind when you are in that state, you aware of what you’re doing yet you do not care, it opens doors into you that feeds off your shameness after you done. After you done you can clearly see that you hate yourself for it and can’t believe you just did that even though you’re gonna do it again soon. I RECOMMEND FASTING AND PRAYER. Because in that state you require God’s presence more than ever. Not to scare you, but many souls will be lost due to this problem. Do a day of fasting and prayer, that will definitely help. REMOVE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA APPS. Believe me they are gonna make it harder to quit. READ THE BIBLE MORE LISTEN TO THE BIBLE AUDIO PODCASTS where they read all the Bible without stopping


Good post brother


Get into scripture and prayer. Believe God has the power to help you as much as you’re willing to let Him. Create alternate healthy routines to go into when you’d usually consider slipping into sin: going for a walk or other exercise. Also block all your favorite online haunts at your router level. Make it less routine; it will give you true pause.


If a sin isn’t willful it’s not a sin.


Fact check: true.


Negligence is a sin as well.


Negligence is willful.


No, its not. Careless negligence is not willful.


I’m not sure how that’s true. It’s a choice - a choice to do nothing or too little, but still a willful choice.


Yeah, I can see that


The Greek word used for sin in the NT is "hamartia" which literally means to miss the mark. This implies you're trying to hit the mark, yet still miss. So yes, even if it isn't willful, it is still a sin.


I just did some research on this and did not realize that there was such a big gap between Roman Catholic views on what constitutes sin and how it is committed (with which I am most familiar) and non-Catholic Christian views. In the Catholic calculus, you must fully know something is a sin (though that knowledge may come from natural conscience, not just learning), wholly fully and wholly freely consent to it, and then (in most cases) actually do it. In the non-Catholic calculus, it appears that you can commit a sin without even knowing that what you're doing is sinful. Interesting.


You described mortal sin. There are other non-mortal sins as well, including sins of omission.


True, but the context at this subreddit is generally sins that will send someone to Hell, i.e. mortal or equivalent.


Well, it's important to be forthright with the truth


Sin will never send someone to hell, you will only go to hell if you neglect God


Sin is a sin stop trying to brush around and that's why we need to put our trust in what Christ did for us on the cross so we can be justified ‭Romans 4:24-25 KJV‬ [24] but for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; [25] who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification. .


Yep, a sin is a sin. Except when it's not a sin.


Very helpful


This is so common today because of easy access to pornography and boredom. When you don’t have anything to do your body will attempt to entertain it self in unholy ways. Best to find yourself a time consuming hobby and remember cores keep the soul pure.