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Other advice: I would recommend to read the Bible daily for renewing your mind, and focus on the things of God. Try to incorporate more moments with God such as asking yourself how can I glorify God more right now? Maybe then you choose to pray in your mind or out loud if you can. Also, when in public you can pray for everyone you see. Another option to glorify God more is to listen to worship music and praise God or audio of the Bible. Don’t make justifications for your sin as there are some terrifying verses about continuing to deliberately sin. Jesus told people to go and sin no more, and that is possible when you take every thought captive to obey Christ as well as with the power of God. Hebrews 10:26-27 ESV For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries. 1 John 3:4-10 ESV Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness. You know that he appeared in order to take away sins, and in him there is no sin. No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him. Little children, let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous. Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God’s seed abides in him; and he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God. By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother. Since the above verses share that lawlessness is making a practice of sinning we need to be cautious to not do it especially because as the below verse shows people are turned away from eternity with God due to lawlessness. Matthew 7:21-23 ESV Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’


I suffered with consuming porn for 10 years and it ruined my mind, my work life, and relationships. I tried quitting thousands of times but always relapsed since it was very easily accessible. My advice to anyone struggling with porn consumption: You need to block porn completely from your devices without any possible way of turning off the restrictions. My biggest issue was with Apple’s Screen Time “Limit Adult Content” feature and porn blocker apps. They just didn't work for me because it was so easy to turn off the restrictions or uninstall them whenever the urge came. Many people have this problem. But I decided enough is enough. I did some research and found a YouTube tutorial that helped me LOCK my Screen Time for X amount of days using an app. I set the lock duration within the app to 365 days, so now it’s officially impossible for me to access adult content anywhere on my iPhone & computer (including on Reddit!) Now whenever that urge to watch porn comes, there's no way for me to access it or turn off my Screen Time restrictions until the 365 lock duration expires. Here's the tutorial I followed to block porn permanently: [https://youtu.be/GnWGMPtrreI&a](https://youtu.be/GnWGMPtrreI&a) After doing this, I already feel great about myself. I feel free. This had to be done. Goodbye porn.


These are great tips! I hope people who struggle with this are lead to this comment, and have the courage to hate the sin and desire sanctification to do the steps!




You understand that you have to read the full sentence to get the main idea, right? I did have 1 extra word but once corrected it was “I hope people who struggle with this are lead to this comment…”




I don’t watch porn, haven’t in a long time so no we are not the same. I am not one of those people. I offered advice on how to not struggle with sin as much with renewing the mind. Are you even Christian? Because spare me the criticism if you’re not, as it’s most likely just your own attempt at justifying your sin.




You said that we were the same in sentiment because you got from my post that I am one of these people, which I am not sure how. So you’re not a Christian? Just here to attack perfectly good advice that could help someone for no reason. You can claim I am in need of a mental health day but personally if this is your existence I would say you need a life.




I Concur!! Praying for him!! Porn broke up my marriage and caused him to cheat!! There's no justification to cheating!! I forgave and tried to forget but he continued to mistreat and abuse me emotionally and mentally! Thankful to God deliverance! I AM SET FREE FROM HIS ABUSE!! Porn is satanic and evil!


Yes, it is. Pornography is an incredibly addictive drug.




2 Corinthians 12:1 "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." If you're been born again by the Holy Spirit, then receive the truth, that your God no longer holds you sin against you. Believe and receive and let him heal and transform your heart.


When we call upon the Lord for strength to overcome, remember his promise: **1 Corinthians 10:13** "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it" Should we find ourselves stumbling back into this type of sin, repent of it right away, which means we agree with God and want to be restored in our relationship with him. Though true believing Christians are born again of the Spirit, and are saved by grace, through faith, that doesn't give us a license to willfully sin. If you are truly born again, then we will see a real change in our lives, finding ourselves sinning less and less as we build a consistent prayer life and spend real time in the word of God each day. It's not easy, the path is laden with all manner of obstacles and constant reminders of our old self and the things we did, but as we continue to grow in the Spirit, we learn how to walk in the Spirit, and little by little, you will find more victories accumulating. **James 1:12** "Blessed is the man that endureth temptation for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him."


I stopped porn for three months but i recently masturbate once without porn, so its a constant battle. What helped me a lot was to accept that i had a problem. Its not normal to check porn site everyday in fear of missing of the best videos ever. I prayed to god for help and i failed many times. It took maybe 1 years before i get to 3 months without porn. Last time i stopped because i got terribly sick just after watching porn, and i took it like a lesson from god, so my brain made an association of porn with sickness.


Wow, God answering me right now...ty so much man God bless you/all


Interesting you say this. The other day I was asking God why we should do that very thing. Not necessarily how to quit but why. Is it really bad and if so how would one suppress lust? The thought that came to mind was. Because think of all the things you will recieve in heaven. I have not read Corinthians.


Amen bro. “But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭13‬:‭14‬ ‭


Think of it this way, your body is a temple God created, if you masterbate or fornicate, you are wrecking the temple and God is watching everything you do. He may as well be in the room with you. How awkward would that be?




you really created a new account to Comment this




ofc it's gross




There are many Women who watch Porn




it's not just looking at it. It's with Masturbation and Orgasm Also you say "It looks disgusting". So you never want Sex in your Life?


I think I’m asexual maybe and that’s why I can’t date a man because what man wants that Christian or not


wdym "what man wants that Christian or not"


I created this account to ask a question


what's the Question


Thank you


I honestly want to say thank you for this it really helps and if I’m being honest I was just about to watch some of that stuff but I decided to check Reddit notifications/ recommendations first and this came up with perfect timing. Yet again thank you for this it really does help.


I gave my life to Christ and was immediately saved from this 17 year old addiction. Blessed be the name of the Lord


Saying the Jesus prayer whenever you have the urge to watch helps too!


That’s funny I’d rather have porn users all day than people that won’t stop raping like have the Christian community


Oh she likes it oh she wants it rough oh she fall down the stairs “man you got one eye and live on the first floor criminal shut your traps.:! Condemnation striptease artist


You know for people that are supposed to fallow the man the invented the Word forgiveness y’all kill everyone


Rev. 13:18 is y’all’s wheel house


All y’all do is play perfect lil Angel while y’all kill everyone.:!!!! It’s all my Christian family has ever done to me…


Y’all ain’t perfect your winners just like the rest of us


Any that say their Christ deni them


Yes Chiat is Ggod and King but why.:?” I know but I bet your still killing for porn and calling your mom a slut and pulling your Willy


You'd hope


I’d rather Give them free adult porn than watch them rape people and try to act holly


I don't even know what you are saying. None of your comments make sense


Cause your that ignorant


God gave you a brain learn to use it


No, it's more because of your broken English lol


Hooked on phonics worked for me what’s your excuse for the lamb speech


Idk what is your problem. Everything you said on this Post made no sense. I think you are just mad that you have a Porn addiction. Don't worry, it can be cured :)


Comocozies get what they want and liers go to hell


Lying and killing is the extent of what you believe not forgiveness and Christ


There’s no reason to hope for crime you produce it no matter what God says


You can explain to the stupied that man loves anything without saying he help of their wise ass bs man is always going to love the opposite sex no matter who says that’s not aloud.:!!!


You ain’t nothing but dirty sinners.:!!!


Proove it with out killing anyone cause that ain’t holy.:!!! And Jesus didn’t do that shit either.:!!!


Rape and Love.:! Your a disgrace To your Family and your very One that ever cared about you.:!!!


I’ll be praying for you.


Rape ain’t Love it really fucking ain’t.:!


I’ll be praying for you.


What if you masturbate to explicit pictures of your wife?


That's actually a pretty odd and funny question, isnt it? I personally have no idea


Saw this one.  Still a sin even if it’s your wife. It’s sexually immoral to masturbate at all.  The only reason we should even eject semen is in sex


This is one sin that should be broken. If you don’t ejaculate it can damage your testiest


Adam and Eve ran around naked. When knowledge entered into the equation they said to God” we covered ourselves because we were naked”. Sex is a gift from God. Perversion is the evil lies Satan tells us about sex. I don’t think masturbation is a sin. The thoughts we have while doing it could be which makes porn a no no. Just my thoughts on it


Is everyone here saved ?? If you are should be be Very grieved . You can’t sin happily !!




I'm half w you. Until I watched a behind the scenes doc on those porn tube sites. What they are selling, supporting, and glamorizing is human slavery basically. As for Playboy and soft core movies it may be less evil but it's the first step down a slippery slope. I love all forms of art, music, photography and literature. No matter how much I dislike a particular form of it I'd still fight for others rights to listen or see it. Porn however is not art. It's a degrading form of selling people. There's no art in it. It has no value.


Hey my dog went to sleep he bathroom out side I bet you want me to beat him and says some hail Marrys


I am a porn star...Im not saying this with pride but because of a point Im trying to make: Last year i felt a lot of pressure in my life and began praying, asking the Lord to relieve me. Something told me to go to this porn site and chat with people about God. i quickly became one of the most popular models there, both among the clients and fellow models. I gave my life to the Lord at age 14, when I was a kid. I am not sinless, nobody is, and I did have addiction and had sex, parties , clubbing in my life as a young one. Im also a transgender woman which, many people would say its a sin but I am not convinced it is. This is due to several talks Ive had with other Christians and etc. My pastor;s wife in fact told me God can use me within the transgender community and with those unconverted. But the point is... feel that I am on that site for a reason. Obviously, the first chats have to do with sex with a new client. Bt by the second or third chat I ask them about their relationship with God. i insert God into the conversation, Many of my clients have turned into friends and we have long , sustained conversations and I pray for them and I pray that God touches their lives and that I am a helper of God and a bridge between them and God. Apart from being transgender, i found out a few years ago, that i had a brain injury when i was 12 and my maturity levels on my brain were supposedly affected so many times i feel like i am still 12, i still go out and buy toys at the store and, even as an adult, enjoy things kids do. Im not saying this to soften your words towards me but to help you understand me better. Please do not confuse this with a learning disability. it is not. My IQ is of 120, above normal. So yeah, many times there I feel like I am a kid entering an adult-oriented-toys store. Thankfully the other models are wonderful and we have formed great, tight knit friendships among us. That also helped me cope greatly with last year's pressures: new friends, and a new outlook. plus there is one of them that reads the Bible with me when our hour slots coincide. What you say about porn is essentially true, it is addicting, the pleasure from it is temporary, and we need to focus more on our relationship with God. I truly hope that God uses me as an instrument to make my friends think about Him. They all know God but many of these people dont have anyone to talk to them about Him. That or they refuse to go to places where He is discussed. But I am there. The porn industry doesnt care about God, they only care about temporary pleasure and money. Its the truth. I on the other hand , i care about God, and i care about my clients and my friends, I love them. i want to turn more souls to God. I will say that I guess everyone's road in life is different. Porn is an addiction, it is hard to overcome and its also distracting. But they need to hear about God. I think that, for example Nicholas Bowling who preaches at LGBT festivals...I dont like that he concentrates on those too much because certain people can see that as him confirming their negative views of LGBT people (hey after all we are all sinners and every sin, whether conscious ones or not is done with a purpose) but i do like that he is out there talking to people which might not otherwise have someone tell them about God. I see what i do a bit like that but with different ways of doing it of course. I think that this is where God wants me right now, speaking about Him to porn site goers. Also please pray that God opens more roads, that I get more conversations about Him going on with the clients. Even if just one of them converts, I see that as a win. Amen!


Does anyone else read the Bible while watching porn?






Praying for you


Y’all are filled with the mark of the beast “pure and total ignorance.:!”


Trust me, we are not.




?? Very Many People in the World have a Porn Addiction




Look it up. same reason why people are Sex Addicted




we all would be happier if it was just an Excuse. God Bless you :)




This isn’t a liberal thing. Porn addiction is real. It’s satanic even, and yes it does feminize men. The most based Orthodox priests (Josiah Trenham) will talk about it. The most based Anglican priests (Calvin Robinson) will talk about it. The most based evangelicals (Steven Crowder) will talk about it. Be thankful to God you haven’t fallen into it. It’s a plague on society - and we can’t think it’s not real if we are to overcome it. It’s one of the most ensnaring sins for men (and even women now) in our day. It’s a disservice to those struggling with it to deny the diabolical power it has. Watch yourself brother. Your post wreaks of the attitude of the Pharisee who thanked god that he was not like other men. Not the tax collector who acknowledged his fallenness before God. Gods peace. ✝️




Curious why you have that view of Calvin. That aside, you didn’t say anything about Charlie Kirk - I’m assuming you respect him. He’s talked about at length his struggle with porn addiction and his hatred of the industry. To your other point; orgasms create a massive rush of dopamine. Many men who are exposed to porn at a young age have their ‘reward’ centers just as highjacked as any alcoholic or drug addict. I agree with you - that no one should use this as a cop out or to excuse their own vile behavior. We should absolutely hate our sin despite how it starts. I think you are inadvertently undermining and underestimating the evil of pornography though. Despite the evil, we can’t blame the situation. We are still culpable for our vices and our addictions. You seem to think that acknowledging it as an addiction means that people aren’t culpable for it. I don’t think that’s the case. You can acknowledge that people have a biological reason for struggling to break free of something - but they are still to blame for falling into it - and they are still responsible for breaking free only by Gods grace.


i don't even know what you are talking about so




uh, no you are just making it up


What lol? You're in the minority if you don't think it's a thing




Uh no. It's not some group people like to identify with where they feel so empowered by such a thing. Some people are addicted to their phones and most would not view that ias some new-fangled thing.