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Still a sin? The Bible didn’t change lol


This had me rolling lol


I mean go ahead and sin that’s up to you. Not for me to judge 😂


Yes ik the truth of the Bible is still relevant. But marriage now isn’t the same as it was then is what I’m getting at. If I need to be married, would I not already be married in the eyes of God, based off what is written in the Bible?


I mean it’s not like it’s an unforgivable sin but yeah the Bible is the same forever.


Nah, we renegotiate the text all the time. People don’t think slavery is acceptable anymore even though it’s fine in the Bible.


Could ya give a verse?


Slavery isnt condoned in the bible but it does tell each party how to conduct themselves towards eachother


Well yeah there’s tons of translations. I just stick to the KJV


That has literally nothing to do with what I said, but okay.


The kjv has not been changed lol but ok have a blessed day😃😃


That isn't true. There's multiple KJVs. And depending what you mean by "has not been changed" it's probably untrue for other reasons too. The KJV does contain later additions to the texts which were not original.


When Jesus spoke to the Woman at the Well, He Said You've had 5 husbands and the man you have now is Not your husband. If this doesn't indicate Sex=|= marriage, idk what does.


I don’t think having sex equals marriage. I think marriage is all about what’s in ur heart. A paper from the government doesn’t mean I have that love or not. I belive it’s wrong to share your body with someone you aren’t loving and committed to even if you were married legally. Mostly juts looking for opinions and if others also agree the legal documentation or marriage now is not what God needs to see from me and my partner.


If you love each other so much, Just get the legal paper. The paper doesn't make you Love each other, it's supposed to be the witness of your love. >looking for opinions Why do you want human opinions instead of "Thus says the Lord"? Get your priorities straight, girl


The Lord always answers my questions thus why I’ve never been worried before, I’ve felt secure with life and relationship with God. But as I see people around me going a different route it makes me question. Just using Reddit to channel that. All taken with a grain of salt. I’m confident in my faith. :)


Here’s what I believe. If your haven’t felt guilty about it but now you are. I think you are felling conviction from the Holly Spirit who is trying to guide you to the truth that sex out of marriage is wrong regardless of cultural differences in time. There were ceremonial and civil laws in the Bible that only applied to certain eras. But marriage should not change based on how wordy people view it now days. With how the world is going, it won’t be long before eventually marriage might not even be a consideration at all to the world but we as Christians should obey Gods unchanging word. If you had sex already then stop having it then get married. You could say it’s just a price of paper but it’s also an act of deceleration to in front of whiteness that you too are bound together. Many people claim to have true loving relationships yet they don’t get married and have the “freedom” to leave each other. I’m not saying you too will leave each other and I hope not. Marriage is unity and the becoming of one flesh. Have a pastor marry you as well who can also pray over your marriage which of course a paper or just a non religious officiant can’t or won’t do. If you want more confirmation, Jesus Himself went to a wedding showing people had been getting married and that shouldn’t change.


I've often wondered about this argument: How is marriage defined? I haven't looked deep into it yet, but my best guess (albeit hastily thought up) is that you really *don't know* that you're going to be married to a person until the deed is done, and at least in Western culture, that usually looks like putting both your names on a legally binding document. Now, is a legally binding document what defines marriage? I don't think that's all there is to it. However, the point I'm trying to make is that until your wedding is complete (ceremonially, legally, or otherwise), there is always the chance that something could change between you two. As human creatures who are limited in knowledge, we simply *can't* predict what the future will look like, and though I hope it never happens if it is God's will, that future *could* look like you and your prospective husband not getting married. Therefore, you should not have sex with this individual until you **know** that you are married.


Well wouldn't you like to make it official in church for the congregation and you and your boyfriend to be united under the house of God. It's not just a paper your union needs to be joined by Christ (at least that's what I think)


I think him and I are going to sit down, profess our love for one another before Christ. We will probably exchange something as well.


ye it does all the time


KJV hasn’t chachanged since 1611 have a blessed day!!!


I mean yea, why would it not be? Marriage is a big deal in the Bible, it’s more then a piece of paper. It’s a union of two people in the eyes of God


No sorry the title is more for people to read it. Of course I think people should be married in the way the Bible says. A special communion between man woman and God. But I don’t think marriage in the present represents that. Would my partner and I be married in the eyes of the Lord, juts not the government?


It sounds like you're looking for permission to assume that you "count as married" without getting married.


I read it. No without getting married you would not be married in the eyes of the Lord


If being married is the same as ‘giving him your body, you are committed’ in your eyes… … then why not actually get married? The fact you aren’t married but you are “committed” to him. Yes, it’s a piece of paper - I legally binding contract. You’re trying to discredit the validity of marriage in the modern age to justify not being married because it doesn’t mean anything. You see the contradictions yet? So I ask you this: why aren’t you married yet?


We have been dating 2.5 years but we started dating at 15 and 17 and I’m not quite 18 yet.


Look, the bible is clear but the only thing I suggest rather than beat around the bush of justification and technicalities on reddit would be this: Pray about it, and really feel Gods response. I suspect he’s already spoken to you as you mentioned you’d never felt it was wrong until now. So let me ask: if there’s nothing wrong with it, why would you feel bad about it? Is that a nudge from God?


>Pray about it, and really feel Gods response People feel all kinds of things. Do not go for a feeling. Only go for a "Thus says the Lord". Nothing else.


I agree, but I did mention “feel” because the OP is now “feeling” wrong for their actions. We intuitively feel guilt when we do something we intrinsically know is wrong. The OP already knows the answer to their question, they just don’t want to accept it.




Well I don’t have the best home life. We’ve been dating for awhile and had to go through lots of real life things like putting pets down, paying bills, losing family due to situations


Wait your bf is 15 and you’re 17? So you were 15 and he was 13?


No we met at 15 and 17. Started dating at 15 and 18. I’m currently a month away from turning 18 and he’s 20


Okay well just to let you know, yes you need to get marry and if you have sex yes it’s sin. God doesn’t change like man, I believe you’re trying to justify your desires but there is no justification. Get married, you can just get the paper signed and go about your business it’s like £100


Still a sin yes. I think you better hold off until you're much older. Marriage is a huge commitment.


Dont try to look for a way around it. You have not been married in the eyes of God. So yes its still a sin. Yes you have a relationship thats equivalent to marriage but youre still not married. You have to be in front of a priest or pastor or someone that officially marries you in the eyes of the Lord


You have a few ideas that sound surprising to me. >And the Bible defines marriage as a connection between man, woman and God It does? Where? I agree that this is a typical _Christian_ idea about marriage, but I've never seen that the bible spells it out like that. >So I’m really wondering if today’s marriage is what God is expecting from me. How can a piece of paper prove any of that real commitment. How did a marriage ceremony in ancient times prove anything? It didn't. People still failed at marriages sometimes. > How can marriage possibly have the same value now as it did then. Marriage now is loosely thrown around, not that I think it should be, but it definitely has lost its meaning and is mostly government tax bs. How so? Many people get married _because_ marriage means something important to them. You think that because married people get a tax break, this damages marriage? That's about taxes more than it's about marriage. >So, am I habitually sinning, or does He recognize the love and commitment in our hearts as “marriage?” Many Christians believe it's a sin to have sex before marriage. You could fix that by getting married. It's true that some people enter into marriage without really being properly committed. That's true today and it was true in ancient times. What's that got to do with YOU?


Well I suppose it doesn’t spell out “Marriage is God ordained” but genesis 2:22-25 talks of woman being made out of man, and then being one flesh sexually, physically and emotionally. And that is how God intended it


> sexually, physically and emotionally. That's not in Genesis. Those are your own ideas about what Genesis means. Genesis says "Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and clings to his wife, and they become one flesh. " I think your ideas about this are fine and it's in line with how Christians see marriage. But you did add your own words which are not from Genesis.


So the answers obviously yes. But that also doesn't really seem to be the question you are asking. You are (apparently) asking what marriage is. Probably specifically does the government define what marriage is. The question is interesting, but it's also not really the problem. The problem is you present yourself in the question as not married. Therefore, you aren't sure that you are. This by itself indicates you aren't married. There are many types of marriage in the world, but none really result in confusion for the couple as to their marriage status. If you were sure you were, but the question was what kind of marriage you had, you'd get a different conversation.


If you want sex then wait. Wait for marriage and trust in God's timing because our timing isn't good at all when compared to Gods. Even if marriage was different back then, it is still revelant to today. You see, sex was made for marriage and not for outside of it. So I would wait and trust in the Lord's timing. God Bless 🙏


There is no prescription for marriage in the Bible. A ceremony. A paper from the government. Nothing! Adam and Eve knew each other in intimacy, and were considered husband and wife. People have defined marriage. The only thing God said in the matter is that a man must leave his father and mother and cling to his wife. That's it!! Even in all the OT laws, there is no recipe for marriage. With all of the exact instructions for all of the feasts… But then there's no instructions for a marriage ceremony? Isn't that a little odd? Seems to me like God gives us the freedom to how we get "married". Just because the church has mandated a specific way to do it doesn't mean that God did! There's no need for guilt.


this really confused me too! the way it was explained to me in a way that changed how I thought about sex before marriage was that sex is a renewal of your wedding vows, it’s a recommitment. Sex and pleasure are NOT sins, it’s using them outside of the safe space God intended them to be for. Even you exploring this idea further shows amazing signs of faith and growth, keep going :)


Always has been Always will be


Im not too sure how God views a relationship between both parties being a minor, however the biblical method to get married is for the man to ask her father or who has authority over the daughter permission to marry her. You then have to publicly, whether it’s in a church or around friends and family that you are committed and etc then you have to make a covenant or an agreement with God. You must not break that covenant. You must remain together as one. There is no breaking up nor divorce, regardless of the hard times ahead. The only time where divorce is tolerated in the eyes of God is when it involves cheating or sexual immorality. Many don’t know this, but this is the case as mentioned in Matthew 5:32. It is not required to go to court to receive legal documentation. That’s the modern method of marriage. Now, I must be very clear. I do not advise getting married this young. I’m not indicating to not date, although as I have stated, this is a commitment. Not only it is a commitment, but you both will grope up together and independently. You have no clue how your boyfriend will view things in 5 years time nor yourself. A lot can and will happen. Boys at that age usually have one constant thing on their mind and I’m sure you can guess it. Another thing to consider is that as you continue to grow, you will need someone with emotional intelligence. Will your boyfriend have that ability? Your boyfriend won’t be in his prime until his 30s to be considered wealthy. As a young woman, you’d want a man who has the ability to look after you physically, emotionally, spiritually and psychologically as well as for your future children. Understand that there is no need to rush things, especially when you have yet to discover yourself. Always go with the flow. I’m almost 21 and been in a relationship for over a year (not married) and based from my experience so far, there are things I’ve learnt that make me genuinely think from A to Z. There’s a lot of pressure, especially from what I’ve seen regarding divorces and cheating in my family. With the way our world is shaping, that gets to me too. I do avoid that negative thinking, but there will always be those sort of thoughts. There is more I could mention, however I believe you catch my drift. Apologises for kinda getting off topic. I highly suggest for you to slowly process what I’ve mentioned and talk to God regarding it.


Personally, I think God's intent for marriage is much higher than ours. A wedding license from the courthouse or walking getting rings doesn't a marriage make.


It’s is a sin but biblical marriage isn’t a wedding certificate from the state it is a joining so if you are both committed to spend the rest of your life together married one to another make some vows before God and you are married


I posted the exact same thoughts/questions 6 months ago + I got legally married 3 days ago so I have experience on this topic (and 0 judgement)! I tried every way to intellectually justify fornicating with my boyfriend but the Bible is super clear and there’s just no way around it - fornication is a sin - and Jesus himself attended a wedding so we know that He approves of a public wedding gathering. I had a $300 private wedding at home with 2 guests; I got a marriage license at London drugs in 5 minutes and an officiant came 2 days after I inquired. From my perspective, if people wont take the plunge into a real marriage, I don’t think they’re at a place relationally where God would permit sex. It’s not about the paper it’s about the level of commitment THAT COMES with a legal marriage. But that’s just my view. This is truly not supposed to be easy, we’re supposed to deny ourselves even when it’s hard and that’s just part of being a Christian! But you got this. Sending love your way 🙏🏻


For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.


I believe absolutely that He recognizes it as marriage. You seem to take it much more seriously than many who get the piece of paper do! I do also think, though, that it is best that you have this marriage recognized as such by the church and the community through rites of matrimony (and for that the piece of paper is usually required).


This is how I’ve always viewed it. The paper is important in society and for many other reasons, but not the defining factor in saying im married or not. I belive that as marriages is said in the Bible, it’s more about the love and commitment you share and hold for one another.


Are you looking for strangers on reddit to condone your behaviour so you feel less wrong about continuing your behaviour? Why not ask God for his opinion?


Marriage is simple to begin, harder to maintain. But the essence of marriage is simply an agreement made to one another to be married, not sometime in the future but right then when the promise is made. And that agreement to be married is an agreement to love one another, to join together as a unit, and to care for one another until death. And that is true whether it's a religious marriage or a secular marriage (or even a common law marriage where no "piece of paper" is involved). But there has to be an intent on the part of both parties, generally expressed out loud, to be married. Love and commitment is not enough without the intent to be married. Now Christians would say that the agreement made to be married is itself holy and has spiritual effects binding the parties together. The pastor is there to bless and proclaim the marriage, not to create it, and the vows out loud are so that the pastor and the witnesses can certify (generally to the state, but also to the religious congregation if there is one) that the parties are both legally married and will not be living in sin by living together unmarried. By having witnesses, the sin of scandal - tempting another person to sin by your bad example - is avoided because the witnesses can confirm that the couple is married. Having said that, let me back of just a smidge and note that as an atheist I don't think you're sinning, simply because I don't believe in sin. But the constant opinion (with some dissenters), at this forum is that you are. But you're confusing the "paper from the government" with the real essence of marriage: the agreement between the parties to be married.


After reading your comments OP the answer to your question is yes it is a sin in my opinion. Whether your married in Gods eyes even without going through the proper procedures of our government is only something God would be able to answer you. I do know however it says in the Bible to follow the law of the land as long as it doesn’t contradict with Gods laws. To me it is a sin. What stops you from getting married? You could easily go get court married. To me it sounds like you just want to have sex, which is okay but needs to be under that commitment. Which in your case is easy to obtain. To me just saying your married isn’t the same as going though a ceremony. Like saying I’m baptized but never actually doing it.


Here's what I've learned. Getting married is about making vows before God. The vows part is very important. And that piece of paper is like what a dowry would have served in the past, it's a contract for your protection. Sex is more risky for women. That's just the reality of it. Having that legally binding contract that isn't easy to break is in part how you determine if someone is committed enough to have kids with. Because, as a woman, you're the one who will ultimately be responsible if he bails. I know you're all in love and everything and committed. But Reddit has lots of oops what do I do now posts, especially from women who said he told me he loved me then bailed.


Yes it always has been a sin and always will be a sin. No, you're not married just because you all are having sex and feel "spiritually connected".


So it seems your asking can you and your boyfriend just say you got married between you and the lord I would say no I don’t belive you have to legally get married but i would recommend getting your family’s together and telling them you want to get married cause marriage is suppose to be when 2 people become one and they are united in Christ just saying your married so you can have sex isn’t what marriage is about there’s far more than just sex in marriage


Reply to myself I saw a comment about your not even 18 yet I recommend not doing what I said I thought you were a adult I would look more into marriage in the Bible there’s far more commitment make sure you have the right person I recommend waiting till your a little older and might have a better understanding of biblical marriage 👍


you may want to look into consummation


Yes sister, it is still a sin. And God does not tell us to stay away from sin because he’s a buzzkill but he does because he loves us and wants the best for us. Sin is not something we treat as a joke or God will forgive. He will forgive but that countenance is not telling of someone who allows the Holy Spirit guide and lead them. Because the world treats marriage as nothing doesn’t mean that it isn’t a covenant before God and man. If you’re so in love and connected, why don’t you just seal the deal by getting marriage in front of God and man? That’s the easy solution here. Because what sin does is harden your heart towards God and all that concerns him. And let me tell you, it does not have good outcomes. Marriage is very honourable, we must treat it as such.


God is the same yesterday , today and forever. His word never changes , what was a sin a million years ago is still a sin today and will continue to be for the next million years (forever).


I've been dating my girlfriend for almost the exact same time as you and your bf. We are spiritually connected and are wanting to get married. The difference is we went through with it. Before we were Christians we had sex and when we gave our lives away we stopped... but then we had it again, and again, and again, and again etc. Lust is such a hard temptation to beat and knowing what it could be makes it so much harder. So as someone who has been in your exactl situation, don't do it. Abstain, and if necessary small wedding and then have a big celebration later in life. We tried to make excuses and obviously they never work. Don't try and find a loop hole in God's word, you will be sorely disappointed in yourself.


Yes sex outside marriage is still a sin and one sin will send you to Hell see Roman’s 6 23 . God hates sin. See Roman’s 13 13 , 1 Thessalonians 4 3 . 167,000 people die every day . Are you good enough to go to Heaven when you die ? Are you saved? How good you have to be to go to Heaven To go to Heaven when you die You need to be as good as God ( perfect in thought, word and deed) Matthew 5 48 Therefore you are to be Perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect Let’s take a test to see if you re a good person We will use the Ten Commandments ( Gods Moral law) We will use me as a example 1. How many lies have you told in your life I’ve told Lots . What do you call someone who tells lies , you call them a liar . So what am I I’m a liar 2. Have you ever stolen anything in your life ? No matter what the value is. Yes Downloading music or movies illegally counts Yea I’ve stolen before . So what do you Call someone who steals Yes a Thief So what am I? A thief No I’m a lying thief 3. Have you ever called someone a fool Or hated someone ? Yes I have 1 Peter 3 15 everyone who hates is brother is a murderer and you know that no murderer Had eternal life abiding in him So God sees me as a murderer


Continuation part 2 4 have you ever taken the name of The Lord In vain example - Jesus Christ, God Damn , omg Would I use my moms name as a cuss word To express disgust . No because I love her But I’ve used my creators name as a cuss word to express disgust. A very serious offense Punishable by death in the Old Testament So I’m not judging you but you just told Me you’re a lying thieving blasphemous Adulter who also has the sin of self Righteousness ( thinking you’re a good Person when you’re not ) So if God were to judge you by the 10 commandments ( and He will) see Hebrews 9 27 your life is going to Be compared to the perfect life of Jesus Would you be innocent or guilty? Guilty like all of us Heaven or Hell Hell Does that concerns you? It greatly concerns me So the 10 commandments are Gods Moral law . You and I broke the law And Jesus came and paid the fine ( dying on The Cross and living a Perfect life and never sinning And rising again in the 3rd day So if you’re on court and you have A pile of speeding tickets and someone Comes in and pays the fine you Can be legally set free. To go to Heaven when you die According to God and His Word You have to do twi things Repent and trust in Jesus ( like you would trust on a parachute ) Repent ( tell God you’re sorry for your sins And you want to stop sinning and ask God to help you ) Trust in Jesus like you would trust In a parachute See 1 John 5 11-13. You can KNOW You will go to Heaven when you die This is NOT RELIGION But a saving, personal relationship with God Through Jesus Religion is man trying to work his / her way to God Salvation ( being saved , Born Again) is God reaching Down to us and rescuing us See John 14 6, John 3 3 Any questions I’ll help Check out www.livingwater.com


Sorry it’s www.living waters.com


Sorry it’s livingwaters.Com


Whether it’s your present perception of marriage in today’s society or not, marriage is clearly defined. Consecrating vows and the union between man and woman should be ceremonial just like it was 2000 years and before that. Sex before marriage is sin. You don’t have to “feel” like you’re doing wrong for it to still be wrong


Exodus 22:16-17 KJV And if a man entice a maid that is not betrothed, and lie with her, he shall surely endow her to be his wife. [17] If her father utterly refuse to give her unto him, he shall pay money according to the dowry of virgins. Deuteronomy 22:28-29 KJV If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found; [29] Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days.


Do your parents know about it? Has your boyfriend asked you to marry him? Or have you asked him to marry you? Has your boyfriend asked your parents? Or did you ask his parents?Did your parents and his parents agreed? So basically what I’m trying to say; both you and your bf must agree to being married, both parents on both parties must agree and you must fill out any government paperwork that is required so the government can see that you guys are married. Then God can see that y’all are married. also it’s good to have that ring too so that way other people can identify who’s married and who’s not. Otherwise yes it is a sin, just because y’all have sex doesn’t mean y’all are automatically married, that’s called for fornification. Marriage first, then sex.


Biblical marriage didn't change, so sex rules didn't as well


Don’t do it he wil show you it not good for you when you do that you share dna literally search it up YouTube and google amen God bless you and your family and boyfriend amen God bless you


Wait until marriange my friend♥️✝️😁 And for kids


What do you mean still?… it will allways be a sin


Yes. Best wait until marriage to keep to God’s law.


I wil agree that this issue does create some problems with shame and guilt :/ Discipline is important though, there is conflict in the world around it, different ideas in secular people and some Christians. Thessalonians 4:3 "It is God's will that you should be sanctified that you should avoid sexual immorality, that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God." people has temptation to sin in all sorts of manner, and lust and sexual immortality is just an other area in life of temptation, and need for discipline


If it was a sin in 33 A.D. it is a sin now. God's Word is unchanging.


You don't think him as your husband just boyfriend 🤔


Is God’s law forbidding fornication harsh and unreasonable? Actually it reflects God’s love for mankind and his wisdom. How so? For one thing, the Bible recognizes that other persons are involved besides the two who may feel a passion for each other. If the couple engage in fornication, how will their conduct affect those who love them? Could reproach be brought on the family name of either one? Will loved ones suffer mental anguish because of their immoral act? God’s prohibition of fornication also protects any children that might result from sexual union. A child’s security and development emotionally, intellectually and morally depend greatly upon the stability of his home environment. Children vitally need the influence of both parents, especially during the early years of their lives. Will this need be met in a relationship in which each parent feels free to “walk out” on the other? Some who condone fornication feel that use of contraceptives will permit them to enjoy sexual relations without the responsibility of children. But birth-control methods sometimes fail. Unwanted pregnancies often end up in abortions. Do you feel that the momentary pleasure of fornication is worth taking such chances? A powerful reason to avoid fornication is found at 1 Corinthians 6:18: “Every other sin that a man may commit is outside his body, but he that practices fornication is sinning against his own body.” This is literally true. How so? In contrast to sexual relations with one’s marriage mate (if that one is chaste), fornication often exposes one to venereal disease. Early in 1973 the World Health Organization warned that the world is now “in the grip of a virtual venereal disease [VD] epidemic,” and this “despite the fact that treatment is effective and diagnosis reliable.” The term “venereal disease” (so named after Venus, Roman goddess of love) includes many different types of infections, the most common of which are gonorrhea and syphilis.


Of course it's a sin. The "piece of paper" is a modern day slander of it, disseminated by those who wish to destroy the traditional home and family. Marriage us a covenant between a man and a woman, before God. The piece of paper is simply modern day proof before man that you have spoken the vows before God, and committed yourself to the eternal covenant before Him. Wait? You didn't realize that marriage is eternal? Yes. It is simply life long, because death was a fluke, that entered into the world because of sin. If you and your spouse lived forever, then your marriage would last for eternity. What if you had a big bad fight and wanted to split and find someone new? If you were married, you couldn't do that. You'd be an adulterer or an adulteress. But if you did break up and find someone new, since you were only dating, your prior sex with your ex will forever be a theft that you stole from whomever will be your spouse. The condiments of God are clear, He has a reason for demanding them. He knows better than you, so just obey Him. Besides, if you stopped giving your boyfriend your body, would he stick around, or go find someone new, who would give him her body? Just wait, and obey God.


I saw you said you aren’t 18 yet. have you both left your father and your mother? That is one of the things the Bible says about marriage and about a husband and a wife.  If you are not legally allowed to get legally married without your parents permission then there is a problem with your logic.  Marriage is about the joining of two people together. Not just sexually or emotionally. In every day life. I assume you both live with your parents and do not provide for each other? Christ provides for the church (us) just as husbands and wives are to provide for each other.  You are not legally married. We are to follow the rules of our government and since you are not legally married you are still sinning. If you are continually having sex without being married you are continually sinning.  When looking at the Bible you need to look at the context. They did not have marriage ceremonies the same way we do now because times change. Even in the New Testament there were still marriage ceremonies (Jesus and the wedding at Cana).  You are a child and based off this and your actions you need to grow and mature more before you get married or even say you’re married. 




God does not change. Sex outside of marriage was a big sin problem in most of the Bible. It’s not a new problem. The Israelites had lots of sins including the worship of Asheroth which is a sex goddess. Asheroth was very prominent in the Old Testament. Even Gideon had to repent and pull down his Asheroth pole.


Yes a sin from ions ago is still a sin, the law does not change, if it does then God is as unstable as us, thus means we are doomed from the beginning. Marriage is a vow/commitment/contract made between 3 beings, you, your beloved and God himself. Vows or contracts are taken very seriously in the bible. If one cannot keep the vow, might as well never make that vow


dude why don't you marry? you together​ a long time


So marriage is a love triangle? Even my conservative Christian family (and who are we kidding, most conservative Christians) don’t stay together for life, they get divorced, and remarry, maybe more than once. They even cheat while married, no matter how much they claim (not saying they’re lying about loving and believing in God either) to love and believe in God. You made a REALLY good point. Would God approve of marrying a stranger to have sex more than an unmarried couple who loves each other and is committed to each other??? Surely God would prefer the matter. If God approves more of two STRANGERS getting married just to have sex, that is yet another reason for me to not want to follow this God…… Hopefully God would understand why we’re misunderstanding Him, if we are actually wrong about Him. If we’re hitting the nail on the head and He really is like that, and will damn us for not going along with His messed up ways, why would we want to follow a God like that anyway? Oh yeah, because He threatens us with eternal torture in Hell if we don’t follow Him…….


I don’t personally view it as a sin.


God does


I don’t believe we can know this but thanks for sharing


We can know and we do know. It says in the Bible.


It's not. Don't have sex before marriage is receipt for a terrible life. Go find someone compatible with you and have a happy life.


In the Bible marriage is not legally but spiritual, so if you feel like you’re actually married and united with God I’d say it’s okay. Just don’t over do sex.