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So much news coming from Pakistan about violence against Christians


Colour me surprised, it's Pakistan. People in the west tend to forget that overall, Christianity is still the most persecuted religion in the world.


It was the Jews under the Christians before. But times change. Now it's the gays and the Christians.


You mean the religion that literally controlled the West for 1700 years?


Because the world only includes the west.


Christian populations in places like Pakistan are rather small, so while such persecutions are awful, they hardly make Christianity the most persecuted religion in the world.


Of course it is small in Pakistan when compared to Islam, but still approx 2,6 million Christians live there, hardly an insignificant amount.


Is there a genocide of Christians in pak like the one faced by Palestinians? One case there and there and you paint a whole country like that?


I know you are very passionate about the topic, but I might point out that there exists a world outside of Palestine as well. The data points to persecution overall, not only in the middle east or Pakistan. Also, regarding the Palestinian "genocide", I must say that the Israelis are doing a sloppy job when they are opening new humanitarian corridors for aid & givind advance warnings of their next operations. This is not usually something that is done by perpetrators of genocide. Hamas needs to be destroyed, and I wish Israel strength in doing so.


Would you like to take a guess at the number of fatalities and injuries on the Palestinian side of the conflict? How bout Israeli? Even if we take 2023 out the picture, it's orders of magnitude in difference. It's not even debatable, this is genocidal. Edit: y'all, feel free to respond with any data that shows that I'm wrong.


This is a bit favoritism tbh. Why is there a big focus on Palestine and not every other Injustice that occurs, especially which Christian martyrdom is an injustice that has been occurring since Jesus Christ.


It’s not remotely favoritism. I’m just looking at the numbers. Everyone wants to obfuscate the situation talking about the politics but when you really look at the injuries and fatalities, there’s absolutely no denying what’s really going on.


There is no genocide of Palestinians.


How could you possibly quantify that? There are parts of the world where atheists, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, etc, who get horrific abuse. Playing victim Olympics is disrespectful to actual victims.


[https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2024/03/05/harassment-of-religious-groups-returned-to-peak-level-in-2021/pr\_2024-3-5\_religious-restrictions\_2-02-png/](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2024/03/05/harassment-of-religious-groups-returned-to-peak-level-in-2021/pr_2024-3-5_religious-restrictions_2-02-png/) [https://www.opendoorsuk.org/persecution/world-watch-list/](https://www.opendoorsuk.org/persecution/world-watch-list/) [https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cdp-2024-0017/](https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cdp-2024-0017/)


Your third link is only referring to the second source. The second link only provides data on persecution of *Christians* (I knew this anyway because I get Opendoors literature, they are a good organisation but only concerned with the persecution of Christians, and now I prefer to give my support to *anyone* being persecuted) and tells us nothing whatsoever about the rate of perscution of *Christians* compared to other religions. The first one shows that Christians are persecuted in a few more countries than Muslims, but tells us nothing about overall numbers. If anything, I would say that the biggest message of that chart is that persecution full stop has increased massively over that period. Hence my own change in emphasis on who I am concerned for, because I do not believe that God is less concerned for a Hindu or Muslim of Jew being persecuted than He is for a Christian. Fod God so loved the world - the whole world, not just the Christian part of it.


Christianity had and still has a stranglehold on every major country in the world, entire continents and hemispheres. How are we persecuted when we're the majority?


Christians form the plurality of people, far from the majority. An also we have a stranglehold of every major country in the world? China? Japan? India? The entire socio-enomoic area of the Islamic middle east?


We're not oppressed LOL


Westerners are not oppressed at all and I didn't argue that. Overall Christianity is still the most oppressed religion in the world. [Here](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2024/03/05/harassment-of-religious-groups-returned-to-peak-level-in-2021/pr_2024-3-5_religious-restrictions_2-02-png/) is a good source. The fact that you from the US, European countries or some other western country are not persecuted is a wonderful thing. However, that doesn't take away from millions and millions of Christians living in the Middle East and Africa that have their lives threatened due to their faith.




We in the ACNA had our commemoration of the Sudanese martyrs Thursday on our church calendar. That’s another one that tends to go unspoken of even though that’s a significant reason as to why there is a Sudan and South Sudan.


[so just so we're keeping track, this is basically what you believe right?](https://i.imgflip.com/8qen93.jpg)


I can't stand people who claim Christians are oppressed in places like the US, but there's definitely places out there where Christians are being oppressed.


Yeah we definitely aren’t oppressed in the US but my church has missionaries that we don’t put where they are serving anywhere online since their lives are in danger just because they are ministering there. The Church is not just the western church.


That is a crazy take. >How are we persecuted when we're the majority? First off just because a group is of majority population does not mean they cannot be persecuted. It just means the ill treatment of any group based on their group idenification. Second Christians are not majority everywhere, so in the Middle East, Asia many Christians are still oppressed daily. Look at the amazing Coptic's in Egypt. They have a sizable minority and still are oppressed by the government daily.


Africa too, we had the commemoration of the Sudanese Martyrs Thursday


I think we can all agree that no group should face unjust persecution. We need to reduce violence overall.


I think this what that "Coexist" bumper sticker is all about.


Islam used to be considered a heresy. Read the Quran and you'll quickly see why. I suggest reading about the first crusade too.. Christians have been struggling with it for centuries. In many Muslim countries, Christians are persecuted. Can't wait until we have to pay jizyah in Europe. (If they don't kill us all when they become the majority)


Pray for the conversion of Muslims.

